Biodiversity and Evolution: Species Extinction: Science in Everyday Living 9 (Page 59-73)

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Biodiversity and Evolution:

Species Extinction
Science in Everyday Living 9
(Page 59-73)
Biological diversity or
Biodiversity refers to the
existence of many species of
plants and animals in a
specific environment or
The Changing Global Biodiversity
The International Union for the
Conservation of Nature( IUCN) is an
International Organization founded in
1948 that promotes researches and
specific studies related to the
preservation of the threatened species
of flora and fauna all over the world.
The Changing Global Biodiversity
IUCN formally released its Red List
of Threatened Species, which is a
comprehensive inventory of the
global conservation status of
biological species.
Nine(9) Categories of species in Red
The Changing Global
List Biodiversity
1. Extinct –No living species
anymore of this kind
Nine(9) Categories of species in Red
The Changing Global
List Biodiversity
2. Extinct in the Wild –Survives
only in Captivity or in a controlled
Nine(9) Categories of species in Red
The Changing Global
List Biodiversity

3.Critically Endangered – With

Extremely high risk of Extinction
Nine(9) Categories of species in Red
The Changing Global
List Biodiversity
4.Endangared- with high risk of

5.Vulnerable-High risk of
Nine(9) Categories of species in Red
The Changing Global
List Biodiversity
6.Near Threatened- Likely to
become endangered in the near
7.Least Concern- can still be found
abundantly in the environment
Nine(9) Categories of species in Red
The Changing Global
List Biodiversity
8. Data Deficient- Not enough
submitted data

9.Not evaluated- no data available

as of date.
Extinct –No living species anymore
of this kind
Causes of Extinction
Natural Factors/Natural Cause

Climate Change and Global Warming

The Rising Sea Level and Change in Ocean
Asteroid/Cosmic Radiation
Acid Rain
Invasive Species
Causes of Extinction
Factors/Anthropogenic Cause

Habitat Degradation
Climate Change and Global Warming

National and International Wild life Trade
Causes of Extinction
Natural Factors/Natural Cause

1. Climate Change and Global Warming

Such Occurrence have resulted in

the reduction of their food
sources, destruction of their
habitat, migration to other areas,
and demise of a huge part of their
Causes of Extinction
Natural Factors/Natural Cause

2.The Rising of Sea level and Changes in

Ocean Currents

Natural global warming is melting

the ice caps and freshwater in
polar regions of the Planet,
Increasing the amount of water
that flows into the ocen
Causes of Extinction
Natural Factors/Natural Cause

3.Asteroid/Cosmic Radiation

Asteroid can hit Earth with extreme force.

In such an event, the reverberations will
be felt around the world.
Asteroid is a large enough, it has the
capacity to wipe –out all life on Earth
because of the explosion.
Causes of Extinction
Natural Factors/Natural Cause

4. Acid Rain

Forms when sulfur dioxide and/or

nitrogen oxides are released into the
atmosphere from volcanic eruptions and
other biological processes
Causes of Extinction
Natural Factors/Natural Cause

Causes of Extinction Water
Natural Factors/Natural Cause Hyacinth/Water Lily
Giant Snakehead

6. Invasive Species

When varied species migrate or

become introduced to a new Knife Fish

environment , they either provide a

beneficial effect to fellow species or
become invasive
Multiflora Rose
Causes of Extinction
Anthropogenic Factors/Anthropogenic
1.Habitat Degradation and Habitat Loss
Human Use the Materials and products that
nature offers. These materials and products
can come from forest, grassland, oceans and
other types of habitat. Unfortunately,humans
tend to abuse these resources and as a result,
cause habitat destruction or degradation and
habitat loss for other species
Causes of Extinction
Anthropogenic Factors/Anthropogenic
2. Climate Change and Global Warming

Even though the climate changes by

nature, numerous human activities are
accountable for the rapid increase in
Earth’s Temperature. Atmospheric carbon
dioxide and greenhouse gasses occur
naturally but with the ongoing
exploitation of natural resources
Causes of Extinction
Natural Factors/Natural Cause


Waste and other chemicals

from factories,
machineries ,pesticides, and
many other chemical-
producing materials
contaminated land water and
Causes of Extinction
Natural Factors/Natural Cause

National and International Wildlife trade

Poaching and wildlife trade are other

common threats to animals.
Wildlife trade involves the
commercialization of wild life animals
Causes of Extinction
Natural Factors/Natural Cause

National and International Wildlife trade

Wildlife trading occurs mostly in

Biodiverse countries in Asia and Africa.
Some animals that suffer at the hands
of these traders include different species
of tigers, turtles, rhinoceros, and
Preventing Extinction and Preserving
1. Reduce the amount of waste by reusing and
recycling materials that may be used more than once
2.Reduce your usage and disposal of Plastic
materials because they take a long time to
3.Support local farmers by buying organic products
that are also generally healthier than most processes
Make an prevention post/Appreciation
post on how we can prevent and
preserve our Biodiversity, Tag my 2 nd

Account “Maam Diana”, you may upload

some pictures.
Until Saturday 12pm

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