Disciples of CH
Disciples of CH
Disciples of CH
•Christianity is a religion that
was meant to be
universal .Jesus Christ
evangelical command " Go
and teach all nation". to his
diciples shows that he intended
his teachings not just for the
jews but for all the world.
• Christianity is a religion that
developed from judaism some
of its followers were originally
jews. What distinguishes
christians from jews is that the
former accepts Jesus christ as
the Messiah, or the Savior ,
• ,while
the latter consider
Jesus as just another
prophet of God and the
real messiah is yet to
• The Christian bible includes
the Herbrew Bible as their
Old Testament but the bulk of
its early history is recorded in
the New Testament .
•The new testament is
divided into four parts :
•The Gosples
•The Acts of the apostles
•The Epistles
•The Revelation
• There are 27 books
• The Gospels follow the life and
teachings of jesus and they were
written by the four evangelist :
• Matthew
• Mark
• Luke
• And Jhon
The Acts of the apostles descibe the
spread of early Christianity after
jesus ascension at the end of the
gospels stories
The Epistles are letters to the early
Christians, most of which are
written by paul
The Revelation fore tells in
symbolic language the triumph of
• The essential Christian beliefs are
recorded in creeds and there are
differrent versions of such
creeds .The common element
however is the acknowledge of the
holly trinity belief in God.
• It was the Father who created the
world and Jesus often speaks about
him in the Gosples Jesus is the only
son of God sent to save the world
from sin
• The Holly spirit appeard in
the Baptism of jesus and was
also sent down to the diciples to
guide them in spreading
The whole of christian conviction
could be summarize in Jesus two
great commandments " Love the
Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all
your mind" and ""Love your
neighbor as you love yourself"
(Matthew22: 37-40)
• The life of the Christian is
centered on these two things :
praise and thanksgiving for
God and acts of love to
humankind .
Christians also believe in the life
after death the soul of a person will
be judged according to his/her
deed in his/her life in the world and
will either go to heaven to dwell
with God or to hell and be
seperated permanently from him.
• There is also a belief in Purgatory
where there is temporary punishment for
those who do not yet deserve to go to
either heaven or hell.But there are also
some Christians group who belive in the
establishment of the kingdom of God
with the creation of the new heavens and
the new earth where they would dwell..
• At the end of time,there is
agreement that all souls will
be reunited with their bodies
just a Jesus resurrected from
the dead , and there will be a
final judgement ..
A part of certaning their lives on
Jesus , Christians especially
Catholics are also devoted to Mary,
theGod Mother of God . Catholics
Orthodox, and some Protestants
feel close to mary and consider her
their Mother Mary has also been
viewed as the helper of those who