Differential Equations For Engineers
Differential Equations For Engineers
Differential Equations For Engineers
The general nth-order linear equation with variable coefficients is quite a differ
matter, and a special case of this equation is the called Cauchy-Euler equation in the
form as
n-1 d y dy
a0 x n
+ a1 x n-1
+.. + an-1 x + an y = Q(x)
dx dx dx
where a0, a1,…,an-1, an are constants. The characteristic feature of this equation is that
each term in the left member is a constant multiple of an expression of the following
dx k
How should one proceed to solve such an equation? At this stage, we attempt a
transformation to have a linear differential equation with constant coefficients.
The transformation
x = ez
reduces the equation to a linear differential equation with constant coefficients.
We shall prove this theorem for the case of the second-order Cauchy-Euler
differential equation:
2d2y dy
a0 x 2
+ a1 x + a2 y = Q(x) (1)
dx dx
The proof in the general nth-order case proceeds in a similar fashion.
Letting x=ez,
z = lnx for x>0
Here, z is another variable. Then, D is defined by D=d/dz.
dy dy dz 1 dy 1
= = → Dy = Dy ⇒ x Dy = Dy
dx dz dx x dz x
Function of x Function of z
{a0 D(D −1)(D − 2)!(D − (n −1)) + a1D(D −1)(D − 2)!(D − (n − 2)) +.. + an-1D + an } y = Q(e z )
nth-order linear differential equation with constant coefficients.
Unknown function y is defined as a function of z after
transformation. Solution of differential equation (3) is y(z).
For L(y)=0;
(D −1)(D −1)(D + 2)y = 0
y(x) = C1 x + C2 x ln x + C3 x −2
General solution of the given Cauchy equation (an example of a linear homogeneous
differential equation with variable coefficients).
The another form of an nth-order linear equation with variable coefficients is the
called Legendre equation.
ndny n-1
n−1 d y dy
a0 (ax + b) + (ax + b) +.. + an-1 (ax + b) + an y = Q(x)
dx n dx n-1 dx
where a0, a1,…,an-1, an and a, b are constants. The characteristic feature of this
equation is that each term in the left member is a constant multiple of an
expression of the following form
(ax + b)
dx k
For a second-order Legendre linear differential equation:
d2y dy
a0 (ax + b)2
+ (ax + b) + a2 y = Q(x) (1)
dx dx
The proof in the general nth-order case proceeds in a similar fashion.
Letting (ax+b)=ez,
z = ln(ax+b) for x>0
Here, z is a new variable. Then, D is defined by D=d/dz.
dy dy dz a dy a
= = → Dy = Dy ⇒ (ax + b)Dy = aDy
dx dz dx ax + b dz ax + b
Second derivative of y (D2y=d2y/dx2):
d 2 y d ! a dy $ −a 2 dy a d ! dy $
= # & = + # &
dx 2 dx " ax + b dz % (ax + b)2 dz ax + b dx " dz %
−a 2 dy a d ! dz dy $
=− + # &
(ax + b)2 dz ax + b dx " dx dz %
a 2 ! d 2 y dy $
= 2 # 2
− &
(ax + b) " dz dz %
2 a2 2 2 2 2
D y= 2
(D y − Dy) ⇒ (ax + b) D y = a D(D −1)y
(ax + b)
The LEGENDRE Equation
Substituting into equation (1), we obtain Transform…
" 2 " d 2 y dy %% dy ez − b
a0 $$ a $ 2 − ''' + a1 y + a2 y = Q( )
# # dz dz && dz a
d2y dy
A0 2 + A1 + A2 y = G(z) Second-order linear differential equation
dz dz
with constant coefficients
where A0, A1, A2 are constants, G(z) is a function of z.
When we replace ez by (ax+b), we obtain the complete solution, y(x) of the nth-order Legendre
The LEGENDRE Equation
d2y dy
Example: Solve (x+2) 2
-(x+2) +y=3x+4
dx dx
yh (z) = C1e z + C2 z e z
When we replace ez by (x+2), we obtain the homogeneous solution of given
differential equation.
yh (x) = C1 (x + 2) + C2 (x + 2)ln(x + 2)
1 z
u v
u= 3e The short method can't be used.
(D −1)2
v= 2=2
(0 −1)2
We apply the successive integral method to find function u.
1 1
u= 3e z → w = 3e z → w = e z ∫ e−z (3e z )dz ⇒ w = 3ze z
(D −1)(D −1) (D −1)
1 3
u= 3ze z → u = e z ∫ e−z (3ze z )dz ⇒ u = z 2 e z
(D −1) 2
3 2 z
y p (z) = z e −2
When we replace ez by (x+2), we obtain the homogeneous solution of given differential
equation. 3
y p (x) = (x + 2)ln 2 (x + 2) − 2
The LEGENDRE Equation
z 3 2 z z
y(z) = C1e + C2 z e + z e − 2
When we replace ez by (x+2), we obtain the general solution (y(x)) of given differential equation.
y(x) = C1 (x + 2) + C2 (x + 2)ln(x + 2) + (x + 2)ln 2 (x + 2) − 2
General solution of Legendre equation
Example: Solve x 3y!!!+xy!-y=3x 4
1 4z
y p (z) = 3e
General solution of Equation (1):
z z 1 4z 2 z
y(z) = C1e + C2 z e + C3 z e + e
1 4 2
y(x) = C1 x + C2 x ln x + C3 x ( ln x ) + x
General solution of Cauchy-Euler Equation
Example: Solve 2
x y!!+xy!+y=0
Solution: Cauchy-Euler equation
Linear differential equation with variable coefficients
dz 1
x = e z ; z = ln x ; =
dx x
After transformation, we obtain the linear differential equation with constant
( D(D −1) + D +1) y = 0 (1)