Mooring Configurations Spread Mooring: • Sensitive to direction of environmental loading; generally, positions the vessel bow fixed in the heading of predominant environmental loads.
• Conventional & widely adopted for ship-shaped floaters.
• Far less mechanical complications and thus cheaper than
Loading Mechanism of Moored Floaters Excitation forces for any specific site condition result from • Current; assumed constant but varies spatially with WD depending on profile & direction.
• Wind loading; generally assumed constant but
responses can vary due to gusting
• Wave forces; results in time-varying vessel motions
Loading Mechanism of Moored Floaters Typical mooring designs seek to optimize the response of mooring systems such that: • Excursions of the host remain within allowable flexible riser offsets
• Ensure that line tensions are within allowable values
• Requires considerable iterations to optimize system for a
particular site-specific condition
• Potential consequent uncertainties result in line damping &
Static Design Initial analyses stage of mooring system concept design • Determines the equilibrium between constant or mean environmental loads & the line restoring forces
• Establish load/excursion characteristics for single line or
mooring spread ignoring fluid forces on the line
• Ensures that line tensions are within allowable values
• Utilizes the catenary lines algorithm to calculate forces