Industrialization is a process of changing an
economy based on agriculture to one based
on the production of goods and the
provision of services.
History of Industrialization
Industrialization is said to have started in Britain in the late 1700s
and then spread through Europe and North America. Its peak
came in the mid-1800s with the invention of the internal
combustion engine, improvements in the steam engine, the
development of ways to store and use electricity, and
improvements in transport, particularly trains. All of these factors
made it easier, cheaper, and more efficient to produce and
transport goods. As a result, the countries that became
industrialized grew wealthier and attracted further investment.
Throughout the 1900s, many parts of Asia started the transition
from agriculture to industrialized economies and today an
enormous amount of the world’s economic activity is carried out
in Asia.
Industrialized Countries
Country Major Industries