Module 1
Module 1
Module 1
Module 1:Basics of Measurement System
3. Errors in measurements
5. Statistical treatment of data-Mean, Measures of dispersion, Rejection of data based on confident interval.
Elements of generalized measurement system
• An instrument may be defined as a device or a system that is designed to maintain a functional relationship between the prescribed
properties of the physical variables and it includes different ways of communication with the human observer.
• The functional relationship remains valid only as long as the static calibration of the system remains constant.
• It is possible to describe the operation of a measuring instrument in a generalized manner and the whole operation can be described in
terms of the functional elements they are:
1. primary sensing element
2. variable conversion element
3. data presentation element
Each element is made up of a distinct component or the group of components that perform the required steps in the measurement
Quantity to be
Primary Sensing Variable conversion Variable manipulation Data transmission Data presentation
Element Element Element Element Element
Quantity to be
Primary Sensing Variable conversion Variable manipulation Data transmission Data presentation
Element Element Element Element Element
Quantity to be
Primary Sensing Variable conversion Variable manipulation Data transmission Data presentation
Element Element Element Element Element
Quantity to be
Primary Sensing Variable conversion Variable manipulation Data transmission Data presentation
Element Element Element Element Element
Quantity to be
Primary Sensing Variable conversion Variable manipulation Data transmission Data presentation
Element Element Element Element Element
Quantity to be
Primary Sensing Variable conversion Variable manipulation Data transmission Data presentation
Element Element Element Element Element
Dynamic characteristics
• Instruments rarely respond to changes in the measured variables.
• Instruments show slowness because of the capacitances or the electric capacitances.
• Such industrial instruments are nearly always used for measuring quantities that fluctuate with the time therefore dynamic and
transient behavior of the instrument is important as the static behavior.
• The dynamic behavior of the instrument is determined by subjecting its primary element which is the sensing element to some
unknown and predetermined variations in the measured quantity.
• The three moves to common variations in the measured quantity are as follows:
1. step change in which the primary element is subjected to an instantaneous and finite change in the measured variable.
2. linear change in which the primary element is following a measured variable changing linearly with time.
3.sinusoidal change in which the primary element follows a measured variable and the magnitude of which changes in accordance
with the sinusoidal function of constant amplitude.
Sources of errors
the dynamic characteristics of an instrument are
speed of the response, fidelity, lag and dynamic error
1. speed of the response: it is the rapidity with which an instrument responds to changes in the measured quantity.
2. fidelity: it is the degree to which an instrument indicates the changes in the measured variable without dynamic error.
3. Lag: it is the retardation or delay in the response of the instrument to changes in the measured variable.
4. Dynamic error it is the difference between the true value of a quantity changing with the time and the value indicated by the
Dynamic Response of Zero order Instruments
The equation that describes the performance of zero order instrument can be written as :
+ = +
Where = output quantity
A’s and b’s are combinations of system physical parameters assumed constant.When all the a’s and b’s other than and are assumed to be
zero, the differential equation degenerates into simple equation as
Any instrument that closely obeys the above equation over its intended range of operating conditions is defined as zero-order instrument.
The static sensitivity of a zero-order instrument is defined as follows:
Where K= = static sensitivity.
A zero order instrument represents ideal or perfect dynamic performance
Eg:displacement measuring potentiometer
Dynamic Response of First order Instruments
The equation that describes the performance of zero order instrument can be written as :
+ = +
Where = output quantity
If all a’s and b’s other than and are assumed to be zero , the differential equation degenerates into simple equation as
Any instrument that closely obeys the above equation is defined as first -order instrument.By dividing by , the equation can be written
as :
=time constant : K= = static sensitivity.
The operational transfer function of any first order instrument is
When a number of multi-sample observations are taken experimentally, that is a scatter of data about some central value. One method of
presenting test results is in the form of a histogram. The technique is shown in the figure representing the data given in this table. The
table shows a set of 50 readings of a lengthy measurement.
The most probable of central value of length is 100 millimeter.
Where Arithmetic Mean
=nth reading taken
n=total number of readings
The property which denotes the extent to which the values are dispersed about the
central value is called dispersion the other names used for dispersion are spread or
Figure shows two sets of data. In one case curve 1 the values vary from X1 to X2
add in other curve the values vary from X3 to X4.
Curve showing different ranges and
precision limits
3. Dispersion
Though their central value is the same clearly set of data represented by curve 1 has a smaller dispersion than that of the data presented by
curve 2.
It is very important to have a measure of the dispersion from the central value as it is an indication of the degree of consistency and
regularity of the data.
A large dispersion indicates that some factors involved in the measurement process are not under close control and therefore it becomes
difficult to estimate the measured quantity with confidence and definiteness.
4. Range
The simplest possible measure of dispersion is the range which is the difference between the greatest and the least values of data
For example, in the previous figure, the range of curve 1 is X2 - X1 and that of curve 2 is X4 – X3.
5.Deviation from the mean
This is the departure of the observed mean from the arithmetic mean of the group of readings.The deviation may be positive or negative
and the algebraic sum of all deviations is zero.
If the deviation of the first reading is called and that of the second reading , is called and so on, The deviations from the mean can be
expressed as:
= , = , similarly =
5.Deviation from the mean
Arithmetic sum of deviations:
=( )+( )
= + +…. -n =0
Therefore, the algebraic sum of deviations is zero.
6. Average Deviation
The average deviation is an indication of the precision of the instruments used in making the measurements.
Highly precise instruments yield a low average deviation between readings.
Average deviation is defined as the sum of the absolute values of deviations divided by the number of readings.
The absolute value of deviation if the value without respect to its sign. average deviation may be expressed as:
7.Standard Deviation
Standard deviation is also called root mean square deviation. the standard deviation of an infinite number of data is defined as the square
root of the sum of the individual deviations squared, divided by the number of readings.
7.Standard Deviation
Thus standard deviation is:
S.D= σ==
In practice the number of observations is finite. when the number of observations is greater than 20 SD is denoted by symbol σ .
if the number of observations is less than 20 the symbol used is s. the standard deviation of a finite number of data is given by
S ==
The variance is the main square deviation which is same as standard deviation except that square root is not extracted.
Variance, V=
= ==
When the number of observations is less than 20,
Variance=V= =
9.Normal or Gaussian curve of Errors
The normal or gaussian curve of error is the basis for the major part of study of
random effects.
The law of probability states that the normal occurrence of deviations from average
value of an infinite number of measurements or the observations can be expressed as
where x is the magnitude of deviation from the main,
y is the number of readings at any deviation x, and H is a constant called precision
The equation leads to the curve of the type shown in the figure and this curve
showing Y plotted against the X is called Normal or gaussian probability curve.
Another convenient form of equation describing the quotient curve uses the
standard deviation σ and is given by:
The form of this equation is useful because σ is usually the non quantity of interest.
In the figure the deviations from the main value are divided in terms of Sigma units
so that the deviation X =1σ,2.
10. Precision Index
From the equation, Y=
when x=0, we have y=
• This is clear from the above equation that the maximum value of the Y depends upon h. The larger the value of the
edge the sharper the curve.
• Thus the value of H determines the sharpness of the girl since the curve drops sharply owing to the term(-h2) Being in
the exponent.
• A sharp curve indicates that the deviations are more closely grouped together around the deviation x=0.
From the figure the two curves having different values of h.
Add figure
10. Precision Index
• Therefore, curve 1 one has a large value of h while curve 2 that has a small value of H.
• Hence curve 1 indicates high precision than curve 2.
• A large value of h represents high precision of the data because the probability of occurrence of radiates in a given
range falls off rapidly as the deviation increases because the variables tend to looking closer into a narrow range. On
the other hand a small value of h represents low precision because the probability of occurrences of variates in a given
range falls of gradually as the deviation increases.
11. Probable error
• Consider two points -r and +r marked in the figure
• These points are located that the area bounded by the curve, the X axis,
anti ordinates erected at x=-r and x=+r is equal to half of the total area under
the curve.
• That is half the deviations lie between x=+/-r
• A convenient measure of precision is the quantity r. it is called probable error(P.E).
• The location of point r can be found from the equation right it gives the probable
• error:
• r=0.4769/h
Confidence interval and confidence level
• The range of deviation from the mean value which a certain fraction of all
values is expected to lie is called confidence interval.
• The probability that the value of a randomly selected observation will lie
in this range is called confidence level.
• If the number of observations is large and their errors are random and
follow the normal Gaussian distribution, the various confidence intervals
about the mean value is give in the Table.
• If the number of observations is small(say less than 20) and the standard
deviation is not accurately known, the confidence interval must be
broadened. Here the standard deviation is computed as
• S=
Confidence interval and confidence level
2 1.15
The deviations of individual readings are then compared with
3 1.38
the standard deviation. If the ratio of deviation of a reading to
4 1.54
the standard deviation exceeds the limits in Table, then that
5 1.65
reading is rejected.
6 1.73
7 1.80
The mean value and the standard deviation are again calculated
10 1.96
by excluding the rejected reading from the data.
15 2.13
25 2.33
50 2.57
100 2.81
300 3.14
500 3.29
1000 3.48
Rejection of Data based on confidence intervals
A criterion used for discarding the data point is that its deviation from the mean exceeds four times the probable error of a single reading.
This results in discarding the data outside a confidence interval for a single reading at a confidence interval of 0.993.
A better criterion that doesn’t involve the evaluation of probable error when the set of points as small and the standard deviation is not
accurately known, is to discard reading that lies outside the interval corresponding to a confidence level of 0.99 for a single observation.
Rejection of Databased on 3 σ limits
The probability that the reading will lie within limits of the central value is 0.9974 which is a very high
And therefore any reading not lying within the limit should be rejected.