Mobile Repairing
Mobile Repairing
Mobile Repairing
My Project
My project Mobile Troubleshooting is about learning of some basic concepts of mobile phone and having some knowledge about troubleshooting those devices. For having some basic knowledge of devices, I took help from an expert who repairs mobile phone. I also gained some knowledge about how to use the basic devices like Ammeter, Multimeter etc which are frequently used for mobile troubleshooting.
3) Speaker
Speaker is an output device of a mobile phone, which is used for giving hearing outputs. In an ordinary mobile there are two speakers: 1) Earpiece: just a small speaker which doesnt produce loud sounds. 2) Ringer: A speaker capable of producing loud sounds. (Generally a separate ringer IC is used for a ringer speaker)
4) Display: Display is also an output device of mobile phone used for giving visual outputs.
Mainly different phones have different display size.
Some of them are: Power IC, Frequency Filter IC, Ringer IC etc.
2) Soldering Iron: Soldering Iron is used for connecting the broken connections or wires.
For soldering one always need a Soldering Wire and sometimes Solder paste (It is used to connect the leads of IC packages to attachment points in the circuit PCB)
3) Toolkit: One will always require a perfect toolkit for repairing a Mobile phone. An ideal
toolkit at least contains some screw drivers (different sizes), holders, multimeter, etc.
The best way to correct such a problem is first to check for the correctness of the battery and if it is correct then check for the shorting part.
If we get Beep sounds in both the direction that means that the Speaker is correct, but if we dont get Beep sound from both sides then it means that the speaker is not working. And then we have to change the speaker with a new one.
3) MIC Problem: Another common problem in mobile phones is MIC NOT working.
For testing a MIC, we again set the multimeter to continuity or 20 V and then check the MICs both ends in both direction. Then we must get a beep from other side and not from its reverse direction , if it is so that means that MIC is correct and problem is somewhere else. Otherwise we have to change the MIC with a new Working one.
4) Keypad problem: Sometimes we found that some keys of a keypad doesnt work.
For this we first check that on the buttons where it got clicked there must not be any carbon if it is there we must remove that and check then. Otherwise we check continuity of the circuit related to the keys.
connection of the Ringer speaker. There the two possibilities are that may be the CPU is not working of the ringer IC is not working or may be the connection is broken somewhere. But CPU is all right as the mobile was overall working properly. And then I opened the cover of the protected region and checked the connections with the help of a multimeter by setting it to Continuity. And I found that all the connection were right. So I checked for the upper part where Speaker is actually connected, and that part was also continuous. So, I concluded that the ringer IC was NOT working . I cant correct it because it more that basic concepts. OUTCOME OF THE PROJECT I opened a mobile and troubleshoot all the basic parts of it like Speaker, Mic, keypad, Display