VIII - Estimation
VIII - Estimation
VIII - Estimation
• Methods of inference usually fall into one of two
broad categories: estimation or hypothesis testing.
• For now, we will focus on using the observations in a
sample to estimate a population parameter.
• Up until this point, we have assumed that the values of
the parameters of a probability distribution are known.
• In the real world, the values of these population
parameters are usually not known
• Instead, we will try to say something about the way in
which a random variable is distributed using the
information contained in a sample of observations.
• Is concerned with estimating the values of
specific population parameters based on
sample statistics.
• is about using information in a sample to
make estimates of the characteristics
(parameters) of the source population.
• A sample survey revealed:
• Proportion of smokers among a certain group of
population aged 15 to 24.
• Mean of SBP among sampled population
• Prevalence of HIV-positive among people
involved in the study
2. Interval Estimation
•Interval estimation specifies a range of
reasonable values for the population
parameter based on a point estimate.
•A confidence interval is a particular
type of interval estimator.
Confidence Intervals
• Is a measure of precision of a sample
• Gives a range of values of the estimate
likely to include the “true” (population)
value with a given confidence level.
• Such interval estimates are called
confidence intervals.
General Formula:
Standard error
General Formula:
The general formula for all CIs is:
The value of the statistic in my
sample (eg., mean, proportion, etc.)
Example 3
• Suppose that among 10,000 female operating-room
nurses, 60 women have developed breast cancer over five
years. Find the 95% for p based on point estimate.
• Point estimate = 60/10,000 = 0.006
• The 95% CI for p is given by the interval:
• SE of the difference =
• 95% CI
• Lower = ( point estimate ) - (Zα/2) (SE)
= 0.38 – (1.96)(0.0925) = 0.20
• Upper = ( point estimate ) + (Zα/2) (SE)
= 0.38 + (1.96)(0.0925) = 0.56
• 95% CI = (0.20, 0.56)
Sample size estimation for cross-
sectional studies
• We must decide how many people need to be studied
in order to answer a particular research question.
• If the sample size is too small – then we may fail to
detect important effects or it’ll be less precise.
• If the study is large – wastage of resources.
Single population proportion
• Research questions such as;
1) What proportion of people adhere to anti-TB treatment in
City A?
2) What is the prevalence of HIV in Ethiopia?
3) What proportion of children under the age of 15 are
vaccinated against polio?
lead to estimation of a proportion. To answer such
questions and our estimate to have an acceptable level
of precision, the sample size has to be calculated.
• We wish to estimate the proportion of Ethiopian males
who smoke. What sample size do we require to
achieve a 95% confidence interval of width ± 5%? A
study some years ago found that 20% were smokers.
The initial sample size approached in the study
may need to be increased in accordance with the
expected response rate, loss to follow up, lack of
compliance, and any other predicted reasons for
loss of subjects.
• Point and Interval estimation
• Confidence Interval
• C.I. for
single mean
Difference between two means
Single proportions
Difference between 2 proportions
Thank you