Revised HMIS Indicators - Tools Training PPT - Final
Revised HMIS Indicators - Tools Training PPT - Final
Revised HMIS Indicators - Tools Training PPT - Final
February 2022
Addis Ababa
Self Introduction
• Name
• Region/Directorate
• Profession
• Expectation
Training sessions
SN Sessions Topic
1 Session one Health System, HIS and HMIS Overview
2 Session two Individual Medical Records & Procedures
3 Session Registers and Tally sheets
4 Session four RMNCH HMIS tools
5 Session five Disease prevention and control
6 Session six Medical Services and ESV-ICD 11
7 Session Hygiene and Sanitation and HEP/PHC
8 Session Health System Strengthening 3
Objectives of the training
• To familiarize health managers and health care providers on the revised HMIS_2021 data
recording procedures, reportable data elements, and indicators with a focus on
o Basic concepts of a health system and HIS
o HMIS tools, recording and reporting procedures with a focus on revised sections
o ESV-ICD 11 overview
Session One: Health System, HIS and HMIS
1Hr Overview
• Objectives • Rational for HMIS revision
• At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
1. Health System overview
1.1 Health system or health care system
• It refers to the organization, institutions, people & resources involved in delivering
health care to individuals. Its primary purpose is to improve health
WHO’s Health System Building Blocks
1.2 Health information system (HIS)
• Information is crucial to inform on the performance of the health system and about
health challenges
• Heath Information system is required for timely intelligence on the other building
blocks of the health system:
Components of HIS
1. Population-based sources
(censuses, civil registration,
Covers all aspects of data handling, 2. Institution based data (individual,
collection, storage, quality- service & resource records)
assurance, flow, processing, 3. Others: Occasional surveys,
compilation & analysis, research, & information, CBOs, 11
What are HIS Data sources?
Data Sources components
Institution based Individual records, service records, supplies, resource records, administrative
sources reports
Routine HMIS, supportive supervision, review meetings, inspection, surveillance
Facility-based surveys: SARA, SPA+,
1.3 HMIS …
• Health Management Information System (HMIS) is the routine collection, aggregation,
analysis, presentation and utilization of health and health related data for evidence
based decisions for health workers, managers, policy makers and others
• Purposes of HMIS
• Availing accurate, timely and complete data to support decision making at each
level of the health system
• Strengthening the use of locally generated data for evidence based decision
1.3 HMIS …
Components of HMIS
1. Information management
• Data collection: Recording of health data using individual and family folder,
registers, tally and reporting formats
• Data processing: is a process of cleaning, entering and aggregation of data.
• Data analysis and presentation: is a process of interpretation and comparison of
generated information in the form of sentence, tables and graphs.
1.3 HMIS …
HMIS Indicator Revision (2021)
▪ Indicator revision has been happening about every 3-4 years so far
▪ The most recent revision was conducted in 2017 following start of HSTP I
▪ HSTP II launched recently and will span 2020-2025
▪ HSTP II comes with additional new programs and initiatives
▪ Some activities of HSTP-I are matured, others are evolved that need to amend the existing
▪ Need for integration program indicators (eg. KPIs, and other quality indicators)
▪ Therefore, the monitoring and evaluation of HSTP II demands the revision of HMIS
Trends of Indicator Revision
Final revised HMIS indicators
2017_HMIS 2021_HMIS
Total Indicator:131 Total indicators:177
Continued: Dropped:
103 Modified: 3 New:71
Revised Indicators (2021)
Number of indicators by category (2017 versus 2021)
SN Indicator Category 2017 2021
SN Indicator Category 2017 2021
1 Reproductive and Maternal 14 15 11 Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) 2 8
12 Non-communicable diseases (NCD) 3 10
2 PMTCT 7 6 & mental Health
3 EPI 13 12 13 HEP and Primary Health care 3 4
4 Child health 8 10 14 Leadership and governance 4 4
5 Nutrition 8 8 15 Health Financing 3 4
6 Hygiene & environmental 2 10 16 Pharmaceutical supply and services 4 7
17 Evidence based decision making 3 6
7 Medical service 12 21
18 Health Infrastructure 4 2
8 HIV/AIDS/Hepatitis viruses 10 15
19 Human Resource Development & 4 3
9 Tuberculosis/TB/ & 22 22 mgt
20 Regulatory system 1 2
10 Malaria 5 8
Total 131 177
1 Registers 13 26 18 57
2 Tally Sheets 5 9 7 21
There are changes in data elements (some modified and others added) and
3 Report forms
NTD, TB & Leprosy quarterly changed to monthly
2.1 Individual Medical Records
• What is individual medical record
• What are the components of an individual medical records?
• What are the purposes of medical record?
2.1 Individual Medical Records
• Individual Medical record is an important compilation of facts about a patient’s life
and health.
• It includes documented data on past and present illnesses and treatment written by
health care professionals caring for the patient.
2.1 Individual Medical Records
25 Characteristics: Purposes:
• Medical records are lifetime records. • To document the course of the
• Kept by healthcare organizations. patient's illness and treatment
o Date of registration
Summary sheet
Master Patient Index
31 • Key to locating the medical record.
• Could be Manual/ Computerized.
• Contains no medical data.
• Contents:
o Medical Record Number
o Registration date
o The client's full name
o Date of birth and Age
o Sex
o The patient's full address
Service ID card
• Issued to each new patient registered.
• A pocket-sized card used as an ID Card.
• Contents:
o Name of the Facility
o Date of Registration
o Medical Record Number
o Name of client
o Age
o Sex
o Client’s address
• What is an appointment card ?
Appointment Card
• Issued to a client who has an
• A pocket-sized card used as reminder
of appointment date
o Name of the Facility
o Medical Record Number
o Name of client
o Appointment date
o Appointment with service
Tracer Card
34• Enable MRs not filed to be TRACED
• Same size or slightly smaller than Individual folder
• Contents:
o Facility Name
o Medical Record Number.
o Client Name
o Where the MR is going (department/responsible
healthcare provider)
o The date the record was removed from file and
• Filled inside a Folder when in the MR Unit
Patient form/Patient card
• It contains sign and Symptoms, care provider’s clinical observations, notes, diagnosis,
and NCoD Diagnosis
o Section to write the main diagnosis and other diagnosis (if any).
Integrated RH and women's card
Integrated RH card
• Used to document ANC, Delivery, PNC and PMTCT care services of a single individual
Woman’s card
• Used to document family planning, Tetanus diphtheria (Td) vaccination and abortion
care services of a single individual
Other different forms/cards(1)
Name of Forms Purpose
MDR-TB Its use to record MDR-TB patient’s personnel information, Rx supporter, drug
Treatment card sensitivity test (DST), x-ray, smear and culture result, medical diagnosis other than TB,
contact investigation, treatment and treatment outcome, during treatment and drug
administration monitoring. Kept in integrated individual folder
Leprosy patient A record of leprosy patients on personnel information, history, medical condition (skin,
record nerve, eye, muscle), level of disability and review at completion of treatment. kept in
an integrated medical folder
A record of leprosy patients on medical condition (skin, nerve, eye, muscle) every
VMT/ST card month for monitoring of nerve function. kept in an integrated medical folder.
Other different forms/cards (2)
Name of Forms Purpose
Clinical Progress Notes It is a blank sheet used to review and document the progress of an
already examined patient
Consent Forms This is a form signed by the patient or a relative when authorization is
needed to carry out a certain clinical task.
Other different forms/Cards (3)
Name of Forms Purpose
Operation Notes A sheet of paper used to document detailed procedure notes by the
clinician who has carried out the operation.
Admission Card lists services that will be offered for the patient and also terms of
agreements for service utilization set by the facility on admission
Discharge Summary Summary of all records documented when an admitted patient is sent out
from the healthcare institution
Follow-up Chart It is usually part of the record of an admitted patient where certain
elements of hourly/daily progress are documented
Medication chart It is used to record the daily medication given to a patient after admission
Medical Record Unit Standards and procedures
40 General Rules:
• All clients who appear seeking health care should pass through the MRU for
registration and/or update their medical record
• In all cases the patient should present himself/herself to the record room, unless the
patient is unable to do so (e.g. if they are severely ill) and VCT cases
Medical Record Unit Standards and procedures…
• Patient who comes to health facility on emergency basis
o Has the right to see a health professional first.
o In such cases, relatives can provide the required information instead of the
patient himself.
MR Procedures and Standards
42 1. Recording Procedure
2. Indexing Procedure
3. Retrieving Procedure
4. Filing Procedure
5. Admission/Discharge Procedure
6. Completion Procedure
7. Maintenance Procedure
8. Culling Procedure
1. Recording Procedure
43 • Make sure there are no patients who claim emergency
• Else, identify which scenario the patient belongs to: New ; Repeat (has Service
Card/has no Service Card); Emergency
• If has service card: Retrieve the record from the shelves and update
1. Recording Procedure…
• If Service card is lost: Locate Master Patient Index card
• If new: he/she should be registered, given an MRN, entered in the MPI, and given a
service ID
• If the client has the duplicate records, cancel the number and combine the medical
records under the first number (folder).
o The number in the MPI should not be canceled; rather a cross reference should be
made linking the duplicated numbers.
4. Filing Procedure
• Filling Systems:
o Straight numeric filing (recommended and currently in use)
o Terminal digit filing.
o Alphabetical filing (not at all recommended),
Storage and Filing
47• space is available for to setup
• Specification (Minimum standard):
o Hospital = 60 (sq.m)
o Health Center = 24 (sq.m)
o Lockable
265 cm
• Shelves available for filing MR
• Specification:
o Space Efficient
o Adequate lightening
o Spine Shelving
Standard shelve
2 .75m
50 cm
Standard MPI Box
Standard MPI…
5. Admission/Discharge Procedure
If the patient is admitted:
• The nurse adds data relating to nursing care plan and doctors record their notes on a
patient's: past medical history, family medical history, history of present illness, physical
examination, plan for treatment and requests for laboratory/X‑ray tests.
• The doctor and nurses continues to record, on a daily basis, writing notes on the
patient's progress, medical findings, treatment, test results, and the general conditions
5. Admission/Discharge Procedure…
At discharge: the doctor records
• The condition of the patient at discharge, the prognosis, treatment and whether the
patient has to return for follow up.
• write a discharge summary, the main diagnosis, other diagnoses and operative
procedures performed, and sign to indicate responsibility for the information
recorded under his signature
6. Completion Procedure
53 • Regardless of where MRs are, there must be a sign-out & sign-in
• Procedure:
o Collection/receipt of the MRs.
o Check each MR if all forms are in the record.
o Check if Summary sheet is complete
o Sort the forms order – chronological.
7. Maintenance Procedure
54 • All MRs protected from an unauthorized access.
• MRs must be placed in a separate locked room.
• Storage area should be accessed by selected staff.
• Records should be secured from moisture/rodents
• Storage must be organized to facilitate retrieval.
• Old MR Folders should be replaced by new.
• Loose forms should be re-attached firmly.
8. Culling Procedure
• This is the removal of medical records, which have not been used for a specified
number of years, from the active record filing room.
• The facility should define a specific retention policy for different types of records
based on national law and professional practice standards.
• The aim of culling is to remove INACTIVE medical records from file to make more
filing space.
• The culled records can then be stored in secondary storage or destroyed based on
the culling policy of the country. Culling should be done every year.
• If no regulation for culling, records are retained in active storage for 5 years and
then kept in inactive storage for 10 years after last visit.
Privacy and confidentiality
• The information contained in the medical record belongs to the patient and is a
confidential communication between the doctor or other health professional and
the patient.
• Medical records should in a secure area, and there should be detailed policies
regarding confidentiality and the release of patient information.
Medico-legal issues and policies Cont’d…
Release of patient information
• The medical record is a confidential document and the Patient’s right to privacy
must be considered at all times.
• No unauthorized person may take any or part of a medical record out of file, or
read, copy, or erase the content.
• The administrator in charge of the MRU should develop a policy for approval by
the healthcare facility for the release of patient information.
• All staff, including those in other sections of the healthcare facility should aware of
the policy.
Medico-legal issues and policies Cont’d…
• There are four methods of releasing information:
3. Verbal release
4. Photocopying
Session Three: Registers and tally sheets:
30 Minutes Introduction
Session Objectives
62 3. Registers and Tally
Register: is a form/tool that is used
to record the abstract information
from each service/ department
3. Registers and tally sheets…
63 Common features:
• The column contains information about that patient, and one piece of information per
column is available
• Most registers have tally sheet , those registers which don’t have tally sheet have a box
for computation of reportable data elements
3. Registers and tally sheets …
Two types of registers
Serial (Case) Registers:
Each subsequent visit is registered as a new entry. E.g. OPD, VCT, Abortion
Longitudinal Registers:
Each client is stayed in the register so long as s/he is in the service. E.g. EPI,
ANC, FP, ART , TB...
Common data Elements of Registers
65 • Identification:
o Registration Number: sequential number.
• Address:
• Region, Woreda, Kebele, and Gott and House number
• Date: All dates are written in the EC as Date/Month/Year (DD/MM/YY)
Tally Sheet
• It is a piece of paper/pad that is used to mark the number of clients that use specific
• Its main purpose is to simplify reporting. It is also used in data quality check as
triangulation with other recording tools.
Number of Register and Tally by program area
Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal,
Session Four: child, Adolescent and Nutrition
6 Hrs 30 Minutes program
Session Objective
By the end of this session, participants will:
Understand the data recording procedure of RMNCH-N program HMIS tools
Black: Maintained
Purple: Modified
Green: New
Family Planning Register
A longitudinal register used to record FP information for one year for a single client
After the fiscal year is completed, the client is registered again in the same registration book
The information required to complete the FP register is obtained from woman’s card
Tallies used for Family planning service: both kept F/P room
1. Family planning service tally
Count the total number of new & repeat client, disaggregated by age and type of method, and
reported monthly
2. Family Planning Methods Dispensed count tally sheet
Collect the total amount of contraceptives distributed, by type of method and reported annually
Repeat acceptors
A client who has received a contraceptive method from a recognized FP program
in previous year (EFY).
Note 1: A client is counted only once as new or repeat in one fiscal year (reporting year)
Note 2: A client who used long acting contraceptive should visit the health facility every
year, registered and reported as repeat till the contraceptive removed. If she does
not appear in subsequent years for follow up, she will not be reported
Long-Acting FP (LAFP) removal register
• LAFP register is used to document the number of long-acting family planning methods
• It is used for women who came for removal of Long-Acting Family Planning methods
• The LAFP methods are disaggregated by method and period of removal since insertion
NB: All data elements are monthly reportable except F/P methods dispensed
Antenatal Care
• Service provision modality is changed
• At least 8 contacts
• Follows the protocol of antenatal care for eight contacts and more during the current
• Additionally, HIV assessment and follow up, partner test and different counseling
including care for child development are recorded.
o 1st ANC contact disaggregated by age of the mother and gestational age
Antenatal Care Services… Data elements
Delivery con't…
5 Number of live births None
6 Number of still births None
7 Total number of newborns weighed None
8 No. of newborns whose weight is less than 2500gms None HP, HC,
Monthly clinic,
9 No. of newborns whose weight is less than 2000gms None Hospital
10 Number of newborns who received Chlorhexidine None
11 Number of newborn with sepsis/VSD None 81
Delivery con't…
S.N Reportable data element Disaggreg Frequency Level of Reporting Tally
15 Total IPPFP acceptors Age &
Monthly HC, clinic, Hospital
16 Total number of neonates resuscitated
17 Number of neonates treated for birth None
asphyxia & survived
Each row has 5 sub rows; each sub row is used for one visit
Postnatal (PNC) cont.…
S.N Reportable data element Disaggregatio Frequency Level of Type of
n Reporting tally used
1 Number of postnatal visits within 7 days Period Monthly HP, HC, clinic, None
of delivery Hospital
2 Number of institutional maternal death None
Postnatal (PNC) con't…
Comprehensive Abortion Care Register
• It is a case (serial) register
• Used to document Post abortion and Safe abortion care services
• Completed by service providers
• Kept in a room where abortion care service is provided
Abortion tally
• Abortion tally is used to tally data elements related to abortion care services
• Abortion tally simplify reporting of the disaggregated data elements
Abortion register con't…
S.N Reportable data element Disaggrega Frequency Level of tally used
tion Reporting
1 Number of safe abortions care provided age
5 No. of HIV exposed infants who received Virological HIV Test Result
test 0- 2 months of birth
PMTCT register cont….
S.N Reportable data element Disaggregation Frequency Level of Tally
PMTCT register cont….
S.N Reportable data element Disagg. Freq. Level of Tally
15 Number of persons on ART in the original cohort Age,
including those transferred in, minus those transferred Pregnancy,
out (net current cohort). Status,
PMTCT Indicators
Indicators Remarks
1 Percentage of pregnant, laboring and lactating women who were tested for HIV and Existing
who know their results
2 Percentage of HIV-positive pregnant women who received ART to reduce the risk of Existing
mother-to child-transmission during pregnancy, labor & delivery (L&D) and postpartum
6 Percentage of HIV exposed infants receiving HIV confirmatory (antibody test) test by 18 Existing
Infant Immunization Register
required immunization services data of one Immunization tally is filled at the end of
A longitudinal register
Each row is used to document HPV vaccine for 14 years old girl
completed by the service provider at time of service
kept in the immunization room
Reportable data elements (HPV register)
S.No Reportable data element Disagg. Frequency Level of Reporting
Number of girls 14 year of age who have received first
dose of human papilloma virus vaccine
Number of girls 14 year of age who have received None HP, HC, clinics &
second dose of human papilloma virus vaccine in 6 Hospital
months interval from the first dose
HPV doses given /opened/damaged/expired
Tetanus diphtheria (Td) vaccination Register
A longitudinal register
each row is used to document all 5 doses of Td vaccine provided for pregnant
and non-pregnant
Reportable data elements (TT Immunization register)
1 Td1
2 Td2
3 Td3 HP, HC,
4 Td4 None Monthly clinic &
5 Hospital
6 Td doses given /
EPI Indicators
Indicators Remarks
11 HPV 2 (Human Papilloma Virus vaccine (2nd dose) Immunization coverage (14 years Modified
old girls)
12 Vaccine wastage rate Existing 102
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Register
• It is a Case (serial) register where each row is used only for one visit
• It is used to record information about neonates who have been treated in the
Reportable data elements from NICU register
S. Reportable data element Disagg Frequen Level of Tally
N cy Reporting
Reportable data elements from IMNCI register
S.N Reportable data element Disagg Frequency of Level of
reporting Reporting
Child health Indicators
Indicators Remarks
1 Institutional Neonatal Death Rate Existing
2 Number of Neonatal death at community Existing
3 Proportion of under-five children with pneumonia received antibiotic treatment Existing
4 Proportion of Sick Young infant treated for Newborn infection Existing
5 Proportion of children with diarrhea who are treated by both ORS and Zinc at Modified
community and facility level
6 Proportion of low birth weight or premature newborns for whom Kangaroo Mother Existing
Care (KMC) was initiated after delivery
7 Proportion of asphyxiated neonates who were resuscitated (with bag & mask) Existing
8 Treatment outcome of neonates admitted to NICU Existing
9 Proportion of newborns that received at least one dose of Chlorhexidine Digluconate New
(CHX) to the cord on the first day after birth
10 Proportion of under-five children monitored for child development New
Integrated Adolescent or Youth Health Service Register
• It is a Case (serial) register where each row is used only for one visit
• It is used to capture data on service given to adolescents or youths which include HIV
testing, F/planning service, pregnancy test, abortion service, assessment and
treatment of STI, substance abuse, Psychiatric problems, Sexual GBV survivor, and
screening for non-communicable diseases, and counseling on menstrual hygiene.
Reportable data elements from AYH service register
• It is a longitudinal register, where each row can be • It is used to simplify reporting of CINuS
used for one child for two years in repeated visits.
related reportable data elements
• It is used to record the following services:
o Growth monitoring for children under 2 years • The tally is used to tally GMP,
of age
o Nutritional screening for children under 5 nutritional screening and Vitamin A &
years of age de-worming services, disaggregated by
o To screen developmental milestones
age and nutritional status category.
• It is kept at a department where the service is
Vitamin A Supplementation and Deworming Register
• It is a longitudinal register, where each row can be used for one child for five years in repeated
• It is used to record the following services:
o Vitamin A supplementation and De-worming
o A child should take two doses of Vitamin A and anti-helminthiasis per year
• It is kept at a department where the service is provided.
S.N Reportable
Reportable data
data element
elements Disaggregation Frequency Reporting Tally
1 Number of children who were provided Age and dose
with vitamin A supplementation
Monthly HP, HC, CINuS tally
2 Number of children aged 24-59 months Dose Hospital
Therapeutic Food Program (TFP)Register for under 5 years children
• It is used to record therapeutic feeding that is provided for Children < 5 years of age
with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM)
• Data related to admission and treatment outcome of children who have been
admitted to TFP centers will be recorded in this register
Reportable data elements from TFU register
S.N Reportable data element Disagg. Frequency Level of Tally
Moderate acute malnutrition treatment (MAM) register for 6–59-
month Register
• This recording follows the nutritional screening protocol of child health care
Reportable data elements from MAM U5 register
S.N Reportable data element Disagg. Frequency Level of Tally
of reporting Reporting used
Pregnant and Lactating women (PLW) Nutrition screening
• It is a longitudinal register
• It is used to record information regarding screening of pregnant and lactating women for
acute malnutrition
• Completed by the service provider at time of service Show & demonstrate PLW
Screening register
Reportable data elements
S.N Reportable data element Disagg. Frequency of Level of Reporting
1 Total number of PLW screened for acute Maternal Monthly HP/HC/clinic,
malnutrition status & Hosp
MUAC 118
Moderate acute malnutrition treatment for PLW Rx Register
• A Longitudinal register for pregnant and lactating women (PLW) who developed
Moderate acute malnutrition.
• It is used to record information about admission (status and entry information) and
discharge (exit information) of moderately acute malnourished PLW.
• This record follows the nutritional screening protocol of maternal health care visits
Reportable data elements from PLW Rx register
S.N Reportable data element Disagg. Frequency of Level of Tally
reporting Reporting used
Nutrition Indicators
Indicators Remarks
1 Percentage of live births that weigh less than 2,500gm out of the total live births Existing
2 Proportion of children under two years who participated in Growth Monitoring and Existing
3 Proportion of children aged 6–59 months who received two doses of vitamin A Existing
4 Proportion of children 24-59 months de-wormed Existing
5 Proportion of pregnant women received IFA 90 plus Existing
6 Proportion of Pregnant and lactating women screened for malnutrition Existing
HIV registers (8) & Hepatitis (2)
HIV tally sheets (5):
1) PEP (post exposure prophylaxis) FU
register 1. HIV Testing Services (HTS)
2) HIV Testing Services (HTS) Register Tally
3) ART register
4) DSD Register 2. HIV clinical care tally
5) Pre-exposure prophylaxis Register 3. Currently on ART by regimen
6) HIV Self-testing (HIVST) Register type and DSD tally sheets
7) Index Case Testing (ICT) Register
8) HIV positive client tracking register 4. ICT Tally sheet
9) Hepatitis B Treatment Register
10)Hepatitis C Treatment Register
Black: Maintained
Green: New
Purple: Modified
HIV Testing Services (HTS)
HTS Register
• It is a case(serial) register
• Each row is used for one client only
• The register is kept in HTS service room
• HTS service provider (counselor) completes the register
- Number of Individual HIV self-test KIT distributed directly assisted disaggregated by age group
and sex
- Number of individual HIV self-test KIT distributed unassisted disaggregated by sex
• A longitudinal record of client’s follow up on pre exposure to HIV where the targets
are female sex worker and discordant couples
• It is kept at ART room for sero-discordant couples and KPP clinic (FSW)
Post exposure to HIV prophylaxis (PEP) follow up
• It is a serial register
• used to record the client’s information of demographic data, exposure status, baseline HIV status, PEP
provision, exposed person follow up.
ART registers & Tally Sheets
ART Register
• The register is kept in ART service room and is completed by the ART care
provider/ART data clerks
ART registers & Tally Sheets …
HIV clinical care tally
• It is used to simplify reporting of number of ART patients screened: for TB, initiated on TPT,
completed TPT, screened for cervical cancer and managed for cervical lesion, screened for
nutritional status and supplementation with food support for malnourished client
• This tally sheet is used to simplify reporting of number of ART client by regimen category (as
1st, 2nd and 3rd), number of viral load tested and result and number on specific regimen type
1 Percentage of people living with HIV who know their status Existing
3 Number of adults and children with HIV infection newly started on ART Existing
9 Proportion of clinically undernourished People Living with HIV (PLHIV) who Existing
received therapeutic or supplementary food
HIV and Hepatitis Indicators
Sr # List of Indicators Remar
11 Percentage of non-pregnant women in the reproductive age living with HIV Existing
on ART using a modern family planning method
12 Proportion of patients enrolled in HIV care who were screened for TB Existing
13 Proportion of HIV positive women (15+) on ART screened for Cervical Ca New
TB and Leprosy HMIS Tools
1. Unit TB register
2. TB Contact Register
3. DR TB Register
4. MDR TB follow up Register
5. Leprosy Register
6. Leprosy register for care after completion of treatment
Unit TB register
• It is a longitudinal register where patients are followed for the whole period of
treatment once they are registered
• Used to record data for patients who are on TB treatment
• Completed by the health service provider and kept at TB treatment room
Reportable data elements from Unit TB Register
Sr # Data elements Disaggregatio Frequenc Level of
14 n y report
61 Number of bacteriologically confirmed New Pulmonary TB Age and sex
cases detected and enrolled in the reporting period
2 Number of clinically diagnosed New pulmonary TB cases Age and sex
detected and enrolled in the reporting period
3 Number of clinically diagnosed new EPTB cases detected Age and sex
and enrolled in the reporting period
4 Number of RELAPSE (bacteriological confirmed and Age and sex Monthly clinics,
clinically diagnosed) TB cases in the reporting period Hosp
22 Total number of newly tested HIV positive TB patients who Age, Sex
began ART during the reporting month
• It is kept in TB treatment room and filled by health workers providing the service
7 Number of cohort of individuals who had completed TPT in the Age &
reporting period regimen
DR TB Register
• It is a longitudinal register where patients are followed for the whole period of
treatment once they are registered
Reportable data elements from DR TB Register
Sr # Data element Disaggregation Frequency Level of report
151 Number of DR TB cases detected Age, Sex Monthly HC, Clinic, Hosp
3 Resistance type
2 Drug Susceptibility Test (DST) coverage for DR-TB Regiment type Monthly Treatment
patients initiating center
3 DR TB treatment interim result for cohort of patient Regimen type,
registered 9 -12 month earlier culture result &Rx
• It is used at MDR treatment initiating center and MDR treatment follow up center
• The Register includes information for clinical monitoring for the health facility.
The register is kept in leprosy treatment room and is completed by the leprosy
care provider
• The required data elements are abstracted from the Leprosy patient record card
to the register.
Reportable data elements from LP Register
Sr # Data element Disaggregatio Frequency Level of report
15 n of the
6 report
• Which is referred to your health facility for registration and starting Leprosy
• Which is transferred out to your health facility to continue and complete Leprosy
• To refer the cases for further investigation and managements with other health
Leprosy register for care after completion of
• Used to follow leprosy patients after completion of treatment for any disability or
medical care
• The register is a serial record of travel history, fever history, diagnosis, and treatment
for malaria cases, index cases classification, notification and investigation of foci.
• It also help to documents the presence of other cases around the index case and helps
to identify focus with ongoing transmission and inform interventions.
● Index case: A case of which the epidemiological characteristics trigger additional active
case or infection detection.
o An index case is eligible for investigation when the case's local address can be
ascertained and for visitors if they have stayed 21 days or more in the area.
● Focus: A defined and circumscribed area situated in a currently or formerly malarious
area that contains the epidemiological and ecological factors necessary for malaria
Reportable data elements
Sr Data element Disaggreg Frequency Level of
# ation of the report
Malaria Program Indicators
Sr # Indicators Remarks
1 Morbidity attributed to malaria Existing
2 Facility based death attributed to malaria Existing
3 Malaria positivity rate Existing
4 Proportion of confirmed malaria cases fully investigated and classified New
5 Proportion of foci fully investigated and classified New
6 Annual parasite incidence New
7 Proportion of unit structures covered by Indoor residual spraying Existing
NCD prevention and Control, and Mental
1. Cervical cancer register
2. Diabetes and Hypertension Treatment Register
3. Mental Neurological and Substance Use register
Tally Sheet:
1. Hypertension and Diabetes Screening Tally Sheet
Hypertension and Diabetes Screening Tally Sheet
• This tally sheet is standalone (i.e it is not attached with register) and
used to record number of individual screened for hypertension and
diabetes mellitus disaggregated by sex and age
Reportable data elements
Sr Data element Disaggreg Frequency Level of
# ation of the report
1 Number of adults screened for Sex
hypertension Age
2 Number of individuals screened for Sex Monthly Clinic &
diabetes mellitus Age Hospital
Diabetes and Hypertension Treatment Register
• It is a longitudinal register,
• The reportable data elements are directly compiled from the register by
the end of each reporting period.
2 Number women aged 30 – 49 yr screened with HPV DNA for Screening result
cervical cancer
3 Number women aged 30 – 49 yr screened with VIA for Screening result HC, Clinic,
cervical cancer Monthly Hospital
4 Number of women aged 30-49 yr with precancerous Rx type
cervical lesion received treatment
o Trachomatous Trichiasis (TT) Surgery Register
o Leishmaniasis Register
Trachomatous Trichiasis (TT) Surgery Register
• It is a serial register used to record data for patients whom Trachomatous Trichiasis
corrective surgery is done.
• Number of people with TT who received corrective TT surgery by age group (<15yrs
and +15 yrs) and by sex (M/F) Show & demonstrate TT register
Leishmaniasis Register
• This register used to capture data about basic personal and services related with
leishmaniasis treatment and follow up.
• its use is limited at specific health facilities that provide leishmania treatment and
follow up.
Reportable data elements from Leishmania Register
Sr Data element Disaggregation Frequency Level of
17# report
1 Number of visceral leishmaniosis (VL) patients Age, Sex, VL
treated type, HIV status
3 Number of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) treated Age, Sex, CL Monthly Clinics,
type Hospital
1 Proportion of individuals who swallowed drug for soil transmitted helminthiasis New
2 Proportion of individuals who swallowed drug for lymphatic filariasis(LF) New
Medical Service Tools
Session Six: ESV-ICD 11
6 Hrs 30 minutes
Ethiopian Simplified Version of ICD 11 (ESV-ICD 11)
Background, NCoD Gap Assessment
Findings, Rationale
Tools & Workflow Reporting & Reporting Tools, Workflow, Mal practices
Roles and
Clinician, Nurse Assistant, HIT, Admin Level
▪ Understanding why people get sick and die in specific geographical areas is very critical to
plan interventions.
▪ Routine disease recording and reporting is one of the four technical areas of HMIS.
▪ Earlier to 2008/9 G.C, the ICD 6 –WHO 1948 was used for disease coding in Ethiopia.
▪ HMIS disease coding and classification with +126 diagnosis, mapped on ICD 10 chapters
deployed from 2009/10 to 2016.
▪ Since 2017, MOH designed and developed a new disease list (NCoD).
▪ NCoD has 2,054 diagnoses with three main editions & Health post version
▪ Piloted to some health facilities in few health facilities such As Zewditu Memorial
Hospitals and Arada HC.
▪ However, no substantial changes have been observed in the quality of disease data.
NCoD Gap Assessment Findings
NCoD Gap Assessment Findings
▪ Inadequate knowledge of basic concepts such as main diagnosis, new vs. repeat episode of
an illness
▪ Lack of implementation guide and SOP
▪ Presence of redundant terms for the same disease concept(Typhoid, Typhoid unspecified)
▪ Missing diagnosis and different codes for the same disease in different editions
Why revising the national disease list?
▪ NCoD Gap assessment Results
▪ HSTP 2
Purpose of Having ESV-ICD11
▪ To identify leading causes of morbidity and mortality.
Revision …
Disease Rating
▪ Several health professionals are participated in the current revision. Diseases or
injuries from GBD and PHCCG taken as mandatory
• Final Outputs
o New ESV-11 Disease List
o ESV-ICD 11 Editions
o ESV- ICD 11 Implementation Guide
o ESV- ICD 11 SOP & Job Aid
ESV-ICD 11 Content
Chapters & Blocks
▪ Supplementary chapter for traditional medicine (chapter 26) and Extension Codes
(chapter X) as the initial dataset not considered
Special group
▪ Conditions originating in perinatal period
▪ Infectious & parasitic disorders
▪ Developmental anomalies
▪ Neoplasm
▪ Injury, poisoning & other conditions due
▪ Disease of blood or blood forming organs to external causes are chapters of
▪ Disease of the Immune system special group category
Code Block Name
ESV-ICD 11 Rules , Conventions, Synonymous
▪ The main condition is defined as the condition, diagnosed at the end of the episode of
health care, primarily responsible for the patient’s need for treatment or investigation.
▪ If there is more than one such condition, the one held most responsible for the
greatest use of resources should be selected.
▪ ‘Not elsewhere classified’ : Serves as a warning that certain specified variants of the
clinical concept may appear in other parts of classification
ESV-ICD 11 Rules , Conventions, Synonymous
▪ ‘……Unspecified’ implying the source documentation used for classifying did not provide
more detail beyond the term. Unable to further classify the disease. E.g. Syphilis, Unspecified.
▪ ‘Other specified….’ implying the source document /clinician able to specify the diagnosis but
not included in the list.
▪ If no diagnosis was made, the main symptom, abnormal finding or problem should be
selected as the main condition.
▪ Underlying cause of death: is the disease which has initiated the series of illnesses leading
directly to death, or the circumstances connected with an accident or an act of violence
which caused the injury or poisoning leading to death.
ESV-ICD 11 Rules…
▪ The concept of the ‘Underlying Cause of Death’ (UCOD) is central to mortality
recording and reporting.
▪ immediate cause of death: It refers to the disease, failure of injury whose symptoms
cause the person to die.
▪ Intermediate cause of death: refers to the condition which leads from the underlying
cause of death to the immediate cause of death.
ESV-ICD 11 Rules…
When an individual visits a health facility for an illness due to new exposure, the
episode of illness can be labeled as ‘New’ case.
The individual can also visit a health facility for illness of the same exposure some time
earlier for follow up or recurrence of the disease as recurrent or old cases.
ESV-ICD 11 Rules…
General Rules
Rule 1:
• A disease or a condition recorded as cause of morbidity or mortality on the patient
chart at the final stage of the episode of care by the treating clinician shall be
considered as the main diagnosis of the patient.
Rule 2:
A disease or a condition shall be labeled as either “New” or “Repeat” episode of illness by
the treating clinician
Rule 3:
• Name and code of a specific diagnosis or condition shall be written on the abstract
register (all service units where diagnosis is made) at the end of the episode of care.
ESV-ICD 11 Rules…
Rule 4:
• Only a single condition or diagnosis shall be recorded and reported as cause of
morbidity or mortality on the abstract register for an individual diagnosed to have one
or more diagnoses or conditions at the end of the episode of care.
Rule 5:
The name of a disease or a condition shall not be written in abbreviations form on the
abstract register. ]
Rule 6:
• Treating clinician shall put the main diagnosis with clear handwriting and in expanded
form on the patient chart to avoid errors of interpretation during mapping onto ESV-
ICD 11 and recording on IPD/OPD registers.
ESV-ICD 11 Rules…
Rule 7:
• Only ESV-ICD 11 diagnosis or condition is allowed to be written on the abstract register
as the cause of morbidity or mortality by the treating clinician or the Nurse Assistant
with transcription/mapping role.
Rule 8:
• If the main diagnosis or condition to be mapped onto ESV-ICD 11 can’t be found in the
list, search for its parent category in the hierarchy to write its name and code on the
register. If you can’t get the immediate parent category, consider the next higher level
Rule 9:
• During a diagnosis or a condition mapping, if you can’t get it in the edition
recommended to the level of the health facility you are working for, use editions meant
to higher level before you look for the parent category.
ESV-ICD 11 Rules…
Rule 10:
• The ICD has historically used body systems as an organizing principle. Traditional
divisions of body systems facilitate the creation of meaningful subsets for coding and
analysis. If you can’t get the corresponding diagnosis or condition in the chapter
categorized based on anatomic site, try to search it in the relevant special group
chapters before you opt to the parent category. e.g Polycythaemia
Rule 11:
• Working diagnosis or condition we want to rule out or under question mark shouldn't be
recorded or reported as a cause of morbidity or immortality if the treating clinician
couldn’t reach a definitive diagnosis at the end of the episode of care. Rather record and
report the Clinical finding or Investigation result for which you have been treating the
patient as the main diagnosis or condition. 202
ESV-ICD 11 Rules…
Rule 12:
• ESV-ICD 11 contains some services for which clients can visit a health facility other than
for diseases or injuries. During analysis of morbidity and mortality data, such as
producing top causes of morbidity or mortality, one should exclude service data from the
list before analysis.
ESV-ICD 11 Rules…
Rule 2:
If there are more than one main diagnoses or conditions identified at the end of the episode
of care, the one that takes the facility’s resources more will be recorded and reported as ‘main
diagnosis’. To determine the resource consumed during the care of the patient the clinician
can consider the severity of the illness.
Rule 3:
The type of episode of an illness as ‘New’ or ‘Repeat’ can only be determined by the
treating clinician’, and expected to mark the main diagnosis or the condition as ‘New’ or
‘Repeat’ on the patient chart.
NB: When a patient with chronic illness such as Diabetes Mellitus visits a health facility for a new
complication, a treating clinician can mark and report the new condition as ‘main diagnosis’ and ‘New’
episode of illness. E.G: A known Diabetic Type 1 case with acute complication of Diabetic Ketoacidosis
(DKA), the case can be reported as New case of DKA rather than Diabetic Mellitus Type 1 repeat case.
ESV-ICD 11 Rules…
Rule 4:
For an admitted or a referred case, the patient’s main condition shall not be written on
the outpatient abstract register. Instead, the ‘Admitted’ or ‘Referred” will be filled as
status (according to HMIS recording and reporting standards). However, the diagnosis of
cases who are referred to other facilities shall be written on the Liaison Referral In and
Out Register.
ESV-ICD 11 Rules…
Mortality Specific Rules
Rule 1:
• The clinician who is well informed about the medical history of the patient and who has
carefully carried out the examination of the deceased shall write the causes of death
(immediate, intermediate and underlying cause of death) on the medical certificate
(Death notification form) and the underlying causes of death on the discharge diagnosis
column of the IPD abstract register.
Rule 2:
• The treating clinician must indicate or mark the ‘underlying’ cause of death so that it
will be recorded on the IPD register under the column labeled as ‘Discharge Diagnosis’.
ESV-ICD 11 Rules…
Mortality Specific Rules
Rule 3:
• In case of death due to injury or poisoning, the external cause of the injury such as
‘road traffic accident with dimension ’ should be reported as the underlying cause of
death. However, if the treatment outcome is not death, the actual body damage or
injury shall be reported as cause of morbidity.
Rule 4:
• The mode of death such as cardiac arrest or respiratory failure should not be
reported as immediate cause of death.
N.B When filling the Death notification form all the three causes of death (immediate,
intermediate and underlying causes of death should be recorded)
Tools & Workflow …
Tools ( Patient charts, Registers, Tally Sheet)
o Registers,
o Tally sheet- Age group, Sex and Outcome (Morbidity and mortality)
o Death Certificate
Tools & Workflow …
Malpractices of disease recording & reporting
Procedure of morbidity/injury recording and reporting
•‘Main Diagnosis”: Based on ESV-ICD 11 naming/coding convention for reporting to the next to next
o Use CAPITAL LETTER/UPPER Case to highlight/single out the ‘main diagnoses in the patient
o A disease or a condition recorded as a cause of morbidity on the patient’s chart at the final stage
of the episode of care by the treating clinician; no working diagnosis should be put as a ‘main
o Single condition reporting: Only a single condition or diagnosis and its code are recorded as the
cause of morbidity ( main diagnosis) at the end of the episode of healthcare
o New versus Repeat: In addition, the ‘main diagnosis’ has to be labeled ‘new’ and ‘repeat’ after a
full stop of the main diagnosis ’ based on the definition in the ‘ESV-ICD implementation guideline’
Procedure of morbidity/injury recording and reporting
2. Transcription to registers
● Once all the above basic recordings are made by clinicians and only by clinicians on
the patient form/card, the next step is to transcribe into the registers stated above
depending on the units the patient is diagnosed and treated.
● Transcription should by word for word/verbatim
● Transcribe ‘New’ and ‘Repeat ” status on ‘New’ and ‘Repeat’ or ‘Remark’
columns of the corresponding registers
● The transcription is done by the below cadres depending on circumstances.
○ Nurse assistant: Tertiary and general hospitals ,as well as and also primary
hospitals and health centers, depending on availability.
○ Clinicians: Mostly at primary hospitals and health centers in situations
where nurse assistants are not available.
Procedure of morbidity/injury recording and reporting
3. Summering the data into tally sheet
● Once the ‘Main diagnosis (New/repeat) is transcribed into the different registers, the
next step is to tally into the ‘ESV-ICD 11 tally sheets’.
● Tally only ‘New episodes’ from the registers to the tally sheet
● Again, this can be done optionally depending on circumstances by the below
○ Nurse assistant: Tertiary and general hospitals as well as and also primary hospitals and health
centers, depending on availability.
○ OPD/IPD coordinators: Tertiary and general hospitals as well as and also primary hospitals and health
centers, depending on availability.
○ Clinicians: Mostly at primary hospitals and health centers in situations where nurse assistants or
OPD/IPD coordinators are not available 213
Procedure of morbidity/injury recording and reporting
Procedure of mortality recording and reporting
1. Recording
● Done by a clinician on the patient card/form
○ Write a chief complaint and detailed clinical notes
○ Free/open diagnosis: As many diagnosis as possible based on terminologies from
medical/health science education , clinical experience or common medical science sources
for the purpose of managing the patient
○ Cause of death: In the event of a death, the health care provider who attends the death is
expected to document/ record cause of death in three levels based on the definition in the
ESV-ICD 11 implementation guide: Immediate/direct; Intermediate and Underlying
○ A disease or a condition recorded as a cause of mortality on the patient’s chart at the final
stage of the episode of care by the treating clinician; no working diagnosis should be put as a
‘main diagnosis’.
○ All the three levels have to be copied to the ‘death notification form’ and for
communication to the nearby civil status or vital registration office as part of the
implementation of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS)
Procedure of mortality recording and reporting
1. Recording
•Health facility death is mostly expected from IPD, emergency and Intensive Care Units
•Patients who died at arrival before admission/at emergency should not be counted as
deaths from OPD, emergency, IPD, ICU and NICU
•Such deaths should be recorded as ‘Death on Arrival’ in health facilities which use patient
form/card and in pastoralist health post under the ‘remark ‘ section of ‘curative care
•’Death on arrival’ cases should generally follow Verbal autopsy procedures depending the
type/level of health facilities
● As a guideline which is expected to define who should do a verbal autposy is
underway, in general it can potentially be done the health facility at which death
on arrival happense, by the next /upper level health facilities or the respective
Immigration, Nationality Vital Events Agency offices
Procedure of mortality recording and reporting
2. Transcription to registers
● Once all the above basic recordings are made by clinicians and only by clinicians
on the patient form/card, the next step is to transcribe into the registers stated
above depending on the units the patient is diagnosed and treated.
● Transcription should by word for word/verbatim
● For HMIS/DHIS2 reporting purposes, it is the ‘underlying cause of death’ that has
to be transcribed to registers, tally sheets and eventually to DHIS2.
● Deaths on arrival should not be transcribed to registers
● The transcription is done by the below cadres depending on circumstances.
○ Nurse assistant: Tertiary and general hospitals ,as well as and also primary
hospitals and health centers, depending on availability.
○ Clinicians: Mostly at primary hospitals and health centers in situations where
nurse assistants are not available.
Procedure of mortality recording and reporting
3. Summering the data into tally sheet
● Once the ‘underlying cause of death’ is transcribed into the different registers, the
next step is to tally into the ‘ESV-ICD 11 tally sheets’.
● Again, this can be done optionally depending on circumstances by the below
● Nurse assistant: Tertiary and general hospitals as well as and also primary
hospitals and health centers, depending on availability.
● OPD/IPD coordinators: Tertiary and general hospitals as well as and also primary
hospitals and health centers, depending on availability.
● Clinicians: Mostly at primary hospitals and health centers in situations where
nurse assistants or OPD/IPD coordinators are not available
Procedure of mortality recording and reporting
Workflow & Tools…
Death Certificate
Roles and Responsibilities
Actors : Clinicians
• Make a diagnosis
• Write patient diagnosis/diagnoses on patient’s chart with legible handwriting and
avoiding use of abbreviations.
• Mark the patient’s ‘Main diagnosis’
• Support and guide a Nurse Assistant in case the following situations occur:
• illegible handwriting
• Unindicated Main diagnosis
• Main diagnosis not marked as New (N) or Repeat(R)
• Main Diagnosis written in abbreviated form (by mistake)
• At time of difficulties to map the main diagnosis on the ESV-ICD 11
• Support HIT or HMIS focal person in analysis and interpretation of disease data as
cause of morbidity and mortality.
Roles and Responsibilities…
Actor: Nurse Assistant
▪ Communicate with the head nurse /supervisor if the clinician is not following rules.
▪ Make sure that all patient cards are registered unless waiting for definitive diagnosis.
Roles and Responsibilities…
Actor: HIT
▪ Produce monthly and ad hoc disease reports and share with all stakeholders
▪ Provide short term disease recording & reporting on job trainings for nurse heads,
nurses & clinicians
Roles and Responsibilities…
Actor: Admin Level
▪ Cascade training, guides or any developments that originate from the federal level.
▪ Ensure adequate availability of ESV-ICD 11 related tools for health facilities within
their catchment
Medical Service: Clinical, Quality and Emergency (EICC)
Concepts, common features of MS tools
New visit:
• is when a patient or client visits an OPD for a new episode of illness
Repeat visit
• A patient who visits the health facility for the same episode of illness and or for
follow up etc
Concepts, common features of MS tools…
• Common data elements from MSD tools
o Identification & address
o Diagnosis based on Ethiopian Simplified Version-ICD 11 (ESV-ICD11)
o Malaria travel history
o PICT service provision
o Length of stay at a health facility
o Screening for TB
o Road traffic accident (RTA)
o Death (before or after 24 hours, notification)
o Finance (Charged, paid, V. number) 230
Central register
• It is a serial register, which captures data on demography, insurance
membership, disability
• Kept in the card room
• Completed by card room workers
Reportable data elements
S.№ Reportable Data element Disagg. Frequency Level of reporting
1 Number of OPD visits Age, sex
2 Total number of CBHI member visits None Monthly HC, hospital
3 Total number of fee waiver beneficiaries’ None
4 Number of people with disabilities who None
visited health facility
5 Number of health insurance beneficiaries None
that visited HF in the reporting period
Show and demonstrate Central register
OPD abstract register
• It lists all patients who received outpatient services at the facility.
• The patient form and register are both completed by the service provider at the
time of OPD service.
• The register is kept at all out patient department
Reportable data elements from OPD register
SN Reportable data element Disaggregation Frequen Level of
cy reporting
1 ESV-ICD11 Disease type by age & sex
2 HIV Testing Services age, sex, HIV result, pop.
motorcycle, Veh. occupant
4 Deaths age, sex,
5 Malaria Cases with travel none
6 Deaths notified None
IPD admission-discharge register
IPD Register
Tally sheets used in IPD;
• It is a case register and is used to abstract
• IPD Service tally sheet completed at the time
data from the inpatient departments
of discharge of admitted patients
• Each row is used for one admitted
• PITC tally:
• ESV-ICD 11 summary sheet
• The same row is completed by the
** Help to capture morbidity and mortality cases
service provider on admission and upon
at time of admission
and discharge.
4 Length of Stay None
5 Inpatient Death None
6 HIV Testing Services Age ,sex, HIV result,
(HTS) category
7 Deaths notified none
ICU register
Emergency Register
• A case register that is prepared for use in the emergency department
• lists all clients who arrive with emergency case at facility using each row covers for a
single client
• It is kept in the emergency unit/department
• The referral out can be to higher health facilities (for better care) or to lower health
facilities for continuity of care.
• The Referral in can be from other health facilities or from the community
• This register is kept at Liaison department for Hospital and Outpatient Department for HC
• The information required to complete this register is found on the clients’ referral paper
Ambulance service register
• It is used to record information about community ambulance request and service
• Register is to be placed in ambulance dispatch center (WoHO, Hopital, and in some cases
Reportable data elements
S.№ Reportable Data element Disaggregation Frequency of Level of Talley sheet
report reporting
3 Number of major surgeries by type
4 Length of stay for clients admitted for surgical
services in days
5 Surgical ward post-operative deaths None
6 Number of deaths notified
Assistive technology service register
• It is a serial register
• Placed in the rehabilitation centers
• Meant to capture the data on AT service provided
• Mainly purposed to show inclusiveness of the health sector and
estimation of the resource required
• Number of Cataract surgeries performed (the report is the sum total of cataract
surgeries listed under column 8)
MS Indicators
S Clinical Service Indicators
1 Outpatient Attendance Per-capita Existing
2 Bed occupancy rate Existing
3 Average Length of stay Existing
4 Hospital Bed Density New
5 Assistive Technology service coverage New
6 Essential laboratory test availability New
7 Referral-out Rate Existing
8 Ambulance service utilization for referral service New
9 Ambulance service response rate Existing
10 Facility emergency department mortality rate Existing
Emergency room attendances with length of stay > 24 New
11 247
MS Indicators…
SN Clinical Service Indicators Remarks
12 Percentage of ventilator associated pneumonia New
13 Mortality rate in Intensive Care Unit Existing
14 Perioperative mortality rate New
15 ICU length of stay New
16 Mean duration of in-hospital pre-elective operative stay New
Number of clients in the waiting list for elective surgical New
18 Delay for elective surgical admission New
19 Inpatient mortality rate Existing
20 Top 10 causes of morbidity Existing
21 Top ten causes of institutional mortality Existing
Session Seven: Hygiene and environmental Health
1hrs and HEP/PHCU
Hygiene and Sanitation
Hygiene & environmental Health …
Some facts:
There are 10 indicators under this section
Hygiene & environmental Health …
Operational definitions:
*Liquid wastes at household level: Seepage pit, septic tanks, connected to sewer
lines & latrines.
*Healthy Housing: it should fulfill at least Separate kitchen, Smokeless stove and
separate animal house.
Hygiene & environmental Health …
• *Hand washing facility: may be fixed or mobile, and include sinks with tap water,
buckets with taps, tippy-taps, and jugs or basins designated for hand washing.
o Soap includes bar soap, liquid soap, powder detergent, and soapy water but does
not include ash, soil, sand or other traditional hand washing agents.
o Basic hand washing service: availability of a hand washing facility on premises with soap
and water.
o Limited hand washing service: availability of hand washing facility on premises but
without soap or water.
Hygiene & environmental Health …
Sanitation facilities:
A. *Basic sanitation Facilities: Use of improved sanitation facilities that are not shared with
other households.
B. *Limited sanitation Facilities: Use of improved sanitation facilities shared between two or
more households.
Improved sanitation facilities are Sanitation facilities that are designed to hygienically
separate human excreta from human contact. These include:
- Wet sanitation technologies such as flush and pour flush toilets connected to sewers,
septic tanks or pit latrines,
- Dry sanitation technologies such as dry pit latrines with slabs and composting
C. *Unimproved sanitation Facilities: Do not hygienically separate human excreta from human
contact. (Dry pit latrines without slabs, hanging latrines, bucket latrines, and flush and pour
flush toilets discharging to an open drain.) 253
Hygiene & environmental Health …
Operational definitions…
Health facility with water service
Basic water service: The water source is within the premises of the health facility.
Limited water services: The water source is outside of the health facility but within
o Water Source: Piped water, boreholes or tube wells, protected dug wells,
protected springs, rainwater, and packaged or delivered water
Hygiene & environmental Health …
Health facility with sanitation facilities
• Basic sanitation service: (flush and pour flush toilets connecting to sewers, septic tanks
or pit latrines, dry pit latrines with slabs, and composting toilets) designed to hygienically
separate human excreta from human contact, with at least one toilet dedicated for staff,
at least one sex-separated toilet with menstrual hygiene facilities, and at least one toilet
accessible for people with limited mobility.
• Limited sanitation services: At least one (wet sanitation technologies – such as flush and
pour flush toilets connecting to sewers, septic tanks or pit latrines – and dry sanitation
technologies – such as dry pit latrines with slabs, and composting toilets) is available, but
not all requirements for basic service are met.
• No sanitation services: Toilet facilities are unimproved (e.g. pit latrines without a slab or
platform, hanging latrines, bucket latrines) or there are no toilets.
Hygiene & environmental Health …
Health facilities with healthcare waste management services
Basic waste management service: Waste is safely segregated into at least three
categories: bins, sharps and infectious wastes, and are treated and disposed safely.
No waste management services: There are no separate bins for sharps or infectious
waste, and sharps and/or infectious waste are not treated/disposed of safely.
Hygiene & environmental Health … Data Elements
Sr Level of
Data element Disaggregation of the
# report report
Number of Households with Liquid waste
1 management area None
Health Post
Basic, Limited,
3 Number of households with sanitation facilities unimproved
8 Number of health facility with water service Basic, Limited,
Basic, Limited,
9 Number of health facility with sanitation facilities
10 Number of water schemes for which water quality test Microbiological test
conducted result (P/N)
Woreda Health Offices with functional Water quality
11 test kits (Enter 1 if yes ,otherwise enter,0) None
Hygiene & environmental H Indicators and tools
Hygiene & environmental has (10 indicators)
S.No Indicators Remarks
1 Proportion of HHs with liquid waste management New
2 Proportion of HHs with safe solid waste management New
3 Proportion of kebeles declared ODF Existing
4 Proportion of HHs having sanitation facilities Modified
5 Proportion of HHs having hand washing facilities at the premises New
6 Proportion of HHs with healthy housing New
7 Proportion of water schemes for which water quality test conducted New
8 Proportion of HFs with water service New
9 Proportion of HFs with sanitation facilities New
10 Proportion of HFs with healthcare waste management services New
Health extension and primary Health care
Some facts:
There is no register
Only three data elements: Most of the indicators are computed from
a standardized assessment checklist.
HEP and PHC …
Operational definition
1. Model Households
*Households that put at least 75% of the HEP packages into practice are considered as Model.
*Currently Model Households = (Previously model and sustained + New models).
*A PHCU will be considered as high performing if it scored an average weight of more >85%.
- Model kebeles (>80%): …………………………………………… 30%
- Health care financing
- EHCRIG (81 items Yes/No) ((>80%): : ……………………………… 35% - Information use score
- Motivated, competent and
- KPI:18 indicators (All weighted – out of 100) (>85%): ……………… 35%
- Leadership/governance
HEP and PHC …
3. Proportion of health posts providing comprehensive health services
Number of health posts providing comprehensive health services/ Total Number of health
*During HSTP-II: 10% of current health posts are expected to be changed to comprehensive
health post.
• The HEP optimization roadmap categorizes health posts in to three, namely: comprehensive
health post, basic health post and integrated health post based on different criteria.
4. Model Kebele
Number of graduated Model Kebeles/ Total number of kebeles
*Model kebele= 85% or above out of 100%
- Proportion of model households (25%) .
- Proportion of SBA (25%)
- Proportion of HHs with Improved latrine access (25%)
- Model school status (25%)
HEP and PHC …
HEP and Primary health care has (4 indicators)
S.N Indicators Remarks
Session Eight: Health System Inputs
1 Hr
Health System tools and indicators
Health system strengthening operationally encompasses
Category # of indicators
Improve access to pharmaceuticals & medical devices & their rational & proper use 7
Improve regulatory systems 2
Improve human resource development and management 3
Enhance informed decision making and innovations 6
Improve health financing 4
Strengthen governance and leadership 4
Improve health infrastructure 2
Total 27
There are 2 registers and one tally sheet (Drug Dispensing & Gender Based Violence
One Log book
Pharmaceuticals and medical devices
Sr Level of
Data element Disaggregation Frequency
# report
None HP,
3 Available tracer drugs
Monthly HC,
4 Total Tracer drugs
5 Number of encounter with one or more antibiotics
13 Number of functional medical equipment in the health facility
Annually Hospital
Total number of available medical equipment (From the facility's updated
14 medical equipment inventory list)
Pharmaceuticals and medical devices …
1. Supplier fill rate:
Number of line item delivered at least 80% of the requested amount/ Total number of line item
*This indicator measures supplier’s ability to fill orders completely in terms of items and quantity
during a definite period of time.
*Any month in which a drug unavailability is experienced, even for only 1 day, is reported as a month in
which the drug was unavailable when needed
*There are few changes to the drug list from the previous
Pharmaceuticals and medical devices …
Tally sheet:
- Has to be filled daily
- 1 if available and 0 if
not available
Pharmaceuticals and medical devices …
3. Percentage of encounters with an antibiotic prescribed:
Total number of encounter with one or more antibiotics/Total number of encounter
*Encounter refers to every patient’s or client’s visit to the health facility. Whether a patient is given one
or more prescription papers per visit, all is considered as one encounter.
Pharmaceuticals and medical devices …
Serial Register
Kept at Pharmacy
Column 1-6: demographic
characteristics of the patient
The following reportable data
elements from this register:
1. Column 4: Total number of encounter and total
number of clients with prescription
2. Column 9: Total number of medicines
3. Column 10: Total number of medicines
prescribed from Health facility medicine list
4. Column 11: Total number of client who received
all prescribed drug
5. Column 12: Total number of encounter with one
or more antibiotics
Pharmaceuticals and medical devices …
6. Pharmaceuticals wastage rate:
Unusable stock of products during a period in monetary value/ Beginning stock+
received stock during the same period in monetary value
Regulatory System & HRH
Level of
Sr # Data element Disaggregation report Frequency
1 Number of health facilities that met Ethiopian health facility Private, Public
Number of food and drinking service establishments that met
Ethiopian hygiene and environmental health requirements None
3 All food and drinking service establishments
4 Health professionals at the beginning of the year SEX: HP,
TYPE: Physicians, HC, HOSP
5 Health professionals at the end of the year Nurses, Midwives, ANNUAL
6 Health professionals leaving during the year ESOs, LEVEL IV
7 Health professionals facility standard
8 Health professionals with an active License
9 Is the health facility staffed as per the standard? HC, HOSP
Regulatory systems
1. Proportion of health facilities that met Ethiopian health facility requirements
Number of health facilities that met Ethiopian health facility requirements at least 75% (Green
Level) / Total number of health facilities
2. Proportion of food and drinking service establishments that met Ethiopian hygiene
and environmental health requirements
Number of food and drinking service establishments that met Ethiopian hygiene and environmental
health requirements / All food and drinking service establishments
Human resource development & management
1. Health care worker to Population ration by Category
1: [Total Population / Total number of health care workers at the end of the year (by category)]
*Disaggregation: Physician (Specialist, sub-specialists and all types of Doctors), Health officers, all types of
nurses, Midwives, ESO and Level IV health extension worker) and by sex
2 Proportion of food and drinking service establishments that met Ethiopian hygiene
and environmental health requirements
Human Resource for Health
1 Health care worker to Population ration by Category
2 Proportion health Facility staffed as per the standard
3 Percentage of health professionals with an active professional license
Evidence Informed Decision Making
Sr Level of
# Data element Disaggregation of the
1 Does the facility/woreda conduct HIS asseement NONE
*Measures representative completeness. At all levels calculating content completeness should be done
2. Reporting Timeliness
Number of reports received according to schedule/ The number of reports expected
3. Proportion of health facilities that conduct reporting consistency check using LQAS
Number of health facilities that conducted LQAS / Total number of health facilities
*Ask participants to explain how LQAS is done
Enhance informed decision making
4. Proportion of live births notified by the health facility
Total number of births notified / Expected live births in that specific period
*The health sector is mandated to notify births and deaths that happen in the facility and in the
Evidence Informed Decision Making
Evidence Informed Decision Making (6 indicators)
S.N Indicators Remarks
1 Reporting Completeness Existing
2 Reporting Timeliness Existing
3 Proportion of health facilities that conduct reporting consistency check Existing
using LQAS
4 Proportion of live births notified by the health facility New
5 Proportion of deaths notified by the health facility New
6 Information use scores New
Health care financing
Sr #Data element Disaggregation Frequency Level of
Total amount of fees reimbursed (public facilities only, in Fee waved
birr) Exempted fee Quarter HC/HOSP
2 Total amount of fees requested (public facilities only, in 3rd party
3 Member enrolled to CBHI Indigent, Paying Quarter WoHO
GOV treasury, AID
Total health budget allocated to the woreda health office, Appropriated Internal
4 zone health department, region health bureau in the fiscal revenue
year All levels
GOV treasury Annual
5 Total health budget utilized in the fiscal year Internal revenue, AID
This indicator shows the relative share of health sector budget to the total budget. It
illustrates the commitment of the government to the health sector.
Moreover, the data from this indicator can be analyzed to see the share of health sector
budget as a proportion of total government budget disaggregated by Domestic sources
(Government treasury, internal revenue) and external sources (AID) in the fiscal year.
Note: Internal revenue is the total amount of resource mobilized locally at health facility
from clinical and non-clinical services and appropriated by respective legal framework).
Health care financing
2. Health budget Utilization
Total Health budget Utilized / Total health budget allocated (appropriated)
Leadership and Governance
Sr # Data element Disaggregation Frequen Level of
cy report
1 Average Community Scorecard
2 Caring, respectful compassionate service (100%)
3 Waiting time for service (100%) Quarterl HC
Availability of drugs, diagnostic services and supplies y
4 (100%)
5 Infrastructure of facility (100%)
6 Availability and management of ambulances (100%)
7 Cleanness and safety of facilities (100%) Bi-
Annual Hosp
8 Average Good governance score
Type: Sexual, Physical,
9 Number of Gender based violence (GBV) survivors who Psychological & mixed; Monthly
received health care services HC,
Sex: M/ F Hosp
Number of leadership positions held by women at None Annual HC,
10 health facility level Hosp
11 Total number of leadership positions in health facilities
Leadership and Governance
1. Proportion of Primary health Care facilities implementing Community Scorecard (CSC)
Number of Primary health Care facilities with a community Score Card (CSC) of >=80%/ Total number of
primary health care facilities
Note: Primary health care facilities that did not report their community score card score or that did not
conduct the assessment will be considered as having a CSC value of less than 80%.
Number of hospitals with a Good Governance Index (GGI) of >=80%/ Total number of hospitals
Leadership and Governance …
S.N Indicators Remarks
GBV Register
• It is a serial register
Leadership and Governance
3. Proportion of leadership positions in health facilities that are held by females
#of leadership positions held by women at health facility level/ Total #of leadership positions in health
Note: Leadership position at health facility level is operationally defined as the Head/ Vice head/
Department heads.
4. Number of Gender based violence (GBV) survivors who received health care services
The number of GBV survivors who received health care services
This indicator includes individuals (Both male and female) who survive any form of gender based violence
(sexual, physical, psychological or mixed)
Health Infrastructure
Health Infrastructure (2 indicators)
S.N Indicators Remarks
Health Infrastructure
1 Functional health facility to population ratio Existing
Health infrastructure
1. Functional health facility to population ratio
1: Total Population/ Total number of functional public facilities by type
Disaggregation: Facility Type: health post (Basic and Comprehensive), health center, primary
hospital, general hospital and specialized hospital
Session Nine: Reporting tools and Procedure
1 Hr
Reporting Procedures
1 2 3
Each service delivery Summarized report from Each department
unit is responsible to each service delivery should conduct data
prepare the summary of unit compiled at quality check and
reportable data element department level and review before
from register and or tally submitted to HIT focal submission of the report
sheets person
0- 5- > 0- 5-
4 1 = 4 1
y 4 1 y 4
e Y 5 e y
ar e y ar e
s ar e s ar
s ar s
1 Priority infectious
0 diseases
Epidemic prone diseases
1 Malaria (clinical without
0 laboratory confirmation)
1 Malaria (confirmed with
0 P. falciparum)
Malaria (confirmed with
species other than P.
By Type:
• Service delivery report forms
• Disease (Morbidity & Mortality) report
• PHEM reports
By reporting Period:
Health Post
Routine Data Collection (HMIS) FMOH
ZHD used
Compiled and
used /
Compiled and
Facility Based Data used /
• Plan Setting
• Disease Registration
The validation rule
analysis tests
validation rules
against the data
registered in the
Data Quality
• Generates dataset reports for multiple
periods/org units
• Integrated completeness/timeliness
• Introduced by Ethiopia DHIS2 team to address the limitations in the legacy Data Set Report module,
Analytics Features
In-built tools within DHIS2
Pivot Tables
Dashboards & others
Supplementary tools
WHO Data Quality App
Scorecard App
Bottleneck analysis App
WHO Meta Data Browser & others
Reporting hierarchy of public health facilities
9 From Reporting level
arrival date
Frequency of
reporting Comment
HP HC Monthly & Annual
WorHOs ZHD / RHB 2nd of the month Monthly, Quarterly & Including private health
Annual facilities