Environmental Concerns
Environmental Concerns
Environmental Concerns
• This water vapour rises into the atmosphere on warm air currents. Cooler
temperatures high in the atmosphere cause vapour to condense into clouds.
Strong winds move the clouds around the world until the water falls as
• Precipitation that falls on land completes the cycle of fresh water and results in
• Since most water that falls on the land eventually makes its way to either a ground
water or a surface water source, anything that happens on the landscape can have
a big impact on the quality of the water.
Agricultural impacts on water quality
• Agricultural activity
Surface water Groundwater
Sediment/turbidity: sediments
Carry phosphorus and pesticides
adsorbed to sediment particles;- ---------------------------------
siltation of river beds and
loss of habitat,etc
Agricultural impacts on water quality
Surface water Groundwater
Groundwater pollution
• Nitrate -most common chemical contaminant
• The gases that are emitted from the aircraft have led to the
depletion of the ozone layer apart from increasing the
greenhouse effect. The industrial waste that is generated
as a result of production has been laden on ships and
dumped in oceans. This has killed many underwater
organisms and has deposited many harmful chemicals in
the ocean.
Soil Pollution