Genetic Assessment and Counseling
Genetic Assessment and Counseling
Genetic Assessment and Counseling
Most common cause f cognitive Bossing (prominent forehead)
challenge in males Prominent lower jaw
-An X linked disorder in which 1 long Large hands
arm of an X chromosome is defective Marked deficit in speech and
- before puberty: displays maladaptive mathematics/problem solving
behavior such as hyperactivity and Large head
autism Long face
Large protruding ears
After puberty: enlarged testicles
Trisomy 18 syndrome / Edward’s
Code: 47XY18/47XX18
have copies of chromosome 18 Microcephaly
- do not survive beyond early infancy Severely cognitively challenges
SGA at birth
Marked low set ears
Small jaw
Congenital heart defects
Misshapen fingers and toes (index
fingers deviates or cross over other
Multiple hair whorls
Turner syndrome
Code: 45X0
Has only 1 functional X chromosome Low set hair line
Webbed neck
Can be identified with an UTz during Gonadal dyagenesis
pregnancy because of the increase neck Short in structure
folds Has only streak (small and
nonfunctional) ovaries
Exception of pubic hair; secondary sex
characteristics do not develop at
Newborns= edema on the hands and
With coarctation (stricture) of aorta
and kidney disorder
Severely cognitively challenge
Klinefelter syndrome
Code: 47XXY
Males Absence of secondary sex
With an extra X chromosome characteristics
Small testes- produces ineffective
Gynecomastia ( enlarged breast size)
Increased risk of male breast cancer
Trisomy 13/patau syndrome
Code: 47 XX13/47 XY13
Has an extra chromosome 13 and Microcephaly
cognitively challenged Clip lip and palate
Most do not survive beyond early Low set ears
childhood Multiple hair whorls
Wide set nipples
Rocker bottom feet
Heart defects ( ventricular septal
Abnormal genitalia
Small eyes (microphthalmus)
C. Diagnostic testing
Karyotyping sample of peripheral venous blood or a
scraping of cells from the buccal
membrane is taken
Cells are allowed to grow until they
reach metaphase- most easily observed
Cells are stained, placed under a
microscope and photographed
Chromosomes are identified according
to size, shape and stain
Maternal serum screening Done at 15th week of pregnancy
Alphafetoprotein (AFP)- a glucoprotein
produced by the fetal liver
Peak is between 13th and 32nd week of
RESULT: if elevated – it means spinal
cord disease/ neural tube defects
If below – it means
chromosomal disorder/Down
MSAFP (Maternal Serum
CVS (Chorionic Villi Sampling – a diagnostic techniques that involves
the retival and analysis
chorionic villi from the growing
placenta for chromosome
DNA analysis
Commonly done at 8-10 weeks r 10-12
weeks of pregnancy
May be done as early as 5 weeks
Amniocentesis withdrawal of amniotic fluid through
the abdominal wall for analysis
Done between 14th-16th week of
A pocket of amniotic fluid is located by
ultrasound (UTZ)
A needle is inserted transabdominally
Aspirate 20 ml of amniotic fluid
Client receieves Rh immune globulin
administration after the procedure
PUBS ( Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Other name: Cordocentesis
Sampling) Removal of blood from the fetal
umbilical cord at about 17 weeks using
an amniocentesis technique
Fetal Imaging MRI and UTZ = used to assess a fetus
for general size and structure disorder
of the internal organs, spine and limbs