Seminar II
Temesgen Tsehayneh (PhD. Student)
Statement of problem
Objective of the study
Material and methodology
Time Schedule
It is likely that the majority of catchments world-wide are ungauged (Sivapalan, 2003)
It is far from adequate in a lot of countries especially in developing countries like Ethiopia
The transfer of information from
This transfer of information is called
gauged catchments to ungauged
Regionalization (Sivapalan, 1995)
catchments is necessary
This is achieved by extrapolating the model parameters from gauged to ungauged
sites belonging to homogeneous regions. 4
Most sub basins of the Blue Nile River Basin are not gauged
Even the gauged one had limited hydrologic data
Little attention has been given to the estimation of runoff at ungauged basins
Hydrologic responses of the catchment in the Due to this the Basin experiences
basin not well understood recurrent drought and famine
Thus the question as to whether it will be possible to extend and/or generalize model parameters obtain
through calibration of gauged watersheds to ungauged catchments within the same region. 6
A number of methods have been attempted to estimate the runoff from ungauged catchments
some of selected previous studies
However, in Blue Nile basin it is generally difficult to
determine and understand the hydrological behavior of
the ungauged watersheds due to the lack of sufficient and
available data.
Furthermore, watersheds with the same physical properties or with spatial proximity do
not always present the same hydrological behavior (Patil, Stieglitz, & Sciences, 2011).
This issue has the potential to be addressed using remote sensing techniques that are
widely used for studying earth events and hydro-climate patterns (Blöschl et al., 2013).
To achieve this general objective, the following specific objectives will addressed
1. To identify hydrologically homogenous regions and propose a watershed classification
methodology prior to regionalization
Determine Hydrologically Homogenous Regions in the basin
Evaluate the efficiency of a systematic watershed classification
2. To simulate streamflow using hydrological model on daily time interval for gauged catchments
To determine model parameters required to estimate streamflow for ungauged catchments
Selection of catchment characteristics which is used for characterization of streamflow at ungauged catchments
3. To identify appropriate regionalization method that can be used in extending the observed
hydrologic regimes to ungauged basins of different spatial scales in the study area.
Study Area
Covers an area of 324,530 km2.
The Blue Nile Altitude ranging from 350 m at Khartoum to over 4,250 m Ethiopian highlands.
River Basin
The livelihood of the study area depends largely on rain-fed agriculture and
small-scale irrigation
Mean annual temperature 18.3 C (Kim, 2007)
There are few reliable hydrologic stations throughout the entire basin
Material and Methodology
Phase 1: Data collection The required input data will adequately collect
Selection of representative catchments and catchment
Based on the availability of daily flow records and reliability in the modelling results I will select
the representative catchment characteristics
In this study I will select a total of 23 PCCs from SRTM DEM analysis, geological maps, land
cover maps and soil maps and 18 sub-basins will be considered in the regionalization procedure.
In addition, I will extract remote sensing indices including
NDMI and
Catchment area Reflects volume of water that can be generated from rainfall
Length of longest flow path Distance from the catchment’s outlet to the most distant source on the catchment boundary
Hypsometric integral Describes the distribution of elevation across the catchment area.
Average slope of catchment Calculated from digital elevation model SRTM DEM pixel by pixel
Drainage density Total stream length for the basin divided by catchment area
%Level: Level to undulation/level/, dominant slopes ranging between 0 and 8%
Slope class as per FAO %Hilly: Rolling to hilly/hilly/, dominant slopes ranging between 8 and 30%
%Steeply: Steeply dissected to mountainous/steeply/, dominant slopes over 30%
Circularity index: is the ratio of perimeter square to the area of the catchment.
Basin shape
Elongation ratio: is the ratio of length of longest drainage to diameter of a circle which has the same area as the basin
Land cover (%) forest, grassland, cropland, bare land, urban and built-up, woody savannah
Soil (%) luvisols, leptosols, nitisols, vertisols and fluvisols
Selected catchment characteristics 15
Phase 2: Input Variable Reduction (selection) techniques
Watershed attribute
Stream flow Indices
SAVI, LAI, NDMI Variable reduction Techniques
and NDVI from
MODIS Hierarchical clustering Density-based Clustering
Reference Clustering Centroids-based Clustering Fuzzy Clustering
Distribution-based Clustering Supervised Clustering
Identify best classification techniques based on similarity index by comparing Reference clustering
Regionalization Techniques
Continuous streamflow
pseudo-ungauged Catchment
Model Performance Evaluation 19
Time Schedule
Time in Months (Jun 2022 to Jun 2025)
Main Activities
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Proposal Development
Data collection and processing
Literature Review
Input Data Preparation
Modeling Simulation
Regionalization model
Model validation work
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