Exam Anxiety
Exam Anxiety
Exam Anxiety
It is most common and often experienced before, during and after the examination
The challenge is when our level of anxiety increases past an optimal level such that it interferes
with our studying or performance.
When anxiety is too intense, we may have difficulty learning and remembering what we need to
know for the exam, find it hard to focus on questions, or demonstrate our knowledge or skills
during the exam.
Relevance and importance of discussion
Attended exams multiple times, but cannot avoid being trapped into exam anxiety. Most common
and dangerous and yet underrated and unnoticed issue
According to the American Test Anxieties Association, about 16 to 20 percent of students have
high test anxiety, with another 18 percent troubled by moderately high test anxiety.
Causes of exam anxiety
Lack of preparation
Focusing too much on how other classmates and friends are doing
Feeling upset
Negative self-talk
Follow a schedule
Prioritize: give more time to chapters or contents that are most important, make a
Check your diet: try not to consume food with high caffeine and sugar content