CG Module 1.4 - Basics of 2D and 3D Objects

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Basics of 2D and 3D objects

CSE2066 – Computer Graphics

Module 1
• OpenGL syntax
• Header Files
• Display-Window Management Using GLUT
• A Simple program – Line segment
OpenGL syntax
• OpenGL basic / Core library – prefixed with gl
• Function name convention - glBegin, glClear, glCopyPixels, glPolygonMode
• data types - GLbyte, GLshort, GLint, GLfloat, GLdouble, Glboolean
• Library to handle special operations - OpenGL Utility (GLU)
• Object oriented toolkit based on OpenGL - Open Inventor
• provides routines and predefined object shapes for interactive three-dimensional applications
• This toolkit is written in C++
• OpenGL functions for a variety of machines
• OpenGL Extension to the X Window System (GLX) provides a set of routines
• prefixed with the letters glX
• window-system libraries
• Apple systems use the Apple GL (AGL) interface for window-management operations
• prefixed with agl
OpenGL syntax
• For Microsoft Windows systems - the WGL routines
• provide a Windows-to-OpenGL interface.
• prefixed with the letters wgl.
• The Presentation Manager to OpenGL (PGL) is an interface for the IBM OS/2
• uses the prefix pgl for the library routines. The OpenGL Utility Toolkit
• The library of functions for interacting with any screen-windowing System –
Open GL Utility Toolkit (GLUT)
• prefixed with glut
• contains methods for describing and rendering quadric curves and surfaces
• For source code -
Header Files
• windows.h - accesses the WGL routines for Microsoft Windows
• must be listed before the OpenGL and GLU
• it contains macros needed by the Microsoft Windows version of the OpenGL libraries.
• The source file would begin with
• #include <windows.h>
• #include <GL/gl.h>
• #include <GL/glu.h>
• If we use GLUT to handle the window-managing operations, we do not need to include
gl.h and glu.h because GLUT ensures that these will be included correctly.
• #include <windows.h>
• #include <GL/glut.h>
• In addition, we will often need to include header files that are required by the C++ code
• #include <stdio.h>
• #include <stdlib.h>
• #include <math.h>
Display-Window Management Using GLUT
• Consider a simplified, minimal number of operations for displaying a picture
• Initialize GLUT - glutInit (&argc, argv);
• Display window creation - glutCreateWindow (“Title");
• Title - any character string that is used for the display-window title
• Example - An Example OpenGL Program
• create a picture using OpenGL functions and pass the picture definition to the GLUT routine -
glutDisplayFunc (functionName);
• functionName may be like lineSegment
• the OpenGL code for describing a line segment in a procedure called lineSegment
• Activate the display function - glutMainLoop ( );
• This function must be the last one in the program
• displays the initial graphics and puts the program into an infinite loop
• checks for input from devices such as a mouse or keyboard
• Create the window at specific location with a defined size
• glutInitWindowPosition (50, 100);
• glutInitWindowSize (400, 300);
• Changes the predefined values
Additional functions
• glClearColor (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
• Set the background color – R, G, B and Alpha value
• the alpha value is as a “blending” parameter
• can be used to determine the resulting color for two overlapping objects
• 1.0 – transparent object
• 0.0 – opaque object
• OpenGL symbolic constant, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT specifying that it is the bit values in the color buffer (refresh
• glColor3f (0.0, 0.4, 0.2);
• specifying the three RGB color components using floating-point (f) values
• glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
• how we want to “project” our picture onto the display window
• generating a two-dimensional picture is treated by OpenGL as a special case of three-dimensional viewing
• gluOrtho2D (0.0, 200.0, 0.0, 150.0);
• maps the contents of a two-dimensional rectangular area of world coordinates to the screen
• Anything outside this coordinate range will not be displayed
• pastes the picture into the display window
A Simple program – Line segment
#include <GL/glut.h> // (or others, depending on the system in use)
void init (void)
glClearColor (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0); // Set display-window color to white.
glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION); // Set projection parameters.
gluOrtho2D (0.0, 200.0, 0.0, 150.0);
void lineSegment (void)
glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear display window.
glColor3f (0.0, 0.4, 0.2); // Set line segment color to green.
glBegin (GL_LINES);
glVertex2i (180, 15); // Specify line-segment geometry.
glVertex2i (10, 145);
glEnd ( );
glFlush ( ); // Process all OpenGL routines as quickly as possible.
A Simple program – Line segment
void main (int argc, char** argv)
glutInit (&argc, argv); // Initialize GLUT.
glutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB); // Set display mode.
glutInitWindowPosition (50, 100); // Set top-left display-window position.
glutInitWindowSize (400, 300); // Set display-window width and height.
glutCreateWindow ("An Example OpenGL Program"); // Create display window.
init ( ); // Execute initialization procedure.
glutDisplayFunc (lineSegment); // Send graphics to display window.
glutMainLoop ( ); // Display everything and wait.
The display window and line segment produced by the example

Kindly note: - Please install codeblock or visual studio to execute the code
- try implementing the code for DDA and Bresenham’s algorithms

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