Pronouns: " Can Because Think Can."

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“They can because they think

they can.”
What is a Pronoun?
■ “A pronoun is a word used in place of one
or more nouns or pronouns.”
■ There are more ways to say one thing

■ Types of pronouns:
■ Personal Possessive Indefinite
■ Reflexive Demonstrative 指示词
Antecedents 先行词

■ Every pronoun should have a CLEAR

antecedent, the word that the pronoun
stands for in the sentence.
■ Lily was happy. She got a new toy.

■ The pen is old. It is not working.

■ Pronouns and their Antecedents must agree in
number, gender, and person.

■ Number – Singular (One) or Plural (More than One)

■ Gender – Masculine (Male or Unknown) or Feminine
■ Person – First (Speaker), Second (Spoken to), or
Third (Spoken About)
Personal Pronouns

■ What is a personal pronoun?

■A personal pronoun takes the place
of people or things.
Personal Pronouns
Subject Pronouns replace Object Pronouns replace
the subject nouns. These object nouns.. These are:

I I like chocolate. Me
You You look pretty. You
He He eats cake. Him I like Him.(Raj)
She Her
It It
They Them Kitty eats them.
Personal Pronouns
They are playing football.

I don’t like chocolate biscuits.

We will go to meet him today.

She is helping her mother.

It is my favourite book.
Possessive Pronouns

■ What is a possessive pronoun?

■ Personal
pronouns that are used to
show ownership.
Possessive Pronouns
Singular Pronouns: Plural Pronouns:
Yours Their
Her Theirs
Its v. It’s

■ Its ■ It’s
■ Means belonging to ■ Means it is
it ■ Examples
■ Examples ■ It’s getting late
■ The car still has its outside.
lights on. ■ Do you think it’s too
■ The dog ate its food. late to study?
Your v. You’re

■ Your ■ You’re
■ Means belonging to you ■ Means you are
■ Examples ■ Examples
■ Don’t forget your coat. ■ You’re not going over
■ Do you have your there tonight.
homework. ■ I can’t believe you’re
not going to study.
Their v. They’re v. There
■ Their ■ They’re
■ Means belonging to them ■ Means they are
■ Examples ■ Example
■ I went to their house. They’re not here.

■ Do you still have their phone
■ There
■ Means referring to a place
■ Example

■ How did you get over there?

Reflexive Pronouns

■ What is a reflexive pronoun?

■ Reflexive pronouns are pronouns

that refer to the subject and

direct the action of the verb
back to the subject.
Reflexive Pronouns
■ Singular ■ Plural

■ First Person ■ First Person

■ Myself ■ Ourselves
■ Second Person ■ Second Person
■ Yourself ■ Yourselves
■ Third Person ■ Third Person
■ Himself, Herself, ■ Themselves
Reflexive Pronouns
■ Make sure to match the reflexive pronoun with the
proper number, person, and gender of the subject it
is referring to.
■ We wouldn’t say:
■ We did the homework by myself.
(We and myself doesn’t agree in number. We is plural
and myself is singular.)
■ He did the work herself.

(He and herself doesn’t agree in gender. He is

masculine, while herself is feminine.)
■ I wrote the story herself.

(I and herself doesn’t agree in person. One is first

person and the other is third person.
Demonstrative Pronouns

■ What is a demonstrative pronoun?

■A demonstrative pronoun points out a
person, place, thing, or idea.
Demonstrative Pronouns
■ This – Near the speaker (Singular)

■ That – Far from speaker (Singular)

■ These – Near the speaker (Plural)

■ Those – Far from speaker (Plural)

Demonstrative Pronouns
■ (This, These) is a delicious papaya.
■ (That, Those) is the uniform once worn by
Satchel Paige.
■ Bring (this, that) wagon over there to me.
■ (That, Those) are the stamps I collected
over twenty years.
Indefinite Pronouns
■ What is an indefinite pronoun?
■ An indefinite pronoun refers to a person,
place, or thing that is not specifically named.
Indefinite Pronouns
■ All ■ Many
■ Any ■ None
■ Both ■ No one
■ Each ■ Nobody
■ Either ■ One
■ Everybody ■ Several
■ Everything ■ Some
■ Few ■ Somebody
Why do we need to use pronouns?

■ To avoid repetition of nouns in sentences

■ Gretchen was writing a paper for a class. he did not like his
teacher, so Gretchen did not spend much time on
Gretchen’s his paper. The teacher tried to help Gretchen
become a better writer, but Gretchen was not willing to
listen to Gretchen’s teacher. The teacher spoke to Gretchen
about this, and Gretchen told the teacher that Gretchen did
not think writing would matter to Gretchen. Gretchen was
going to be a famous singer and would not have to write.
What should the teacher tell Gretchen?
Choose the correct pronoun
■ The living room is hers to clean not
(my, mine, me).
■ A gray wolf calls to (it, its, it’s) mother by
■ Since (your, you’re, yours) car is in the
shop, (I, me) have to drive you.

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