Abs 413
Abs 413
Abs 413
01 Microclimate
Introduction 04 Strawberry
Plant 2
02 Tomato 05 Cattle
Animal 2
Plant 1
03 Cattle 06 Summary
Animal 1
By: Rey Gino Silod
Crop Microclimate
Modification to Address
Climate Change
Udit Debangshi
● Extreme weather risks such as floods, droughts, heat and
cold waves, hailstorms, strong winds, cyclones, and other
weather events.
Sprinkler irrigation
provides good frost
protection and raises the
temperature of the
Microclimate Modification Techniques
Modification of Heat waves through Protected
Application of Internet of Things in
Smart Greenhouse Microclimate
Management for Tomato Growth
Nurpilihan Bafdal and Irfan Ardiansah
● Increasing levels of CO2 which results in the
greenhouse's emergence effect that can influence various
plants such as tomatoes.
Development of Microclimate Control
System in Cattle Barns
for Cattle Housing in the Perm Region
● Heating livestock buildings are, as a rule, much lower
than the losses due to mortality, loss of productivity and
overconsumption of feed.
Table1. Address system of the device memory and I/O unit of the
climate monitoring and control system.
Results and Discussion
Making logical equations and developing software for equipment
Figure 3. Interface of the farmer-operator program to monitor and control the microclimate in
livestock buildings when keeping cattle
Results and Discussion
Program operation simulation
Table 3. Simulation of the operation of the room heater at different temperature regimes
The work substantiates the need to maintain the
necessary parameters of the microclimate in livestock
buildings when keeping cattle.
Strawberry: Smart Farming for
Lowland Strawberry (Fragaria x
ananassa) Production
Jayson J. Elenzano, Jeve Warner A. Antonio, Regino M. Cariaga,
Caemela Ann C. Dela Vega, Reygean Mary V. Gomez, Jake C.
Oranza and Mar Lester B. Samaniego
● Strawberry Production area
● Strawberry plant propagation
● Technologies are poorly developed
● Runner plants are often low quality
of low carbohydrates content, root
and crown infections
● Poor Performance after transplanting
● To developed a system that monitors the humidity
levels, moisture content of the soil and surrounding
● To monitor the parameters value such as maximum and
minimum temperature, maximum and minimum humidity
values by sending SMS to the system
● To developed a system using Arduino microcontroller,
GSM Module, moisture sensor and DHT 11
What did the researchers do?
Research Design
• Planning. The researchers gathered the most useful and
valuable information needed in regards to agriculture, growth of
strawberry, and the management of greenhouses that will help
the researchers formulate the step process that serves as their
guidelines to meet all the requirements on their study.
• Requirements. This phase was to gather and summarize all the
different hardware and software requirements by the system
such as Arduino microcontroller, Arduino IDE software, and
Visual Basic.Net
What did the researchers do?
Research Design
• Analysis and Design. The researchers performed a detailed
analysis and design about the system architecture and the set-
up of the greenhouse of the study.
• Coding. This phase was where the Arduino microcontroller
was programmed using the Arduino IDE software and the
Text File Sorting software was programmed and developed
using Visual Basic.Net programming language.
• Implementation. The researchers implemented the system in
the greenhouse and based on the analysis and design that
they developed.
What did the researchers do?
Research Design
• Testing. This phase focused on conducting a complete test
on how the system worked as a whole in a seventy day
time frame.
• Deployment. The researchers implemented the best plan
that considers the system architecture and set-up of the
greenhouse with the hardware specifications, different
processes and modern technology that is needed to be in
place for the study to be successfully installed that will be
adopted by the system.
What did the researcher do?
Research Design
• Data Gathering
• Research Sampling
• Interview
Figure 1. Full circuit design of Smart Farming for the Lowland Strawberry
The greenhouse measured 600cm length x
296cm width x 260cm height.
Arduino Mega 2560 is the main board of the
system that has a charger of 5v and it is
connected to a 12v power supply. It also
serves as the controller or the brain of the
The Arduino will send the data to GSM and
Figure 1. Full circuit design of Smart
Farming for the Lowland Strawberry
also be saved in the SD card.
Greenhouse contains two (2) plots with a size of 520cm length x
75cm width. Each plot has thirteen (13) strawberry plants with
50cm between them. The DHT-11 sensors (temperature and
humidity sensors) were placed on each plot with a height of 1m.
Each of the plots has four (4) soil moisture sensors with a distance
Procedures in Accomplishing the Functionalities
A non-corrosive moisture
sensor was used in the
greenhouse to monitor the
moisture level of the strawberry.
It consists of eight moisture
sensors that were scattered
throughout the greenhouse to
have an equal monitoring and
distribution of water in the
Procedures in Accomplishing the Functionalities
7:00 AM
Sprinkler is on
To notify the caretaker/
Temp: 40 °C greenhouse owner/ farmer via
#1?2< Short Messaging System (SMS)
Owne on the moisture level content
Temp: 34 °C
and temperature/humidity of the
75% greenhouse.
Moisture: 60%
Growth rate of the strawberries (smart greenhouse
vs ordinary green house)
Based on the comparison of the ordinary
greenhouse and smart greenhouse using T-Test,
there is no significant relationship
between the growth rate of strawberries in both
● To developed a system that monitors the humidity
levels, moisture content of the soil and surrounding
● To monitor the parameters value such as maximum and
minimum temperature, maximum and minimum humidity
values by sending SMS to the system
● To developed a system using Arduino microcontroller,
GSM Module, moisture sensor and DHT 11
Flower buds on ordinary and smart
Week 6 greenhouse coming out as a sign of
maturity period of strawberries and
ready for fruiting stage. The final
average number of flowers in
Smart Greenhouse was 62
while the final average number of
flowers in Ordinary Greenhouse
was 38.
IOT Based Automated Poultry Farm
Layer Chicken
P. Jayarajan, M. Annamalai, V. Annie Jannifer,
and A. Arvind Prakash
Existing System
● Everyday monitoring
(temperature, moisture, food intake,
air quality, illuminating,
oxygenating and warming are
physically observed and
● No appropriate
framework for checking
the Ammonia gas
Figure 1. Conventional
The atmospheric condition plays a vital role in the
production of healthy layer chickens. In order to achieve this
condition, the air quality level, temperature, humidity,
ventilation and lighting has to be continuously monitored. In addition
to this, a secured environment is necessary and the nutrient supply
to the chicken has to be observed at a sustained pace, to improve the
quality of the eggs laid by the chicken.
Proposed System
The aim is to provide healthy chickens that produces quality
eggs, so as to boost the mass production of eggs in India by
monitoring factors such as air quality, humidity,
temperature, ventilation, lighting automatically and
cultivating poultry feed through Internet of Things (IoT).
The ultimate goal of this project is to arrive at the interest in
poultry items, by guaranteeing solid development of layer
chickens and developing poultry feed, to produces quality
eggs and improve the profitability.
Proposed System
A. Hardware requirements
Arduino UNO DC motor
Power supply LCD display
Temperature sensor GSM module
GAS sensor WIFI module
IR sensor LED strip
Relay board Transformer
Proposed System
B. Software requirements
Arduino IDE (Integrated
Arduino IDE (Integrated Development
Environment), The open-source Arduino
Software (IDE) makes it easy to write code
and upload it to the board. This software can
be used with any Arduino board.
Proposed System
6. LCD Display
1. DHT11 Sensor 1 5 6
7. Motor
2. IR Sensor
7 8. Relay
3. Magnet Sensor 2
4. Gas Sensor 9. Wi-Fi Module
5. Arduino Uno 3 10. GSM Module
11. LED
Temperature Sensor
Proposed System
C. Enhancement Technique
The model will be planned utilizing the accompanying
Air quality Sensor detects the
level of Ammonia within the barn.
This can be detected with the help
of Humidity Sensor.
Air Quality/Humidity
Proposed System
C. Enhancement Technique
The model will be planned utilizing the accompanying
A door Magnet sensor is placed
over the cage to detect if there is
any unauthorized intrusion and an
alert message is sent with the help
of a GSM module.
Magnetic Sensor
Proposed System
C. Enhancement Technique
The model will be planned utilizing the accompanying
A conveyor belt and IR sensor is
implemented here to collect the
eggs and count the number of
eggs that has been collected
IR Sensor
Proposed System
C. Enhancement Technique
The model will be planned utilizing the accompanying
LED strip is placed in the cage to
give warmth to the chicken. And
also poultry feed can be cultivated
with the help of the light produced
from the LED strip. This
cultivation is based on
Hydroponics concept
Air Quality/Humidity
Proposed System
C. Enhancement Technique
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Agricultural engineering
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun
and the smallest one in the Solar System
—it’s only a bit larger than the Moon
Venus has a beautiful name and is the
second planet from the Sun. It’s hot and
has a poisonous atmosphere
Benefits of biotechnology
Preservation of Pesticide
Preserve topsoil
soil quality reduction
Mercury is the closest planet Venus has a beautiful name Despite being red, Mars is
to the Sun and the smallest and is the second planet actually a cold place. It’s full
one in the Solar System from the Sun. It’s hot of iron oxide dust
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Applications of biotechnology
Herbicide Nutritional
resistance properties
Jupiter is the biggest
Venus is the second
planet in the Solar
planet from the Sun
Resistance to Resistance to
diseases abiotic
Despite being red, Mars Saturn is a gas giant and
is a cold place has several rings
Sectors in agriculture
Forest Farming
40% 25%
Venus has a beautiful Mercury is the closest
name, but it’s really hot planet to the Sun
Trade Transport
75% 50%
Jupiter is the biggest
Despite being red, Mars
planet in the Solar
is a cold place
Evolution of biotechnology
2000 2010 2020
Mercury is the
Venus is the second Mars is actually a
closest planet to the
planet from the Sun very cold place
2005 2015
Jupiter is the biggest Pluto is considered a
planet of them all dwarf planet
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