Why we chose it? To study about one of the One of the developed Different types of housing To get knowledge about Knowledge on different
earliest modern concept of housing projects of opportunity. mass affordable housing types of housing projects
row housing projects in Nepal. Built on the aspects of and how high densities on different sites with
Nepal done about 11 years Made with all the sustainability, incorporating could be achieved with unique climatic conditions.
ago ; to realize its modern infrastructures. existing landscape. low-rise courtyard homes,
experience of pros and To get the idea of built with simple materials
cons for future housing modern housing at human scale
design projects. projects of Nepal.
Housing Type Single Residential housing Single Residential Residential terrace housing, Mass affordable residential Knowledge on Different
units housing units courtyard housing, apartment housing kinds of housing typologies
buildings, semi-detached that could be
house. accommodated in a single
housing project.
Building typology Traditional materials used in Traditional technlogy Insight on use of different
Modern technology with Modern technology contemporary way. Architects houses with External brick kinds of building
used the consistent materials walls ; Roof structure technology that could be
Traditional Nepali style and limited color palette in covered with wooden used as per site/urban
their designs which resulted a shingles constructed by context, affordability and
neighborhood, which has a local unskilled laborer.
materials available.
harmonic consistency despite
its large number of different
house typologies.
Orientation Houses oriented in North-South oriented North-South oriented site Central courtyard oriented For maximum solar gain,
different sides site Houses oriented in different dwelling units. east-west oriented units
sides and to reduce solar gain in
East-West/ West-east
site of tropical climate,
oriented houses west-east oriented or
Planning Grid like town plan concept Grid planning Straight avenues of streets Done in different phases : Gridded street planning is
parallel to existing mature hierarchical open spaces, seen more popular
trees. spaces/cluster planning, responsive to site which
Open space to balance sector planning and sub leads to best utilization of
mass of the building. urban level planning. the total site area.
Circulation Lanes with some dead end Well-circulated lanes with Rectilinear road layout, Streets leading to Non-obstructive smooth
roads. no dead end roads. communal landscape, well courtyard housing units. circulation of pedestrian
The main access road is of Main road- 15m wide connected via public Movement within and vehicular movement
8m then other secondary Sub road near entrance- transport. development is entirely can be best achieved
roads are of 4.5m and 5m 7m wide pedestrian. through planned rectilinear
wide. Sub road inside colony- 5m road layout.
wide- one way road.
Interior Fully furnished, Fairly Fully furnished, Fairly Well planned functional Building with basic Healthy living interiors with
planned interiors planned interiors interiors required rooms : living sufficient sunlight hours to
lacking on sunlight. lacking on sunlight. room and bedroom with be achieved.
toilet outside the house.
Parking One car parking in One car parking in Separate car parking Not any provisions for Car parking space as a
maximum houses with maximum houses with space allocated car parking; parking basic requirement for
guest parking at the guest parking at the spaces allotted on the people nowadays.
side of road. side of road. fringes.
Green and Open spaces Initially, many open Small pocket of open Many green spaces, Courtyard spaces For a healthy and
community spaces and spaces, less green spaces, Terraces, courtyards, sustainable living, green
green spaces inside plot planters in front of every gardens, and open spaces provisions
were proposed. house. are not to be neglected.
3% of the area was
designed as open space,
which was not maintained
as planned due to
Exterior One way slope roof, Black paved roads Traditional Cambridge Two way slope roof, white- Varieties of options for the
Traditional Nepali building Modern cement plastered Gault clay bricks, Green washed houses topped external finishes as per
houses, Stone texture Oak and copper. with Mangalore tiles, front design concept, approach
treatment on top exterior, yards are paved with to uniqueness and
Unique cornice projection planters outside each Shahabad, the most availability in the market.
on the exterior view of the building, popular stones used in
building. Light cream and Peaceful environment, angans
crimson color on the
external façade enhance
the uniformity.
Materials used Brick, Cement, paints, Bricks, Cement, stone, Bricks, Copper, Timber, White wash, Mangalore Varieties of options for the
aluminum windows, aluminium windows. Glass, Hard-wood Decking, tiles, Shahabad (most materials as per design
Composite Aluminium and popular stones used in concept, approach to
shingles, Light cream,
timber for windows, Steel. angans) uniqueness and availability
crimson shaded paint, in the market.
textured plaster, iron
Structure RCC structure with RMC RCC structure FSC buildings Load bearing structure RCC structure might be
(Ready mix concrete) Curved steel roof cost-friendly if designed
comprising Rectangular likewise.
Hollow Section (RHS)
beams, light steel purlins,
and light steel infill walls.
Provision for differently Provision of Ramp in Provision of Ramp in Not Known. No Would be good if included.
abled people community building community building;
accessible to one floor