Bba CH - 2 Marketing Env
Bba CH - 2 Marketing Env
Bba CH - 2 Marketing Env
Marketing Environment
- Customers
- Economic environment
- Suppliers
- Demographic environment
- Marketing intermediaries
- Socio-cultural environment
- Competitors
- Technological environment
- Political legal environment
-Natural environment
• Micro environment lies out of organization
but close to it.
• Micro environment is also called task
• These are partly controllable in particular
situation by the management.
• It involves to analyze and provides internal
information and external environment as well.
Customers refer to the individuals, group of
people or institutions who are interested to
spend money to buy a good or service.
• Suppliers refers to the individuals or
organization regularly supplying the raw
materials to the marketing organization.
• The success of marketing management depends
on the regular supply of goods and services by
the suppliers.
Marketing Intermediaries
• Marketing intermediaries are independent organizations
that help to direct the flow of goods and services from
the producing points to the consumption point.
• It may includes wholesaler, retailers, agents,
• Competitors are those individuals or institutions who
also sell same products or little difference product and
also involve to make business with substitution
products .
• In an industry, firms usually compete for the same
market and customers.
• Macro environment is comprehensive in
nature and lies beyond the company’s
marketing system.
• These forces cannot be controlled or
manipulated by the marketer when and
wherever required.
• It involves to analyze external information.
Demographic Environment
Demography represents the statistical study of
human population and its distribution. It is an
important task for the marketing management to
study about the changing pattern of demography.
• Age refers to the length of time that a person has
• Male might have different preference than that of
• Population size: When the population is huge
in size, then greater production is necessary.
• Population growth: If the rate of population
growth goes on increasing, then the demands
for the products also goes on increasing.
• Migration: migration refers to transferring
population from one place to another.
• Urbanization: urbanization refers to
developing particular areas with different
Economic environment
The marketing of a particular product largely
depends upon two factors; ability of the
consumers to spend and their willingness to
Level of income:
• Higher the level of income, higher will be the
purchasing capacity.
• As a result, the people will be able and willing
to purchase more goods and services.
Economic policy:
• Economic policy is comprised of monetary
policy and fiscal policy. Monetary policy is
concerned with the determination of interest
rates and supply of money.
• And, fiscal policy is more concerned with debt
pattern of the country’s people and taxation.
• Industrial policy :licensing, location,
incentives,foregn investment, technological
transfer and privatization
Economic system:
Free market economy
Centrally planned economy
Mixed economy
Business cycles:
• Inflation refers to the increase in general price level of
commodities. It is the killer of the people’s purchasing power.
• Higher the level of inflation, lower will be the saving
capacity of the people.
• And hence, they tend to buy and consume less. On the other
hand, if inflation level is low, their saving capacity will be
improved and hence, they tend to buy and consume more.
• Employment is the major source of income in any country of
the world.
If the level of employment in the country is high, then the
level of income of the people becomes higher and their
purchasing power will be increased.
Socio-cultural Environment