Canal & Canal Lining PDF
Canal & Canal Lining PDF
Canal & Canal Lining PDF
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Indian Standard
( Second Revision)
I) DIS 1993
(WRD13 )
Irrigation Canals and Canal Linings Sectional Committee RVD 13
This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Irrigation Canals and Canal Linings Sectional Committee had been approved by the River
Valley Division Council.
This standard was first published in 1966 and subsequently reviled in 1978. This second revision
has been made in view of the experience gained during the course of these years in use of this
standard. In this revision the scope of standard has been enlarged so as to cover precast cement'
concrete tiles/stone slabs. The text has been updated by making reference to latest version of
• J Lining of canals is considered an important feature of irrigation projects as it not only
minimizes the loss of water due to seepage but also results in achieving considerable economy in
the use of cultivable land which would otherwise be prone to waterlogging due to rise in water
table. Further, the water thus saved can be usefully employed for the extension and improve-
ment of irrigation facilities. Lining of water courses in the area irrigated by tube wells assumes
special significance as the pumped water supply is relatively more costly.
Lining of canals permits the adoption of high velocities resulting in proportionate savings of the
cross-sectional areas of the channel and land width required with corresponding saving in the
cost of excavation and masonry work, which may in certain cases offset completely the extra
. cost of lining. Also, the lining ensures stability of channel sections thereby reducing the
maintenance cost. Lining of canals in erodible soils helps in maintaining regime. Lining prevents
rodents and other burrowing animals from digging holes in the embankments and causing canal
breaches. The benefits that accrue from lining canals generally justify the initial capital cost and
because of this there is now better appreciation of the need for lining on canals.
Judicious selection of serviceable and economical lining at the first instance and subsequently
proper execution of the work while laying the canal lining reflects considerably in achieving
overall economy in the project. Guidance with regard to the selection of canal lining for any
particular canal is given in IS 10430 : 1982 'Criteria for design of lined canals and guidelines
for selection of type of lining'. However, having once decided to adopt lining in any particular
canal, this standard would give necessary guidance in laying cement concrete ( cast In-situ and
precast) and stone slab lining.
IS 3873 : 1993
Indian Standard
( Second Revision)
1 SCOPE 3.2 Consolidation
This standard covers lining on canals using The gradual reduction in volume of a soil
plain cement concrete in-situ/precast and stone resulting from an increase in compressive
slabs. stresses.
2 REFERENCES 3.3 Construction Joint
The Indian Standards listed below are necessary A joint occurring in a structure composed of
adjuncts to this standard: homogeneous material, such as earth or con-
IS No. Title crete, along a plane or surface formed by
cessation of placing of material for a time, such
456 : 1978 Code of practice for plain and as overnight or for several days.
reinforced concrete (third
revision) 3.4 Expansion Joint
1128 : 1974 Specification for linestone A joint provided in exposed members between
( slabs and tiles) (first revision) fixed points to permit vertical movement where
2720 Methods of test for soils: differential settlement is anticipated.
( Part 7 ) : 1980 Part 7 Determination of water 3.5 Lip Cutting
content--dry density relation
using light compaction ( second Cutting of the extra width provided at the inner
revision) face of the bank under compaction to allow for
any lapses in compaction due to the inability of
3384 : 1985 Specification for bitumen sheep-foot rollers to cover the edge of the bank
primer for use in waterproof- resulting from the safe limits set by different
ing and damp-proofing (first operators of compaction machinery.
3.6 Slip..l.orm
3622 : 1977 Specification for sandstone
(slabs and tiles) (first revision) A steel plate provided at the leading edge of the
4558 : 1983 Code of practice for under- slip-form machine, extending across the bottom
drainage of lined canals (first and up the slopes of the canals to form the
revision) finished surface of the lining.
9451 : 1985 Guidelines for lining of canals 3.7 Subgrade
in expansive soils (first revision) Specially prepared canal profile for placement
10430 ; 1982 Criteria for design of lined of lining.
canals and guidelines for
selection of lining 4 PREPARATION OF SUBGRADE
4.1 Expansive Soils
10466 : 1991 Specification for precast
cement concrete tiles for canal The detailed position in this regard is given in
lining (first revision) IS 9451 : 1985.
4.1.1 If the expansive clay is in thin layers or
3 TERMINOLOGY in small pockets in an otherwise suitable
3.0 For the purpose of this standard, the subgrade it should be over-excavated and
following definitions shall apply. replaced with a suitable non-expansive soil and
compacted suitably.
3.1 Compaction
4.2 Preparation of Subgradc Consisting of Rock
The densification of a soil by means of The subgrade in rock should be excavated
mechanical manipulation. to the required cross section. Over excavation
IS 3873 : 1993
in rock is generally unavoidable and should be established centre line of the canal and the
minimized by using wedging and barring corresponding design levels. For verifying the
methods, for final dressing. slope of the templates representing the sample
4.2.1 Over-excavation in hard strata having profiles the diagonals of the cross-section of
side slopes more than 1 : 1 beyond the profile canal, between the two opposite side templates
line may be backfilled with gravel and aggregate, are checked. After laying the templates to the
large aggregate forming the bulk of backfill correct profile a cord should be stretched over
with smaller aggregate filling the voids and a the two templates (representing the same
layer of pea gravel as binding material. The bed profiles) and run along the slope till the surface
may then be compacted with road rollers and between the two profiles is properly levelled
sides with rammers to form a firm backing for and dressed from top to bottom.
the lining. 4.3.3 [f at any point material of prepared sub-
For over excavation in hard strata having side grade has been excavated, beyond the neat
slope less than 1 : 1, beyond the profile, the lines required to receive lining, the excess
backfilling may be suitably done with chip excavation should be filled with graded filter
masonry or lean concrete. However, for bed the material compatible with subgrade material and
backfilling may be done with properly compac- thoroughly compacted in accordance with 4.3.5
ted murum. Over excavation up to 5 em may be and 4.3.6.
backfilled. If over excavation is up to 10 cm ~.3.3.1 When partial filling of an existing canal
lean concrete may be used. Beyond 10 cm IS necessary to adequately reduce the cross-
backfilling with chip masonry is preferable. sectional area to that required for lined canal,
4.2.2 For slip-form paving, over excavation up the fill should be placed and suitably compacted
to 10 to 15 cm may be required. Such over- to avoid its settlement and rupture of the lining.
excavation may be backfilled with selected 4.~.4 To cover up any lapses in the compaction
material and compacted at optimum moisture. of the inner core of the banks near the edges
The material selected should be machine and to allow sufficient width for a labourer to
trimmable and be gravel/stone-free earth. work conveniently a lip cutting width of not less
4.2.3 Tolerance in Excavation than SO em horizontally should be provided.
Depending upon the nature of soil and the side
Excavated profile provides the final base for the slo~es of the canal, the lip cutting width may
lining and the tolerance should be comparable be In the range of 50 to 100 em. For canals in
to those required for paving. embankment it should be ensured that one
Departure from established alignment: monsoon is passed for proper consolidation
± 20 mm on straight section, before lining is done.
± 50 mm 011 tangents, and 4.3.5 Compaction of Subgrade Predominantly
± 100 mm on curves. Sandy Reaches
Departure from established grade: Bed
± 20 mm. The compaction of the bed should be done by
over-saturating the bed by flooding it with water
4.3 Preparation of Subgrade Consisting of Soil before lining is laid.
The subgrade should be prepared, dressed and
rolled true to level and according to the requi- Sides
red cross-section of the canal to form a firm The compaction of sides should be done by
compacted subgrade for the lining. over-cutting the subgrade by 15 em and
4.3.1 In other than predominantly sandy refilling it with lean mortar with adequate
reaches where the dry bulk density of the quantities of lime or cement or by vibro-
natural soil is not less than 1·8 g/cm8 , initial compactors.
excavation should be done up to about 30 em 4.3.6 Compaction of Subgrade in Other than
above the final section and the cutting to final Predominantly Sandy Reaches
shape should be done immediately before
All compaction should be done at optimum
lining. moisture content in layers not more than 15
4.3.2 For checking the uniformity of side slopes, em thick to obtain a dry bulk densi ty of not
sample proftles at an interval of about 20 m, in less than 95 percent of the density at optimum
straight reaches and 10 m in curved reaches moisture content obtained in accordance with
should be made. Concrete templates of suit- IS 2720 ( Part 7 ) : 1980.
able size should be laid on the sample profiles.
To begin with the top and bottom of the side Where the dry bulk density of the
templates should be fixed with reference to the natural soil is equal to or more than 1·8 g/em s,
IS 3873 : 1993
the procedure described in 4.3.1 should be 4.5.1 Before spraying crude oil, subgrade should
followed. be perfectly dry, clean and free from dirt. and
crude oil should be allowed to penetrate the Bed subgrade surface. Bitumen should be heated
Where the dry bulk density of the natural soil to a temperature of 175°C and appiled to the
is less than 1·8 g/cm 3 and the subsoil water is subgrade by a suitable sprayer. Immediately
near the subgrade, the consolidation should be following the application of bitumen, dry sand
done by under cutting the bed by 7·5 em and should be uniformly spread. Lining should be
then ploughing up to 15 em below the sub- started 6-12 hours after spraying.
grade level. The loosened soil should then be
recompacted with sheep foot rollers or other 5 LAYING OF IN-SITU CONCRETE LINING
suitable devices.
S.O The concrete used for lining should be
Where the subsoil water is low, requiring no design mlx concrete of grade M 10 or M 15 and
dewatering and the dry bulk density of the should conform to requirement of IS 456:
natural soil is less than 1·8 g/cm8 , the consoli- 1978.
dation should be . done by digging the canal up
• I. • • , ••••
IS 3873 : 1993
5.3 Tolerance in Concrete Thickness, Alignment In case fil ter material is to be pi ovided over
and Grade subgr adc to take care of differential .hydro~ta
tic pressure and draw-down in canals, designs
a) Departure from estab- ± 20 mm on stra- of coarse filter material blanket immediately in
lished alignment ight reaches contact with lining would be necessary. To
± 50 mm on par- make such filter blanket effective and to prevent
tial curves or ingress of concrete into it, before placement of
tangents concrete, polythene sheet should be placed over
the filter blanket. All concrete should be placed
b) Departure from estab- ± 20 film on directly in its' final position within 20 minutes
lished grade small canals of mixing, Concrete should not be dropped
c) Variation in concrete, ± 10 mm provi- fr. m excessive height and free fall should be
lining thickness ded average kept to a minimum to avoid segregation.
thickness is not Construction should be continued until satis-
less than speci- factory construction joint is made. Concrete
fied thiokness should not be placed faster than the placing
crew can compact it properly.
5.4 Mimi 5.5.1 Hand Placing
Concrete should normally be mixed in a mecha- Hand placing of concrete should normally be
nical mixer. adopted where cheap labour is available.
~.5 Placing , 5.5. t.l Depending upon the construction method
Placing of concrete should not be started until and arr.mgernent of concreting, the sequence of
all formwork, installation of parts to be embed- placing concrete either on the sides or the bed
ded and preparation of surfaces upon which should be decided. It is preferable to place
concrete is to be laid have been completed. concrete on the sides first if the concreting
All absorptive surfaces against which concrete equipment and the construction materials
is to be laid should be moistened thoroughly like aggregate, sand etc, are kept on the ca!1al
so that moisture will not be withdrawn bed. This will prevent the bed from getting
from freshly placed concrete. The surfaces spoiled by the subsequent concreting opera-
however, should be free from standing water tions for the sides. Other things being equal
and mud and 1: 3 cement slurry shall be placement for bed first should be preferred.
spread over the moist subgrade before placing 5 5.1.2 The concreting of the sides and bed
concrete to prevent absorption of water from should be done in alternate panels. The panel
'concrete making it spongy. A plastic mem- width should vary from 2 to 3 m. In no case
brane of low density polythene film of suitable should the panel width exceed more than 3 m
thickness may be used below the concrete lin- as wider bays require unwieldy vibrators for
ing in sides and in beds where the subgrade of compaction. The constru~tion joints sh.ould. be
the lining is of pervious materials like murum either parallel or perpendicular to the direction
etc so as to prevent absorption of water in of flow. In case the full supply depth is high,
sUbgrade from green concrete, during place- construction joints along r'ie direction of flow
ment on the subgrade. The approved film is to to divide the length of the panel should be
be laid on the neatly w~J1 dressed subgrade, and provided. For this purpose wooden rafters
fixed in the subgrade so as to prevent displace- should be used.
ment during the placement of the concrete.
The use of polytheue sheets is for achieving The succeeding panels should be laid at an
better ultimate imperviousness of the lining as interval of one day. If the sloping length is less
a whole. The following properties of L. D. P. E. than 2·5 to 3 metres, concrete should be placed
film are given as guidelines with deviation to in one operation over the entire length. In case
the extent of ( plus or minus) 10 percent. of deeper canals where the sloping length is
1) Tensile strength 17·5 N/mml more it should be suitably divided (say for a
length of about 2 metres) in each alternate
2) Tear resistance 9·5 N/Jnm 2 panel so as to prevent appreciable downward
flow of concrete.
NOTE - Till better materials are developed, use of
LOPE fllm of appropriate strength and resistance The bays/panels should be formed by proper
against slippage of tunnel may be adopted as a second form-work of M. S. channels laid all around the
line of defence against embankment failure and a~ a
seepage barrier parttcularly in high capacity bay. The channels should be firmly spiked to
channels of relatively bigger depth. the subgrade so that no movement takes place
IS 3873 : 1993
IS 3873 : 1993
additions, where required, should be made by lining. The top surface of the key should be
cutting regular openings into the concrete finished with a downward slope of 1 in 10 or so
and placing fresh concrete to the required lines. towards the canal. A day after completion of
'The chipped openings should be sharp and concreting of all panels between two templates,
should not be less than 70 mm in depth. The concreting of key slab should be done.
fresh concrete should be reinforced with wire
mesh extending to the full depth of the slab and Concurrently with the curing operation, surface
chipped and trowelled to the surface of the drainage arrangement of the bank such as cons-
openings. The mortar should be placed in layers truction of keys, bank surface slope away from
not more than 20 mm in thickness after being the lining and construction of longitudinal drain
compacted and each layer should be compacted on the outer wedge shall be completed. This is
thoroughly. All exposed concrete surface should necessary to prevent surface and subgrade
be cleaned of impurities, Jumps of mortar or erosion and consequent damage to lining.
ta, grout and unsightly stains. S.' Joints
5.6.1 The concrete should be finished to an even 5.9.1 Expansion Joints
and smooth surface free from pockets, voids or
exposed aggregates. This should be obtained These should not be provided except where a
by careful use of a long-handled steel trowel. structure intersect is the canal. The details
Any remaining roughness or rough spots shall are given in relevant Indian Standards covering
be rendered smooth, without any time interval such structures.
after laying the concrete, with cement mortar
of 1 : 3 proportion. S.9.2 Construction Joints
S.7 Curing Construction joints form a weak link in the lining
and deterioration is generally noticed at such
Subsequent to laying of concrete lining and joints. Besides joints are potential seepage
after a period of 12 hours, the lining should be points for the canal water. As such, number of
cured for at least 28 days. joints should be kept to the minimum and great
5.7.1 Bed Lining care should be taken to obtain well compacted
and smooth concrete surface at joints. To
Twelve hours after laying of concrete, small ensure a good surface the shuttering should be
bunds longitudinal and cross-wise consisting of smooth, cleaned, well oiled and rigidly fixed at
earth materials or lean mortar ( I : 15 ) should site. Besides different mechanisms for compac-
be laid for 'U height of 8 em for the purpose of tion of concrete in lining, tamping with iron
curing. Water will be kept always ponded in bar near the joint surface gives better results.
these bunds for 28 days continuously.
To cater for initial shrinkage and cracks, con-
S.7.2 Side Lining creting should be done in alternate panels
The panel in which concreting is done the pre- or bays. The panel size for the bed and slope
vious day should be covered with burlap or of the canal should be adopted as given in 5.5.
empty cement gunny bags. 25 em wide L.D.P.E film of 150 micron thickness
should be placed on the top of sleepers, provid-
For the purpose of curing, water tank of 5 000 ed to support construction joints. The top of
litres capacity should be placed on a platform at film and side of panel should be applied with
the edge of service road at the rate of one printer conforming to IS 3384 : 1985. This sheet
for 500 m length of lining, which should be kept acts as an intercepter for seepage through the
filled with water, with arrangement of outlet joint. In case lining is laid by mechanical paver,
and flexible hose of at least 300 m length. PVC water stops are placed at joints along with
Water should be continuously sprinkled on the · the concreting. The water stops in such a case
gunny bags or hessian cloth keeping them wet should be provided at a spacing not more than 4
for 28 days. Sprinkling shall be done during metres centre to centre.
night time also. The curing of side slopes may be
done by constructing masonry drains with weep 6 LAYING OF PRECAST CONCREfE TILES/
boles or perforated pipes on the coping at the STONE SLAB LINING
top of lining or by sprinklers.
6.1 The tile should conform to IS 10646: 1991
5.8 Surface Drainage and stone slab to IS ) 128 : 1974 or IS 3622 :
1977 of length 0·45 to 0 90 em, width 0·45 m
The top of the side lining concrete should be and thickness 35 to 50 mm.
keyed into the subgrade both in cutting as well
as banking by taking it horizontally for a 6.1 The lining should be started only when at
width of about 300 mm, This key would prevent least 3S m length of canals subgrade is 'properly
direct entry of surface rain water behind the dressed to receive lining. The arrangement
IS 3873 : 1993
for mortar and availability of sufficient number 6.6 On completion of laying lining should
of tiles/stone slabs should be ensured before be kept wet by sprinkling water over it to
starting the work. keep the mortar wetted. On the next day,
the surface should be kept wet and joints
6.3 The subgrade should then be uniformly should be carefully wetted. Hollow joints
soaked with water without making it slushy to should be raked to a depth of 12 rom, loose
ensure that water penetrates to a depth of mortar removed from sides and top of tiles/
about 300 mm in sandy soil and about 150 mm stone slabs and the joints properly refilled.
in other soils. Wetting of subgrade should Loose tiles/stone slab should be removed and
continue in advance of laying of tiles so relaid.
that soil does not absorb moisture from the
mortar laid on the subgrade on laying the layer 6.8 The complete lining should be checked for
of tiles. level with wooden templates and spirit levels.
6.4 Single tiles/stone slab profile of lining 7 SAFETY LADDERS
parallel to central line of the canal should be
prepared at suitable intervals. Mortar ( 1 : 3 ) 7.1 Safety ladders should be constructed in
should uniformly be spread over subgrade for a canal lining as directed by the engineer-in-
minimum thickness of 12 mm and the tiles charge.
should be properly laid in position quickly. It
should be ensured that vertical joints are com- 7.1.1 Safety ladders consisting of ladder rungs
pletely filled with mortar. The tiles should be should be constructed in canal lining about 30 m
laid in bed with their lengths at right angles upstream of the point where the canal enters
to the central line of the canal while on the some underground structure. In other reaches
other side slopes they should be laid parallel to safety ladders may be provided at a spacing of
the central line. about 300 m; the ladders being provided alter-
natively on either side.
Tiles should be firmly embedded in mortar.
Hollows, jf any, should be rectified by relaying 7.1.2 Ladder rungs should be smooth, round
defective portion with fresh mortar. The tiles mild steel bars, galvanized or coated with
should be laid over a minimum of 12 mm thick coaltar after installation.
cement mortar and having aggregate less than
6 rom to bring overall fineness modulus less 7.2 Typical details of safety ladder are
than 2. Hollow the joints should be raked and illustrated in Fig. 3.
pointed with the same mortar. The thickness
of joint should be 20 to 25 .mm. As an alternative to safety ladders steps of rise
150 mm, tread 300 m and 1 500 mm wide may be
6.5 Stone slabs should be firmly embedded in provided in plain cement concrete of grade
mortar. Hollows if any should -be rectified by M-IO at a spacing of 300 m centre to centre
relaying the defective portions with fresh ( staggered) on either side of canal. Details of
mortar. the steps are illustrated in Fig. 4.
'IS 3873 : 1993
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Is7112 :2002
Indian Standard
(First Revision)
ICS 93160
0 BIS 2002
NEW DELHI 110002
This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Canals and Cross Drainage Works Sectional Committee had been approved by the Water Resources
Division Council.
Among the different types of terrain through which a canal may pass the most common one is the alluvial tract.
The cross-section of the canal in alluvial soil, therefore, needs to be designed on considerations of stable and
regime flow.
This standard was first published in 1973 deriving assistance from the following publications:
India Central Board of Irrigation and Power. Statistical design formulae for alluvial canal system,
Lacey (G). Sediment as factor in the design of unlined irrigation canals. General report on Q. 20 Sixth
Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, New Delhi, 1966. international Commission on Irrigation and
This revision of the standard has been taken up to incorporate the latest technological changes in this field as
well as to account for the experiences gained during the last three decades.
There is no 1S0 standard on the subject. This standard has been prepared based on indigenous data and taking
into consideration the practices prevalent in the field in India.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex E.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated expressing the result of a test or analysis, should be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified vaIue in this standard.
IS 7112:2002
Indian Standard
(First Revision)
This standard covers criteria for design of cross-section 4.1 Having determined the canal capacity in various
of unlined canals in alluvial soil. reaches in accordance with IS 5968 the section
required to carry the design discharge shall be worked
2 REFERENCE out. A trapezoidal section is recommended for the
The following Indian Standard contains provisions canal. From the longitudinal section of the ground
which through reference in this text, constitute along the proposed alignment the average slope of the
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, ground shall be determined. This would be the
maximum average slope which can be provided on
the edition indicated was valid. All standards are
the canal (for design slope see 4.8)
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based
on this standard are encouraged to investigate the 4.2 Side Slopes
possibility of applying the most recent edition of the
standard indicated below: These shall depend on the local soil characteristics
and shall be designed to withstand the following
IS No. Title conditions during the operation of the canal:
1S 5968:1987 Guide for planning and layout of a) The sudden draw-down condition for inner
canals system for irrigation @t slopes, and
revision) b) The canal running full with banks saturated
3 DATA REQUIRED due to rainfall.
3.1 The following data shall be collected for design of 4.2.1 Canal in filling will generally have side slopes
canal sections: of 1,5: 1, for canals in cutting the side slope should
be between 1:1 and 1.5:1 depending upon the type
a) Topographic map of area to a scale of
of the soil.
I : 10000 showing alignment of canal
communication lines (roads, railway, etc) and 4.3 Freeboard
other features. A contour interval of 2 m in
hilly areas and 0.3 m in plains is to be adopted Freeboard in a canal is governed by consideration of
in the preparation of this map; the canal size and location, rain water inflow, water
surface fluctuation caused by regulators, wind action,
b) Longitudinal section of the ground along
soil characteristics, hydraulic gradients, service road
the proposed alignment to a horizontal
requirements, and availability of excavated material.
scale of 1 : 10000 and vertical scale of
A minimum freeboard of 0.5 m for discharge (Q) less
1 :100, showing the upstream water level than 10 cumecs and 0.75 m for discharge (Q) greater
at point of offtake, bed slope, Lacey’s silt than 10 cumecs is recommended. The freeboard shall
factor ‘J’ or Manning’s Rugosity coefficient be measured from the full supply level to the level of
‘n’, side slope assumed, velocity and depth, the top of bank.
the discharge for which the canal is to be
NOTE — The height of the dowel portion shall not be used for
designed in various reaches, sub-soil
tkeboard purposes.
characteristics at every 5 km and also
wherever marked change is noticed, pre- 4.4 Bank Top Width
monsoon and post-monsoon ground water
The minimum values recommended for top width of
levels, position of crossings (roads,
the bank are as given in Table 1.
railways, drainage, etc) and position of
curves; 4.5 Radii of Curvature
c) Cross-section of the ground at every km; and
The values of radius of curvature of the canal shall be
d) Transmission losses. determined according to IS 5968.
IS 7112:2002
Tablel Minimum Values for provided so as to retain the minimum cover over the
Top Width of the Bank hydraulic grade line (see 4.4).
(Clause 4.4)
4.7 Dowel
SI Discharge Minimum Bank Top Width
No. (m’/s)- A
Dowel having top width of 0.5 m, height above road
~nsr)ectlon Non-insr)ectioni level of 0.5 m and side slopes 1.5:1 shall be provided
Bank Btik
on the service road side between the road and the canal
(1) (2) (:) (T)
(see Fig. 1).
i) 0.15 to 7.5 5,0 1.5
ii) 7.5 to 10.0 5.0 2.5 4.8 Bed Width, Depth and Slope
iii) 10.0 to 15.0 6.0 2.5
iv) 15.0 to 30.0 7.0 3.5 These shall be designed for the various reaches to carry
the required discharges according to the best prevalent
NOTES practice (see Notes).
1 Width between and outside of these limits maybe used when NOTES
jw.tilied by specitic conditions.
1 A number of methods t’ordesign of unlined canals in alluvium
2 For distributary canals carrying less than 1,5 cumecs and minor
are in vogue in the country but al I of them have some I imitations.
canals, it is generall y not economical to construct a service road
The use of such a method which has been applied and proved to
on top of bank as this usually requires more materials than the give good results under similar conditions is the best solution.
excavation provides. [n such cases, service road maybe provided
2 For design of alluvial channels, Lacey’s regime equations have
on natural ground surface adjacent to the bank, however, the
been in use for nearly four decades. The method of design
importance of providing adequate service roads where they are
according to Lacey’s equation is given in Annex A.
needed should always be kept in view.
3 Though the Lacey’s equations have been in common use in the
3 The banks should invariably cover the hydraulic gradient. The
country, it has been long realized that these equations are not
width of the non-inspection bank should be checked to see that
perfect and suffer from certain shorteomings. The mqior diflicuky
cover for hydraulic gradient as given in 4.10.1 is provided.
experienced in the application of Lacey’s equations is the choice
of the appropriate value of silt factor. Moreover, the divergence
4.6 Berms from dimensions given by Lacey’s equation in existing stable
canals has been found significant in many cases. In view of the
Berms along earthen are usually provided to
necessity for evolving formulae more accurate than Lacey”s but
reduce bank loads which may cause sloughing of earth without sacrificing the simplicity of regime equations, type-titted
into the canal section and to lower the elevation of the equations were evolved which are given in Annex B. Within the
service road for easier maintenance. Berms are to be range of data tested, these equations are anticipated to give channel
dimensions which would be nearer to regime conditions. The
provided in all cuttings when the depth of cutting is
regime type-fitted equations recommended for application are not
more than 3 m. Where a canal i’sconstructed in a deep considered the last word on the subject. It should be fully realized
through cut requiring waste banks, berms should be that further modifications in the equations are possible and
provided between the canal section cut and the waste necessary as and when more field observations of stable sites on
the canal systems become available. TIII the use ofthese equations
bank. Various other factors may be involved in
is recommended since they are expected to yield more accurate
determining whether berms should be used and care results than Lacey’s and other regime formulae.
should be taken that their use is justified by the results Lacey modified his equations so as to include sediment
obtained. However, the following practice is concentration (Xin parts per million) and size and density ot’the
recommended: sediment as detined by its fall velocity (~, in m/s) as additional
parameters affecting the regime dimensions of a stable channel.
a) When the full supply level is above ground These are given in Annex C.
level but the bed is below ground level, that 4 Another method of design is by tractive force approach which is
given in Annex D.
is, the canal is partly in cutting and partly in
tilling berm may be kept at natural surface 4.9 Falls
level equal to 2 D in width (see Fig. 1A)
where D is the full supply depth. Having decided on the desirable canal slope and canal
b) When the full supply level and the bed level dimensions, the water surface and bed lines shall be
are both above the ground level, that is, the marked in the longitudinal section providing falls
canal is in filling; the berm may be kept at where necessary. Falls may be provided to see that the
the full supply level equal to 3 D in width canal runs partly in cutting and partly in filling, which
(see Fig. lB). will minimize construction and operation costs and
also to enable flow irrigation to be provided over as
c) When the full supply level is below ground
large an area as possible.
level, that is, the canal is completely in
cutting the berm may be kept at the full supply 4.10 Hydraulic Grade Line
level equal to 2 D in width (see Fig. 1C).
When water runs against fill banks the lines of
4.6. I In embankments, adequate berms may be saturation slant downwards from the water surface
IS 7112:2002
---- ____ ____ ,.. --,... ’$. .........
+1~ ‘f’
1- B
0.3m WIDTH
“/ .
@75 m CIC FOR DRAINAGE .> .>
through the embankment material. The gradient 4.10.1 The hydraulic grade line shall have a cover of
depends mainly on the characteristics and relative 0.3 m. When counter berms are required for this
placement of the different types of material in the purpose, top level of the same shall be 0.3 m below
embankment. For embankments more than 5 m high, fill supply level and the top width of the same shall
the true position of the saturation line shall be worked be 2 m for branch canals and 1 m for distributories. In
out by laboratory tests and the stability of the slope case of canals in very high tilling a second counter
checked. However, the following empirical values for berm may be provided so as to cover the hydraulic
the hydraulic gradients (horizontal to vertical) may grade line.
be used for banks less than 5 m high:
4.11 Catch Water Drainage
For silty soils 4:1
For silty sand 5:1 Effective system of catch water drainage shal I be
For sandy soils 6:1 provided to prevent damage due to rain.
IS 7112:2002
(Clause 4.8, Note 2)
.- i
1S 7112:2002
(Clause 4.8, Note 3)
B-1 The regime type fitted equations evolved on India are given in Table 2.
the basis of data collected from various States in
NOTE — In the above equations average boundary condition is taken care of by fitting ditTerent equations to data obtained from different
States and assuming similar average boundarv conditions in a State.
(Clause 4.8, Note 3)
... - .-”
IS 7112:2002
(Clause 4.8, Note 4)
D-1 DETAILS the Manning’s formula given below:
D-1.1 The unit tractive force exerted on bed of a
running canal can be calculated from the formula:
~ = y.R. S. . . . (lo) Thus the area of cross-section required may be
determined and knowing R and A the desirable canal
where bed width (B) or depth (D) maybe calculated.
T = unit tractive force in kg/m2, Table 3 Values of Rugosity Coefficient (n) for
Y = the unit weight of water in kg/m3 (usually Unlined Canals
1000 kg/m3), (Clause D-1 .2)
R = the hydraulic mean radius in m, and
s] Type of Canal Mml- Normal Maxi-
s = the canal slope. No. mum mum
The permissible tractive force may be defined as the (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
maximum tractive force that will not cause serious i) Earth, straight and unijorm:
a) Clean, recently completed 0.016 0.018 0.020
erosion of the material forming the canal bed on a b) Clean, atter weathering 0.018 0.022 0.025
level surface. The permissible tractive force is a c) Gravel, uniform section, 0.022 0.025 0,030
function of average particle size (DJ of canal bed in
d) With short grass, few 0.022 0.027 0.033
case of canals in sandy soils and void ratio in case of weeds
canals in clayey soils and sediment concentration. The ii) Earth, winding and sluggish:
values of permissible tractive force for straight canal No vegetation 0.023 0.025 0.030
b) Grass, some weeds 0.025 0,030 0.033
have been given by some authors on the basis of 0.030 0.035 0.035
c) Dense weeds or aquatic
laboratory experiments but the same can better be plants in deep channels
determined by analysis of observed data on existing d) Earth bottom and rubble 0.030 0.035 0.040
canals. Once this is done this would provide a rational e) Stony botiom and weedy 0.025 0.035 0.040
approach to the design of secti,on of regime channels, banks
The values of permissible tractive force for sinuous i] Cobble bottom and clean 0.030 0.040 0.050
canals may be reduced by 10 percent for slightly
iii) Dragline excavated or
sinuous ones, by 25 percent for moderately sinuous dredged
ones and by 40 percent for very sinuous ones. a) No vegetation 0.025 0.028 0,033
b) Light brush on banks 0.035 0.050 0,060
D-1.2 In th is approach, first the sediment concentration iv) Channels not maintained
X of the canal flow and the D50size of bed material in (weeds and brush uncuo;
case of non-cohesive soils and void ratio of the bed a) Dense weeds, high as 0.050 0.080 0,120
flow depth
material in case of cohesive soils is determined and b) Clean bottom, brush on 0.040 0,050 0.080
from these corresponding permissible tractive force shall sides
c) Same, highest stage of 0.045 0.070 0.110
be obtained by use of observed data of existing canals,
A suitable bed slope is then selected either with reference d) Dense brush, high stage 0.080 0.100 0.140
to average ground slope along the canal alignment or
on the basis of experience and the value of R shall be
1 For normal alluvial soils. it is usual in India to assume a value
obtained from equation (10). Knowing the value of R of n = 0.020 for bigger c~als (Q> 15 cumecs) and n = 0.0225
and assure ing a suitable value of n for the canal, for smaller canals (Q< 15 cumecs).
referring to Table 3 as a guide, the average desirable 2 A suitable value of n should be adopted keeping in view the
local conditions and the above values as a guide.
velocity of flow in the canal maybe determined by using
1S 7112:2002
Member Secretary
Joint Director (WRD), BIS
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. WRD 13 (312).
Amendments Issued Since Publication
इंटरनेट मानक
IS 9451 : 1994
© DIS 1994
NEW DELHI 110002
February 1,994 Prle. Groa, 3
(Second Revision)
(Page 2, clause 5.2, Table lA ) - substitute 'swelling pressure' for 'swell
( Page 3, clause 6.5, line 7) - Substitute 'Low density polyethylene
(LDPE)' for -WPH' .
(Page 3, clause 6.s, line 11 ) - Substitute 'High molecular mass high
density polyethylene (HDPB-HM)' for-·HDPB-HM·.
(Page 4, Fig. 2) - Substitute 'Cast-in-situ' for 'CIS'.
(Page 4, Annex A ) - Insert C( second revision )' at the end of the title of
IS 3873 : 1993.
(Page 5, Anna A ) - Insert C( fIrSt revision)' at the end of the title of IS
4515 : 1993. '
( Page 5, Annex A ) - Substitute the title of IS 11809 : 1993 by the
'Lining for canals by stone masonry - Code of practice'.
(Page 1, clause 4.1, para 2, first sentence) –– Substitute ‘The free swell
index and swelling pressure tests should be done in accordance with IS 2720
(Part 40) and IS 2720 (Part 41) respectively.’ for ‘The swelling pressure and free
swell index tests should be done in accordance with IS 2720 (Part 40) : 1977 and
IS 2720 (Part 41) : 1977.’
(Page 2, clause 5.2, line 4) –– Substitute ‘IS 10430’ for ‘IS 10430 : 1982’.
[Page 4, clause 7.1] –– Substitute ‘IS 3872, for ‘IS 3872 : 1966’, ‘IS 4515’
for ‘IS 4515 : 1993’, and ‘IS 11809’ for ‘IS 11809 : 1993’.
(Page 4, Annex A) –– Substitute ‘IS 2720 (Part 41) : 1977 Methods of test
for soils : Part 41 Measurement of swelling pressure of soils’ for the existing.
(Page 4, Annex A) –– Substitute ‘IS 3872 : 2002’ for ‘IS 3872 : 1966’ and
Amend No. 2 to IS 9451 : 1994
‘Lining of canals with burnt clay tiles — Code of practice (first revision)’.
(Page 5, Annex A) –– Substitute ‘IS 4515 : 2002’ for ‘IS 4515 : 1993’ and
substitute the following for the existing title:
(Page 5, Annex A) –– Substitute ‘IS 11809 : 1994’ for ‘IS 11809 : 1993’
and substitute the following for the existing title:
(Page 5, Annex A) –– Substitute ‘IS 10430 : 2000’ for ‘IS 10430 : 1982’
and substitute the following for the existing title:
‘IS 10430 : 2000 Criteria for design of lined canals and guidance for selection of
type of lining (first revision)’
(WRD 13)
Thi. Indian Standard ( Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after
the draft finalized by the Irrigation Canals and Canal Linings Sectional Committee had beeD
approved by the River Valley Division Council.
Canals excavated in elpansive soils, such as black cotten soil, pose several problems involving.
stability of slopes and shape or section. To have economical sections and prevent erosion due to
design velocities, it is necessary to line the canal bed and slopes. Precast cement concrete slabs
for side slopes and in-situ concrete for bed are common types of lining adopted for canals in
cutting and embankment. However, it is often experienced that the lining materials directly placed
against the expansive soils undergo deformation by heaving, disturbing the lining and throwing
the canal out of commission. This deformation is traced to the characteristics . swelling and
swelling pressure developed by expansive soils, when they imbibe water in their intra-layers. Adequate
thickness of cohesive non-swelling soil ( eNS) material is found to resist swelling pressure and
prevent the heaving of underlying soil. From experiments in laboratory and field it is concluded
that deformations may be correlated to the thickness of eNS layer and swelling pressure charac-
teristics or expansive soil. This standard Jays down guidelines for the treatment 0(-
expansive soil. by introduction of a cohesive non-swelling soil layer of suitable thickness between
the expansive soil mass and the linin. material to counteract the swelling pressure and resultant
deformation of the lining material on a scientific basil.
This standard was first published in 1980 and the first revision was taken up in 1985. The second
revision has been taken up in view of the experience gained during the course of these years in the
use of this standard. The following major changes have been incorporated in this revision:
1) Identification and properties of expansive soil have been referred to the relevant Indian
2) Instead of three types of treatment only one type of treatment has been provided.
3) Modifications have been incorporated in Table 1.
4) Construction procedure for canal in cutting and embankment has been added in detail.
S) Clauses on under-drainage arrangements and joints in lining have been elaborated.
6) Fig. 1 and 2 have been incorporated.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with;
the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded
oft' in accordance with IS 2: 1960 'Rules for rounding off numerical values (revI8~d)'. The
number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the lame al that of the-
specified value in this standard.
IS 9451 : 1"4
Indian Standard
( Second Revision)
1 SCOPE and their combination with low plasticity with
liquid limit not exceeding SO percent.
:1.1 This standard lays down guidelines for
,lining of canals in expansive soils. 4.1.2 Some of the soils which may be considered
NOTE - Black cotton soils are a type of expan- as cohesive non-swelling soils are all adequately
sive soil. compacted clayey soils, silty clays, sandy clays,
gravelly sandy clays) etc, exhibiting cohesive
2 REFERENCES properties and containing predominantly non-
expanding type clay minerals .
.2.1 The Indian Standards listed in Annex A are
necessary adjuncts to this standard. 4.2.3 eNS material should be non-swelling with
a maximum swelling pressure of 10 kN/m 2 when
3 TERM INOLOGY tested in accordance with IS 2720 (Part 41 ) : 1977
at optimum moisture content and minimum co-
.For the purpose of this standard the definition hesion (unconfined compression strength on
of terms given in IS 1498 : 1970 shall apply. saturated compacted soil, remoulded at OMC
and compacted to standard proctor density)
4 GENERAL should be 10 kN/m l when tested according to
IS 2720 ( Part 10) : 1991.
4.1 Expansive soils in side slopes and bed of
canal in cutting or embankment when in contact 4.2.4 If given eNS material is not available,
with water swell, exerting a swelling pressure designed mix to produce blended eNS may
which may range from 50 to 300 kN/m 2 or be used. The artificial eNS should satisfy all
more. This characteristic of swelling and the the requirements of eNS. If stabilized material
swelling pressures of black cotton soils is attri- is to be used, special mix design needs to be
buted to the pressure of montmorinolite or evolved.
combination of montmorinolite and illite clay
minerals. A wide range of properties of expan- 4.2.5 Most murums of laterite, laterite type and
sive soils are found in India ( see IS 1498: 1970 siliceous sandy clays exhibit eNS characteris-
for identification and properties). tics, however some murums may be of swelling
type. Unlike swelling soils, they do not exhibit
The swelling pressure and free swell index tests cracking during summer, nor heaving and sticki-
should be done in accordance with IS 2720 ness during rainy season. Structures constructed
,( Part 40 ) : 1971 and IS 2720 ( Part 41 ) : 1977. on such soil do not exhibit heave though they may
Expansive soil met within the locality has to be sometimes settle. The eNS are generally red,
analysed for swelling pressure before deciding reddish yellow, brown, yellow, white, whitish
the type of treatment. grey, whitish yellow, green and greenish grey
in colour. Although, several soils containing
.For testing the expansive soil for determination non-expanding type clay mineral exhibit eNS
of swelling pressure the expansive soil specimen properties, the following range helps in locating
should be remoulded at zero moisture content such types:
to the density obtainable at any time in the year Percent
in the field at a depth beyond 1·0 m (in expan-
sive soil). The swelling pressure should be Clay ( less than 2 microns) 15 to 20
determined under no volume change condition Silt (0·06 mm-O·002 rom ) 30 to 40
when moisture content is increased from zero
to full saturati on level. Sand ( 2 mm-O'06 mrn ) 30 to 40
1SH511 JJJ4
S CRITERIA POR FIXING THE THICKNESS Tbe construction should be carried out in tho
5.1 Thickness of eNS materials is related to a) While excavating prevision should be
swelling pressure and the resultant deformation, made for accommodating required thick-
the permissible deformation being 2 em. ness of eNS layer OD bed and sides. The
subgradl on which eNS layer is to be laid-
5.2 Guidelines for choosing the thickness of should generally not be kept exposed.
eNS materials required for balancing the for more than four days, prior to the
different swelling pressures is given in Table 1. placement of the eNS layer.
Slopes should be in accordance with
IS 10430 : 1982. b) Serrations should be provided in expan-·
sive soil to prevent contact slides between
Table JA TblckDess or eNS Layer, CarrylDI eNS materials and expansive soil.
Capacity Less Tban 2 Camees
c) Proper moisture should be added to eNS
Discharle ThlckDel1
, . . -_ _- Layer 10 em ( Min)
of eNS J.... __
In Camec.
Swell Pressure Swell Pressure More d) eNS materials should be compacted in
SO·IS0 kN/m ' Than ISO kN/m l layers by appropriate equipment to ensure
1'4·2 60 75 proper density.
0'7-1°4 50 60 e) eNS on side slopes should be trimmed
0'3·0'7 40 SO to the required thickness. The thickness
0°03-0'3 30 40 is measured perpendicular to the surface
of expansive soil.
f) Suitable canal lining over eNS materiat
Table 18 Thickness or CNS Layer, Carrying should be provided depending on the site
Capacity of 2 Comecs and More and economy condition.
Swelling Pressure Thickaess 01 eNS g) To avoid slipping and rain cuts during the
of Soil Materia Is rainy season, it is advisable to provide
kN/nl l em ( Min)
eNS right up to the ground level.
SO to 150 7S h) In deep cuts eNS material should be
J50 to 300 8S provided not only behind the lining of the
canal but also above the canal prism,
300 to SOO 100
all along the excavated surface, so as to
NOTE - However, optimum thickness of eNS prevent large scale heaving above the
materials needs to be determined for different
swelling pressures by actual experiments both in canal level. The eNS material above
field and laboratory; if required. the canal prism may be of lesser thick-
ness, say IS to 20 em, However, full \
design thickness behind the lining should
6 CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE be continued at least 100 em above the
top level of the lin ing (illustratory
To counteract the swelling pressure and prevent arrangement shown in Fig. 1 ).
deformation of the rigid lining materials, a eNS
material of required thickness depending on the j) The stability of the slopes, particularly in .
swelling pressure of expansive soil, is sandwiched the case of cuts, is very adversely affected
between the soil and the rigid lining material. by rain water finding its way into the
The thickness of eNS layer should be measured tension cracks and exerting hydrostatic
perpendicular to the surface of expansive soil. force on the slipping mass of the soil.
Covering the surface of the slopes by-
6.1 Canal in CuttlDI eNS materials and proper surface drai-
nage will reduce the chances of rain water
6.1.1 Long deep cuts in expansive soils should finding its way into the cracks.
be avoided and where possible a detour should k) It is necessary to stack the excavated soil
be considered. away from the cuts to prevent it inducing.
slips by surcharge.
In cutting special care will be necessary to
compact the eNS materials against the excavated
surface of the cuts. The material should be 6.2 Canal In Embankment
spread uniformly in their horizontal layers of
specified thickness ( IS em thick). Care also is The construction should be carried out in the
necessary in obtaining a good joint between the following steps:
two materials. by thoroughly wetting tho excavat-
ed surface, 10 as to avoid slips at the junction a) Proper moisture should be added to eNS ·
plane. material and expansive solI.
b) Expansive soil and eNS material above j) To protect outer slopes from erosion,
ground level should be compacted simul- proper turfing should be used.
taneously, in layers, with appropriate
equipment to ensure proper density. 6.3 Similar procedure should be followed for
c) The eNS materials in embankment should canals in partial cutting and embankment.
be laid and compacted in layers simul-
taneously with the body of the banks, 6.4 Pride
so as to obtain good compaction and to
avoid any slippage plane being developed 6.4.1 The problem of effectively compacting the
between the two materials. The com- subgrade for side lining on slopes is very impor-
paction of eNS materials should also be tant in case of black cotton expansive soil zone in
to the standard proctor density with cutting or embankments, where backfill of eNS·
optimum moisture content. It may be material is required to be placed for the sides
done either with sheep foot rollers and bed, in addition to design thickness. Twenty
or 8 to 10 ton ordinary rollers. em or so ( perpendicular to side slope) of extra
pride may be provided and compacted in
d) Provision of surface drain and internal horizontal layers to the required density. This
drainage filter should be made to minimize pride should be removed only just prior to the
external/internal erosion. A rock toe placement of lining, thus making a fresh and
with inverted filter may be provided at well compacted surface available for bedding.
either end of canal bank.
e) Special care is required to be taken to 6.4.2 For cutting in soft material where the
provide internal drainage for the banks, eNS backfilling is not required the best method
having bed filling of 2 metres or more. A is to leave the cutting 20 em or so undercut
sand blanket is spread on the base of the ( perpendicular to the canal .slope ) and remove
bank and rockfills with regular inverted this undercut only just prior to the placement
filters are also necessary at the outer toes. of concrete lining. Similar procedure may be
adopted in case of cutting in hard strata.
f) For both the cuts and banks, paved
surface drains should be provided at the 6.5 Use of Polyethylene Sheets Below Concrete
berms, etc, to avoid erosion of the finished LiDlo,
surface. As far as possible, water from
these drains should be drained away from The use of polyethylene sheet below concrete
the canal. lining could be either for achieving better ulti-
g) The drainage properties of the eNS mate imperviousness of the lining as a whole or
material itself need to be given due it may be used only for limited purpose as an
consideration as water locked up in this assistance, during construction, for avoiding the
saturated layer is likely to cause pore cement slurry from concrete escaping in the
pressures on the lining during canal draw- subgrade below. Use of LDPE sheets 200,
down conditions. gauge ( 50 micron) is to achieve only the latter'
limited purpose. If overall imperviousness is
h) Murum ( gravelly soil) material on outer proposed to be achieved, it would be necessary
slopes of canal embankment should be to use HDPE-HM sheet of sufficient thickness.
trimmed to the required thickness. ' streDlth, toughness and durability.
'IS '451 : ItH
7 LINING Such drainage holes are, however. not advocated
for general adoption,
7.1 The lining may be cementconcrete
( IS 3873 : 1993), burnt clay tile (IS 3872: 8.2 It is recommended to provide regular drainage
1966), stone pitched ( IS 4515: 1993), stone arrangements using porous concrete sleepers,
masonry (IS 11809: 1993) or lime concrete 7·7 em x 20 em with SO mm perforated 0.1.
-( IS 7873 : 1975 ). pipes at 3 m centre to centre comins out through
the sides of the lining. Two porous concrete
:8 UNDER DRAINAGE ARRANGEMENTS sleepers on either side of the bed. below the side
AND JOINTS IN LINING may be provided. 'A 50 to 7S mm thick sand mat
below the bed and side cast in-situ lining ( below
-8.1 The drainage properties of eNS material the polyethylene sheet) should be provided.
itself need to be given due consideration as
water locked up in this saturated layer is likely Where the sand mat is not economically feasible
to cause pore pressure on the lining during additional porous concrete sleepers may instead
-canal draw down conditions. To release the, be provided at right angles to the longitudinal
same if holes are provided for drainage in rails ( along the cross section of the canal) at
-concrete lining, care will have to be taken to 3 m centre to centre. The porous concrete
provide inverted filters at the back of the holes sleepers have to be encased in filter material.
-so as to avoid the eNS material being washed
away by fluctuating water levels in the canal. An illustratory arrangement is shown in Fig. 2.
c ,s. C C LINING
( Clause 2·1 )
IS 9451 : IH.t.
IS Ni'. Title IS No. Tit/_
4515 , 1993 Code of practice tor stone 11809 :1993 Code of practice for lining
pitched linins for canals of canals by masonry
'873: 1975 Code of practice for lime 10430 : 1982 Criteria for design of lined
concrete lining for canals canals and guidelines for-
selection of type of lininl
Bareaaof ladl•• Sta.gra
BIS is a statutory .institution established under' the Bur,au o/llIdla" Bfa_rill .Act', 19M to
promote harmonious development' of the activities of stan~rdizatioD. markinl and quality
certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country.
DIS has a copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in
any form without the prior permission in writing of DIS. This does.not preclude, the free UIe, in
the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or
grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director ( Publications ). 81S.
Review of Indian Standards
AmeD~ents are !f.s~ed .to standards as the nee~ arises OD the b~sis of comments. Standards ~re
also reviewed perIodIcally; a standard along wIth amendments IS reaffirmed when such a review
indicates that no changes are needed; if the review indicates that cbanges are needed, it is tAkeD
up for revision. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of tho
latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of 'BIS Handbook' and 'Standards
Monthly Addition'.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc: No. RVD 13 ( 49 )
Am,admeDtl laaed Slnee PabUeatioD
::::::::::::::~8~:~:'~' ::~&::13
BOMBAY 430093 .
{:::.~;:: .:1.1:
{ 632 78 91, 632 78 92
. ~ .
PAIUDABAD. GHA_~_. D~Opw,. AB,' ,A~_'~H,.'.~,...Q.MB.AD,,'_~ .~~AIPUR. KAN,\1L·.
LUCKNOW. PATNA.1BIRUV~~~", ",:~; ,;,:> , ': " '. , ' "~ r" '"
. ·...l,:f,;····,,·.;~:~~~~: ..~~i:~'?~·
इंटरनेट मानक
Indian Standard
(First Revision)
ICS 93.160
© BIS 2000
Amend No.1 to IS 10430: 2000
Reprography Unit, BlS, New Delhi, India
Irrigation Canals and Canal Linings Sectional Committee, WRD 13
This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Irrigation Canals and Canals Linings Sectional Committee had been approved by the Water Resources
Division Council.
Lining of canals is an important feature of irrigation projects as it improves the flow characteristics and
minimises the loss of water due to seepage. The water thus saved can be utilised for the extension and improvement
of irrigation. Lining of water courses in the areas irrigated by tubewells assumes special significance as the
pumped water supply is relatively more costly. The reduced seepage also prevents rise of the sub-soil water
table and thus reduces the possibility of damage to the adjoining areas by water logging. Further, due to
adoption of higher velocities in a lined canal there is a saving in the cross-sectional area of the canal and land
width required, with corresponding saving in the cost of excavation and masonry works. It helps in retention
of shape of the canal. Lining also results in improvement of command and larger working head for power
This standard deals with design of lined canals. However, before lining of a canal is decided, techno-economic
justification for the same should be established. Selection of a particular type of lining should be arrived at
based on materials available and overall cost vis-a-vis saving in seepage and head. Performance data for
various types of lining shall be collected and consulted before deciding on a particular type of lining.
Only general guidelines with regard to factors influencing the selection of the type of lining are given in this
standard, for the assistance of the designer. But each project should be individually analysed taking into
consideration its peculiar features.
This standard was first published in 1982. The first revision has been taken up in the light of the comments
received from the Irrigation departments of various states. In this revision functions of lining and various types
of lining have been included. Changes in side slopes, free board, etc, have also been incorporated.
There is no ISO standard on the subject. This standard has been prepared based on indigenous manufacturers'
data/practices in the field in India.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2: 1960 'Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)'. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 10430: 2000
Indian Standard
(First Revision)
1 SCOPE d) Cross-sections along the canal alignment an
intervals not more than 300 m for a uniform
This standard lays down design criteria for lined canals
terrain and at closer intervals for undulating
and presents guidelines for selection of type of lining.
terrain. The cross-sections should extend at least
2 REFERENCES 10 metres beyond the limits of canal section on
both sides;
The following Indian Standards contain provisions
which through reference in this text, constitute e) Road and railway crossings, cart/pedestrian
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication tracks, drainage crossings, etc;
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are t) Nature and quantity of sediment likely to be
subject to revision and parties to agreements based on transported;
this standard are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the g) Profile of soil up to at least half the full supply
standards indicated below: depth or I m whichever is more, below the canal
bed level along the canal alignment at 500 m
-IS No. Title intervals. However, if any variation in soil strata
4558 : 1995 Code of practice for under drainage is found, the spacing shall be at shorter intervals.
of lined canals (second revision) Soil samples should be tested for usual soil
properties including permeability, swelling
9451 : 1994 Guidelines for lining of canals III
pressures, and dispersive properties;
expansive soils (second revision)
h) Salt content of the soil, specially presence of
3 NECESSARY INFORMATION sulphates, to be determined at suitable intervals;
For arriving at a suitable design of a lined canal and j) Sub-soil water level and its quality along the
for selection of type of lining the following infor- canal alignment;
mation is necessary for the entire length of the canal:
k) Availability of skilled and unskilled labour;
a) Capacity - Capacity required for the canal to
m) Availability of construction machinery;
irrigate the command depends on the crop
pattern, irrigation intensity, rotation period, n) Cattle traffic;
water required during critical period, trans- p) Climatic and other local conditions;
mission losses, etc. For fixing the canal capacity,
q) Thickness of ice formation (if applicable);
a design statement, or capacity statement should
be separately prepared, reach by reach. The r) Availability of suitable construction materials
section of a particular reach should be designed within economic leads, such as:
for the maximum discharge in that reach. I) Coarse and fine aggregate for canal lining;
NOTE - Suitable transmission loss ( mvs per million 2) Soil for making tiles/bricks; and
square metre of wetted perimeter) for lined canal
depending upon the type of lining, climatic condi- 3) Stones of required size, specific gravity and
tions shall be assumed. soundness for stone lining.
e) Reduction in cross-section area and Table 1 Values of Rugosity Coefficient (n) for
consequential smaller structures, and Lined Canals with Straight Alignment
J) Low operation and maintenance cost. (Clauses and )
Generally canal reaches of sufficient length having iii) U.C.R.lRandom rubble masonry 0.024-0.026
with pointing
permeability of I x 10.6 cm/s or less need not be lined
when the velocity in the canal does not exceed the iv) Asphalt
permissible velocity. However, reaches of permeability a) Smooth 0.013-0.015
I x 10'(' cm/s or less may be lined, particularly in power b) Rough 0.016-0.018
channels, for hydraulic efficiency and erosion resis- v) Concrete bed trowel/float finish
tance. Canal reaches of greater permeability may be and slopes as indicated below:
lined with suitable material. a) Hammer dressed stone 0.019-0.021
4.1.2 Increased Hydraulic Efficiency b) Coursed rubble masonry 0.018-0.020
The discharge carrying capacity of a canal varies c) Random rubble masonry 0.020-0.025
inversely with the value of rugosity coefficient of a d) Masonry plastered 0.015-0.017
particular type of lining. It may, however, undergo e) Stone pitched lining 0.020-0.030
changes with passage of time, it may decrease with vi) Gravel bed with side slope characteristics
the lining undergoing deterioration and consequent as given below:
increase in roughness. a) Formed concrete 0.02-0.022
h) Random rubble in mortar 0.017-0.023 The values of rugosity coefficient (n) to be
c) Dry rubble (rip-rap) 0.023-0.033
used in Manning's formula for various types of linings
are given m Table I. NOTES
1 For canals with an alignment other than the straight. a Effective rugosity coefficient small increase in the value of "n' may be made or
alternatively bend losses may be accounted for. In case
An effective rugosity co-efficient is possible to be of canals with relatively higher discharges in straight
derived III such situation where the sides and bed are reaches, lower values of 'n' indicated may be adopted.
having different types of lining. For such channels 2 The 'n' value shall be decided in view of the age of
the equivalent manning's 'n' can be calculated by the lining, surface roughness, weed growth, channel irregu-
following formula: larities. canal alignment, silting, suspended material and
bed load. etc.
[(2: (n 112 p)] 2/1
/= I' 4.1.3 Increased Resistance to Erosion
n Sometimes the canal transports considerable amount
of sediment which can damage the lining by abrasion.
where The lining shall, therefore, be able to withstand such
Pi lengths of different portion of perimeter
with corresponding roughness; NOTE - Cement concrete and stone masonry linings
provide better abrasion resistance as compared to brick
'', roughness of portion Pi; and tile lining.
p 2:pi •
4.1.4 Prevention of Water Logging
Co-efficients as given in Sl No. (v) and (vi) of Table 1 There is increase in ground water level if the canals
are suggested for some cases, where an analytical remain unlined. This condition, if unchecked, brings
derivation, as above, is not feasible. alkali salt to the surface rendering land unfit for
IS 10430: 2000
cultivation. Lining of canals reduces the seepage earth pressure or any other external pressure against
appreciably and thus prevents the occurrence of water the lining. Pressure due to saturated backfill and the
logging condition. differential water head across lining should be avoided.
Arrangements like weep holes, graded filter behind
4.1.5 Reduction in Cross-Sectional Area weep holes shall be made so that no water gets behind
With the increase in efficiency of canal due to lining the lining from an external sources.
and higher velocity, reduced areas of cross-section is Where the side slopes are made steeper than the stable
required to pass same discharge. Consequently, there slopes of the soil, or where external pressures cannot
is large saving in the cost of land acquisition and also be avoided, the lining will have to be designed accor-
of canal structures. dingly in such special case.
4.1.6 Low Operation and Maintenance Cost To provide relief from differential pressure, adequate
sub-soil drainage arrangements and pressure release
Unlined canals require considerably increased operation
arrangements (see IS 4558) shall be provided wherever
and maintenance cost for periodical removal of silt,
minor repairs, removal of weeds and water plants. The
provision of lining reduce these costs considerably. 5.1.3 Strength and Durability
5 REQUIREMENTS OF LINING The canal lining shall be able to withstand the effect
of velocity of water, rain, sunshine, frost, freezing and
5.1 General
thawing (where applicable), temperature and moisture
The following are the important requirements for the changes, chemical action of salts, etc. With suitable
selection of type of canal lining: treatment, lining should be able to withstand the effect
of gypsum, black cotton soil/bentonite. It should also
a) Economy;
be able to withstand the damaging effect caused by
b) Structural stability; abrasions, cattle traffic, rodents and weed growth.
c) Strength and durability; For the purpose of economic analysis, the life
d) Repairability and easy maintenance; expectancy of concrete, brick/tile and stone pitched
e) Maximum hydraulic efficiency; lining may be assumed to be of the order of 60 years.
However, experience gained from data on lined
t) Impermeability; canal in the vicinity can be utilized to review the life
g) Resistance to erosion; expectancy of lining.
j) Resistance against burrowing animals; and Since with lapse of time the lining may get damaged,
it should be such that it can be repaired easily and
k) Reasonable tlexibility. economically.
The lining material shall be so selected that it should Brick/tile, stone-pitched and precast slab
meet most of the requirements for the specific site. linings are more easily repairable or replaceable than
5.1.1 Economy in-situ concrete lining.
The selection of suitable type of lining for any project 5.1.5 General
is mainly a question of economics and availability of; Other factors indicated in 5.1 (e) to 5.1 (h) are achieved
a) material available within economical leads; to different extent by various options available for
b) skilled and unskilled labour; lining.
c) construction machinery and equipment; and The multi-dimensional effect of choice on the various
d) time required during which the work should be parameters affecting the requirements thus require a
completed. judicious evaluations before a final choice.
The type of lining selected should not only be econo- 6 DIFFERENT TYPES OF LININGS
mical in initial costs, but also in repair and mainte- a) Rigid Lining
nance in the long run. I) Stone-pitched lining;
5.1.2 Structural Stability 2) Burnt clay tile or brick lining;
The sides of the canal to be lined should preferably be 3) Precast cement concrete/stone slab lining;
kept at the stable slope of the soil so that there is no 4) In-situ cement lime/concrete lining;
IS 10430: 2000
5) Stone masonry lining; generally suitable for the site condition may be listed
6) Soil cement lining; in the light of 5 and 6. The most economical of the
linings selected from amongst the suitable linings may
7) Shotcrete lining; and be evaluated as per Annex A for economical viability.
8) Asphaltic cement/concrete. To select type of lining to keep seepage within desirable
limits, reference may also be made to performance data
b) Flexible Lining of existing canals. There may be other intangible
I) Geomembrane like High Density Polye- factors like presence of high population intensity,
thylene (HDPE), Polyvinyl chloride (PVC,) aesthetics, limitations of land availability, etc, which
Low Density polyethylene (LDPE) cover may influence the final selection of type of lining.
comprising layer of ben to rite with adequate/ 8 PARAMETER FOR DESIGN OF LINED
earth/burnt clay tile brick/precast cement CANALS
8.1 Side Slopes
2) Bituminous or bituminous/asphaltic felt
lining, 8.1.1 Inner Slopes of Lined Canals
3) Fibre reinforced plastic tissue as phallic Lining is usually made to rest on stable slopes of the
membrane, and natural soil; so slopes should be such that no earth
4) Composite membrane/rubber lining. pressure or any other external pressure is exerted over
the back of the lining. Sudden drawdown of water
c) Combination Lining (membrane in the bed and level in the lined canal should be controlled by strict
brick/tile or concrete lining on sides) operation rules and regulations to avoid external
7 SELECTION OF LINING pressure on the lining. However where chance of
sudden drawdown in the canal is considerable, the
7.1 Considerations for Selection canal slopes should be checked for stability using slip
Taking Into consideration all the above factors, circle analysis as given in IS 7894. In addition, other
suitable types of lining for different sizes of canals suitable measures like adequate drainage should be
will be selected on the basis of type of subgrade, provided before lining work commences. As a rule,
position of water table, climatic conditions, availability steeper slopes are economical but stable slopes
of materials, speed of construction, time schedule, depending on type of soil are preferred. For general
performance of lining in the existing canals in the guidance, the following side slopes as given in Table
adjoining areas. Adoption of a particular type of lining 2 are recommended.
will require careful consideration of all these factors. 8.1.2 Outer Slopes of Lined Canal
7.2 After collecting necessary information as given Suggested outer slopes for lined canals are seen in
in 3.1, the entire canal or specific reaches to be lined, some of the typical sections such as given in Fig. l A,
may be decided as per 4.1.1. The types of lining l B, 2A, 2B, etc. However, engineering properties of
IS 10430: 2000
soil shall govern the design of outer slopes giving provided on natural ground surface and adjacent to the
bank; however. the importance of providing adequate
due consideration to stability of slopes for functional
service roads where they are needed should always be
situations (like moist conditions of fill, etc.) The need kept in view. The service road should be above normally
for introduction of berms will also be kept in view encountered high flood level (HFL) with some free board.
where the fill height is in excess of 6 m. 3 Where the stability of the embankment is required. wider
bank widths can be provided. Turfing should be provided
8.2 Free Board on the outer slopes.
Free board shall be measured from the full supply level 4 In hilly terrain where it is not possible to provide above
to the top of lining. Minimum free boards for various bank widths, the bank widths may be suitably reduced.
canal discharge-are given below: 5 When the bank widths are reduced on exceptional
ground. refuges after every 100 m should be provided for
Canal Discharge Free Board passing and sheltering of opposing traffic.
More than 10 cumecs 0.75 m
Between 3 to 10 cumecs 0.60m 8.5 Dowla (Dowel 'Dwarf Bund')
I to 3 cumecs 0.50m Suitable dowels may be provided on the canal side of
Less than 1 cumec 0.30m the service road, on one or both the banks depending
upon the type and size of the lined canal. From
Less than 0.1 cumec 0.15 m
economic consideration, dowels may be replaced by
(Water Course)
parapets particularly in case of high embankments.
However, the parapet should not be considered
8.3 Berm
additional free board. To check the ingress of rain water
In deep cut reaches of canals with discharge capacity behind the lining of the side slopes of the canals,
exceeding 10 cumecs, it is desirable to provide berms horizontal cement concrete coping 100 mm to
of 3 ill to 5 m width on each side for stability, facility 150 mm thick, depending upon size of canal should
of maintenance, silt clearance, etc (see Fig. I C). In be provided at the top of lining. The width of coping
such sections, the inner sides above the berms may be at the top shall not be less than 225 mm for discharge
provided with turfing. up to 3 cumecs, 350 mm for discharge more than 3
cumecs and 550 mrn for discharge more than 10
8.4 Bank Top Width
The width of the banks may vary according to the
8.6 Roadway and Drainage
importance and capacity of the canal. In case of
distributaries, service road should be provided on one Wherever additional spoil banks are to be provided
bank for inspection and maintenance purpose. on the land side of the embankment, adequate drainage
However, in case of main and branch canals service channels shall be provided with suitable slope on the
road should be provided on both the banks. The roadway sloping away from the canal side. No rain
minimum values recommended for top width of the water shall be allowed to flow or percolate towards
bank are as follows: the canal slope behind the linings.
IS 10430: 2000
8.8.2 The discharge that can pass through a canal some types of lining are given below:
section is calculated by
a) Stone-pitched lining 1.5 mls
Q=A X Ville"" (rnvs)
b) Burnt clay tile or brick lining 1.8 mls
A area of cross-section in m2, and c) Cement concrete lining 2.7 mls
IS 10430: 2000
t---_<.+--'.BQUNDARy ROAD
All dimensions in millirnerres.
IS 10430: 2000
4.0FCUP ~
IS 10430: 2000
rt ~ Lr~
S.. , IN 80
I \'500
,~"\o , "':'1.$)"0 6000max
-s.1i'N80 ~+ SPOI~ BANK r
" rm"II"IInetres.
All dimensions In L INO
IS 10430: 2000
VALVE ,p75 mm
1 In case of sound rock, cement concrete lining may be provided in bed and sides.
On sides, the lining may be anchored suitably to the rock behind.
2 All the dimensions are in miIIimetres unless otherwise specified.
IS 10430: 2000
(Clause 7.2)
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
'BIS Catalogue' and 'Standards: Monthly Additions'.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc: No. WRD 13 (45).