Perennial Is M
Perennial Is M
Perennial Is M
Philosophical Treatises
They believe that there is but one ultimate truth and that everything
is constant irrespective of time. This is the reason why it is usually
regarded as the most conservative, traditional, and inflexible. It is
old-fashioned because it values the past and preserves the ideals of
history and culture. It is the basic argument of perennialists that
numerous classical ideas have stood the test of time considering that
they are still relevant and essential even in the 21st century.
Aim of Education
The development of human rationality is the focus of perennialist
education because its aim is to develop the highest distinguishing
characteristic of humans which is reasoning. The aim of education is
to educate the rational learners so they can deal with intellectual
concepts of life. To realize this however they have to be taught how
to think and reason correctly under a rigid classroom setup.
Educational Methods
The method may be characterized by regular testing and periodic
conduct of academic progress reports. Because there is the same
curriculum to be taught to everyone, the instructional method and
strategies of teaching follow the "one size fits all" principle. It also
follows highly structured approaches to teaching. These structured
approaches reflect that teachers are mental disciplinarians and
Curriculum Features
The perrenialists assert that the Great Books or the Classics are
valuable repositories of knowledge and wisdom. Great Books (Mortimer
Adler 1939) are the repository of knowledge and wisdom, a tradition of
culture which must initiate each generation." The curriculum is
constant basically using Great Books and liberal arts (philosophy,
literature, arts, classical music and dances). These writings have ideas
that are timeless making them very relevant even today.
Curriculum Features
In teaching the knowledge and wisdom obtained from the past, the
subject matter must be hierarchically arranged. It is the claim of
perennialists that every curriculum should be so designed and well-
crafted to teach meaningful concepts. Subjects and activities that
are 'emotive' in character should be removed from the school's work
(arts, music, physical education, extra-curricular activities, re-
creational projects, weaving, cooking, dancing, and the like)
Significant Role of Teachers
Perennialist teachers take an active role in the classroom than the
learners. Since the transmission of subject matter is the primary goal
of teaching, teachers become "sages on stage". They define the
content of what the learners are expected to learn and they control
their entire learning experiences.
Role of the Learners
Learners are taught to become recipients of pre-given knowledge -
the classics or ideas of great thinkers of humanity. They stay in the
classroom to receive information like "empty vessels" or "empty
containers" waiting to be filled with classic ideas by the teachers.
In effect, they take a passive and receptive role inside the
classroom. They are not allowed to question and challenge the
wisdom of the ages.
Learning Assessment
Reading, writing, recitation, and computation are emphasized in the
assessment of learners' learning because these are important in
their intellectual growth and development. One of the unique
characteristics of assessment of learning is its focus on periodic
testing, grade level achievement, ability grouping, and standardized
testing. These kinds of assessment require that a substantial chunk
of the subject content is mastered especially the timeless truths of
Classroom Atmosphere
The classroom atmosphere is teacher dominated, making the
learners to master substantial subject content. It has rigid
classroom management that disciplines learners' academic mind
and has usually a format. The teachers answer questions posed by
the learners and inquire from them about important matters that
are seen in the textbooks. It is believed that with this classroom
ambiance, learners develop a broad range of rational powers.
The advantage is that it maximizes the learners' reasons, intellect,
and ultimately their humanity because the purpose of its education
is to cultivate and optimize the human faculties. It also gives a
simple and clear direction to education that is purposely teaching
the learners how to think particularly the wisdom of the past. This
is consistent with its goal to form intellectual thinkers.
The merit of perennialism rests on its emphasis on
transforming every learner into an educated and rational
being. As this is the case, the teacher-led teaching approach
used in this philosophy allows a very orderly classroom. It
keeps the learners focused on important information and
principles of recurring human experiences.
Perennialism has been criticized as advocating 'intellectual
giantism'. The usual subject matter of perrenialist curriculum
pertains to the contributions of western thinkers.
Finally, the teacher-led teaching and learning espoused by
perennialism makes teaching process boring for the learners.
Learners are not allowed to express themselves, direct their own