Family Structures and Legacies

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Prepared by Alvilyn S. Gonzales

1. appraise your family structure and the type of care you give and
receive, which may help in understanding yourself better
2. To be able to assess what kind of family they have.
3. To understand the roles of each member of a family.
4. make a genogram and trace certain physical, personality, or behavioral
attributes through generations

No matter who we are, where we live, or what

our goals may be, we all have one thing in
common: a heritage. That is, a social, emotional
and spiritual legacy passed on from parent to
child. Every one of us is passed a heritage, lives
out a heritage, and gives a heritage to our
family. It's not an option. Parents always pass to
their children a legacy … good, bad or some of
►"a fundamental social group in society typically consisting
of one or two parents and their children." 
Nuclear family: A family consisting of a married man & woman and their
biological children.
Extended family:

►A family where Grandparents or Aunts and

Uncles play major roles in the children’s

Foster family: A family where one or more of the children is legally a temporary
member of the household. This “temporary” period may be as short as a few
days or as long as the child’s entire childhood. Kinship care families are foster
families where there is a legal arrangement for the child to be cared for by
relatives of one of the parents

Adoptive family: A family where one or more of the children has

been adopted. Any structure of family may also be an adoptive

Bi-racial or multi-racial family: A family where the parents are

members of different racial identity groups.

Trans-racial adoptive family: A family where the adopted child is of

a different racial identity group than the parents.
► “Broken home”: A highly derogatory term used to
describe the homes of children from divorced families.
Very hurtful.
► • Be clear that there is no such thing as a broken
family. Each family form is what it is and is a family!

► Co-custody family: An arrangement where divorced

parents both have legal responsibility for their children.

► Conditionally separated families: A family member is

separated from the rest of the family. This may be due
to employment far away; military service;
incarceration; hospitalization. They remain significant
members of the family
►Blended family: A family that consists of
members from two (or more) previous

►Gay or Lesbian family: A family where one

or both of the parents’ sexual orientation
is gay or lesbian. This may be a two-parent
family, an adoptive family, a single parent
family or an extended family.
►Migrant family: A family that moves regularly to
places where they have employment. The most
common form of migrant family is farm workers
who move with the crop seasons.

►Immigrant family: A family where the parents

have immigrated to the United States as adults.
Their children may or may not be immigrants.
Some family members may continue to live in the
country of origin, but still be significant figures in
the life of the child.
►Single parent family: This can be either a father or a
mother who is singly responsible for the raising of a child. The child
can be by birth or adoption. They may be a single parent by choice
or by life circumstances.

►Transnational family: These families live in more than

one country.

Welcome to the Family
Debby Kerner, Ernie Rettino

Welcome to the family

We're glad that you have come

To share your life with us

As we grow in love and

May we always be to you

What God would have us be

A family always there

To be strong and to lean on

May we learn to love each other

More with each new day

May words of love be on our lips

In everything we say

May the Spirit melt our hearts

And teach us how to pray

That we might be a true family

Welcome to the family

We're glad that you have come

To share your life with us

As we grow in love and

May we always be to you

What God would have us be

A family always there

To be…

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