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 Introduction of nanotechnology
 Synthesis of nanoparticles
 How new is nanotechnology
 Richard Adolf Zsigmondy
 Richard Feynman
 Norio Taniguchi
 K Eric Drexler
 Progression of nanotechnology
 How nanotechnology will change the world
 Indian Scenario
 IndiaNano Summit
 Advantages & limitations of nanotechnology
 Conclusion
Nanotechnology is a field of applied science whose theme is the control of matter
on an atomic and molecular scale. Generally nanotechnology deals with structures
100 nanometers or smaller, and involves developing materials or devices within
that size.

Nanotechnology has the potential to create many new materials and devices with
wide ranging applications, such as in medicine, electronics, and energy production.
On the other hand, nanotechnology raises many of the same issues as with any
introduction of new technology, including concerns about the toxicity and
environmental impact of nanomaterials, and their potential effects on global

The key aspect of nanotechnology is that nanoscale materials offer different

Synthesis of nanomaterials
The first observations and size measurements of nano-
particles were made during the first decade of the 20th
century. They are mostly associated with the name of
Richard Adolf Zsigmondy who made detailed studies of
gold sols and other nanomaterials with sizes down to 10 nm
and less. He used ultramicroscope that employs a dark field
method for seeing particles with sizes much less than light

Nanotechnology was first introduced in 1959, in a talk by

the Nobel Prize
-winning physicist ,entitled "There's Plenty of Room at the
The Japanese scientist called Norio Taniguchi of Tokyo
university of science was first to use the term "nano-
technology" in a 1974 conference ,to describe
semiconductor processes. His definition was, "'Nano-
technology' mainly consists of the processing of,
separation, consolidation, and deformation of materials by
one atom or one molecule.

In 1986, K. Eric Drexler wrote "Engines of Creation" and

introduced the term nanotechnology. The book describes
self-replicating nanomachines that could produce virtually
any material good, while reversing global warming, curing
disease and dramatically extending life spans. Drexler's
projections for nanotechnology straddled the border
 Manufacturing and Industry
• Nanotechnology will render the traditional manufacturing process Obsolete. For example,
we'd no longer have a steel mill Outfitted with enormous, expensive machinery, running
on fossil fuels and employing hundreds of human workers; instead we'd have a nano
factory with trillions of nanobots synthesizing steel, molecule by molecule.
 Use of Natural Resources
• Rather than clear-cutting forests to make paper, we'd have assemblers synthesizing paper.
Rather than using oil for energy, we'd have molecule-sized solar cells mixed into road
pavement a few hundred Famine would be obliterated, as food could be synthesized easily
and cheaply with a microwave-sized nanobox that pulls the raw materials from the air or
the soil. And by using nanobots as cleaning machines that break down pollutants, we
would be able to counteract the damage we've done to the earth since the industrial
 Medicine
• Nanotechnology could also mean the end of disease as we know it. If you caught a cold or
contracted AIDS, you'd just drink a teaspoon of liquid that contained an army of molecule-
sized nanobots programmed to enter your body's cells and fight viruses. If a genetic
• Today, most airplanes are made from metal despite the fact that diamond has a strength-
to-weight ratio over 50 times that of aerospace aluminum. Nanotechnology will let us
inexpensively make shatterproof diamond in exactly the shapes we want.
• Travel in space is very expensive and reserved for an elite few. Nanotechnology will
dramatically reduce the costs and increase the capabilities of space ships and space
• a revolutionary idea to attend maximum miniaturization, instead of using transistor‘s
on‘ and off‘ states for implementing ones and zeros respectively
• A new organic material that may lead to a biological or chemical computer.
• In the future, even weapons as small as a single bullet could pack more computer power
than the largest supercomputer in existence today, allowing them to perform real time
image analysis of their surroundings and communicate with weapons tracking systems
to acquire and navigate to targets with greater precision and control.
IndiaNano Summit is a global forum for academic, corporate, government, & private labs,
entrepreneurs, early-stage companies, investors, IP, joint ventures, service providers, start-up
ventures, & strategic alliances. The initiative will support long-term nanoscale research and
development leading to potential breakthroughs in areas such as materials and manufacturing,
nano-electronics, medicine and healthcare, environment, energy, chemicals, biotechnology,
agriculture, information technology, and national security. IndiaNano Nanotechnology Initiative
establishes Grand Challenges – potential breakthroughs that if one day realized could provide
major, broad-based economic benefits to India, as well as improve the quality of life for its
citizens dramatically. The mission vision and objectives are:
 To provide the government and the private sector means to outline a nanotechnology initiative
for India.
 To provide a unique and beneficial platform for initiating and exploring relationships between
entrepreneurs, start-ups and investors for nanotechnology.
 To support long-term nanoscale research and development.
 Help stimulate development of an interdisciplinary international community of nanostructure
researchers in India.
 Identify promising areas for future research and commercial development in India.
 Encourage and identify opportunities for international collaboration with the community of
global nanotechnology initiatives.



 suitability for low cost, high volume production
 reduced size, mass and power consumption
 high functionality
 improved reliability and robustness
 can potentially elongate the life of fruits and vegetables
 develop long-term environmental clean up functions, specifically
 How can you get millions of molecules to arrange themselves into exact
 How do you test the billion molecule electronic circuit?
 Nanoscale computing is amorphous
 The price of programmability
 a loss in jobs in the manufacturing and traditional farming industry
 crash in the markets which is due to the lowering of value of diamonds and
oil due to the development of alternate source of energy.
Humanity will be faced with a powerful, accelerated social revolutions as a result of
nanotechnology. In the near future, a team of scientists will succeed in constructing
the first nano-sized robot
capable Of self replication. Consumer goods will become plentiful, inexpensive,
smart, and durable. Space travel and colonization will become safe and affordable.
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