Tamil Nadu Factories Rules 1950

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Rule 61. Fire Protection

61. [Fire protection

(1) Processes, equipment, plant, etc., involving serious explosion and serious fire
(a) All processes, storages, equipments, plants, etc., invoking serious explosion and
flash fire hazards shall be located in segregated building where the
equipment shall be so arranged that only a minimum number of employees are exposed to
such hazards at any one time.
(b) All industrial processes involving serious fire hazard should be located in
buildingsorworkplacesseparatedfromoneanotherbywalls offire-resistant construction.
(c) Equipment and plant involving serious fire or flash fire hazard shall, wherever possible,
besoconstructedandinstalledthatincaseoffire, theycanbeeasily isolated.
(d) Ventilation ducts, pneumatic conveyors and similar equipment involving a serious fire risk
should be provided with flame-arresting or automatic fire extinguishing appliances or fire
resisting dampers electrically interlocked with heat sensitive/smoke detectors and the air-
conditioning plant system.
(e) In all workplaces having serious fire or flash fire hazards, passages between machines,
installationsorpilesofmaterial shouldbeatleast 90 cm. wide. For storage piles, the clearance
between the ceiling and the top of the pile should notbelessthan 2 m.
(2) Access for fire fighting
(a) Buildings and Plants shall be so laid out and roads, passage-ways, etc., so maintained as to
permit unobstructed access for fire fighting.
(b) Doors and window openings shall be located in suitable positions on all external walls of the
building to provide easy areas to the entire area within thebuildingforlirefighting.
(3) 116
[Protection against lighting]
Protection from lighting shall be provided for
(a) buildings in which explosive or highly flammable substances are manufactured, used,
handled or stored ;
(b) storage tanks containing oils, paints or other flammable liquids ;
(c) grain elevators;
(d) buildings, tall chimneys or stacks whereflammable gases, fumes, dust or lint
arelikelytobepresent; and
(e) Sub-station buildings and out-door transformers and switch yards.
(4) Precautions against ignition
Wherever there is danger of fire or explosion from accumulation of flammable or
(a) all electrical apparatus shall either be excluded from the area of risk or they shall be of such
construction and so installed and maintained as to prevent the
(b) effective measures shall be adopted for prevention of accumulation of static
charges toa dangerous extent;
(c) workers shall wear shoes without iron or steel nails or any otherexposed ferrous
materials which is likely to cause sparks by friction;
(d) smoking, lighting or carrying of matches, lighters or smoking materials shall be
prohibited ;
(e) transmission belts with iron fasteners shall not be used; and
(f) all other precautions as are reasonably practicable, shall be taken by (sic)
prevent initiation of ignition from all other possible sources such as open flames,
frictional sparks overheated surfaces of machinery or plant, chemical or physical
chemical reaction and radiant heat.
(5) Spontaneous ignition - Where materials are likely to induce spontaneous ignition, care
shall be taken to avoid formation of air pocket and to ensure adequate ventilation. The
material susceptible to spontaneous ignition should be stored in dry conditionandshould
bein heapsof suchcapacity and separatedby suchpassage which will prevent fire. The
materials susceptible to ignition and stored in the open shall be at a distance not less
than 10 meters away from process or storage buildings.
(6) Cylinders containing compressed gas - Cylinders containing compressed gas may only
be stored in open if they are protected against excessive variation of temperature, direct
rays of sun, or continuous dampness. Such cylinders shall never be stored near highly
flammable substances, furnaces or hot process. The room where such cylinders arc
stored shall have adequate ventilation.

(7) Storage of flammable liquids

(a) The quantity of flammable liquids in any work room shall be the minimum
required for the process or processes carried on in such room. Flammable liquids
shall be stored in suitable containers with close fitting covers:
Provided that not more than 20 liters of flammable liquids having a flash point of
(b) Flammable liquids shall be stored in closed containers and in limited quantities in
well ventilated rooms of fire resisting construction which are isolated from
(c) Large quantities of such liquids shall be stored in isolated adequately ventilated
building of fire resisting construction or in storage tanks, preferably
undergroundandatadistancefromanybuildingasrequiredinthe Petroleum Rules,
(d) Effective steps shall be taken to prevent leakage of such liquids into basements,
sums or drains and to confine any escaping liquid within safe limit.
(8) Accumulation of flammable dust, gas, fume or vapour in air or flammable material
(a) Effectivestepsshallbetakenforremovalorpreventionoftheaccumulationin the air
of flammable dust, gas, fume or vapour to an extent which is likely to be
(b) No wastematerial ofaflammable natureshall be permittedto accumulate on the
floors and shall be removed atleast one in a day or shift, and more often, when
possible. Such materials shall be placed in suitable metal containers with covers
wherever possible.
(9) Fire exists
(a) in thissub-paragraph
(i) "Horizontal exit" means an arrangement which allows alternative egress from a
floor area to another floor at or near the same level in an adjoining
building or an adjoining part of the same building with
(ii distance" means the distance an occupant has to travel to reach an exit.
(b) An exit may be a doorway, corridor, passageway to an external stairway or to a
verandahortoaninternal stairwaysegregatedfromtherestofbuildingbyfire
resisting walls which shall provide continuous and protected means of egress to the
exterior of a building or to an exterior open space. An exit may also include a
horizontal exit leading to an adjoining building at the same level.
(c) Lifts, escalators and revolving doors shall not be considered as exits for the
(d) In every room of a factory exits sufficient to permit safe escape of the occupants
in caseoffire or other emergency shall beprovided which shall be free of any
(e) The exits shall be clearly visible and suitably illuminated with suitable
arrangement, whatever artificial lighting is to be adopted for this purpose, to
maintain the required illumination in case of dilute of the normal source of
electric supply.
(f) The exits shall be marked in a language understood by the majority of the
(g) Iron rung ladders or spiral staircases shall not be used as not be used as exit.
(h) Fire resisting doors or roller shutters shall be provided at appropriate places
along the escape routes to prevent spread of fire and smoke, particularly at the
entrance of lifts or stairs where funnel or flue effect may be created inducing an
upward spread of fire.
(i) All exits shall provide continuousmeansofegress to theexterior ofa building
(j) Exits shall be so located that the travel distance to reach atleast one of them
(k) Incaseofthosefactorieswherehighhazard materialsarestoredor used, the travel
distance to the exit shall not exceed 22.5 meters and there shall be atleast two
ways of escape from every room, however small, except toilet rooms, so located
that the points of access thereto are out of or suitably shielded from areas of high
(l) Wherever more than one exit is required for any room space or floor, exits shall
be placed as remote from each other as possible and shall be arranged to provide
direct access in separate directions from any point in the area served.
(m) The unit of exit width used to measure capacity of any exit shall be 50 cm. A
clear width of 25 cm. shall be counted as an additional half unit Clear width of
lessthan 25 cm. shallnotbecountedforexitwidth.
(n) Occupantsperunitwidthshallbe50forstairsand75fordoors.
(o) For determining the exits required, the occupant load shall be reckoned on the basis
of actual number of occupants within any floor area or 10 square meter per
person, whichever is more.
(p) There shall not be less than two exits serving every floor area above and below the
ground floor, and atleast one of them shall be an internal enclosed stairway.
(q) For every building or structure used for storage only, and every section thereof
considered separately shall have access to atleast one exit so arranged and
located as to provide a suitable means of escape for any person employed
present, atleasttwo separatemeansofexitshallbeavailable, asremotefrom each
otheras practicable.
(r) Every storage area shall have access to atleast one means of exit which can be
(s) Every exit doorway shall open into an enclosed stairway, a horizontal exit on a
corridor or passage way providing continuous and protected means of egress.
(t) Noexitdoorwayshallbelessthan100cm inpermitted(sic)
(u) Exit doorways shall open outwards, that is, away from the room but shall not
obstruct the travel along any exit. No door when opened shall reduce the
required width of stairway or landing to less than 90 cm overhead or sliding
doors shall not be installed for this purpose.
(v) An exit door shall not open immediately upon a flight of stairs. A landing atleast
1.5 m. x 1.5 m. in size shall be provided in the stairway at each
doorway. The level of landing shall be the same as that of the floor which it
(w) The exit doorways shall be openable from the side which they serve without
(x) Exit corridors and passage ways shall be of a width not less than the aggregate
required width of exit doorways leading from there in the direction of travel to
the exterior.
(y) Where stairways discharge through corridors and passage ways, the height of the
corridors and passage ways shall not be less than 2.4 meters.
(aa) A staircase shall not be arranged round a lift shaft unless the latter is totally
enclosed by a material having a fire resistance rating not lower than that of
(bb) Hallow combustible construction shall not be permitted. (cc)
The minimum width of an internal staircase shall be 100 cms
(dd) The minimum width of treads without nosing shall be 25 cm. for an internal
staircase. The treads shall be constructed and maintained in a manner to prevent,
(ee) The maximum height of a risor shall be 19 cm. and the number of risors shall be
limited to 12 per flight.
(ff) Hand rails shall be provided with a minimum height of 100 cm. and shall be firmly
(gg) The use of spiral staircase shall be limited to low occupant load and to a building
of height of 9 meters, unless they are connected to platform such as balconies
and terraces to allow escapees to pause. A spiral staircase shall be not less than 300
cm. in diameter and have adequate head room.
(hh) The width of a horizontal exit shall be same as for the exit doorways.
(ii) The horizontal exit shall be equipped with atleast one fire door of self closing type.
(jj) The floor area on the opposite or refuge side of a horizontal exit shall be sufficient
to accommodate occupants of the floor areas served, allowing not lessthan 0.3
squaremeterperperson. Therefugeareashallbeprovidedwith exits adequate to
meet the requirements of this sub-rule at least one of the
(kk) Wherethereisdifferenceinlevelbetweenconnectedareasforhorizontalexit,
rams not more than 1 in 8 slope shall be provided. For this purpose steps shall not
(ll) Doors in horizontal exits shall be openable at all times
(mm) Ramps with a slope of not more than 1 in 10 may be substituted for the
requirements of staircase. For all slopes exceeding 1 in 10 and wherever the use
is such as to involve danger of slipping, the ramp shall be surfaced with non-
slipping materials.
(nn) in any building not provided with automatic fire alarm a manual fire alarm system
shall be provided if the total capacity of the building is over 500 persons, or
ifmore than 25 personsare employed above orbelow theground floor, except
that no manual fire alarm shall be required in one-storey buildings where the
entire area is undivided and all parts thereof are clearly visible to all occupants.
(a) In every factory there shall be provided and maintained adequate and suitable
firefighting equipment for fighting fires in the early stages, those being
(b) [The types of first-aid firefighting equipment to be provided shall be

determinedbyconsideringthedifferenttypesoffireriskswhichareclassified as
(i) "Class'A' fire" Fireduetocombustible materialssuchas wood, textiles, paper,
rubbish and the like.
(ii 'B' fire"- Fire involving flammable liquids or liquefiable solids or the like
) where a blanketing effect is essential
(iii 'C' fire"- Fire involving flammable gases under pressure including liquefied
) gases, where it is necessary to inhibit the burning gas at fast rate with an
inert gas, powder or vaporizing liquid for extinguishment
(iv 'D' fire" Fire involving combustible metals, such as magnesium,
) aluminium, zinc, sodium, potassium, etc., when the burning metal are
reactive to water and water containing agents and in certain cases carbon
dioxide, halogenated hydrocarbons and ordinary dry powders. This type of fire
requires special media and techniques to extinguish
(c) The number and types of first aid firefighting equipment to be provided shall be
as per Bureau of Indian Standards recommendations for installation of fire
extinguishers given in Annexure B of IS 2190:1992. Thetypes are detailed in
(d) The first-aid firefighting equipment shall conform to the relevant Indian
(e) As far as possible the first-aid firefighting equipment shall all be similar in shape
and appearance and shall have the same method operation.
(f) All first-aid firefighting equipment shall be placed in a conspicuous position and
shall be readily and easily accessible for immediate use. Generally, these
equipment shall be placed as near as possible to the exits or stair landing or
normal routes of escape.

(g) All water buckets and bucket pump type extinguishers shall be
filledwith clean water. All sand buckets shall be filled with clean, dry and fine
(h) All other extinguishers shall becharged appropriatelyin accordancewiththe
instructions of the manufacturer.
(i) Each first-aid fire-fighting equipment shall be allotted to a serial number by
which it shall be referred to in the records. The following details shall be
(1) Serial number:
(2) Dateoflastrefilling;and
(3) Date of last inspection.
(j) First-aid firefighting equipment shall be placed on plat-forms or in cabinets in
such a way that their bottom is 750 trim, above the floor level. Fire buckets shall
be placed on hooks attached to a suitable stand or valve in such a way that their
bottom is 720 mm. above the floor level. Such equipment if placed outside the
building, shall be under sheds
(k) All extinguishers shall be thoroughly cleaned and re-charged immediately after
discharge. Sufficient refill material shall be kept readily available for this purpose
at all times.
(l) All first-aid fire-fighting equipment shall be subjected to routine maintenance,
inspection and testing to be carried out by properly trained persons. Periodicity
of the routine maintenance, inspection and test shall conform to therelevant
Indian Standards.
(11) Other fire-fighting arrangements
(a) In every factory, adequate provision of water supply for firefighting shall be
made and where the amount of water required in liters per minute, as calculated
from the formula A plus B plus C Plus D divided by 20 in 550 or more power
driven trailer pumps of adequate capacity to meet the requirement of water as
calculated above shall be provided and maintained.
Capacity of Static Storage Exclusively Reserved
Sl.No Nature of Risk
for Hydrant Services.
(1) (2) (3)
Not less than 1 hour aggregate pumping capacity with a
1 Light Hazard
minimum of 1,35,000 liters
2 Ordinary Hazard Not less than 2 hours aggregate pumping capacity
3 High Hazard A Not less than 3 hours aggregate pumping capacity
4 High Hazard B Not less than 4 hours aggregate pumping capacity
1 Abrasive Manufacturing Premises
2 Aerated Water Factories
3 Agarbatti Manufacturing
4 Aluminum, Zinc and Copper Factories.
5 Analytical and/or Quality Control Laboratories
6 Asbestos Steam Packing and Lagging Manufactories
7 Battery Charging/Service Station
8 Battery Manufactories
9 Breweries
10 Brick Works
11 Canning Factories
12 Cardamom Factories
13 Cement Factories and/or Asbestos Products Manufacturing.
14 Ceramic Factories and Crockery and Stoneware Pipe Manufacturing
15 Cinema Theatres (including Preview Theatres)
16 Clay works
17 Clock and Watch Manufacturing
18 Clubs
19 Coffee Curing an Roasting Premises
20 Computer installation (Main Frame).
21 Condensed Milk Factories, Milk Pasteurizing Plant and Dairies
22 Confectionery Manufacturing
23 Dwellings
24 Educational and Research Institutes
25 Electric Generating Houses (Hydel)
26 Electric Lamps (incandescent and Fluorescent) and TV Picture Tube
27 Electric Sub-Station Distribution Station.
28 Electroplating Works.
29 Electronicand/or Computer Equipments Assembleand Manufactures.
30 Empty containers Storage Yard.
31 Engineering Workshops
32 Fruits and Vegetables Dehydrating/Drying Factories
33 Fruit Products and Condiment Factories
34 Glass and Glass Fiber Manufacturing
35 Godowns and warehouses storing non-combustible Goods.
36 Green Houses.
37 Gold Thread Factories/Gliding Factories.
38 Gum and/or Glue and Geletine Manufacturing
39 Hospitalincluding X-rayandother Diagnostic Clinics.
40 Ice Candy and Ice-cream Manufacturing
41 Ice Factories
42 Ink(excluding Printing Ink) Factories.
43 Laundries.
44 Libraries.
45 Mica Products Manufacturing
46 Office premises
47 Places of worship
48 Pottery Works
49 Poultry Farms
50 Residential Hotels, Cafes andRestaurants
51 Salt Crushing Factories and Refineries.
52 Stables
53 Steel Plants(other than Gas based)
54 Sugar candy Manufacturing
55 Sugar Factories and Refineries
56 Tea Blending and Tea Packing Factories
57 Umbrella Assembling Factories
58 Vermicelli Factories
59 Water Treatment/Water Filtration Plants and Water Pump House.


60 Airport and other Transportation Terminal Building
61 Areca Nut Slicing and/or Beterl Nut Factories
62 Attaand Cereal Grinding
63 Bakeries
64 Beedi Factories
65 Biscuit Factories
66 Bobbin Factories
67 Book Binder, Envelopes and Paper Bag Manufactures
68 Bulk Storage
69 Cable Manufacturing
70 Camphor Boiling
71 Candle Works
72 Carbon Paper/Typewriter Ribbon Manufactures
73 Cardboard Box Manufacturing
74 Carpenters, Wood Wool And Furniture Manufactures
75 Carpet And Druggist Factories
76 Cashew Nut Factories
77 Chemical Manufacturing
78 Cigar And Cigarette Factories
79 Coffee Grinding Premises
80 Coir Factories
81 Coir Carpets, Rugs And Tobacco, Hides And Skin Presses
82 Cold Storage Premises
83 Cork Products Manufacturing
84 Dry Cleaning, Dyeing And Laundries
85 Electric Generating Stations(Other Than Hydel)
86 Enamelware Factories
28 Filter And Wax Paper Manufacturing
29 Flour Mills
30 Garages
31 Garment Makers
32 Ghee Factories (Other Than Vegetable)
33 Godowns And Warehouses (Others)
34 Grain And/Or Seeds DisintegratingAnd/orCrushing Factories
35 Grease Manufacturing
36 Hat And Topee Factories
37 Hosiery, Lace, Embroidery And Thread Factories
38 Incandescent Gas Mantle Manufactures
39 Industrial gas manufacturing including halogenated hydrocarbon gases.
40 Linoleum Factories.
41 Man-made Yard/Fiber Manufacturing (Except Acrylic).
42 Manure and Fertilizer Works (Blending, mixing and granulating only).
43 Mercantile Occupancies (Departmental Stores, Shopping Complexes of Malls).
44 Mineral Oil Blending and Processing
45 Museums.
46 Oiland Leather Cloth Factories
47 Oil Terminals/Depots other than those categorized under high hazard A.
48 Oxygen Plants.
49 Plywood Manufacturing/Wood Veneering Factories.
50 Paperand Cardboard Mills.
51 Piers, wharves, dockyards.
52 Plastic Goods Manufacturing.
53 Printing Press Premises.
54 Pulverizing and Crushing Mills.
55 Rice Mills.
56 Rope Works.
57 Rubber Goods Manufacturing.
58 Rubber Tyres and Tubes Manufacturing.
59 Shellac Factories.
60 Shopping Complexes (underground).
61 Silk filaturesandcocoonstores.
62 Spray Painting.
63 Soaps and Glycerine Factories.
64 Starch Factories.
65 Steel Plants (Gas Based).
66 Tanneries/Leather Goods Manufacturers.
67 Tank farms other than those categories under high hazard A.
68 Textile Mills.
69 ea Factories.
70 Telephone Exchanges.
71 Theatres and Auditoriums.
72 Tobacco (Chewing) and pan-masala making.
73 Tobacco Grinding and Crushing.
74 Tobacco Re-drying Factories.
75 Woolen Mills.


Sub-Category -A :
76 Aircraft Hangers.
77 Aluminium/Magnesium Powder Plants.
78 Bituminised Paper and/or Hessian Cloth Manufacturing inducltrig Tar Felt
79 Cotton Waste Factories.
80 Coaland/or Coke and/or Charcoal Ball Briquettes Manufacturing.
81 Celluloid goods manufacturing.
82 Cigarette filter manufacturing.
83 Cinema films and T.V. production studios
84 Collieries.
85 Cotton Seed Cleaning or De-lining Factories.
86 Distilleries.
12 Duplicatingand StencilPaper Manufacturing.
13 Fire-Works Manufacturing.
14 Foamed Plastics Manufacturing and/or Converting Plants.
15 Grass Hay, Fodder and Bhoosa (chaff).
16 Pressing Factories.
17 Jute Mills and Jute Presses.
18 LPG Bottling Plants (Mini)*
(* Bottling plants having total inventory not exceeding 100 Metric Ton of
Liquefied Petroleum Gas and also bottling a total quantity of not exceeding 20
19 Match Factories.
20 Man Made Fibers (Acrylic fibers/Yarnmaking).
21 Mattress and Pillow Making.
22 MetalorTinPrinters(wheremorethan50%offloorareaisoccupiedas
Engineering Workshop, thismaybetakenas Ordinary Hazard Risk).
23 Oil Mills.
24 Oil Extraction Plants (other than those forming part of ghee factories and oil
refining factories).
25 Oil Terminals/Depots handling flammable liquids having flash point of 32°C
and below.
26 Paints and Varnish Factories.
27 Printing InkManufacturing
28 Saw Mills.
29 Sponge Iron Plants.
30 Surgical Cotton Manufacturers.
31 Tank Farms storing flammable liquids having flash point of 32°C and below.
32 Tarpaulin and Canvas Proofing Factories.
33 Turpentine and Rosin Distilleries.
34 Tyre Retreading and Resoling Factories.
35 Ammonia and Urea Synthesis Plants
36 CNG Compressing and Bottling Plant
37 Explosive Factories
4 LPG Bottling Plants (other than Mini)
5 Petrochemical Plants
6 Petroleum Refineries
(b) Each trailer pump shall be provided with equipment as per Schedule II appended
to this paragraph. Such equipment shall conform to the relevant Indian Standard.
(c) Trailer pumps shall be housed in a separate shed or sheds which shall be sited close
to a principal source of water supplies in the vicinity of the main risks of the
(d) In factories where the area is such as cannot be reached by man-hauling of trailer
pumps within reasonable time vehicles with towing attachment shall be provided at
the scale of one for every four trailer pumps with a minimum of one such vehicle
kept available at all times.
(e) [The hydrant system should be distributed round the factory with due regard to

potential fire risks at the factory. Where piped supply is provided, the size of the
main shall not be less than 15 cm diameter and it shall be
capableofsupplyingaminimumof 4,500 liters perminuteatapressureofnot less
than 7 kilograms per square cm. in case of light hazard occupancies. In case of
high hazard area, the water pressure should be 10 kg. per square centimeter.
A certificate of completion from the installing engineer stating the pressure test to
which the installation has been subjected and giving the dates from which it is in
complete working order should also be submitted at the office of the inspector of
(f) Alltrailerpumpsincludingtheequipmentprovidedwiththemandthevehicles for
towing them shall be maintained in good condition and subjected to periodical
inspection and testing as required.

(12 Personnel in-charge of equipment and for fire fighting, fire

) drills, etc.
(a) The first-aid and other firefighting equipment to be provided as required in sub-
paragraph (10) and (11) shallbe in-charge of a trained responsible person.
(b) Sufficient number of persons shall be trained in the proper handling of
firefighting equipment as referred to in clause (a) and their use against the types
of fire for which they are intended to ensure that adequate number of persons are
available for firefighting both by means of first-aid firefighting equipment and
others. Such persons shall be provided with clothing and equipment including
helmets, belts and boots, preferably gumboots. Wherever vehicles with towing
attachment are to be provided as required in clause (d) of sub-paragraph (11)
sufficient number of persons shall be trained
in driving these vehicles to ensure that trained persons are available for driving
them whenever the need arises.
(c) Fire fighting drills shall be held as often as necessary and at least once in every
(13) Automatic sprinkler and fire hydrants shall be in addition and not in substitution of the
requirements in sub-paragraphs (10) and (1 1).
(14) If the Chief Inspector is satisfied in respect of any factory or any part of the factory
that owing to the exceptional circumstances such as inadequacy of water supply or
infrequencyofthemanufacturingprocessorforanyotherreason, toberecordedin
writing, all or any of the requirements of the rules are impracticable or not
necessaryfortheprotectionofworkers, hemaybyorderinwriting(whichhemayat his
discretion revoke) exempt such factory or part of the factory from all or any of the
provisions of the rules subject to conditions as he may by such order prescribe.
(15) [Plan of fire-fighting installations showing the entire compound, whole buildings therein,

within their doors and window openings, boundary walls, etc., should be submitted to
the office of the Inspector of Factories, the State Fire Directorate and the local
(1) The different types of fire and first-aid firefighting equipment suitable for use on

Class of fire Suitable type of Appliances

Class ‘A’ Fires Water expelling type extinguishers
Class ‘B’ Fires Foam, dry, power, vaporizing liquid and carbon dioxide
Class ‘C’ Fires Dry powder, vaporizing liquid and carbon dioxide extinguishers
(2) Where cleanliness and contamination of sensitive electrical equipment are of
importance or where the sensitivity of the control instruments or electronic equipment
and systems are likely to be affected. only carbon dioxide or vaporizing liquid type
extinguishers should be used
(3) For fires involving polar solvents and other water miscible flammable liquids, dry
powder type or mechanical foam extinguisher with alcohol-resistant foam should be used.]
For light trailer pump of a capacity of 680 liters/ minute
1 Armoured suction hose of 9 meters length, with wrenches. 1
Metal suctionstrainer.
1 Basket strainer.
1 Two-waysuctioncollecting-head.
1 Suctionadapter.
10 Unlinedorrubberlined 70 mm. deliveryhoseof25 meterslengthcompletewithquick-
release couplings.
1 Dividing breaching-piece.
2 Branch-piecewith 15 mm. nozzles.
1 Diffuser nozzle.
1 Standpipe with blank cap.
1 Hydrant key.
4 Collapsible canvas buckets. 1
Firehook(preventer) withcuttingedge. 1 25mm.
manilaropeof30 meterslength. 1 Extension
ladder of 9 meters length (where necessary). 1 Heavy axe.
1 Spade.
1 Pick axe.
1 Crowbar.
1 Saw.
1 Hurricane lamp.
1 Electric torch.
1 Pair rubber glows.
For large trailer pump of capacity of 1800 liters/minute
1 Armoured suction hose of 9 meters length with wrenches. 1
Metal strainer.
1 Basket strainer.
1 Three-way suction, collectinghead.
14 Unlinedorrubberlined 70 mm. deliveryhoseof 25 meterslengthcompletewithquick-
release couplings.
1 Dividing breaching-piece.
1 Collecting breaching-piece.
4 Branch pipes with one 25 mm., two 20 mm. and one diffuser nozzles. 2
Standpipe with blank caps.
2 Hydrant keys.
6 Collapsible canvas buckets.
1 Coiling hook (preventer) with cutting edge.
1 50 mm. manila rope of 30 mm. meters length. 1
Extension ladder of 9 meters length (where necessary). 1
Heavy axe.
1 Spade.
1 Pick-axe.
1 Crowbar.
1 Saw.
1 Hurricane lamp.
1 Electric torch.
1 Pair rubber gloves.
Explanation- if it appears to the Chief Inspector of Factories that in any factory the provision
of breathing apparatus is necessary he may by an order in writing require the occupier to
provide suitable breathing apparatus in addition to the equipment for light trailer pump or
large trailer pump as the case may be

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