2022 Dme 483-8 TPM & Ooe
2022 Dme 483-8 TPM & Ooe
2022 Dme 483-8 TPM & Ooe
• Total Quality Management (TQM), Just-in-Time (JIT), Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Total Employee
Involvement (TEI) are components of “World Class Manufacturing” [Cua et al. 2001].
• TPM is a Japanese concept developed in the 1970s by extending preventive maintenance to become more like
productive maintenance.
• Lean manufacturing: efficiency and profitability can be improved through the elimination of waste.
• TPM’s goal is continuous improvement by systematic identification and elimination of waste, inefficient operation
cycle time, and quality defects in manufacturing and processes [McCarthy, 2004].
• Consider every aspect
• Involving everybody from top to bottom
5 S components
• Japanese words: seiri ( 整理 ), seiton ( 整頓 ), seisō ( 清掃 ), seiketsu ( 清潔 ), and shitsuke ( 躾 ).
• In some quarters, 5S has become 6S, the sixth element being safety (safe).
TPM: 5s Model and implementation
1. Sort:
Sort through all items in a location and removing all unnecessary items from the location.
• Reduce time looking for an item by reducing the number of unnecessary items.
• Reduce the chance of distraction by unnecessary items.
• Simplify inspection.
• Increase the amount of available, useful space.
• Increase safety by eliminating obstacles.
TPM: 5s Model and implementation
Defective or Defective or
1. Sort: excess raw excess product
material. inventory
• Check all items in a location and evaluate whether or not their
presence at the location is useful or necessary (e.g. those given Outdated or
in figure) Old rags and other
broken tools, jigs
cleaning supplies
• Remove unnecessary items as soon as possible. Place those that & ins
cannot be removed immediately in a 'red tag area' so that they
are easy to remove later on.
• Keep the working floor clear of materials except for those that Outdated posters,
are in use for production. signs, notices, and
“When in doubt, throw it out!”
Example KE: Daily gen reports at Head office.
TPM: 5s Model and implementation
2. Set in order:
Putting all necessary items in the optimal place for fulfilling their function in the workplace.
• Make the workflow smooth and easy by making things easier to find.
• Avoid accidents or loss due to things being out of place
TPM: 5s Model and implementation
2. Set in order:
• Arrange work stations in such a way that all tooling /
equipment is in close proximity, in an easy to reach spot
and in a logical order adapted to the work performed.
• Place components according to their uses, with the
frequently used components being nearest to the
• Arrange all necessary items so that they can be easily
selected for use. Make it easy to find and pick up
necessary items.
• Assign fixed locations for items. Use clear labels, marks At a NASCAR race, the pit crew has 17 seconds to change 4
or hints so that items are easy to return to the correct tires, fill the gas tank, wash the windows, and give the
location and so that it is easy to spot missing items. driver a drink. Is it possible to do this with the workspace
on the left
TPM: 5s Model and implementation
2. Set in order:
• WIP: Work-in-progress
TPM: 5s Model and implementation
3. Shine:
Sweeping or cleaning and inspecting the workplace, tools and machinery on a regular basis.
• Improves the production process efficiency and safety, reduces waste, prevents errors and defects.
• Keep the workplace safe and easy to work in.
• Defects should be easy to see in the well-lit and clean environment
• Ideally anyone must be able to detect any problems within 15m (50 feet) in 5 sec.
• Keep the workplace clean and pleasing to work in.
TPM: 5s Model and implementation
3. Shine:
• Clean the workplace and equipment on a daily basis, or at
another appropriate (high frequency) cleaning interval.
• Inspect the workplace and equipment while cleaning.
• Cleaning stations need to be abundant and accessible.
• Create procedures for continued daily shine processes
• Set periodic machine inspection and maintenance target
What is the best time to find defects, dents, and scratches on your
It is when you are hand washing it. Likewise, the best time to find
defects and safety problems is when you are cleaning your work
TPM: 5s Model and implementation
4. Standardize
Standardize the processes used to sort, order and clean the workplace.
• Establish procedures and schedules to ensure the repetition “Sort,”
“Set in Order,” and “Shine”
• Create a consistent way of implementing the tasks that are performed.
• Develop a work structure that will support the new practices and
make it part of the daily routine.
• Ensure everyone knows their responsibilities of performing the
sorting, organizing and cleaning.
• Use photos and visual controls to help keep everything as it should be. 5S resource corner at Scanfil Poland
• Review the status of 5S implementation regularly using audit
TPM: 5s Model and implementation
5. Sustain
The developed processes by self-discipline of the workers. Also translates
as "do without being told".
• Ensure that the 5S approach is followed.
• Organize training sessions.
• Perform regular audits to ensure that all defined standards are being
implemented and followed.
• Implement improvements whenever possible. Worker inputs can be
very valuable for identifying improvements.
• When issues arise, identify their cause and implement the changes Visual board for tracking and
necessary to avoid recurrence. maintaining 5S progress
Which power plant best follows the 5s model? Which areas need
Total Productive Maintenance
1) Autonomous Maintenance
• This pillar aims at developing operator ownership.
• The operator performs day-to-day tasks to be able to develop
skills and in turn mastery of the equipment, thereby freeing up
the skilled maintenance people.
• This way they can spend more time for technical repairs and
other value added activities.
• In this activity operators are responsible for safeguarding of
their equipment to avoid operating abnormalities
Total Productive Maintenance
3) Planned Maintenance
• Associated with raising the output by carefully minimizing defects
and failures along with bettering the quality of maintenance
personnel, thereby raising machine availability and in turn plant
• Planned Maintenance follows the concept of zero failures similar
to Focused Improvement.
• Zero failures mean zero defects, zero reworks and zero accidents
during the maintenance process.
• Various maintenance methodologies such as Breakdown
Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance and Corrective
Maintenance can be used. These will be the focus of our next
Total Productive Maintenance
4) Quality Maintenance
• The focus is on maintaining highest quality through error free production.
• Much like Focused Improvement, the aim here is to eliminate non-conformances in a systematic manner.
• It helps in recognizing which parts of the equipment disturb the quality of product and helps the operator to
eradicate present quality concerns before they turn out to be a potential quality concern
• Treat the process downstream as your customer.
• Some tools are:
• Pareto analysis (The Pareto Principle states that 80 percent of a project's benefit comes from 20 percent of the
work. Or, conversely, that 80 percent of problems can be traced back to 20 percent of causes).
• Statistical process control (SPC - control charts);
• Problem solving techniques (brainstorming,
cause-effect diagrams, and 5-M approach);
• Team based problem solving;
• Poka-yoke systems (mistake proofing)
Total Productive Maintenance
7) Office TPM
• Improve productivity and efficiency of the administrative
functions by identifying and eliminating losses.
• It includes activities such as analyzing the procedures and
processes for increased office automation.
• Targets losses such as cost and processing loss in the areas of
accounts, procurements, and sales and marketing that lead
to high inventories.
8) Development Management
• Use of previous learning in developing the maintenance
practices for new systems.
• It consists of minimizing the problems occurred in the existing
system so as to avoid repeating the same for the new ones.
Total Productive Maintenance
Total Productive Maintenance
• Assemble the washers, nut and bolt as shown below.
• Record the time it takes you to complete the activity.
• The fastest and slowest participants are requested to
repeat the activity.
• The slow participants are given a 5S layout
• The fast participants are given bucket of bolts.
• Time taken to complete the activity is recorded again
and compared to the previous time.
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a total
measure of performance that relates the
availability of the process to the productivity and
Planned Downtime
Total Available time
1 Breakdowns
Available time
2 Setup / adjustment
Available operating time
3 Idling / minor
Actual operating
time 4 Speed
1 Breakdowns
Available time
2 Setup / adjustment
Available operating time
Unplanned (Losses)
Set Ups and Adjustments.
Late deliveries (material).
Operator availability.
Note :
Planned time such as breaks, meetings and maintenance can be
considered as losses (useful for encouraging ideas on how to minimise their
disruption) as long as a consistent approach is taken.
The Operating Speed Rate factored with interruptions to
constant processing, i.e. idling and minor stoppages.
Actual operating
time 5 Defects in process
and rework
operating 6 Start up losses
• Parts Made
– The total quantity of parts produced in the available
• Defect Quantity
– The quantity of parts that did not meet the required
standard (including rework) in the available time.
1 Breakdowns
Available time
2 Setup / adjustment
Available operating time
3 Idling / minor
Actual operating
time 4 Speed
2 Setup / adjustment
3 Idling / minor
4 Speed
5 Defects in process
and rework
6 Start up losses
2 Setup / adjustment
3 Idling / minor
4 Speed
5 Defects in process
and rework
6 Start up losses
3 Idling / minor
4 Speed
5 Defects in process
and rework
6 Start up losses
2 Setup / adjustment
3 Idling / minor
4 Speed
5 Defects in process
and rework
6 Start up losses
3 Idling / minor
4 Speed
5 Defects in process
and rework
6 Start up losses
3 Idling / minor
4 Speed
5 Defects in process
and rework
6 Start up losses
Output G
Standard Cycle time (mins/ unit) H
Defect Quantity J
Even complex processes can be measured.
Before and after change.
Objective comparisons.
Setting achievable goals.
APS Meeting
M/c # 1 Weekly
Daily Support NC OPS
OEE Log. Maint. Quality
X Hours OEE
M/c # 2 OEE
LVER 2 24
X Hours
M/c # 3 Customer protection
M/c # 4 2 Weeks
Counter measure
Improve Performance
Improve Quality
Equip. uptime