7 Hypoxia
7 Hypoxia
7 Hypoxia
Respiratory Physiology
Hypoxia :
Hypoxia is defined as lack of oxygen at tissue
Anoxia :
Anoxia is defined as complete absence of
oxygen in the tissues
At the end of the session the students should be
able to:
• Define and classify Hypoxia, List its causes and
describe its associated and compensatory
• Define Cyanosis and mention its types and
• Define Cheyne- Stokes breathing and describe its
Types of hypoxia
HYPOXIA Based on
1. Hypoxic hypoxia Oxygen tension in arterial blood
1. Low PO2 in inspired air :
eg. Mines , high altitude, closed chamber.
2. Hypoventilation
:eg. Air way obstruction, paralysis of respiratory muscle depression of respiratory
center (drugs)
3. Diffusion defect:
eg, pulmonary oedema, pulmonary fibrosis.
1. Decreased number of RBC’s
2. Decreased Hb content in the blood
3. Formation of altered Hb
4. Combination of hemoglobin with gases other than oxygen
and carbon dioxide
3. Stagnant ( ischaemic) hypoxia:
4. Circulatory shock
5. Heart failure
6. Hemorrhage
4. Histotoxic Hypoxia
• Occurs due to cyanide or sulfide poisoning
• Poisonous substances destroy the cellular oxidative enzymes
Type of hypoxia Hypoxic Anemic Stagnant Histotoxic
• Suffocation,
• strangulation,
• drowning,
• foreign body in the trachea or larynx,
• traumatic compression of the chest
Stages of Asphyxia
1. Stage of exaggerated breathing:
• Breathing becomes deeper and rapid
(powerful stimulation of respiratory center by
excess CO2 stimulation )
• Accessory respiratory muscle participate
• Dysnoea and cyanosis occur
• Eyes become prominent
• Phase lasts for 1-2 min
2. Stage of convulsion:
2 types:
1. cheyne- strokes breathing
2. Biot’s breathing
Cheyne-stokes breathing
• This is characterized by gradual waxing and
waning followed by a period of apnoea
• Seen in :
1. Premature infants
2. Unacclimatized persons at high altitude
3. During deep sleep in some
4. Voluntary hyperventilation
5. Increased intracranial pressure
6. Renal failure
7. Heart failure
Biots breathing:
Apnoea and hypernoea are abrupt.
No waxing and waning seen
Seen in :
Increased intra cranial pressure
Morphine poisoning
Damage to brain stem
Biot’s breathing
• Characterized by period of apnea and hyperpnea
• There is no waxing and weaning period
• After apneic period , hyperpnea occurs
• Occurs only in pathological conditions affect CNS –such
as meningitis
Seen in :
Increased intra cranial pressure
Morphine poisoning
Damage to brain stem
• When the concentration of reduced
haemoglobin of blood in capillaries is greater
than 5gms/dl dusky bluish dis coloration
appears known as cyanosis.
• Depends on
1. total amount of haemoglobin
2. degree of Hb unsaturation
3. state of capillary circulation
Sites of cyanosis
• Nail beds
• mucus membranes
• earlobes
• lips
• tip of nose
• tips of fingers
• tips of toes
Types of cyanosis
1 central cyanosis
2. Peripheral cyanosis
3. Cyanosis due to abnormal pigments
Central cyanosis
Mainly due to hypoxic hypoxia, causing arterial
Seen in :
• Congenital heart disease
• AV admixture
• Lung disease
• High altitude
• Arterial blood contains more reduced Hb
because of the above causes.