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For most substances, the relationships among thermodynamic properties are

too complex to be expressed by simple equations. Therefore, properties are
frequently presented in the form of tables. Some thermodynamic properties can
be measured easily, but others cannot and are calculated by using the relations
between them and measurable properties.
• Properties are frequently presented in the form of tables and charts,
• Molar mass, gas constant and critical-point properties (Table A-1)
• Saturated water-Temperature table (Table A-4)
• Saturated water-Pressure table (Table A-5) Steam tables
• Superheated water (Table A-6)

• Steam tables will be used to demonstrate the use of thermodynamic

property tables.

• Property tables of other substances are used in the same manner.

In addition to the temperature, pressure, and volume data, Tables A-4 through A-
8 contain the data for the specific internal energy u the specific enthalpy h and
the specific entropy s. The enthalpy is a convenient grouping of the internal
energy, pressure, and volume and is given by
H  U  PV

The enthalpy per unit mass is

h  u  Pv
We will find that the enthalpy h is quite useful in calculating the energy of mass
streams flowing into and out of control volumes. The enthalpy is also useful in
the energy balance during a constant pressure process for a substance contained
in a closed piston-cylinder device.
The enthalpy has units of energy per unit mass, kJ/kg.
The entropy s is a property defined by the second law of thermodynamics and is
related to the heat transfer to a system divided by the system temperature; thus,
the entropy has units of energy divided by temperature.
Saturated Water Tables
Since temperature and pressure are dependent properties using the phase
change, two tables are given for the saturation region.
• Table A-4 has temperature as the independent property
• Table A-5 has pressure as the independent property.
These two tables contain the same information and often only one table is
given. For the complete Table A-4, the last entry is the critical point at 373.95oC
Saturation pressure is the pressure at which the liquid and vapor phases are in
equilibrium at a given temperature.
Saturation temperature is the temperature at which the liquid and vapor phases
are in equilibrium at a given pressure.
• Subscript f denotes properties of a saturated liquid
• Subscript g denotes the properties of saturated vapor
• Subscript fg denotes the difference between the saturated vapor and saturated
liquid values of the same property
• For example:

• is called enthalpy of vaporization or latent heat of vaporization

• represents the amount of energy needed to vaporize a unit mass of saturated
liquid at a given temperature or pressure.
Example 1
A rigid tank contains 50 kg of saturated liquid water at 90°C. Determine the
pressure in the tank and the volume of the tank.

Schematic and T-v diagram for Example 1

Example 2
A mass of 200 g of saturated liquid water is completely vaporized at a constant
pressure of 100 kPa. Determine,
a) The volume change?
b) The amount of energy transferred to the water?

Schematic and P-v diagram for Example 2

Quality and Saturated Liquid–Vapor Mixture
• During a vaporization process, a substance exists as part
liquid and part vapor i.e. a mixture of saturated liquid and
saturated vapor
• In order to analyze this mixture, we need to know the
proportions of the liquid and vapor phases in the mixture.
• A new parameter called the quality x, i.e. ratio of the mass
of vapor to the total mass of the mixture, can be defined:


• The quality is zero for the saturated liquid and 1 for the
saturated vapor (0 ≤ x ≤ 1).
A saturated mixture can be treated as a homogeneous mixture of the saturated
liquid and saturated vapor phases.
Then the properties of this “mixture” will simply be the average properties of the
saturated liquid–vapor mixture under consideration.
As an example, an illustration of how the average specific volume of a saturated
mixture can be determined as follows:
Consider a mixture of saturated liquid and saturated vapor.
• The liquid has a mass and occupies a volume .
• The vapor has a mass and occupies a volume .
We note:

Since , then:

Since , dividing by yields:

Since , above expression can be written as:

Solving for x yields:
Quality can be related to the horizontal
distances on a P-v or T-v diagram
At a given temperature or pressure:
• The numerator is the distance between
the actual state and the saturated liquid
• The denominator is the length of the
entire horizontal line that connects the
saturated liquid and saturated vapor
• A state of 50% quality lies in the middle of
this horizontal line.

Quality is related to the horizontal

distances on P-v and T-v diagrams
A similar analysis for internal energy and enthalpy yields the following results:
) u fg  ug  u f
) h fg  hg  h f
s fg  sg  s f
It can be noted that all the results are of the same format, and they can be
summarized in a single equation as:

where: y is v, u, or h
The values of the average properties of the mixtures are always between the
values of the saturated liquid and the saturated vapor properties i.e.

All the saturated-mixture states are located under the saturation curve, and to
analyze saturated mixtures, all we need are saturated liquid and saturated vapor
Example 3
A rigid tank contains 10 kg of water at 90°C. If 8 kg of the water is in the liquid
form and the rest is in the vapor form, determine
a) The pressure in the tank?
b) The volume of the tank?

Schematic and T-v diagram for Example 3

Example 4
An 80-L vessel contains 4 kg of refrigerant-134a at a pressure of 160 kPa.
a) The temperature?
b) The quality?
c) The enthalpy of the refrigerant?
d) The volume occupied by the vapor phase
Superheated Water Table
A substance is said to be superheated if the given temperature is greater than
the saturation temperature for the given pressure.
In the region to the right of the saturated vapor line and at temperatures below
the critical point temperature, a substance exists as superheated vapor.
The properties of superheated water are listed in Table A–6 in
Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach by Cengel, Y.A., & Boles, M.A.
• The properties are listed against temperature for selected pressures starting with
the saturated vapor data.
• The saturation temperature is given in parentheses following the pressure value.
Example 5 Schematic diagram for example 5

Determine the temperature of water at a state of P = 0.5 MPa and h = 2890

Compressed Liquid
A substance is said to be a compressed liquid when the pressure is greater than
the saturation pressure for the temperature.
Compressed liquid tables are not as commonly available, and Table A–7 is the
only compressed liquid table in this text. The format of Table A–7 is very much
like the format of the superheated vapor tables.
One reason for the lack of compressed liquid data is the relative independence
of compressed liquid properties from pressure.
Variation of properties of compressed liquid with pressure is very mild.
Increasing the pressure 100 times often causes properties to change less than 1
Example 6
Determine the internal energy of compressed liquid water at 80°C and 5 MPa,
a) Data from the compressed liquid table
b) Saturated liquid data.
What is the error involved in the second case?

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