Science Week 4 Q3

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Let’s Look Back!
What will happen to us
and all the things around
us without gravity?
Which is Which?
Which activities
involve the use of
energy? Explain
your answer.
Let’s Talk On This!
Today, you will learn
the two types of energy-
Kinetic and Potential.
Let’s Start!
Energy is everywhere and it
can do a lot of things. Energy
is invisible. But, how can we
tell when energy is there?
If you see children running on the
street and a light from the
lampshade, hear a sound from the
radio, or feel the heat of the sun,
you can be sure that energy is in
action. Energy what makes things
work and move.
All living and non-living things need
energy. It warms our planet enough
to make life possible. It enables
people to do household chores or
work in school. It illuminates every
home, operates appliances, and
moves cars.
In Physics, energy is
described as the ability to
do work or make changes
in certain conditions.
Energy can be classified in two
types: kinetic and potential energy.
Potential energy is energy stored in
an object at rest.
Kinetic energy is energy in motion.
Conversion of
potential energy to
kinetic energy and vice
versa also happens.
Potential Energy can be changed to
kinetic energy in an object while it is
moving. For example, the animal
uses kinetic energy to catch and eat
other animals. The animals changed
potential energy to kinetic energy.
Another example is when the
bowling ball is held by the player, it
has potential energy or stored
energy. But, when the ball is released
and rolled down, its potential energy
is changed to kinetic energy.
Let’s Play Bowling!

Note: Play bowling so that you can further

investigate the conversion of potential to
kinetic energy.

While Playing, try to explain the conversion of

potential energy to kinetic energy with your
Let’s Check Your Understanding!

Directions: Answer the following questions.

1. It is the ability to do work.
2. It is the energy that stored in an object.
3. It is the energy in motion.
4-5. what are the two general types of
Let’s Sum It Up!

What is energy?
What are the two general types
of energy?
Describe the two types
Let’s Look Back!
• What is energy?

• What are the two general

types of energy?
Directions: Analyze and describe what you
would see, hear, and feel based on the
picture below.
Q and A!

1. What can you see and hear when

the TV is switched on?
2. When you touch the back part of
the TV. What can you feel?
3. What forms of energy are present
in watching TV?
Presenting To You!

Energy is everywhere. It comes in

many forms such as mechanical
energy, heat energy, thermal
energy, light energy, chemical
energy, sound energy, and
electrical energy.
Directions: Prepare the materials listed below and follow
the steps to understand more about energy.

Materials: Pail of water, Stone

1. Fill the pail with water until almost full.
2. Throw the stone into the pail of water.
3. Observe what form of energy is present when you threw
the stone and when it hit the water.
Analysis Questions!

1. What gave you ability to throw the

stone in the pail?

2. What form of energy is present

when you threw the stone and it
Analysis Questions!

3. What happened when the stone fell

into the water? What form of energy is
4. If you kept on throwing the stone into
the pail several times, how would that
make you feel? What form of energy
would it be?
Analysis Questions!

The activity that you just

performed represents different
forms of energy. You got the
energy you needed to perform
the activity from the chemical
energy in food.
Analysis Questions!

You were able to throw the

stone into the water because
your body converts chemical
energy into energy for
movement (mechanical energy).
Analysis Questions!

You probably heard a

sound of splash when the
stone hit the water. This is
called the sound energy.
Analysis Questions!

Had you kept doing the activity,

you would notice that your body
feels hot which would make you
sweat. This is heat or thermal
Forms of Energy

Mechanical It is the sum of windmills, falling

Energy (ME) energy in motion water, dancing,
and stored motion playing, doing
by an object. All exercises, and moving
moving objects cars, etc.
possess mechanical
Forms of Energy

Electrical It is the energy electric circuit,

Energy possessed by lightning, transmission
(EE) moving electrons lines, turned on
that lights the appliances
bulb, works all
Forms of Energy

Chemical It is an energy batteries, food, fuel,

stored in bonds of matchsticks, fireworks,
Energy chemical medicines
compounds, like
atoms and
Forms of Energy

Heat It is an energy The spoon becomes hot

when put in hot soup.
in transit
Energy (transferred
The pork becomes cooked
from one body after placing near the fire.
to another).
Forms of Energy

Thermal It is an
Energy energy due
to the
movement of
Forms of Energy

Sound It is an energy radio, television, cell

phones, musical
produced by
Energy vibrating

Forms of Energy

Radiant It is a form of sun, lighted

electromagnetic bulb ,candle, laser, fire,
or Light radiation produced and flashlight
Energy by hot objects that
can be seen by the
human eye. It
travels through a
medium or empty
Let’s Check Your Understanding!

Directions: Match the form of

energy in column A with the
examples in column B. Write
the letters only.
Round Table Discussion
Thomas Alva Edison invented the
electric light bulb. Think about what
life was before the invention of the
light bulb. How does this invention
make our life convenient today? How
would your life be if the light bulb was
not invented? Share your discussion
Let’s Generalize!
What are the different
forms of energy?What are
the possible sources of
each energy?
Let’s Look Back!
Identify the
picture. Tell what
form of energy
they possess.
Let’s Look Back!
Identify the
picture. Tell what
form of energy.
Let’s Look Back!
Directions: Identify the
picture. Tell what form
of energy.
Let’s Look Back!
Identify the
picture. Tell what
form of energy.
Let’s Look Back!
Identify the
picture. Tell what
form of energy.
Let’s Look Back!
Identify the
picture. Tell what
form of energy.
Let There Be Light!
Note: This is a matchstick. Observe as I light it.
Then I will ask questions afterwards.

But, here are the safety reminders:

Do not play matchstick, you might cause fire.
Be careful in lighting a matchstick.
Put it in a safe place
Let There Be Light!
1. What form of energy is present in
the matchstick?
2. What form of energy is produced by
the lighted matchstick?
3. What is the use of this energy?
Presenting To You!
All forms of energy have many uses. We
use energy for our own convenience and
to make our life easier.
So today, we will discuss the uses of the
different forms of energy (Mechanical,
Chemical, and Radiant/light energy).
Uses of Energy!
1. Uses of mechanical energy
Mechanical energy can be produced by
things like gears, engines, locomotives, or
other mechanical devices.
Mechanical energy enables a body to do
Mechanical Energy
Mechanical energy can be produced
by things like gears, engines,
locomotives, or other mechanical
Mechanical energy enables a body
to do work.
Uses of Mechanical Energy
a. It makes work easier and faster
A good example would be a sewing machine.
The mechanical energy produced by the
moving parts of the sewing machine makes
sewing easier.
It is similar to using a lever like wheel barrow
and pushcart.
Uses of Mechanical Energy
b. It makes things move
The wind possesses mechanical energy.
When the wind blows, it makes things
Strong winds can move plants, houses,
billboards, posts, windmills, vehicles, and
Uses of Mechanical Energy
c. It can generate electricity
The wind turbines in Ilocos are examples
of machines that generate electricity
through mechanical energy.
Through the use of water turbines
placed in flowing water, electricity is
Chemical Energy

Is stored energy. However, this

energy becomes useful when
released through chemical
Uses of Chemical Energy
a. Is used as fuel
Gasoline, coal, and other kinds of fuel
used to run machines, motors, and
Without the chemical energy of this fuel,
cars and machines will not move.
Uses of Chemical Energy
b. It sustains life
When animals eat plants, the
chemical energy is transferred and stored
in the animal body, which they can use in
doing work.
Uses of Chemical Energy
c. Is used to generate electricity
Chemical energy present in a dry cell can be used
to generate electricity. When the dry cell is
connected in a circuit, electrons flow and
electricity is produced.
Coal also has chemical energy. It is used to
generate electricity in power plants.
Uses of Chemical Energy
d. Produces sound and light
Firecrackers are examples of these
materials. During explosion, the chemical
energy of the firecracker is released
producing sound and light.
Radiant or Light Energy

The sun is the major source of

radiant energy. Without the sun,
there would be no life on Earth.
Uses of Radiant and Light Energy
a. Is used for food cooking
Light from the sun makes trees and other
plants grow.
The radiant energy is trapped and used by
plants to make food.
Without light, the plants will not be able to
make food. Thus, energy from the sun is the
ultimate source of energy of all living things.
Uses of Radiant and Light Energy
b. Is used for heating up Earth
The sun is the main source of energy.
It heats the atmosphere, the land, and
the oceans.
Without the sun, the Earth will be cold,
and there would be no life.
Uses of Radiant and Light Energy
c. Gives light and color to the surroundings
At daytime, the light from the sun makes
surroundings visible. At night time, the moon
and other stars give light to the surroundings.
Radiant energy also gives color to the
environment. Sunlight is made up of seven
colors of the spectrum.
Uses of Radiant and Light Energy
d. Is used fro drying and Heating
You can dry your laundry and
other things because of radiant
Uses of Radiant and Light Energy
e. Is used in medicine
Radiant energy plays an important role in
medical science. It is used for taking pictures
of internal organs and also in surgery.
Examples are x-ray, scanning machines, and
Uses of Radiant and Light Energy
f. Used as a source of electricity
Sunlight can be converted into
electricity through the use of solar
Uses of Radiant and Light Energy
g. Is used for cooking
A microwave oven uses radiant
energy to cook or heat food.
Give Me!
Directions: Give at least two uses of
each form of energy.
1. Chemical energy
2. Mechanical energy
3. radiant energy
Round Table Discussion:
Assessing Community Resources
What are the sources of energy you
have in your place or locality. Evaluate
if the sources of energy work
efficiently. Does it bring a bad effect
to the environment? Share your
answers to the class afterwards.
Let’s Sum It Up!
There are various forms of energy, and
each form of energy has its uses. Various
forms of energy are used to generate
electricity and are used in appliances,
transportation, communication, medicine,
industries, navigation, and geology.
Let’s Look Back!
What are the uses of
mechanical energy? Chemical
energy? and Radiant/light

What to do: Share your idea/s about these matter.

“What is life without electricity.”

“What are the uses of electricity?”
Presenting To You!
All forms of energy have many uses.
We use energy for our own convenience
and to make our life easier.
So today, we will continue discussing
the uses of the different forms of energy
(Sound, Thermal, Electrical energy).
Uses of Sound Energy
a. Used in communication
The ambulance tells us to give way because
of an energy.
We learn things what goes around us through
communication devices that use sound like
telephone, television, radio, and others.
Uses of Sound Energy
b. Used in Geology
It helps seismologists track
earthquakes and find out how
earthquakes travel through magma
and rocks.
Uses of Sound Energy
c. Navigation uses sound
Ultrasonic waves are sound waves that
have high frequencies with short
It also used by submarines in military
Uses of Sound Energy
d. Is used in medicine
The use of ultrasound in monitoring
pregnancies is very common
nowadays. Through the use of
ultrasound, doctors are able to find
out what is happening inside the body.
Uses of Thermal Energy
a. Is used to cook food
Cooking food by conduction, convection, and
radiation is using thermal energy. By
conduction, the energy of the hot iron pan
can cook the food placed on it. Food placed in
boiling water is being cooked by convection.
Lechon is cooked by radiation.
Uses of Thermal Energy
b. Is used to warm surroundings
The sun which has a thermal
energy could warm the space and
different places. This makes the
place hot.
Uses of Thermal Energy
c. It generates electricity
Heat from the Earth called
geothermal energy is used to
produce heat.
Uses of Electrical Energy
a. Is used in transportation
The Light Rail Transit (LRT) and
the Metro Rail Transit (MRT)
use electricity to operate.
Uses of Electrical Energy
b. It makes appliances work to make life
comfortable and convenient
Electricity is used at home, school,
offices, and different establishments.
It makes electric appliances work.
Uses of Electrical Energy
c. Is used in different industries
Machines, cranes, and tools are
powered by electricity. Without
electricity, work in industrial
places is not possible.
Uses of Electrical Energy
d. Is used in communication
Television, radios, computers,
fax machines, and telephones
need electricity.
Uses of Electrical Energy
e. Is used in medicine
Doctors and health workers use
medical tools, instruments, and
machines that are powered by
Give Me!
Directions: give at least two uses of
each form of energy.
1. Sound energy
2. Thermal energy
3. electrical energy
Round Table Discussion!
How will you use different
forms of energy every day? Share
your answers to the class
Let’s Sum It Up!
There are various forms of energy, and
each form of energy has its uses.

Various forms of energy are used to

generate electricity and are used in
appliances, transportation, communication,
medicine, industries, navigation, and geology.
What is the importance
of having a quiz?
Test Proper
Test I: Direction: Read each item carefully. Write the letter
of the correct answer.

1. Which form of energy does a moving object possess?

A. light energy
B. sound energy
C. chemical energy
D. mechanical energy
2. Which form of energy is transferred from one object to the other?
A. Heat energy
B. light energy
C. sound energy
D. mechanical energy
3. Which device uses chemical energy to produce sound?
A. generator
B. television
C. radio
D. microwave oven
4. Which example has chemical energy present in it?
A. electric circuit
B. light bulb
C. medicine
D. television

5. What form of energy can travel through a vacuum or an empty

A. electrical energy
B. light energy
C. mechanical energy
D. sound energy
6. Which of the following shows that electrical energy is changed to
light energy?
A. hot iron
B. lighted fluorescent bulb
C. switching on the radio
D. a boy running after drinking water
7. Which energy transformation occurs in a flat iron?
A. electrical energy to heat
B. mechanical energy to light
C. chemical energy to sound energy
D. chemical energy to electrical energy
8. How does energy transform when strumming a guitar?
A. electrical energy to light energy
B. chemical energy to light energy
C. chemical energy to sound energy
D. mechanical energy to sound energy
9. Which of the following gives the correct order of energy transformation in
a burning candle?
A. chemical – light– light
B. chemical – light – heat
C. heat – chemical – light
D. heat – light – chemical
10. What is always produced when there is
energy transformation?
A. chemical
B. electricity
C. heat
D. light
Rubric for Test II
 Test II:
Think of an energy invention that you
would like to create. It must have to do
with any form of energy. (light, sound,
heat, electrical, mechanical, chemical).
Draw or illustrate of your invention.
Describe your invention and how it can
help people.
Thank You and

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