Pronouns: " Can Because Think Can."
Pronouns: " Can Because Think Can."
Pronouns: " Can Because Think Can."
■ Types of pronouns:
■ Personal Possessive Indefinite
■ Reflexive Demonstrative 指示词
Antecedents 先行词
I I like chocolate. Me
You You look pretty. You
He He eats cake. Him I like Him.(Raj)
She Her
It It
They Them Kitty eats them.
Personal Pronouns
They are playing football.
It is my favourite book.
Possessive Pronouns
■ Its ■ It’s
■ Means belonging to ■ Means it is
it ■ Examples
■ Examples ■ It’s getting late
■ The car still has its outside.
lights on. ■ Do you think it’s too
■ The dog ate its food. late to study?
Your v. You’re
■ Your ■ You’re
■ Means belonging to you ■ Means you are
■ Examples ■ Examples
■ Don’t forget your coat. ■ You’re not going over
■ Do you have your there tonight.
homework. ■ I can’t believe you’re
not going to study.
Their v. They’re v. There
■ Their ■ They’re
■ Means belonging to them ■ Means they are
■ Examples ■ Example
■ I went to their house. They’re not here.
■ Do you still have their phone
■ There
■ Means referring to a place
■ Example