Unit Ii Sources of Finance
Unit Ii Sources of Finance
Unit Ii Sources of Finance
To support its investments, a firm must find the means to finance
iii) Debt has a fixed maturity whereas equity has an infinite life.
iv) Equity holders control the affairs of the firm while debt holders
play a passive role.
• Equity capital
• Retained earnings
• Preference capital
• Term loans
• Debentures
• Lease financing
• Venture capital
1. Equity Capital :
i) Right to Income :
- they elect the board of directors and have the right to vote
on every resolution placed before the company.
- the board of directors elect the management which control
the operation of the firm. Thus indirectly equity
shareholders have control over the operation of the firm.
iii) Pre-emptive Right :
In this case, each share carries one vote and each director
position is filled individually.
Thus for each director shareholders will have to cast their vote
Advantages :
- readily available
- do not have any issue cost, issue timing and so on
- no dilution of control while using retained earnings.
- do not have any risk as in the case of equity.
Limitations :
- limited amount
- opportunity cost is high
3. Preference Capital :
No voting right. They may get voting right only in certain cases,
like non-payment of dividend for more than two years.
Limitations :
- Restrictive Covenants –
it is the restrictive conditions imposed by the FIs,
on the borrower, to protect their interests. These
covenants will depend on the nature of project,
type of FIs, financial condition of borrower,
amount of loans.
Advantages :
5. Debentures / Bonds :
Features of Debentures :
Interest Rate : It may carry fixed interest rate, floating interest rate
or zero interest rate. Interest rate is also called as
Coupon Rate.
Maturity and Redemption : Maturity for short-term debenture may
be up to 1 year, for medium term it is
1-5 years and for long-term 5-15 years
or even more.
Call and Put Feature : Call features means – the issuing company
has the option to redeem the debenture at
certain price before the maturity date.
Put feature provides the right to the holder
that he can redeem at specified time at
predetermined rate.
Convertibility : It means, at the time of redemption, debenture may
be converted into equity share at the option of
debenture holder. The ratio and time of conversion
will be specified at the time of issue.
- tax deductible
- low cost of capital
- no dilution of control
Limitations :
- no flexibility
- risky source of finance
The owner of the asset is called as lessor while the other party
that uses the assets is known as lessee.
In hire-purchase, the seller hands over the assets to the buyer but
the title to goods is not transferred. The buyer becomes the owner
of goods and acquire the title of goods only when he makes all
the payment of all the installments.
• Venture capital
• Initial public offering
• Public issue by listed companies
• Rights issue
• Private placement
• Preferential allotment
• Dilution
• Obtaining a term loan
1. Venture Capital :
Instrument of Financing :
- Equity capital
- Conditional loan
- Conventional loan
- Income note
- access to capital
- respectability
- investor recognition
- liquidity
- signals from the market
- track record
- listing
- promoters’ minimum contribution
- lock-in-period
- approval of boards
- appointment of lead managers
- filing of prospectus with SEBI and Registrar of Companies
- filing of initial listing agreement
- statutory announcement
- collection and processing of applications
- allotment of shares
- listing of the issue
3. Public Issue by Listed Companies :
4. Right Issue :