Presentation 2-Evolution of HRM

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Dr. Christina Ylaya-Pacubas

Historical Perspective of Human Resource Management
 The term “human resource management” is of recent origin. In its modern
connotation, it came to be used mainly from the 1980s onwards. During
ancient times and for a long period in the medieval era, production of goods
was done mainly by skilled artisans and craftsmen. They themselves owned
the tools and instruments, produced articles and sold these in the market.
 As such, the question of employer-employee or master-servant relationship
did not arise in their cases. They managed their affairs themselves and with
the help of the family members. However, many effluent craftsmen also
employed apprentices and certain categories of hired labourers. There
existed a very close relationship between the master craftsmen and the
apprentices, and they themselves took care of the problems facing the
apprentices and their family members.
 1. Managing Slaves: Slaves comprised an important source of
manpower in almost all ancient civilisations. They could be sold and
purchased like commodities. Their main purchasers were the wealthy
rulers, landlords, tribal chiefs and effluent businessmen. The
purchasers of slaves had a rather complete control over their slaves.
 2. Managing Serfs: Serfdom was widely prevalent in the feudal
societies of the pre-and early medieval era. Serfs were engaged by
landlords mainly in agricultural operations and allied activities. The
landlords would usually give them a piece of land for their habitat
and often, some land for their own cultivation. In many cases, a
paltry sum of money was advanced to them in order that they could
remain attached to their masters.
 3. Managing Indentured Labour: The system of indentured
labour emerged primarily with the flourishing of
mercantilism and advent of industrial revolution. The
discovery of new lands through sea and land routes led to
a substantial increase in the demand of European goods
abroad, and at the same time, gave a fillip to the
establishment of industries in the continent.
Emergence of Modern Industrial Labour and
Improvement of Status:

 Industrialisation led to the congregation of a large number of workers at the

same establishment owned by an individual employer or a company. The
employers were generally interested in maximising their profits, and callously
disregarded human aspects in managing the affairs of their enterprises. The
state also remained a mute spectator to the miseries and sufferings of the
toiling masses of workers, primarily because of the widespread prevalence of
the doctrine of individualism and laissez faire. These situations led to further
deterioration in the conditions of industrial workers who had to face
numerous problems in their employment. Notable among these problems
were low wages, excessive hours of work, hazardous and strenuous physical
working conditions, instability of employment, and arbitrary treatment by
supervisors and managers.
Evolution of Human Resource Management – From
19th Century till Recent Times: Different Eras of
Human Resource Management
 From industrial revolution era to the present era, various stages to development
of management of human resource practices may be classified as follows:
 1. Industrial revolution era— 19th century
 2. Trade union movement era — close to the 19th century
 3. Social responsibility era — beginning of the 20th century
 4. Scientific management era— 1900-1920s
 5. Human relations era— 1930s-1950s
 6. Behavioural science era— 1950s-1960s
 7. Systems and contingency approach era – 1960 onwards
 8. Human resource management era — 1980 onwards
1. Industrial Revolution Era:
The systematic development of HRM started with industrial revolution
that started during 1850s in Western Europe and USA. The industrial
revolution consisted, essentially, the development of machinery, the use
of mechanical energy in production processes, and consequently the
emergence of the concept of factory with large number of workforce
working together. The factory system replaced the old cottage system.
Industrial revolution brought out a number of changes like centralized
work locations with large number of workers working together,
mechanized production process, migration of workers from their place of
origin, and indirect contact between factory owners and workers.
people in the factory system of industrial revolution, three systems of
HRM were developed- recruitment of workers, training for workers, and
control of workers. However, the basic philosophy of managing workers
revolved around master-servant relationship.
2. Trade Union Movement Era:
Shortly after the emergence of factory system, workers started to organize
themselves based on their common interests to form workers’ associations which
were subsequently known as trade unions. The basic objectives of these
associations were to safeguard interest of their members and to sort out their
problems which arose primarily because of employment of child labour, long
hours of work, and poor working conditions. Later, other aspects of work such as
economic problems and wages, employee benefits and services, etc. also became
issues. These trade unions started such weapons as strikes, slowdowns, walkouts,
boycotts, etc., for the acceptance of their demands. These activities of the trade
unions forced owners and managers to adopt employee grievance handling
systems, arbitration as a means of resolving conflicts between owners/managers
and workers, disciplinary practice, expansion of employee benefit programmes,
holiday and vacation time, clear definition of job duties, job rights through
seniority, and installation of rational and defensible wage structures.
3. Social Responsibility Era:
In the first decade of 20th century, some factory owners started adopting a more
humanistic and paternalistic approach towards workers. Paternalistic approach
to labour management is based on the philosophy that labour is just like a child
and owner is just like a father and the owner should take care of his labour just
like a father takes care of his children. Those industrialists who adopted
paternalistic approach offered a number of concessions and facilities to labour
force like reduced number of work hours, improved facilities at workplace,
model villages to workers, etc. All these practices led to the development of
social welfare aspect of labour management. Many critics to paternalistic
approach viewed that this approach was adopted to overcome the problems
posed by labour union movement as plenty of trade unions emerged which
frequently interrupted work performance. Employers observed that workers were
going out of their control and to overcome this problem, they implemented
welfare scheme. Thus, this was a compulsion rather than a philosophy.
4. Scientific Management Era:
Around the beginning of 20th century, Taylor started to find out ‘one best way
of doing thing’ based on time and motion studies. On the basis of his
experiments, he was able to increase workers’ productivity considerably and
wrote many papers based on these experiments and a book on scientific
principles of scientific management are: (i) Replacing rule of thumb with
science, (ii) harmony, not conflict, (iii) cooperation, not individualism, and (iv)
development of each and every person. Scientific management techniques
relevant to management of workers are- functional foremanship, standardization
and simplification of work, and differential piece wage system.
5. Human Relations Era:
Around 1920s, management researchers gave a close look at the human factor at
work and the variables that affected people’s behaviour. Before that, Hugo
Munsterberg wrote a book on ‘Psychology and Industrial Efficiency’ which
suggested the use of psychology in the field of personnel testing, interviewing,
attitude measurement, learning, etc. This brief period was termed as ‘Industrial
Psychology Era’. In 1924, a group of professors from Harvard Business School,
USA, began an enquiry into the human aspects of work and working conditions at
Hawthorne plant of Western Electric Company, Chicago. They conducted
researches from 1924 to 1932 and arrived at the conclusions that productivity of
workers depended on- (i) social factors at the workplace, (ii) group formation
and group influence, (iii) nature of leadership and supervision, and (iv)
communication. They concluded that in order to have better productivity,
management should take care of human relations besides the physical conditions
at the workplace. Consequently, the concepts of social system, informal
organization, group influence, and non-logical behaviour entered the field of
management of personnel.
6. Behavioural Science Era:
In contrast to human relations which assume that happy workers are
productive workers, the behavioural scientists have been goal and
efficiency- oriented and consider understanding of human behaviour to
be the major means to that end. They have tried several sophisticated
research methods to understand the nature of work and the people in
the work environment. The contribution of behavioural scientists to
management practices consists primarily of producing new insights
rather than new techniques. It has developed or expanded a useful way
of thinking about the role of the manager, the nature of organizations,
and the behaviour of individuals within organizations. As against human
relations model, they have given the concept of human resource model
Major conclusions of the contributions made by behaviouralists are as follows:
i. People do not dislike work. If they have been helped to establish objectives,
they will want to achieve them. In fact, job itself is a source of motivation and
satisfaction to employees.
ii. Most people can exercise a great deal of self-direction and self-control and
generate more creativity than required in their current job. Therefore, their
untapped potential remains unutilized.
iii. Managers’ basic job is to use untapped human potential in the organization. iv.
Manager should create a healthy environment wherein all persons can contribute
to the best of their capacity. The environment should provide a healthy, safe,
comfortable, and convenient place to work.
v. Managers should provide opportunity for self-direction by their subordinates
and they must be encouraged to participate fully in all important matters.
vi. Operating efficiency can be improved by expanding subordinate influence,
self- direction, and selfcontrol.
vii. Work satisfaction may improve as a ‘by-product’ of subordinates making full
use of their potential.
7. Systems and Contingency Approach Era:
Systems and contingency approach has attracted maximum
attention of thinkers in management in the present era. It is
an integrated approach which considers management of
human resources in its totality based on empirical data. The
basic idea of this approach is that analysis of any object
must rely on a method of analysis involving simultaneous
variations of mutually-dependent variables. This happens
when systems approach is applied in managing human
8. Human Resource Management Era:
When the factory system was applied in production, large number of workers started
working together. A need was felt that there should be someone who should take care
of recruiting, developing, and looking after welfare of these workers. For this purpose,
industrial relations department came into existence in most of the large organizations
which was concerned mostly with workers. However, as the time passed and the
complexity of managing human resources in large business organizations increased, the
scope of industrial relations department was extended to cover supervisory staff and
subsequently managerial personnel. Industrial relations department was named as
personnel department. With the increasing competition for market share, competition
for resources including human talents, and increased knowledge in the field of managing
human resources, people were not treated merely as physiological beings but socio-
psychological beings as a prime source of organizational effectiveness and large
organizations changed the nomenclature of their personnel department to human
resource ‘department to reflect the contemporary view. Even the American Society for
Personnel Administration, the largest professional association in the field of human
resource management, changed its name to the Society for Human Resource
Management in 1990. At the academic level, similar pattern was followed and the title
of personnel management course was changed to human resource management. Since
then, the expression is gradually replacing the hackneyed term ‘personnel
History of Modern Human Resource Management
 1. Early Philosophy (Before 1900): The history of modern Human Resource
Management began with the efforts of Robert Owen. Owen is called the founder
of Human Resource Management. In 1813, he wrote a book, A New View of
Society. In it he propounded the need for better industrial relations and
improvements in the service conditions. His attitude towards workers was very
cordial, liberal and paternalistic. He got good houses constructed for his workers
by the side of his factory. He eliminated child labour and provided healthy
working conditions. J.S. Mill, Andrew Yule and Charles Bewarage, contemporaries
of Robert Owen, developed Human Resource Management as a science and
supported the idea of wage incentives, profit sharing and labour welfare, etc.
 2. Efficiency and Productivity Movement (1900-1920): During the last year of the
19th century arrived the age of efficiency and productivity movement. The two
decades from 1900 to 1920 were the years of scientific management movement.
Taylor’s Scientific Management Thought was accepted during this period. Taylor
opposed the idea of trade unionism and workers’ organization. The main
contribution of these two decades has been the increase in the size of units,
introduction of scientific thinking into actions, job analysis, standards costing,
scientific selection and training of workers and the idea of mental revolution.
 3. Period of Welfarism and Industrial Psychology (1920- 1930): EVOLUTION OF HUMAN
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Up to 1925, the Human Resource Management had taken a
definite form. Staff line organization became the basis of Human Resource
Management. The opposition of scientific management movement by workers
introduced the need of industrial psychology. Industrial psychologists developed
many new techniques like psychological testing, interviewing, workers training and
non-financial incentives. They helped to give a professional form to Human Resource
Management. The Human Resource Management began to be realized as a profession
and a specialist’s function.
 4. Period of Human Relations (1930-1950): When Prof. Elton Mayo and his
companions conducted Hawthorn experiments, it was the beginning of recognition of
the fact that human resources have greater influence on production than other
psychical resources. A worker must be treated as a human being. His social,
psychological and moral instincts should be fully recognized by the management.
Due to these experiments the commodity concept of labour changed to social
concept. The decade of 1940-1950 was very important for the development of
Human Resource Management. During that decade, many new techniques were
developed for the selection, training and induction of workers. The human resource
philosophy became people-oriented. Trade unions flourished and provision of fringe
benefits for the workers became common.
 5. Modern Times (After 1950): The history of Human Resource Management since 1950 up
to current times is the age of modern developments. It is the period of the citizenship
concept of labour where the workers have full right to be consulted in determining the
rules and regulations under which they work. The concept of industrial democracy has
imposed many new responsibilities upon the human resource managers of industrial
houses. In modern times, Human Resource Management is widely accepted as an
independent discipline. One finds two important developments during this period, after
1960, the Human Resource Management began to be realized as a behavioural science
which centred completely on human elements with the study of organizational behaviour
as its main crux. After 1970s the belief of ‘open social and industrial system’ became very
popular for business organizations. In modern times, Human Resource Management is fully
recognized as a profession dealing with the management of human resources. These
developments widened the scope of Human Resource Management. Evolution of Human
Resource Management – 3 Stages for the Growth of Human Resource Management
Historically, the beginning of HRM from the writing of Robert Owen, Charles Babbage and
Henry Towde. Especially, the HRM growth was particularly marked in the inter-war era. It
has branched out specifically along the domains of applied psychology and sociology. The
latter in turn has evolved around the concept of the “welfare state”. While the former has
proceeded as the behavioural science movement. Human Resource Management (HRM) is
relatively a very recent term considered for managing human resources in an organisation.
HRM is still evolving to become an amalgam of organisational behaviour, personnel
management, industrial relations and labour legislation.
Following stages explain the process involved for reaching to
the current HRM stage:

1. Labour Welfare Stage:

Formal beginnings of HRM may have emerged from industrial disputes and conflicts. An enquiry
on determining reasons for industrial disputes and conflicts gave light to several problems
related to living and working conditions of employees across industries. This enquiry
highlighted limitations of businesses that perceived human resources as machines for obtaining
increased productivity and more profits at lower costs. Workers worked long hours in strenuous
working conditions that led to the formation of trade unions. These trade unions focused on
protecting and promoting workers’ interests but faced resistance from the management of
businesses thus leading to industrial disputes and conflicts.
2. Personnel Management Stage:
When labour welfare issues were provided legal assurances, organisations began focusing
on behaviour of employees at all levels at an individual, group and overall organisational
basis. A “Personnel” was appointed to manage the employee-employer relationship by
managing issues related to human resource planning, recruitment and selection, training
and development, performance and potential appraisal, promotions, transfers, quality of
working life, compensation, compliances to labour laws and legislations.
3. HRM Stage: Human Resource Management or HRM is a mix of labour
welfare and personnel management.
HRM aims at maximising employee performance in accordance to the
objectives set by an organisation. HRM is a result of increasing
organisational size, changing social and cultural norms, easy access to
information (via technology) and globalisation. Accordingly, it attempts
to build worker-employees relationship more humanely through
motivation, training and development, retention, worker protection,
etc. Also, under HRM, HR managers need to obtain and incorporate
knowledge about possible changes that may affect the overall
organisation. HR managers thus attempt to execute relevant strategies
to ensure smooth transition of changes without disturbing inter-
relationships and avoiding disputes/conflicts within an organisation.
Evolution of Human Resource Management – From 18th Century to the
Modern Times.
In today’s global and competitive environment, human resource is the
key to efficient running and survival of an organisation. The concept of
human resource management has emerged from the personnel
management. The term personnel management has emerged in 1945
after the World War. During this stage, the personnel managers
distinguished themselves from other managerial functions, and personnel
function being declared as a separate managerial function. At that time,
the scope of personnel function was criticised due to the ‘hire and fire’
policy of the organisations. The concept of HRM has evolved through
various stages of Industrial revolution, trade union, scientific
management, Behavioural science and human relations. Hence, the
concept HRM has gradually replaced the term Personnel Management.
HRM is the most appropriate name to deal with human resource, as it
highlights the significance of the human beings working in an

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