Parts of Speech Full
Parts of Speech Full
Parts of Speech Full
Sadaf Farooq
■ The parts of speech indicates/determines how the word
functions within the sentence as meaning and grammatically
as well.
■ Understanding parts of speech is essential for determining the
correct definition of a word when using a dictionary.
■ There are 8 parts of speech:
1. Noun. 5. Adverbs
2. Pronoun. 6. Prepositions
3. Adjectives. 7. Conjunction
4. Verbs 8. Interjections
■ A noun is a word used for an animal, person, place, thing or
■ Nouns may sometimes be used with an article but not always.
■ Nouns are further divided into 8 types:
1. Common noun. 5. Countable noun
2. Proper noun. 6. Uncountable noun
3. Abstract noun. 7. Collective noun
4. Concrete noun. 8. Compound noun
Common Nouns Proper Nouns
■ A name given in common ■ A name which refers to a
to people, things or places particular person, place or
and shared by belonging to thing at the moment.
the same class. ■ In written English, a
■ Fir Example: Girl, boy, proper noun always begins
man etch with capital letters.
■ For example: Ali, Umama,
Peshawar etc.
Abstract Nouns Concrete Nouns
■ A word which refers to ■ It is exact opposite of
quality and, action, state or abstract noun.
idea and has no physical ■ A word which refers to
existence. things that we can see and
■ Quality: goodness, have physical existence.
kindness, darkness ■ For example: chair, table,
■ Action: laughter, theft, bat
■ State: childhood, boyhood,
Countable Nouns
Uncountable Nouns
■ The nouns which we can
count are called countable
nouns. ■ The nouns that cannot be
counted are called
■ Countable nouns can take
uncountable nouns.
articles such as a, an, the.
■ For example: water, sugar,
■ For example: 1 chair, 1
oil, salt etc.
table etc
Collective Noun Compound Nouns
■ Regular verbs follow the same pattern and create the past
simple and the past participle using the same word ending,
■ They lived in Rome.
■ I wanted to learn English.
■ He finished his work
Irregular Verbs
■ There are about 200 irregular verbs in English. We can divide
these into four types:
■ Verbs which have the same base form, past simple and past
participle. E.g cut, put etc.
■ Verbs which have the same past simple and past participle.
E.g feel-felt-felt, sell-sold-sold.
■ Verbs which have the same base form and past participle. E.g
■ Verbs which have a different base form, past simple and past
participle. E.g choose-chose-chosen.
Linking Verbs