An DL001
An DL001
An DL001
The technical term of delivery AN DL001-en has the status of an in-house standard.
2016 Copyright ASTA Elektrodraht GmbH– All rights reserved – No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or
introduced into a retrieval system or other media, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying or
otherwise) without the prior written permission of ASTA Elektrodraht GmbH.
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1. General
2. Material
3. Single conductor
4. Continuously Transposed Conductor (CTC)
5. Electrical Final Test
6. Packaging
7. Quality Assurance
8. Amendments
This technical term of delivery shall apply to enamel insulated copper flat wires with or without
an additional coat of thermocuring enamel. The bundle insulation shall be made of insulation
materials as specified under clause 2.5. of this document.
Dimensions of single conductor with proof stress Rp0,2 < 170 N/mm²
Width b1: 2,40 to 12,50 mm
Thickness s1: 0,83 to 4,00 mm
Ratio b1 : s1 (single conductor width/thickness): 2,5:1 to 8:1
Single conductor cross section: 36 mm²
Dimensions of single conductor with proof stress Rp0,2 170 N/mm² to < 280 N/mm²
Width b1: 2,40 to 12,50 mm
Thickness s1: 1,00 to 2,50 mm
Single conductor cross section: 20 mm²
NP Kraft paper type 5A2-1M3 according to DIN VDE 0311 Part 35 (IEC 60554-3-5) –
Thickness: 0,06 and 0,08 mm
TP Munskjö Thermo Trans; thermostabilized kraft paper – Thickness: 0,06 and
0,075 mm
HDC Munksjö , thermostabilized crepe paper; Thickness :0,056 and 0,080 mm
HDG Munksjö Thermo Trans HD Green thermostabilized and calendered paper,
Thickness : 0,050 and 0,080 mm
HIHD Rotherm; thermostabilized and calendered paper, type 5B4-2L4 according to DIN
VDE 0311 Part 35 (IEC 60554-3-5) – Thickness: 0,065; 0,085 and 0,105 mm
CK Cottrell CK125-TU; thermostabilized and calendered paper – Thickness: 0,064;
0,076 and 0,127 mm
XABL E Xamax; thermostabilized paper with one-sided epoxy resin full-covering –
Thickness: 0,076 mm
DDP Calendered presspan for electrical engineering, according to EN 60641
(IEC 60641), double-sided epoxy resin dot covering – Thickness: 0,06 and 0,08
HCC Weidmann 22 HCC Magnet Wire Crepe; thermostabilized crepe paper –
Thickness: 0,076 mm
NX Nomex® Type 410 – Thickness: 0,05 and 0,08 mm
GSB Glass yarn tape – Thickness: 0,15 mm
GB ASTA-netting tape – Thickness: 0,28 mm
SIR ASTA-protective insulation with rip cord
Liquid paraffin
Solid paraffin
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Table 1
b1 and s1 [mm] Permitted tolerance [mm]
3,15 ± 0,03
> 3,15 6,30 ± 0,05
> 6,30 12,50 ± 0,07
Table 2
Permitted tolerance Reduction of cross
s1 [mm] r [mm]
[mm] section [mm²]
1,00 s1/2 - -
> 1,00 1,60 0,50 ± 0,13 0,21
> 1,60 2,24 0,65 ± 0,16 0,36
> 2,24 3,55 0,80 ± 0,20 0,55
> 3,55 4,00 1,00 ± 0,25 0,85
3.1.3. DC resistance
The DC resistance per unit length at 20°C shall be not higher than the value calculated from the
smallest conductor cross section (minimum width b1 multiplied by minimum thickness s1 minus
decrease of section due to maximum edge radius) and the appropriate conductivity value (σ)
given in table 3.
max L
Rmax Rmax Resistance per unit length at 20 °C
Amin ρmax maximum resistivity of the metal at 20 °C
Amin b1min s1min [(rmax 2)² (rmax )] Amin
minimum wire cross section [m²]
1 L length of the wire [m] (=1 m)
max σ electrical conductivity [m/mm²]
Table 3
Proof stress Rp0,2 [N/mm²] Electrical conductivity σ [m/mm²]
< 170 58,0
170 57,5
3.2.1. Double-sided increase due to enamel insulation and thermocuring enamel coat and its
permitted tolerances
Table 4
*) *)
Enamel BL2 BLC
thickness [mm] [mm]
0,04 0,01
0,10 0,02 0,04 0,01
(thickness only)
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The increase due to the insulation may exceed the above values, if the overall dimensions are
not higher than the sum of maximum dimensions as per clause 3.2.2. of this document.
The single conductor dimensions shall be measured with a micrometer, according to DIN 863
Part 1. The dimensions of width and thickness shall be the arithmetical mean of measurements
taken at 3 areas of the wire displaced by 100mm.
The maximum outer dimensions of the single conductor shall not exceed the maximum
dimensions of the bare single conductor as per clause 3.1.1. plus the maximum increase due to
the insulation as per clause 3.2.1. The minimum outside dimensions shall be calculated
The enamel insulation shall be complete and smooth, without cracks, holes, inclusions of
foreign particles or burned areas which could affect the usability in a negative way.
The wire shall be cut around its perimeter down to the surface of the bare conductor and then
stretched to 70 % of its minimum breaking elongation as per tables 9 and 10. The free
measuring length of the specimen shall be 200 to 250 mm. The cut enamel insulation must not
flake off by more than 3 mm lengthwise from the cutting point.
The wire sections shall be bent 180 ° into an S-shape, both edgewise and flatwise, about a
cylindrical mandrel of diameter D as given in Table 5 below. The enamel insulation must not
show cracks visible to the naked eye.
Table 5
Single conductor width b1 Mandrel diameter D Mandrel diameter D
[mm] Edgewise bending Flatwise bending
10 2 x b1 3 x s1
> 10 3 x b1 4 x s1
Table 6
Single conductor width Mandrel diameter D Mandrel diameter D
b1 [mm] Edgewise bending Flatwise bending
10 4 x b1 4 x s1
> 10 6 x b1 6 x s1
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Table 7
el. breakdown voltage el. breakdown voltage (min)
(Arithmetical mean) [kV] [kV]
3,0 1,0
10 wire specimens shall be bent 180 ° into an S-shape - 5 edgewise and 5 flatwise - over
mandrel diameters as per table 6 and stored in a hot cabinet for 30 minutes at a temperature of
30 °C above the temperature index. The breakdown voltages, measured in accordance with
EN 60851 - 5 (IEC 60851 - 5) after cooling of the specimens, shall not be lower than 80 % of the
values given in table 7.
To check the thermocuring enamel coat for proper polymerizability, the following “lap shear test”
shall be performed:
Two wire specimens each shall be placed in a jig with an overlap of l. The overlapping wires
shall be exposed to a constant pressure of 100 N/cm² and polymerized in a forced-air hot
cabinet as per table 13. As soon as the specimens are cooled down, the lap shear test shall be
performed at room temperature and repeated at 125 °C. The arithmetical mean shall be
calculated from 10 test results and shall comply with the values given in table 8.
Test setup:
Overlap l:
R p 0, 2 b1 s1 0,86 r 2 [mm]
18b1 2r
Table 8
*) *)
Test temperature t BL2 und BLC
[°C] Shearing strength TB [N/mm²]
125 8
155 2
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The specimens shall be tested for resistance to hydrolysis similarly to clause 6 of EN 60851 - 4
(IEC 60851 - 4), Section 6, Test 20: “Resistance to Transformer Oil". The mandrel diameters for
the breakdown voltage test shall be as given in Table 6 of this document. The specimens deem
to have passed the test, if the breakdown voltage values after storage reach at least 60 % of the
initial values.
The mechanical properties of single conductor shall be expressed as tensile strength Rm, proof
stress Rp0,2 and breaking elongation A100mm.
Table 9
Proof stress Rm [N/mm²] Breaking Elongation A100mm [%]
200 – 270 35
Table 10
Proof stress Rp0,2 [N/mm²] Breaking Elongation A100mm [%]
100 < 140 25
140 < 170 20
170 < 240 18
240 280 15
The appropriate nominal (minimum) values shall be specified by the customer. For a proof
stress Rp0,2 < 200 N/mm² a tolerance of +30/-0 N/mm² and for a proof stress Rp0,2 200 N/mm²
a tolerance of +40/-0 N/mm² shall be applicable.
In terms of possible resoftening of high proof stress copper ASTA recommends to use copper -
silver alloy CuAg0.10 for single conductor with a proof stress Rp0,2 ≥ 220 N/mm².
4.1. Transposition
The single conductor shall be continuously transposed with a constant distance S in such a way
that the top and bottom conductors in the bundle change conductor stacks. Each single
conductor shall return to its original position in the bundle latest after one winding circumference
The CTC shall be designed in such a way, that the transposing factor fD, as calculated by
previous formula, shall be 7 or higher. Lower transposing factors may be applicable, but need to
be discussed with ASTA in advance.
For calculated transposing factors fD > 15, the pitch length of the CTC will be reduced
accordingly to ensure bundle stability during winding.
During production and processing of the CTC it’s necessary to grease the single conductor with
transformer oil compatible lubricant.
In order to enhance the CTC ability to slide during winding, the bottom of the bundle may be
coated with solid paraffin on customer’s request.
Generally an interleaving layer is not necessary for a CTC, but on customer’s request it can be
provided with one - material as per item 2.3. of this document - if the calculated height HZL is 8
H ZL ( s1 IL BL ) [mm] valid for odd-numbered CTC
H ZL ( s1 IL BL ) [mm] valid for even-numbered CTC
4.4. Additional Insulation (in direction of ASTA’s production)
If requested, ASTA can also supply CTC with so called additional insulation - material as per
item 2.4. of this document.
*) 2 – 3 mm edge covering
Additional insulation
4.5. Bundle insulation
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The bundle shall be covered with appropriate number of paper layers (material as per clause
2.5.). All layers, except the two top ones, shall be butt-wound with a gap of 0,8 mm. The two
top layers shall be interlocked butt-wound. The butt joints in every two successive layers shall
be staggered by 40 - 50 % of the paper layer width. The spinning direction of the layers shall be
The bundle shall be covered with appropriate number of paper layers (material as per clause
2.5.). The first two layers and the two top layers shall be interlocked butt-wound. All other layers
shall be butt-wound with a gap of 0,8 mm. The butt joints in every two successive layers shall
be staggered by 40 – 50 % of the paper layer width. The spinning direction of the layers shall be
For bundle insulations class 200, the insulation shall be made in accordance with clause 4.5.1.,
using an appropriate number of NX aramide paper or GSB tapes.
S fD
n b1
B 2b1 IL IE ZL IB ML [mm]
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4.6.4. Designations
+ 0,05 / - 0,10 mm Transposing factor fD 7 and single conductor thicknesses s1 < 2,00 mm and
Rp0,2 < 170 N/mm²
Table 11
Number of single conductor n Tolerance of the radial height H [mm]
21 + 0,20 / - 0,10
35 + 0,30 / - 0,15
55 + 0,80 / - 0,20
> 55 + 1,10 / - 0,50
Table 12
Number of single conductor n Tolerance of the radial height H [mm]
21 + 0,30 / - 0,10
35 + 0,50 / - 0,15
55 + 1,30 / - 0,20
> 55 + 1,40 / - 0,50
Brazed joints on single conductor will be made with silver filler, worked to exact size and
insulated with Nomex adhesive tape, respectively Kapton adhesive tape type 77300 for netting
tape CTC. The insulation material will be wound with a 40 – 50 % overlap or a collar of the
same material so that the brazed joint will be covered at least 30 mm lengthwise.
Brazed joints on different single conductor will be made at least 1 m apart from each other and
the positions of brazed joints will be marked on the bundle with Nomex adhesive tape.
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4.9. Shell Life of CTC with BL2*) oder BLC*) thermocuring enamel coat
The ability of this type of CTC to polymerize will be guaranteed for up to one year from the date
of delivery when stored under appropriate conditions (temperature 25 °C).
Short-term temperature excursions up to ≤ 40 °C will not affect polymerizability in a negative
Table 13
Polymerization temperature [°C] Min. time period of polymerization [h]
105 55
110 48
120 24
130 16
The heating-up time of the winding depends on the power of the oven and the mass of the
winding and is not considered in above mentioned values.
Generally all CTC drums are packed with a crepe paper. If seaworthy packing is necessary or
requested, stretch film will be used in addition.
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The requested CTC lengths per drum, respectively the lengths per drum-compartment will be
specified in the order documents, whereat below mentioned tolerances are permissible.
Table 14
6.2. Identification
Drum number
Order number / signo
Nominal dimensions
Single conductor insulation
Shipping weight
Net weight
Release date
Release note
New edition