Chapter 8

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The Meaning of Academic Writing

In broadest sense, “academic writing is

any writing done to fulfill a requirement
of a college or university which may be
used for publications that are read by
teacher and researchers or presented at
A more narrow meaning specifies that
academic writing is any formal written work
produced in an academic setting by
students, professors, and researchers in
every discipline to convey ideas, make
arguments, and engage in scholarly
literary analyses, research papers, theses and
How Academic Writing is Done

1. Choose a topic. Look for any topic

that interests you. The topic
should be appropriate to the kind
of text assigned and to the
specified, required time of
2. Consider the rhetorical elements.
a. Purpose for writing
b. Expected audience
c. Stance –whether serious, objective, critical
opinionated, curious, passionate, or
d. Tone – whether funny , ironic, reasonable,
thoughtful, angry, or gentle
e. Genre that calls for either formal or
f. Medium – print, spoken, or electronic
g. Design – format, typefaces,
illustrations, and audio-visual materials
3. Generate ideas and text. Aim to
find the best information and
credible sources. Self-publish media,
such as websites, should be
evaluated, if managed by experts or
group of experts.
4. Organize you ideas. The
organization needed to on rhetorical
elements, like purpose, audience,
stance, and tone, genre and
5. Write out a draft. Consider your
genre, medium, and design when
deciding on register and style of
6. Revise, edit, and proofread. Pay
special attention to correctness of
language (grammar, mechanics,
7. Evaluate your work.
a. How well did you convey the
b. What strategies did you rely on, and
did they help you achieve your purpose?
c. How well did you organize your ideas?
Structure of Academic Texts
1. Aim. This is the general purpose of
the text, and it appears after the
To investigate how effective nursing
interventions are for smoking
2. Research questions. The
questions, which are placed after the
aim, limit or specify the aim.
What nursing interventions exist?
How many patients are still smoke-
free after one year?
3. Introduction. This comes before
the aim and the research questions.
Explain the importance of the aim,
mention that there is something
about it that is not yet known, and
specify the benefits that can be
gained from the knowledge to be
4. Methods and materials. Mention
what procedure you followed to
achieve your aim and answer you
research questions. First, your readers
should understand how you got the
results, and second, after reading this
section, they should be able to
duplicate your research.
5. Results. Present the results objectively
without interpreting them because the
interpretation will appear in the
discussion section. For text coherence,
sequence the results by following the
particular order of the research questions
as the were given.
6. Discussion. This is where you interpret your
results. It is the most difficult part because you
need to analyze the results and interpret them at
the same time.
Outline of Discussion
a. First paragraph: Repeat the aim and give the
importance of the study to the field. For instance,
you can say:
“This is the first study to examine the correlation
Then briefly account for the most important parts
of your results, perhaps linking them to your
hypothesis if you have one.
b. The rest of the discussion analyzes
and interprets the results. The following
questions can help:
•What do your results mean?
•How do they relate to previous
research? What are the reasons for
potential differences between your
study and previous research?
•How may your method have affected
your results.
•What are the strengths and weaknesses
of the study?
7. Conclusion. Make a general statement about
your aim and your results; focus on the
implications of your results and mention the need
for further research.

8. References. Indicate all cited sources of data,

and use the APA style of documentation.
Parts of Research/Scholarly Report
Title Page
• Goals and significance of Research
• Literature Review
• Aim and Research Questions and/or Hypothesis
Method and Materials
•Participants or Sampling
•Procedure Used
•Measures Used (if quantitative

• Analysis and Interpretation of Results
• Conclusions
• Recommendations for Future Research

Key Features of Academic Texts
1. Literacy Narrative. A well-told story, vivid detail,
clear significance.
2. Article/Book Review. A summary of text,
attention to context, a clear interpretation,
support for your conclusion
3. Research Report. A tightly focused topic, well-
researched information, various writing strategies,
clear definitions, appropriate design.

4. Position Paper. A clear and arguable position,

background information, good reasons, convincing
evidence, appeals to readers, a trustworthy tone,
consideration of any other positions.
5. Abstract, such as informative, descriptive,
critical abstracts (a summary of basic information,
objective description, brevity)

6. Evaluation. A concise description of the subject,

clearly defined criteria, a knowledgeable
discussion, a balanced and fair assessment, well-
supported reasons.
7. Laboratory Report. An explicit title, abstract,
purpose, methods, results and discussion,
references, appendices, appropriate format.

8. Literary Analysis. An arguable thesis, careful

attention to the language of the text, attention to
patterns or themes, a clear interpretation.
9. Proposal. A well-defined problem, a
recommended solution, a convincing argument
for your solution, possible questions, a call for
action, an appropriate tone.

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