Personal Development Plan Presentation

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OCR Level 3
Cambridge Technicals
in Business

Unit 5: Human resources management in

Personal Development Plan
What is a Personal
Development Plan?
Organisations are increasingly
using Personal Development
Plans as a way to form the basis of
training and career development of
Learners hoping to continue studies
into higher education are likely to
be expected to complete a Personal
Development Plan.
Personal Development
Plan – Key questions

How am I do
Where going
Where am I now?
to get to
want there?
What are the features of a
Personal Development Plan
Where am I now?
Identifying existing skills/qualifications
Identifying strengths
Identifying weaknesses
What are the features of a
Personal Development Plan

Where do I want to go?

Identifying long term aims
Identifying future required
What are the features of a
Personal Development Plan
How am I going to get there?

Setting timeline Start/now

le s s on s
Setting short-term goals Attend all

Work hard
Pass exams
t ar t Un i ve rsity / Wor
Benefits and risks

What are the benefits of completing a Personal

Development Plan?

What are the risks of

completing a Personal
Development Plan?
The benefits
There are both benefits for the
individual and employer:
• Individual: The plan can be
a motivating factor
• Become focused on self-
improvement and understand the
long-term implications of efforts
• Employer’s point of view:
The plans encourage
employees to be proactive
about their career planning
The risks

• Businesses will be constantly

assessing whether raising
expectations of the opportunities
that may be presented to
employees could cause more
damage than not offering a
PDP programme at all.
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