Dither Explained

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Overlapping (blended) shooting with

How to do better than a “random sequence”….

Thomas Elboth (telboth@shearwatergeo.com) – April 2021

Random is perhaps
Assumption about dithering “too much” random.
We get natural
An ideal dithering sequence for deblending is:
1. Uniform random
• Meaning that all values have the same
likelihood. (the histogram is reasonably flat)
• The normal ‘rand()’ function on a computer
will give such a sequence. Insert a picture Low discrepancy
random seems
2. Low discrepancy
• Meaning that values are well distributed –
and not clustered.
• This means that we need to put additional
constraints on the dithering sequence.
Dithering in practice: Observations:
1. Dither all shot-times (from Sources S1, S2 and S3) by [0-x] ms.
Shot number
2. Sort to common-offset for deblending


• When we align for S1, S2 and S3 will be distributed over [-x to x]ms S1(i)-S1(i)

• When we align for S2, S1 and S3 will be distributed over [-x to x]ms S1(i)-S2(i)
• When we align for S3, S2 and S1 will be distributed over [-x to x]ms S1(i+1)-S3(i)

Key observation:
When aligning the shot times for source N the effective dithers from source N+1 becomes the sum (difference) of the dithers from source
N and N+1. We want the effective dither (S2-S1) to be uniform random – and low discrepancy.
Using random dithers

Adding two uniform random

sequences gives a triangular
distribution (Irwin-Hall).
The result is also high

That is clearly NOT ideal!

By doing some math-magic (inspired by, but not a copy of Patent US10649108):
Low discrepancy – Inverse Irwin-Hall
• The key idea is that the effective dithers
are the sum of the dithers from two

• These effective dithers should ideally be

low discrepancy – and close to uniform

• Adjusted functionality is available at:

• https://acqplotter-web-app.azurewebsites.net/

Inverse Irwin-Hall.
Notice clustering at Low discrepancy Not 100% uniform random,
the edges… but close!

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