Career Action Plan Worksheet Example

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VELS Year Blueprint MIPs and MIPs Best Practice Framework

Phase 2 (C) Career Building MIPs Aim: Develop Skills to manage their pathways
Level 6 – Physical, Personal and
throughout their working lives
Social Learning 9, 10 8.2 Link decision making to
Personal Learning Strand – career building MIPs Aim: Develop their knowledge, understanding
Dimension: Manage Personal and experience of opportunities in education,
Learning training and employment

Best Practice Framework 3: Pathways and

Planning Process


Teachers’ notes

Produce a career action plan using goal-setting processes.

Goal setting is a process that can assist students to achieve short-term and long-term goals and get them

It is important for students to set goals to ensure that they have planned their pathways and to have worked out
contingency plans if their goals are not met.

Task description
It is preferable for students to have completed some learning activities dealing with work investigation, work
experience, subject selection, personal attributes and employability skills developed, employer expectations, and
tertiary entry requirements before attempting this learning activity.
1. Teacher outlines the procedure for completion of the ‘Personal action plan’ worksheets.
2. Discuss what is needed for each student to produce an action plan.
3. Students complete ‘Personal action plan’ worksheets (steps 1 to 8).
4. It may be helpful for students to look back over their work and completed activity sheets of such things as work
investigation, work experience, subject selection, their attributes and employability skills, employer
expectations, and entry requirements for TAFE, university and other training organisations.
5. Students complete ‘Personal action plan – Conclusion’ worksheet and determine direction and goals for the
next year and beyond.
6. In small groups or pairs, students discuss their action plans and conclusions.
7. Teacher reviews students’ action plans and makes oral and/or written comments to them about their
directions, providing positive guidance where necessary.
8. Some students may struggle with this activity because they have not yet developed future goals. However,
sections on the ‘Personal action plan’ sheets can be completed without future goals in mind and this may
possibly help in developing goals.
9. Teacher facilitates a whole-class discussion on the importance of contingency planning.

Adapted from ReCaP Career Action Plan

© Commonwealth of Australia 2004
Extension activities and Local Standards
• Students may share their action plans with their parents/guardians as a planned homework activity.
Parents/guardians should be encouraged to write brief comments, providing guidance about future goals
and praising achievements so far.
• Invite parents/LCP/Principal or someone with an interesting career history to discuss with students the
changing nature of career and that career development is continuous.

Suggested resources
• Copies of ‘Personal action plan’ and ‘Personal action plan – Conclusion’ worksheets
• Job Guide – in print (Sections 1 and 2) or online at
• TAFE handbooks and websites
• University prospectuses, handbooks and websites
• OZJAC database
• Other career pamphlets from the Defence Forces and private training providers
• ANTA publications. See also the ANTA website at
• Career Information Centres

Career competencies
This activity links to the Planning step in

Adapted from ReCaP Career Action Plan

© Commonwealth of Australia 2004
Career Action Plan Worksheet 1: Personal Action Plan
Complete the action plan on the following pages (steps 1 to 7).
You may find it helpful to consider your past experience in the following:
• work investigation • work experience
• achievements • personal attributes
• subject selection for Years 11 and 12 • entry requirements for TAFE, university, etc
• employer expectations • employability skills.
By completing each section, you can develop some direction, action and goals for the coming years.

You may need to make new plans from time to time, as a result of changing your mind in regard to your career direction.
You may not have a clear picture of your goals. This is normal and people who do have goals now, quite often change their direction
and planning. This action plan will help to get you thinking about your next couple of years and future planning in certain careers.

Career action plan

My personal action plan
Complete the following chart to develop your personal action plan.
1. My employment/career options:
2. Employability skills I need for employment/career options:

3. Qualifications/training I need for employment/career options:


4. Employability skills I have developed:


5. My achievements so far:

6. My subject selection for Years 11 and 12:


7. The skills I need to develop further:


Adapted from ReCaP Career Action Plan

© Commonwealth of Australia 2004
My personal action plan – Conclusion

My direction in Year 11 My direction in Year 12 My post-school goals

I know my plan or direction is achievable or realistic because

Steps to take to make my plan happen

Alternatives I have planned if my goals are not met

Adapted from ReCaP Career Action Plan

© Commonwealth of Australia 2004

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