First-Order Differential Equations: S.-Y. Leu Sept. 28, 2005

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First-Order Differential Equations

S.-Y. Leu
Sept. 28, 2005

First-Order Differential Equations
2.1 Solution Curves Without the Solution
2.2 Separable Variables
2.3 Linear Equations
2.4 Exact Equations
2.5 Solutions by Substitutions
2.6 A Numerical Solution
2.7 Linear Models
2.8 Nonlinear Models
2.9 Systems: Linear and Nonlinear Models

2.1 Solution Curves Without the Solution

Slope=  y'

Short tangent segments suggest the

shape of the curve
2.1 Solution Curves Without the Solution

 The general first-order differential equation has t

he form
F(x, y, y’)=0
or in the explicit form

 Note that, a graph of a solution of a first-order

differential equation is called a solution curve o
r an integral curve of the equation.
 On the other hand, the slope of the integral curv
e through a given point (x0,y0) is y’(x0).
2.1 Solution Curves Without the Solution

 A drawing of the plane, with short line

segments of slope drawn at selected points ,
is called a direction field or a slope field of
the differential equation .

 The name derives from the fact that at each

point the line segment gives the direction of
the integral curve through that point. The
line segments are called lineal elements.

2.1 Solution Curves Without the Solution

Plotting Direction Fields

 1st Step
y’=f(x,y)=C=constant curves of equal inclination
 2nd Step
Along each curve f(x,y)=C, draw lineal elements
 direction field
 3rd Step
Sketch approximate solution curves having the directions
of the lineal elements as their tangent directions .

2.1 Solution Curves Without the Solution

 If the derivative dy/dx is positive (ne

gative) for all x in an interval I, then
the differentiable function y(x) is inc
reasing (decreasing) on I.

2.1 Solution Curves Without the Solution
DEFINITION: autonomous DE
A differential equation in which the independent
variable does not explicitly appear is known
as an autonomous differential equation.
For example, a first order autonomous DE has
the form y '  f ( y )

DEFINITION: critical point

A critical point of an autonomous DE  f ( y ) is a real
number c such that f(c) = 0.
Another name for critical point is stationary point or
equilibrium point.
If c is a critical point of an autonomous DE, then y(x) = c is a
constant solution of the DE.
2.1 Solution Curves Without the Solution

DEFINITION: phase portrait

A one dimensional phase portrait of an
autonomous DE y  f ( y ) is a diagram which indicates
the values of the dependent variable for which y is
increasing, decreasing or constant.

Sometimes the vertical line of the phase portrait is

called a phase line.
2.2 Separable Variables
A first-order differential equation of
the form
 g ( x ) h( y )
is said to be separable or to
have separable variables.
(Zill, Definition 2.1, page 44).

2.2 Separable Variables

Method of Solution
dy  1 dy dy
 g ( x ) h( y )  p( y )  g ( x)
dx h( y ) dx dx

If y   (x ) represents a solution
 p ( ( x )) ( x)  g ( x)
 '
 
p( ( x)) ( x) dx  g ( x) dx

  p( y ) dy   g ( x) dx dy   ' ( x) dx

H ( y )  c1  G ( x)  c2 H ( x)  G ( x)  c
2.2 Separable Variables

The Natural Logarithm

1 domain ,
ln x 
1 t
dt ln  (0, )

ln x  log e x , e  2.71828
1 1
Dx ln x  D ln x   2
x x
ln(ab)  ln a  ln b ln  ln a  ln b ln a r  r ln a

The natural exponential function exp x  e x

domain exp  ( , ) 12
2.3 Linear Equations
DEFINITION: Linear Equation
A first-order differential equation of
the form dy
a1 ( x)  a0 ( x ) y  g ( x )
is said to be a linear equation.
(Zill, Definition 2.2, page 51).

When g ( x)  0 homogeneous
Otherwise it is non-homogeneous.
2.3 Linear Equations
Standard Form
a1 ( x)  a0 ( x ) y  g ( x )

 dy
 p( x) y  f ( x)

2.2 Separable Equations

 A differential equation is called separable if it

can be written as y '  A( x) B( y )
 Such that we can separate the variables and
write 1
dy  A( x)dx B( y )  0
B( y )
 We attempt to integrate this equation
 B( y )
dy   A( x)dx
2.2 Separable Equations
 Example 1.
is separable. Writedy  y 2
y y e
' 2 x dx

as dy
 e x
dx y0
y 2

Integrate this equation to obtain   e  x  k
or in the explicit form y  1
ex  k

What about y=0 ? Singular solution !

2.2 Separable Equations
 Example 2.
x2 y'  1  y is separable, too. We write
dy dx
 2 x0 y  1
1 y x
Integrate the separated equation to obtain
ln 1  y    k 1  y  e k e 1 / x  Ae 1 / x
 1  y   Ae 1 / x  Be 1 / x

The general solution is y  1  Be 1 / x

Again, check if y=-1 is a solution or not ?
it is a solution, but not a singular one, since it is a special case of the
general solution
2.3 Linear Differential Equations
 A first-order differential equation is linear if it has the
form y ' ( x)  p( x) y  q ( x)
Multiply the differential equation by e
 p ( x ) dx
 to get
e p ( x ) dx
y ' ( x )  p ( x )e  p ( x ) dx
y  q ( x )e  p ( x ) dx

 y ( x )e  p ( x ) dx
  q ( x )e  p ( x ) dx

Now integrate to obtain y ( x)e    q( x)e dx  C

p ( x ) dx  p ( x ) dx

y ( x)  e    q( x)e dx  C e

p ( x ) dx  p ( x ) dx   p ( x ) dx

 The function e  p ( x ) dx is called an integrating factor for

the differential equation.
2.3 Linear Differential Equations
 Linear: A differential equation is called linear if
there are no multiplications among
dependent variables and their derivatives.
In other words, all coefficients are functions of
( x)  p( x) y  q( x)
 Non-linear: Differential equations that do not
satisfy the definition of linear are non-linear.
 Quasi-linear: For a non-linear differential
equation, if there are no multiplications among
all dependent variables and their derivatives in
the highest derivative term, the differential
equation is considered to be quasi-linear.
2.3 Linear Differential Equations
 Example
y '  y  sin( x) is a linear DE. P(x)=1 and
q(x)=sin(x), both continuous for all x.
An integrating factor is e  p ( x ) dx  e  dx  e x

Multiply the DE by e to get y e  ye x  e x sin( x)

x ' x

Or  ye x '  e x sin( x)

Integrate to getye   e sin( x) dx  e sin( x)  cos( x)  C
x x

The general solution is y sin( x)  cos( x)  Ce  x
2.3 Linear Differential Equations
 Example y
Solve the initial value problem y  3x  x ; y (1)  5
' 2

It can be written in linear form ' 1

y 2
y  3x
An integrating factor is e  (1 / x ) dx  e ln( x )  x forx  0
Multiply the DE by x to get xy '  y  3x 3
Or xy '  3x 3
3 3 3 C
Integrate to get xy  x  C 4
,theny  x 
4 4 x
for x  0
For the initial condition, we need y (1)  5  3  C
C=17/4 the solution of the initial value problem
is 3 17
y ( x)  x 3 
4 4x

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