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Circuit Breaker  Busbars and associated Insulators.  Isolators/ Disconnectors  Instrument Transformers  Protective Relays and auxiliary circuits


Developmental Test Type Test Routine Test Factory Inspection Test PrePre-Commissioning Test

Developemental Test

Carried out on components,sub-assemblies components,suband complete switchgear during and after the development of switchgear. Related with R&Ds and manufacturing processes. Not covered under any reference standard.

Type Test

These tests are carried out for the purpose of proving characteristics of switchgear and control gear, their operating devices and auxiliary equipment. equipment.  The type tests are carried out on a maximum of four test specimen unless otherwise specified in the relevant IEC standards. standards.

Type Test

Lightning Impulse Test Switching Impulse Test Power Frequency Over Voltage Withstand Test Partial Discharge Test Artificial Pollution Test Temperature Rise Test Resistance Measurement of the Main Circuit. Short Time Withstand Current Test, Peak Withstand Current Test Making Current and Breaking Current Test Mechanical Endurance Test

Lightning Impulse Test


The insulation of switchgear should be so designed that it can withstand the occasional Lightning surges of high peak value, sharp rate of rise and short duration. duration. The lightning impulse voltage withstand level of the switchgear is proved by conducting this test. test. The test is performed with voltages of both positive and negative polarity with respect to earth using the standard Lightning Impulse 1.2/50s 1.2/50s waveform (Fig 1).

Lightning Impulse Test

Rated Voltage (KVrms)
3.6 7.2 12.0 36.0 145.0 245.0

Rated Lightning Impulse Test Voltage (KVpeak)

40 60 75 170 650 1050

Brief test procedure

The standard test involves the application of 15 nos. of test voltages(1.2/50microsec lightning impulse wave surge to simulate lightning stroke condition) between each phase and earth in turn with CB closed & other phases earthed. In addition, test voltages are also applied across each set of open CB contacts. The overall test is considered to be satisfactory if not more than 2 flashovers occur during any series of 15 tests provided that these discharges only occur in self-restoring insulation (i.e. air, oil or SF6 gas). A breakdown of solid insulation normally results in an inability to recover and constitutes a test failure.


Switching Impulse Test

The purpose of this test is to verify the ability of the insulation of switchgear to withstand the occasional high frequency Switching surges occurred during opening & closing of unloaded EHV AC lines, switching of small inductive or capacitive loads etc. etc.  This test is necessary for switchgear of rating 300 KV and above.

The switching surges are simulated in test laboratories by a representative 250/2500 s 250/ switching impulse wave obtained from an impulse generator. generator.  The test procedure of switching impulse is same as that of Lightning Impulse Test.

Power Frequency Over voltage Withstand Test

The purpose of this test is to verify the ability of the insulation of switchgear to withstand the temporary power frequency over votages for a specified short duration.  These over voltages of 50Hz waveform are 50Hz produced by sudden load-throw-off, faults, load-throwresonance, and poor voltage regulations by OLTC of transformers etc. etc.

Test procedure
Main Circuit


The switchgear is subjected to the withstand level of the power frequency high voltage for 1 min. (with respect to earth and between poles) The result will be satisfactory if no failure occur. The withstand voltage levels for different ratings of breakers are given below.

Rated Voltage (KVr.m.s)

Rated Power Frequency Test Voltage (KVrms)

3.6 7.2 12.0 36.0 145.0 245.0

10 20 28 70 275 530

On Auxiliary & Control Circuits


Auxiliary and control circuits of switchgear shall be subjected to power frequency voltage withstand test in accordance with IEC 61180-1. 61180The test is performed between the auxiliary and control circuits connected together as a whole and the frame of the switching device. device. The test voltage is 2 KV with duration of 1 min. min. The auxiliary and control circuits of switchgear are considered to have passed the tests if no disruptive discharge occurs during test. test.

Partial Discharge Test


The primary reason of this test is to check the healthiness of insulation of switchgear . Main cause of PD is the formation of localised void in the insulation. insulation. The applied power frequency voltage is raised to a prepre-stress value which is identical to the power frequency withstand voltage test and maintained at that value for 1 min. Partial discharge occurring during this period is disregarded. Then the voltage is decreased to a specific value defined in the table below depending upon the configuration of equipment and system neutral for partial discharge measurement.

permissible partial discharge level shall not exceed 5 pC. equipment in sw. gear like Voltage Transformer have an acceptable level of PD greater than 5 pC. sub-assembly subcontaining such components shall be considered acceptable if the discharge level does not exceed 10 pc, but in that case these will be tested for PD separately.
Any However some

The maximum

Artificial Pollution Test

These tests are intended to provide information on the behaviour of external insulations under conditions representative of pollution in service. service. No artificial pollution tests are necessary when the creepage distances of the insulators comply with the relationship given below : It = a x If x Ur x KD Where, It = minimum nomianl creepage distance in mm a = application factor If = minimum nominal specific creepage distance (mm/kV) Ur = Rated voltage of switchgear in KV KD= Correction factor due to diameter


Temperature Rise Test

Temperature rise test is performed to prove that temperature rise comply to limits specified in standards and to derive thermal characteristic of the transformer.

Temperature Rise Test

The test is done with the normal rated sinusoidal current with the three poles connected in series. Temperature rise test is series. carried out over a period of time sufficient for the temperature rise to reach a constant value. value.When the steady temperature is reached the maximum temperature rise of each part should be less than the permissible limits as per IS. IS.

Resistance measurement of Main Circuit

Measurement of resistance of Main Circuit is made for comparison between Sw. Gear Sw. type tested for temperature rise and sw. sw. gears of the same type. type.  The resistance is measured before and after temperature rise test and the readings in these two conditions should not differ by more than 20%. 20%

The resistance is measured by Millivolt Drop Test Method.  The DC current should be more than 50A and less than rated current of circuit breaker.  The resistance should be measured at ambient air temperature.

Resistance measurement of Auxilliary Circuit

These test is intended to verify the contact performance under extremely low voltage condition due to the reason that on auxilliary contact materials, oxidation may occur which results in an increased contact resistance or even no conduction at very low voltage. voltage. One sample of each type of auxilliary contacts is inserted into a resistive load circuit through which flows a current of 10 mA when energised by a source having an open circuit voltage of 6 V DC with a relative tolerence of 0-15% and the 15% resistance is measured according to IEC 60512-2. 60512-

Rated Short Time Withstand Current Test

Defn :The r.m.s value of the current which the switchgear can carry in the closed position during a specified short time.

Routine Test
y y y y y y

Tightness test Measurement of resistance of main circuit of each pole Power frequency voltage withstand test on main circuit and auxiliary circuits Mechanical operating test Design and visual checks Tests on auxiliary and control circuits

Tightness Test

The purpose of tightness tests is to demonstrate that the absolute leakage rate does not exceed the specified value of the permissible leakage rate. The test shall be performed at normal ambient air temperature with the assembly filled at the pressure (or density) corresponding to manufacturers test practice.

Mechanical operating test

Mechanical operational tests are performed following points: (a) at specified max. supply voltages applicable) 1. five closing operations 2. five opening operations (b) at specified min. supply voltages applicable) 1. five closing operations 2. five opening operations (c) at specified rated supply voltages applicable) 1. five closing operations 2. five opening operations on switchgear at the and gas pressure(if

and gas pressure(if

and gas pressure(if

Design and Visual Check

The switchgear and control gear shall be checked to verify its compliance with the purchase specification. specification.

Tests on Auxiliary and Control Circuits

The tests includes :
(i) Inspection of auxiliary and control circuits The nature of the materials, the quality of assembly, the finish etc. shall be checked. The components for auxiliary etc. checked. circuits inside enclosures shall be checked for proper mounting. mounting. .

(ii) Functional tests

This test is necessary to verify proper functioning of auxiliary and control circuits in conjunction with other parts of switchgear. Operational tests on closing circuits should be done satisfactorily within the range of 85%85%110% of normal rated voltage. Operational tests on Tripping circuits should be done satisfactorily within the range of 70%-110% of normal rated voltage. 70%Measurement of operating times of the switchgear (Closing, Tripping and close-open operation time) is also closedone in functional tests

Factory Inspection Test by Client

During inspection at the manufacturing works, sample tests are witnessed by client . The normal routine tests are conducted on sample switchgear. Additionally, client may ask for other tests also as per their requirement or they can ask for repeat test on same switchgear

Pre Commissioning Test


High voltage withstand test (HVAC) Resistance measurement test Measurement of insulation resistance of the auxiliary and control circuit Current Transformers ( all tests ). Voltage Transformers ( all tests ).

Current Transformer Test


IR measurement. Ratio Checking. Checking. Winding resistance measurement. Polarity Test . Magnetizing Characteristic Tests. Tests.

Insulation Resistance Measurement

Insulation resistance of the CT secondary is measured with the help of 1000V 1000V  Megger (Insulation Tester) with respect to Earth & in between different cores. cores.

Ratio Checking
The usual method is to apply test current to the primary winding of CT close to rated primary current and measure the magnitudes of primary and secondary currents with a low value of secondary burden.

Ratio Check
(Connection Diagram)

Winding Resistance Measurement

Secondary winding resistance of a CT is measured as per the circuit diagram given below. below.

Polarity Testing
If at any instant, current is entering the primary from P1 the current should leave secondary from terminal marked S1. A set up shown in the figure tests wheather the polarity markings with respect to the secondary are correct or not. (P1 should not. (P1 correspond to S1)

Polarity Test

Magnetizing Characteristic Test


Magnetizing current is measured for several secondary emfs. This is accomplished by applying emfs. appropriate voltage to the secondary winding, and measuring the current taken by secondary winding under test. test. During the test the primary and other windings are kept open circuited. circuited. The RMS value of the sinusoidal voltage of rated frequency applied to the secondary winding which, when increased by 10%, causes the 10% secondary magnetizing current to increase by 50% 50% is called Knee Point Voltage (Vk). (Vk).

Magnetizing Characteristic Tests

Voltage Transformers
Measurement of IR Ratio Test Polarity Test Measurement of secondary winding resistance Measurement of primary winding resistance Magnetizing Characteristics & Over Voltage Withstand Test

Insulation Resistance Measurement

Measurement is done with a 1000V Megger to ascertain the insulation resistance of primary winding w.r.t earth isolating the intentional earthing, insulation resistance of secondary windings w.r.t earth and insulation resistance in between primary and secondary winding.

Ratio Test

The ratio of VT is checked by applying variable AC voltage to the secondary winding and measuring its voltage reflection in the primary. primary.

Ratio Test
(Back to Back connection of two VTs)

Polarity Test

Measurement of secondary Winding Resistance

Measurement of primary Winding Resistance

Magnetizing Characteristics & Over Voltage Withstand Test

Magnetizing characteristic gives a clear picture of amount of magnetizing current drawn by secondary core and the secondary e.m.f up to which the core exhibits its magnetic properties. properties. The varying voltage is applied in the secondary of VT keeping the primary winding open and is raised upto 120% of the normal rated voltage (i.e. 120% (i. 120% 120% of 63.5 V) to ascertain that VT can 63. withstand this overvoltage without any failure. failure. The magnetizing current drawn by the VT secondary core is also noted for different applied voltages. voltages.

Magnetizing Characteristics & Over Voltage Withstand Test

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