Beed Report Pe
Beed Report Pe
Beed Report Pe
Before any tennis match begins, the players meet at center court to determine who
will serve first and from which side of the court that will be from. The chair umpire will
come out to center court and greet both players with a handshake before asking the
lower ranked players to call heads or tails.
In tennis a player must win 6 games to The ranking system in tennis is fairly unique.
win the set. In order to win a game, a Each player receives a ranking based on how
player must win 4 points before the many points they acquire over tournaments
other player wins 4. Generally, throughout the year. Depending on how far a
women's tennis matches are best two player makes if into a tournament receives the
out of three sets while men matches most points.
are best three out of five sets.
In tennis there are line judges who call any ball that is out of bounds by
screaming “out” in the middle of the point. They are more often correct than
not, but sometimes the play is too fast and they make mistakes. Players have the
ability to challenge a call the line judges make.
If a tennis is tied to six in games in a set, the players are forced to decide the winner of
the set through a tiebreaker. Tiebreakers are essentially a longer games. Instead of having
15, 30, 40 scoring, the players play first to win 7 points or more points over their
opponent , wins the tiebreaker and ultimately the set. If the score is tied 6-6 in the
tiebreak, they must continue playing until someone wins by two points.
If you have watched tennis before you may have noticed people running around the court
after the conclusion of a point picking up the ball. Ball boys and girls. Ball boys and girls
have a few responsibilities at the conclusion of each point, they must pick the ball up in
timely manner if it's closest to them
During a tie-break game, points are scored “Zero”, “1”, “2”, “3”, etc.
The first player/team to win seven points wins the “Game” and “Set”,
provided there is a margin of two points over the opponent(s).
The players/teams shall stand on opposite sides of the net. The server is the player
who puts the ball into play for the first point. The receiver is the player who is
ready to return the ball served by the server
When serving in a standard prime, the server shall stand behind
alternate halves of the court, starting from the right half of the court
in every game. In a tie-break game, the service shall be served from
behind the alternate halves of the court, with the first served from the
right half of the court. The players/teams shall stand on opposite
sides of the net.
Foot Fault
During the service motion, the server shall not:
a.) Change position by walking or running, although slight movements of the feet are permitted; or
c.) Touch the area outside the imaginary extension of the sideline with either foot; or
d.) Touch the imaginary extension of the center mark with either foot.
Service Fault
The service is a fault of:
a.) The server breaks Rules “The Service”, “Serving”, or
“Foot Fault; or
b.) The server misses the ball when trying to hit it; or