Internet of Things: Comm522 Digital Technology and Innovation

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Some observers see the IoT as a revolutionary fully–interconnected “smart” world of progress, efficiency,
and opportunity, with the potential for adding billions in value to industry and the global economy.

warn that the IoT represents a darker world of surveillance, privacy and security violations, and consumer
lock–in. Attention-grabbing headlines about the hacking of Internet-connected automobiles,7 surveillance
concerns stemming from voice recognition features in “smart” TVs, and privacy fears stemming from the
potential misuse of IoT data have captured public attention.
Cisco, for example, projects more than 24 billion Internet–connected objects by 2019
Morgan Stanley, however, projects 75 billion networked devices by 2020
McKinsey Global Institute suggests that the financial impact of IoT on the global economy may be as much
as $3.9 to $11.1 trillion by 2025
IoT sensors consist of manual or digital sensors connected to circuit
boards such as Arduino Uno or Raspberry Pi 2. The circuit boards can be
programmed to measure a range of data collected from a sensor device
such as carbon monoxide, temperature, humidity, pressure, vibration,
and motion.
What differentiates IoT sensors from simple sensors is that they can not
only gather data at different physical environments but also send data to
the connected devices.
The IoT sensors allow seamless control of data through automation
delivering actionable insights. They can be used by businesses for
predictive maintenance, enhanced efficiency, and reduced costs.
Businesses are increasingly using IoT data analytics to
determine trends and patterns by analyzing big and
small data. IoT data analytics apps can analyze
structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data to
extract meaningful insights.
IoT can be applied to data analytics to investigate
different types of data including motion data sets,
geographical data, and health care data. It can be used
by businesses for predictive and descriptive analysis to
improve customer knowledge, enhance operational
efficiency, and create business value.

A lot of businesses are using IoT systems for asset tracking. IoT asset tracking devices use
GPS or radio frequency (RF) to track and monitor properties. The smart devices can be
used for long-range identification and verification of assets.
The connected factory solution can report key metrics data including equipment efficiency and telemetry
data. The data can be gathered of assets located at different geographical locations. You can use the
connected factory solution for connecting, monitoring, and to control of remote industrial devices.

IoT barcode readers can help in better inventory management for retailers. The readers support AI-
based digital signal processing. These devices can optimize the operations of many sectors including retail,
logistics, warehouse, and much more.
IoT-based bar card readers feature cloud data connections to connect with other systems. Using the
connected bar code reader will ease the process of managing inventory.
IoT barcode readers can be incorporated into shopping carts. The readers use AI-based sensors to detect
products as they are dropped or removed from the cart. The reader can transfer data to the computer
automatically, and that can save a lot of time in checkout resulting in an improved experience for the
Autonomous vehicles are one of the most notable examples of IoT in action. Self-driving cars and trucks
use a slew of connected devices to safely navigate roadways in all sorts of traffic and weather conditions.
The technologies in use include artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled cameras, motion sensors and onboard
IoT connections also exist on conventional vehicles, with manufacturers installing connected devices to
monitor performance and manage computerized systems.
Commercial fleets such as municipal buses and corporate delivery trucks are often fitted with additional
IoT technologies, such as connected systems to monitor for safety issues. Personal cars and trucks can be
fitted with similar technology, which frequently comes from insurance companies, that collects and
transmits telemetry data to verify good driving habits.
Roadway infrastructure has become more connected in the past decade as well, with cameras, sensors, traffic light
controls, parking meters and even smartphone traffic apps transmitting data that's then used to help avert traffic
jams, prevent accidents and ensure smooth travel.

For example, cameras detect and transmit data about traffic volume to central management groups that can then
analyze the information to determine whether, what and when mitigation steps must be taken.

Sensors on traffic signals can detect varying levels of light in the sky and adjust the brightness of the signals, helping
ensure they're always visible to drivers.

Connected devices can be used to detect open parking spaces and transmit that information to kiosks or apps to alert

Monitors on bridges collect and transmit data for analysis about their structural health, alerting authorities to
maintenance needs before there's any sort of failure or issue.
Utility companies can use IoT smart grid technologies
for more efficient outage management. They can use
the technology to identify load distribution and
improve reliability. The technology can also assist in
fault detection and repairs.
With the smart grid, utilities can interconnect all their
assets including meters and substations. Applying IoT
technologies to the grid ecosystem allows utility
companies to exercise greater control over the power
infrastructure and resources. Moreover, they allow
consumers with better quality access to energy.
Historically, energy flowed one way along the grid: from the generation site to the customer.
However, connected devices now enable two-way communication along the entire energy
supply chain: from generation through distribution to use, thereby improving the utilities' ability
to move and manage it.

Utilities can take and analyze real-time data transmitted by connected devices to detect
blackouts and redirect distribution, as well as respond to changes in energy demand and load.

Meanwhile, smart meters installed at individual homes and businesses provide information
about both real-time use and historical usage patterns that customers and the utilities can
analyze to identify ways to improve efficiency.
Connected devices can collect IoT data that indicates the health and quality of air, water and soil, as well as
fisheries, forests and other natural habitats. They can also collect weather and other environmental data.

As such, IoT delivers the ability to not only access significantly more real-time data about the environment
at any given time and place, but it also enables a range of organizations in various industries to use that
data to glean actionable insights.

Such information can help government agencies better monitor and even predict natural disasters, such as
tornados, as well as better manage and protect land and wildlife populations. Companies can use this data
to better limit their carbon footprint, more effectively document compliance with environmental
regulations and/or more efficiently plan around weather conditions that affect their business.
Property owners are using the power of IoT to make all sorts of buildings smarter, meaning they're more
energy-efficient, comfortable and convenient, as well as healthier and possibly safer, too.

An IoT ecosystem in a commercial building could include monitoring of the HVAC infrastructure that uses
real-time data and automation technologies to constantly measure and adjust the temperature for
optimum energy efficiency and comfort. Meanwhile, cameras using AI could aid in crowd management to
ensure public safety at events such as sold-out concerts.

On the home front, consumers can install smart technologies, such as door locks, appliances, thermostats
and smoke detectors, that help them with their everyday needs by, for example, coordinating temperature
controls to the owners' schedules.
Smart cities are consolidating IoT deployments across many facets to give them a holistic view of what's
happening in their jurisdictions.

As such, smart cities generally incorporate connected traffic management systems and their own smart
buildings. They might incorporate private smart buildings, too. Smart cities might also tie into smart grids
and use environmental monitoring to create an even larger IoT ecosystem that provides real-time views of
the various elements that affect life in their municipalities.

Similar to smaller, more confined IoT deployments, the objective with smart cities is to collect real-time
data for analysis that provides insights that municipal officials can then use for better decision-making
and/or automated controls to yield more efficient, effective, resilient and safer communities. Case in point:
Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is using IoT technologies to reach its goal of being a carbon-neutral
city by 2025.
Supply chain management has been undergoing a modernization, thanks to low-power sensors, GPS and
other tracking technologies that pinpoint assets as they move along a supply chain. Such information lets
managers both more effectively plan and more confidently reassure stakeholders about the location of
items shipped or received.

That visibility is beneficial, but it's only the start of the value proposition that IoT brings to this discipline.
IoT technologies can also monitor and manage delivery requirements, for example, measuring and
maintaining a specified temperature throughout transport to ensure quality and safety controls.
Additionally, back-end analytics capabilities can use IoT-generated data to determine supply chain
improvements, such as more efficient routes or shipping times.
IoT has numerous applications in industrial and commercial settings, enabling everything from predictive
maintenance to improved security at facilities to smart agriculture. These wide-ranging use cases employ
an equally expansive list of IoT technologies.

A manufacturer might use machine-to-machine connected devices as part of an industrial IoT deployment
to more accurately map workloads. A factory could track wear and tear on equipment to schedule
preventive maintenance at an optimal time. Companies can use employee badges or wearable devices
embedded with RFID chips to manage and control physical access to their facilities. And farmers can opt for
locational technologies integrated with environmental monitors and their field equipment to both
automate and maximize their seed allocations.
Farmers can use smart IoT farming applications for optimizing a lot of different activities such as
determining the best time to harvest plants, creating fertilizer profiles based on the chemistry of soil, and
sensing soil nutrients and moisture levels.
IoT has numerous applications in the healthcare industry. The technology can be used to provide high-
quality medical services using smart medical devices.
Also called the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), the technology can help in monitoring and supporting
vital data which can help in making clinical decisions. With IoT medical devices, medical services can be
made more accessible by the populace.
IoT medical devices can help in real-time monitoring of patients remotely. The devices can report an
emergency like an asthma attack, heart failure, etc., immediately to a physician. This can help in potentially
saving the lives of many individuals.
IoT devices can collect health care data including blood pressure, sugar levels, oxygen, and weight. Data is
stored online and can be accessed anytime by a physician. IoT automates the workflow by allowing the
provision of effective health care services to the patients.
• lower operational costs;
• enhanced productivity;
• optimized output;
• increased security;
• improved safety;
• better quality control; and
• heightened understanding and visibility into real-world activities.
Internet of Things (IoT) offers endless opportunities for businesses. Technology has already caused
disruptions in a lot of different industries. The business landscape is slowly changing with the evolution of
IoT technology.

Understanding the application of IoT can put your business in a better position

Competition in the next decade will be largely defined by how companies leverage innovative technologies.
The Spanish city is one of the foremost smart cities in the world after it implemented several IoT initiatives
that have helped enhance smart parking and the environment.
 AT&T was the first telecom company to open a connected car research and innovation center.

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