Fault Disco
Fault Disco
Fault Disco
Lecture outline
Mobile phone faults
Fault discovery techniques
A mobile phone fault is a defect (a failure in a circuit) of an electronic device in it causing it to
misbehave or not working at all.
Types of Mobile phone Faults
Hardware caused faults
It happens when the physical component of the mobile phone is not functioning as intended, this
can be caused by; excess current/voltage, short circuit, dust, open circuit within the board,
contamination, moisture, heat(spikes), wearing out etc.
Software caused faults
This faults occurs when there is a malfunctioning of the mobile phone regardless of the perfect
state of its components.
Software caused faults
There are two main categories of software in the mobile phone
1. system software eg Android, IOS, etc.
2. Application software for example WhatsApp, Yahoo mail, Gmail etc.
Software fault can be caused by; viruses, wrong mobile phone settings, full storage status,
corrupt application or system software, Application software incompatibility issues etc.
Most Common faults
Power on failure
Charging failure-
The battery is not charge at all,
• There is a sign of battery charging but the battery does not get charged.
• When the charger is inserted, it shows ‘Not Charging’.
• When the charger is connected it shows ‘Bad Connecting Charging’.
• When the charger is inserted the mobile phone gets hot.
Most Common faults
Automatic restart
Speaker failure
Vibrator failure
Common types of faults associated with the vibrator are:
• Vibrator not working
• Vibration has an interruption
• Vibration Hangs.
Most Common faults
Ringer failure .
A Ringer is any type of electronic component that
rings or plays a loud sound. It is also called the
I.H.F Speaker, buzzer, melody, etc.
The types of problems associated with the ringer:
• Ringer not working
• Low sound from the Ringer
• Sound coming from Ringer but with interruption
• Sound not clear
On the right side of the slide are the varieties of
Most Common faults
An usual battery drain faults
Freezing fault
Automatic call drops
Bluetooth failure
Camera failure
FM Radio connection failure
Most Common faults
Microphone failure
Common types of problems associated with the microphone are:
• Low sound during phone call
• Sound has interruption
• Change in sound
Display faults
The following are the common types of problems associated with the display:
• Display is blank.
• Display not working properly.
• Only half the display works.
• White display.
Most Common faults
• Display is upside down.
• Display is broken.
• When the mobile phone is switched ON, the Logo appears and then the display disappears
Illumination failure for the feature’s phone
The LED is the electronic component that generates light in the mobile phone. There are 2 types of connections
in the light section of a mobile phone:
• Series Connection;
• Parallel Connection
The common symptoms of LED problems are:
• No Light.
• Light only in the Keypad or Display.
• Some lights not working
Most Common faults
Touch screen failure
A Touch Screen (PDA) is an electronic component that allows you to input data or control your
mobile phone by touching the screen. It normally has 4 Points namely: (+), (-), (RX), (TX).
The touch screen is normally controlled by the CPU. In some mobile phones there is an Interface
IC called PDA IC or Screen Touch IC.
The following are the faults associated with the Touch Screen
• Touch Screen not working.
• Only half the Touch Screen works.
• When one key is pressed another key works.
Most Common faults
Keypad fault for feature’s phone
The main types of problems associated with the keypad are:
• Some keys not working.
• Keys need more pressure to work.
• When a key is pressed it works continuously.
• When one key is pressed, some other key works
• When one key is pressed, some other key works simultaneously
Most Common faults
SIM card failure
A Subscriber Identify Module (SIM) card is an integrated circuit that securely stores information
about the number of the cell phone line, password, and information related to your local
network service. It has a unique serial number.
The following are the common problems associated with the SIM card:
• SIM is inserted but still there is a message saying “Insert SIM”.
• The mobile phone goes OFFLINE when the SIM card is inserted.
• The SIM works for sometime and then stops working.
• There is a message that says “Invalid SIM”
Most Common faults
Wi-Fi or Network connection failure
This problem may present in the following ways:
• No internet
• Low Wi-Fi signal
• Wi-Fi cannot be enabled
Memory card reader faults
Incomplete power on fault
Most Common faults
The common software problems are:
• Display problems
• No signal message
• Dead phone set
• Phone on test mode
Phone not charging
• Phone has message to contact service provider
• Phone hangs, goes off, freezes or has slow processing
Fault discovery techniques
Before you can diagnose and repair a mobile phone, make sure you learn the following skills:
• Testing using a multimeter device
• Jumper setting
• Soldering
• Desoldering
Testing using a multimeter device
To measure resistance follow these steps:
1. Plug your red and black probes into the appropriate sockets on your multimeter.
2. Choose the appropriate resistance measurement setting on your millimeter’s
3. Hold the probes against the resistor.
4. Check the resistor value on the display.
Always turn off the power supply to your circuit before measuring resistance.
Fault discovery techniques
Measuring voltage
Testing for proper supply voltage is usually the first step when troubleshooting a circuit. To
measure voltage you should follow these steps:
1. Select V~ (ac) or V (dc), as desired.
2. Plug the black test probe into the COM input jack. Plug the red test probe into the V input jack.
3. If the DMM has a manual range only, select the highest range so as not to overload the input.
4. Touch the circuit with the tips of the probes
5. Read the number in the display window and take note of the unit of measurement.
Fault discovery techniques
Measuring Current
1. Turn off power to the circuit.
2. Cut or unsolder the circuit, creating a place where the meter probes can be inserted.
3. Select A~ (ac) or A (dc) as desired.
4. Plug the black test probe into the COM input jack. Plug the red test probe into the amp or
milliamp input jack, depending on the expected value of the reading.
5. Connect the probe tips to the circuit across the break so that all current will flow through the
DMM (a series connection).
6. Turn the circuit power back on.
Fault discovery techniques
Jumper setting
Jumpering means to temporarily complete a circuit or to bypass a break in a circuit by making a
connection from one point to another. In the mobile phone insulated wires are used for
Advantage of jumpering
While repairing mobile phones, we find that certain faulty components are very difficult to get
from the market. To repair such mobile phones the only immediate option is the use of jumpers.
By use of jumpers we will bypass the faulty components specifically
Fault discovery techniques
How to Jumper
1. Disassemble mobile phone and place it on a PCB holder.
2. Using a multimeter, check track and find the fault or the missing track that need jumper.
3. Apply liquid soldering flux to the points where you need to solder jumper wire.
4. Cut jumper wire to desired length and remove its lamination using blade cutter.
5. Hold one end of the jumper wire and solder it to one point of the faulty circuit track. Use a good
quality tweezers to hold the wire and good quality of soldering iron and solder wire to solder.
6. Now hold the other end of the jumper wire and solder to the other point of the track
7. Using a multimeter check the jumper.
Fault discovery techniques
The figure on the right side of this slide
shows jumper settings. In this example, the
jumper is the white block covering two of
the three gold pins.
Fault discovery techniques
Steps In Soldering
1. Prepare the following materials:
• Soldering Iron,
• Solder paste
• Long Nose Pliers,
• PCB holder,
• Electronic Components (Resistors, Diode etc.)
2. Plug and pre-heat the soldering iron.
3. Heat both items at the same time by applying the soldering iron to the copper pad and the component lead.
4. Continue heating and apply a few millimeters of solder. Remove the iron and allow the solder joint to cool
5. It only takes a second or two to make the perfect joint, which should appear shiny.
Fault discovery techniques
Desoldering is the removal of solder and components from a printed circuit board for
troubleshooting, repair, replacement, and salvage.
Steps in Desoldering
1. Use a solder wick (finely braided copper) to wick away excess solder from a de-soldered
2. Apply the solder wick and use the soldering iron to the de-soldered connection. The solder
wick will draw the excess solder off the PCB pad.
Fault discovery techniques
Before deciding to disassemble the phone for the repair purpose first check whether the settings
are ok, then perform a cold test followed by hot test fault discovery technique.
Cold testing technique:
Cold testing is when we use a multimeter to check the value of resistance at the time of repairing
a fault in a mobile phone. During cold testing do not power the phone from any equipment. Use
the diode range and beep sound from the multimeter to find fault in the mobile phone. connect
the RED probe of the multimeter to the ground of the mobile phone PCB, and use the BLACK
probe to touch the testing points of the mobile phone. The expected correct values are:
1. Ear Phone Connector Tip (+ , -): .500 to .700
2. Loud Speaker / Ringer Connector Tip (+,-): .300 to .600
3. Battery Connector Tip (+): .400 to .500
Fault discovery techniques
4. Battery Connector Tip (Sense): above .800
5. Display Connector Supply Pins: .250 to .400
6. Display Connector Signal Pins: .500 to .800
7. Camera Connector Supply Pins: .250 to .400
8. Camera Connector Signal Pins: .600 to .900
9. Key Tip (Row and Column): .400 to .800
10. Charger Connector Tip: .600 to .700
11. Vibrator Motor Connector: .40 to .500
12. Power ON / OFF Switch Point (+): .600 to .900
13. MIC Connector Tip (Analog MIC) (+,-): .700 to .900
14. Battery Charging Out Point (+,-): .300 to .400
Fault discovery techniques
SIM Card Connector Pin 1 (VSim): .500 to .700
16. SIM Card Connector Pin 2,3,6: .400 to .800
17. SIM Card Connector Pin 4 (GND): .00 (Beep)
18. Micro SD Card Connector Pin 4: .500 to .600
19. Micro Card Connector Pin 6 (GND): .00 (Beep)
20. Micro Card Connector Pin 1,2,3,5,7,8: .600 to .800
21. RTC: .400 to .500
22. Data RX and TX Pins: .600 to .700
Fault discovery techniques
Hot testing technique:
The hot testing method is adopted when the fault cannot be found or when the cell phone cannot be
repaired using the cold testing method. In this method, the VOLTAGE of the damaged part or component is
checked. The fault is found by powering the mobile phone with a battery which has a DC power supply.
Once you power the phone, you should select the DCV (DC Volt) range of the Multimeter. Then you should
connect the BLACK probe of the Multimeter to the ground of the phone’s PCB and ensure the RED Probe
touches the Testing Points. During hot testing, the voltage of different part or sections are expected to be
(in Volt):
1. Ear Phone Connector Tip (+ , -) when working: .0 to 2.5
2. Loud Speaker / Ringer Connector Tip (+,-) when working: .0 to 2.5
3. Battery Connector Tip (+): 3.7
4. Display Connector Supply Pins: 1.8 to 2.9
5. Display Connector Signal Pins when working: .0 to 1.8
Fault discovery techniques
6. Camera Connector Supply Pins: 1.8 to 2.9
7. Camera Connector Signal Pins when working: .0 to 1.8
8. Key Tip (Row and Column) One Side: 1.8 to 2.8
9. Charger Connector Tip: 5 to 6
10. Vibrator Motor Connector Tip when Working: 1.9 to 3.6
11. Power ON / OFF Switch Point (+): 3 to 3.6
12. MIC Connector Tip (Analog MIC) (+,-): 1.8 to 3.0
13. Battery Charging Out Point (+,-): 3.7 to 4.2
14. SIM Card Connector Pin 1 (VSim) when SIM Connected: 1.8 to 3.0
15. SIM Card Connector Pin 2,3,6 when working: 0 to 2.8
16. Micro SD Card Connector Pin: 2.8
17. Micro Card Connector Pin 1,2,3,5,7,8: 0 to 2.8
18. Data RX and TX Pins: 1.8 to 2.8
A mobile phone fault is a defect (a failure in a circuit) of an electronic device in it causing it to misbehave or
not working at all. Mainly there are two types of mobile phone faults namely hardware caused faults and
software caused faults.
There are two main techniques used to diagnose a mobile phone:
Cold testing technique
Hot testing technique
But before doing any diagnosis there are some crucial skills to obtain including:
Testing using a multimeter device
Jumper setting
1. Repair and Maintenance of mobile phones by Douglas
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe1mhUmnZwE
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0saFDDspDOs
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl7JSUDbUIc
5. http://
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KU_1fs9jSxs