Jamil A. Malik (PHD)
Jamil A. Malik (PHD)
Jamil A. Malik (PHD)
Malik (PhD)
What is EndNote?
A software that:
• stores and organizes citations collected
from various sources
• inserts these citations into a Word
• automatically formats your references
according to a predefined citation style
EndNote Flow chart
OUTPUT Library
Word Processor
Launch EndNote
Library Window
• A collection of references, each containing the information
required to create a bibliography
• No limit to the number of references
• Not recommended exceeding 100,000 references
• Can open more than one library at a time
• Compatible between Windows & Macintosh
• Can be independently moved, copied, renamed or deleted using
the Windows Explorer
• .ENL file – EndNote library
• .DATA folder – contains figures, groups and other significant
Library Window
Reference Fields
Status Bar
Add up to 500 custom &
smart groups to a library
Types of Groups:
• Automatic Groups
(Permanent & Temporary)
• Custom Groups
• Smart Groups
• Online Search
• EndNote Web
Cite While You Write (CWYW)
• Easily and quickly cite references, figures &
tables, and create a paper with properly
formatted citations, a bibliography, figures &
• DO NOT edit the citations and bibliographies
in Word Processor. Edit the reference in the
EndNote Library ONLY
• To locate citation and bibliography fields,
change the Microsoft Word’s Field Shading
CWYW Toolbars in Microsoft Word
• Find Citation(s)
This command will provide a search window where you can enter
text that is in any field. You can then select references from a list of
those that contain your search terms and insert them into your
• Insert Selected
This command will insert
the references you
selected in EndNote into
your document at the
location of the Word cursor.
Additional CWYW Features
• Unformat Citation(s)
This command will remove the formatted
bibliography and citations and replace all citations
with plain-text placeholders that EndNote can
match to library records to create formatted
citations. This command is commonly used when
moving documents between word-processing
Additional CWYW Features
• Remove Field Codes
This command will create a second copy of the
document with all EndNote field coding removed (you
can generally recognize field codes such as formatted
EndNote citations by their turning grey when you
select them in Word). It is used when sending
documents to a publisher because the field coding
used for EndNote citations can sometimes cause
problems for publishers’ page layout programs.
Additional CWYW Features
• Find Figure(s)
a search window much like the Find Citation window to select
references from a list of records with figures attached.
Reference at the location of your cursor. The image will be
inserted depending on the selected EndNote style.