Managing Employee Report

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1. Explain the types of performance issues that occur in the

workplace, and the internal and external reasons for poor
2. Understand how to develop a process for handling employee
performance issues.
3. Be able to discuss considerations for initiating layoffs or
Types of Performance Issues

 Constantly late or leaves early

 Too much time spent doing personal things at work
 Inability to handle proprietary information
 Family issues
 Drug and alcohol abuse
 Nonperforming
 Conflicts with management or other employees
 Theft
 Ethical breaches
 Harassment
 Employee conduct outside the workplace
What Influences Performance?

When an employee isn’t performing as expected, it can

be very disappointing. When you consider the amount
of time it takes to recruit, hire, and train someone, it
can be disappointing to find that a person has
performance issues. Some of these factors can be
internal while others may be external.

1. Career goals are not being met with the job.

2. There is conflict with other employees or the manager.
3. The goals or expectations are not in line with the
employee’s abilities.
4. The employee views unfairness in the workplace.
5. The employee manages time poorly.
6. The employee is dissatisfied with the job.

1. The employee doesn’t have correct equipment or

tools to perform the job.
2. The job design is incorrect.
3. External motivation factors are absent.
4. There is a lack of management support.
5. The employee’s skills and job are mismatched.
Defining Discipline

Discipline is defined as the process that corrects

undesirable behavior. The goal of a discipline process
shouldn’t necessarily be to punish, but to help the
employee meet performance expectations.
Performance Issue Model




• Mandated issue is usually one that deals with safety or legal issues that go
beyond the workplace.
• Single Incident may include a misstep of the employee, and he or she
should immediately be spoken with to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

• Behavior Pattern occurs when an employee consistently exhibits a

performance issue. This type of issue should be discussed with the
employee and plans taken, such as more training, to ensure it does not

• A persistent pattern occurs when an employee consistently exhibits a

performance issue and does not improve, despite HR’s talking with him or

• At some point during the persistent pattern, disciplinary action will likely
need to be taken. It is important to develop consistent procedures on how
to record and handle disciplinary issues.
Investigation of Performance Issues

When an employee is having a performance issue, often it is

our responsibility as HR professionals to investigate the
situation. Training managers on how to document performance
failings is the first step in this process. Proper documentation is
necessary should the employee need to be terminated later for
the performance issue.
Employee Separation

Employee separation occurs in one of three ways.

First, the employee resigns from the organization.
Second, the employee is terminated for performance
issues, and third, an employee absconds. Absconds
means the employee abandons his or her job without
submitting a formal resignation.
Rightsizing and Layoffs

Rightsizing is a term used when an

organization must cut costs through layoffs of
employees. Development of criteria for layoffs,
communication, and severance package
discussion are all parts of this process.

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