Grade 9 EsP Power Point Presentation

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SCHOOL YEAR 2022 - 2023
What is Values Education?
Values Education is an essential
element of whole-person education
which aims at fostering students'
positive values and attitudes
through the learning and teaching of
various Key Learning Areas/subjects
and the provision of relevant
learning experiences.
Moral values are defined as
guidelines that assist a person in
deciding between right and wrong.
In order to create honest,
credible, and fair judgments and
relationships in daily life, the
awareness of one’s morals - along
with self-awareness - is crucial
The development of moral values is a
necessary process that should begin in
childhood. Moral values in children can
set them on the right path, helping
them form a pleasant personality
combined with a strong
character. Besides the child's family,
schools are critical in guiding,
supporting, and holding their hands as
they navigate the landscape of moral
From an early age, it is important to
inculcate good moral values and an
upright moral compass in every child or
student, encouraging good behavior,
and knowing how to tell right from
wrong is something we owe to our
Here are the ten essential moral values
that build character and instil positive
behavior in students.
 Respect
Respect is a vital moral value that children have
to learn about early on: A young child must
learn to respect all people regardless of their
age, religion, nationality, beliefs, or point of
view. You can set an example for your child by
speaking respectfully towards others. Show your
child you respect everyone regardless of their
age, race, religion, status, etc.
Another thing children must realize is that many
people stomp on others to get ahead in life in our
extremely competitive and sometimes unforgiving
society. That is precisely why every student must
be taught from a young age to respect every
religion, race, culture, and lifestyle.

It is essential that children learn that their success

in life should not be based on the failures of
 "Honesty'sthe best policy," children are taught in
books. They must, however, practice it on a regular
basis in order to grasp its actual significance. Being
true to one's parents, teachers, and others will help
a child develop honesty as a personality trait. Teach
children that it's always preferable to acknowledge
their mistakes with honesty rather than lie to hide
One way is to demonstrate how they can start small
by being honest with their teacher and classmates.
Dishonesty and cheating must be taught
in schools as bad habits that'll lead to
failure in the future. Even if dishonesty is
beneficial in the short term (e.g.,
cheating on a test), it would eventually
catch up with the student and result in
bad long-term effects (e.g., being unable
to pass an entrance exam for a college
class due to having cheated on tests in
related subject matter).

Compassion is defined as the feeling of love and

concern for others. If parents taught
compassion to their children from an early age,
there would be significantly less hunger,
conflict, homelessness, and unhappiness in the
real world. It sounds idealistic, but we believe
it to be true.
Hard Work

When you were a child, you've probably

heard that "success was made up of 1%
inspiration and 99% perspiration." And it's
true that hard effort plays a positive role in
every student's life. Some students desire to
cut corners in their education and do not
respect the role of hard work. This mindset
must shift, though.
 Those who are truly successful in our
society understand that what they receive
out of something is primarily determined by
the amount of effort they put into it.
Students will be far happier working toward
their goals as adults if we teach them to
perceive hard work as an opportunity -
rather than a barrier

The significance of kindness - although

undeniably great - is determined by how you
express it. The possibilities are endless,
whether it's through empathy, acceptance,
justice, pleasant gestures, or thoughtfulness.
Kindness can take the form of being helpful or
displaying empathy. It could also imply doing
good without expecting good in return.

Gratitude is the willingness to express

appreciation for what you have. And it all
starts with happiness. So, teach your child
to be grateful for what they have in life to
cultivate contentment and thankfulness.
Instil in them the importance of never
taking anybody - or anything - for granted.

Sharing is a form of caring. As a result, a child

must understand the necessity of sharing with
those who are in need. Kids often learn by
example, so you could begin by showing them that
sharing should come from a place of selflessness.
 Encourage the child to share toys with siblings and
cousins, share books with classmates, or donate
food and clothing to less fortunate children.

Cooperation is the act of assisting others in the

pursuit of a common objective. The first step
toward developing a spirit of cooperation is to
collaborate at home. A family should practice
collaboration by doing domestic chores
together and listening to one another's
difficulties. Such gestures encourage a child to
think in terms of "us" rather than "me."

Setting an example for your child is the greatest

method to teach them responsibility. Washing your
dishes, keeping shoes in designated locations,
spending time with family, and sticking to a routine
are just a few examples of responsible behaviors
you can adopt at home. You can assist kids in
learning more effectively by giving them duties and
rewarding them when they finish their chores.

Generosity is critical in developing a nice and socially

responsible person in your child. A generous child will
be willing to offer his or her time and assistance to
others, regardless of the circumstances.
 Teach the child to lend a helping hand to those in
need - in and outside the classroom.
Shaping Moral Values

Moral values are the foundation of your kid's

character. Help them become strong and
undeterred individuals by shaping their moral
values, thoughts, and beliefs. The greatest
approach to getting your youngster on the
right track is to start early. It's also important
to remember that as a parent, you must invest
time and effort in your child's moral growth.
 Thefirst step towards ensuring your child's
sense of right and wrong begins with
selecting a school that will, besides
offering knowledge, inculcate good moral
values from the student's young age.
 Thank you for listening

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