Transformer Testing

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This manual has been brought out to Assist Inspecting

Engineers for improving inspection and testing standards of
power transformer as per relevant Indian Standards
Specifications and CBIP Manual.

It is very important duty of procuring agencies to specify

clearly what testing procedures they should adopt, Many things
are to be clarified in technical specifications of transformers at
the tendering of stage itself because it adds cost to the
Transformer .
Electric supply company purchase ordering
authorities should clarify whether the transformers are
required to be tested either in accordance with IS 2026 or
by IEC 76 as many procedures vary from one standard to

All constructive ideas and suggestion for improving

this manual shall be addressed to the undersignee.


5.Classification of testing
6.General Requirements for testing
7.Testing procedure of power Transformers
8. Measurement of winding resistance for each tap position.
9. Measurement of no load voltage ratio at each tap
10. Vector Group & Polarity check.
11. Measurement of No Load losses & Magnetizing Current.
12. Measurement of Impedance Voltage/Short Circuit
impedance and load loss at principal tap
13. Measurement of insulation resistance
14. Power frequency/separate source AC voltage withstand
15. Induced over voltage test
16. Testing of transformer oil
17. Tests on ON LOAD Tap changer.
18. Pressure test for oil leakage

19. Temperature rise test

20. Lightning impulse test
21. Vacuum Test on Tank for deflection measurement (as per CBIP specifications)
22. Oil pressure Test on Tank for deflection measurement (as per CBIP specifications)
23. Ability to with stand short circuit test.

24. Measurement of Accoustic Noise level (at No load, at Normal

voltage and at Normal Frequency)
25. Measurement of Zero Phase sequence Impedance.
26. Magnetic Balance test
27. Measurement of auxiliary losses like losses at cooling fans.
28. Measurement of Tan Delta & Capacitance of winding.
29. Measurement of Harmonics at No load current
30. Jacking test

Basic aim of this document is to provide a guideline and a

ready reference to the person conducting an inspection of a
transformer. Transformer being an inherent part of any kind of
electrical industry forms one of the most important equipment.
Before a transformer can be connected to the external circuits, the
internal connections within the transformer must be known so
that the compatibility of the transformer with respect to the
external circuit is checked and ensured. From a series of tests at
factory site, which might at most be spread over a few days, it is
necessary to ascertain that the transformer will be suitable for 30
years or more in service. It is logical that this testing should be
complemented by a system of quality testing procedures which
operate on each individual unit and throughout the whole design
and manufacturing process.
The stringency and thoroughness of these tests are of
vital importance. To obtain accurate result, it is essential that
the low power factor meters watt meters, precision grade
ammeters, voltmeters, of 0.2 class accuracy and (Refer
B.S..3938 & B.S.3941) current and voltage transformers of 0.1
class accuracy shall be used. Further these instruments shall
be checked at every year to ensure requisite accuracy is

The procurement agency should clearly state in their

tender specifications what they expect in stage inspection. In
final inspection, every test should be spelt out clearly such as:
1) Whether the transformers are required to be tested in
accordance with Either IS 2026 or IEC 76 as many procedures
differ in each standard.

2) While conducting insulation testing of transformer, P.I. values

should be taken at the end of 60 seconds & at the end of 600
seconds by the motorized meggar and P.I.value obtained should
not be less than 2.0 which has to be specified in tender

3) While measuring no load and full load losses, the supplier shall
employ meters of 0.2 class of accuracy; preferably by a power
transformer analyzer to avoid error in taking readings and 0.1
class accuracy of CTs & PTs.
4) If a Transformer manufacturer is supplying a Transformer
filled with oil then, while testing transformer oil, the oil
should be checked for BDV, tan delta, capacitance and
resistivity as per IS 335.

5) Pressure test for oil leakage should be done on every

transformer after conducting all accepting tests as per
CBIP specifications.

6.)a) Whenever a new design or new capacity of power

transformer is offered the type testing should be done for first
transformer before its acceptance which should be witnessed by
KPTCL Engineers without fail.
b) The transformer which is offered shall pass all the
preliminary stage inspection tests like

i. Measurement of preliminary iron losses. (in

ii. Measurement of core frame insulation.
iii. vacuum test and pressure test on tank .
iv. stage inspection of copper winding,

v. stage inspection of O.L.T.C.

vi. Inspection of transformer oil.
c) Temperature- rise test shall be conducted for the least tap

d) Accostic noise level measurement to be done as per NEMA


E) For lightning impulse testing, chopped wave impulse testing

should be made compulsory on all the three phases of power
transformer on maximum, principle and least tap of
transformer and further, conducting of switching impulse testing is
required or not shall be clarified in the tendering stage itself.

f) Whether dynamic short circuit test is required shall be

clarified in the tendering stage itself.
The firm should allow usage of KPTCL metering along with
firms metering for cross verification of accuracy of firms
metering whenever required.
The firm should allow usage of KPTCL metering
along with firms metering for cross verification of
accuracy of firms metering whenever required.

Generally the testing of transformers can be classified in to

two categories.

1. Stage inspection or preliminary inspection

2. The final testing of completely assembled

Stage inspection or
preliminary inspection

i) Core plate inspection:

The transformer core, CRGO-cold rolled grain oriented steel is
checked for thickness and insulation coating. There are two
method of core plate testing.

a) Epstein square method &

b) Testing by digital iron loss tester

a) Epstein square test:
A sample of core material is cut and built up in to a loop known
as Epstein square from which measurement of iron losses is
made as described in IEC 404.This test is done at reputed
laboratories like C.P.R.I. and E.R.D.A.

b) Testing by digital iron loss tester:

The thickness of CRGO can be measured using digital iron loss

tester for example, if the average thickness of CRGO sheet works
out to be 1.55 tesla, the corresponding average watt-loss per kg (as
per table, of manufacturer) is 0.82.
Thus, if total weight of core used for transformer is 10590 kgs
then core loss works out to be 0.82x10590 = 8683.8 watts
(This can be comparable with guaranteed no load losses of the
transformer offered for inspection)

Further CRGO can also be rejected by visual inspection if

offered CRGO sheets have

i. Rust formation.
ii. Bad insulation on surface
iii. Water markings on core
c) Further core losses can be measured by
winding few temporary dummy turns, say
about 10 or 20 turns around the core
(before winding is done) and exciting it at
normal flux.

Thus, by knowing rated capacity of transformer,

voltage class, voltage per turn, thus density at 100%,
guaranteed loss at 100% excitation, number of dummy
turns wound and connecting them in star and thus
exciting KVA, voltage and current can be verified.
d) Typical Calculation for preliminary no load loss
and weight of 160MVA, 220/132/33-3ph auto
Transformer which was conducted at M/S.B.H.E.L.,Jhansi
for M.P.S.E.B. on 7.3.2006 is as follows.

Core weight Calculation

Leg Area = 4073.47 sq.mms

Yoke Area = 4073.47 sq.mms
Frame TCO core diameter-765mms
Leg length-2190mms
Leg Centre-1940mms

Density of CRGO=7.65gm/cm2
For Leg For Yoke For Corner
Core weight=3x4073-47x219x7.65x10-3+4x4073.47x194x7.65x10-3+2x4073.47x75x7.65x10-3=49329.52Kgs


Type of core material used is of H1-B

Total weight of core lamination=49,329Kgs
Specific loss of core material at designed flux density=0.588watt/kg
Working flux density=1.508 T
Build up factor = 1.1
No load loss=1.1x1.508x49329x10-3=31.47kws(guaranteed loss=33kws)
e) Measurement of core frame insulation

Further, core-frame insulation resistance can also be checked. Core

frame insulation can also be measured by using 5KV motorized megger.
(f) Winding copper checks:

The thickness of the continuously transposed conductor shall be

checked and verified as per design specifications of the manufacturer by
measuring resistance of copper conductor, we can calculate current density
of copper conductor which should be within the limits of approved GTP.
(g) Tank tests:

Vacuum test on tank for deflection measurement

shall be made as per clause No. 173.2 (b) of CBIP

Reference Standard : As per Cl.No. 17.3.2 (a) of Central Board for

Equipment irrigation & power Specification.
: i) Calibrated pressure gauge with
Accuracy : 2% or better
Dial : 100 mm minimum
Range : 0-1Kg/cm2 (0-15 psi) OR
0-1.6Kg/cm2 or (0-22 psi)
Least count : 0.2Kg/cm2 or better (0.5 psi)

ii) Calibrated Vacuum gauge with

Accuracy : 2% or better
Dial : 100 mm minimum
Range : -760 to 0 mm of Hg.
Least count : 10 mm of Hg or better

iii) Set of strings and fixing stands

iv) Steel ruler 300 mm long minimum

The vacuum test/pressure test shall be carried out in close succession.
The vacuum applied shall be 3.33 KN/m absolute or 25 Torr because,
1 atmospheric pressure = 760 mm of mercury at 0°C
(or 29.921 inches of water at 40C)
= 1 bar of mercury = 105 N/M2 or 102 KN/M2
for 25 mm of mercury = 25x105 = 3.29x103 N/M2 or 3.3 KN/M2

The tank to be tested is first made air tight by fixing all covers and
inspection windows with gaskets. In case of tanks with OLTC, suitable
blanking plates are used. Conservator and radiators are not mounted on tank for
this test. After fixing of all covers, it is endured that all valves are fitted with
gaskets and blanking plates. Vacuuming gauge is fitted on one valve (preferably
on a 15 mm valve) and vacuum pump is connected to filter valve. For
measurement of deflection, steel wires or white thread is used which are fixed
to the independent steel frame as shown in the sketch. The transformer tank
shall be capable of withstanding vacuum as stated below.
Highest MVA Rating Vacuum Vacuum
System Gauge in mm of
voltage (in Pressure mercury
KV) (in KN/m2) (Hg)
Up to 72 Kv Up to 1.6 34.7 250
Above 1.6 to 68.0 500
20 106.4 760
Above 20
Above 72 Kv For all MVA 106.4 760

The tanks designed for full VACUUM (760 mm of mercury at sea

level or barometer reading at the location of the test) shall be tested at an
internal pressure of 3.3 KN/m2 (25 mm of Hg) for one hour i.e. 760-25=735
mm of Hg at sea level and (barometer reading – 25) mm Hg at other
location. The permanent deflection of flat places after the vacuum has been
released shall not exceed the value specified in following table.
Horizontal length of flat plate (in mm) Permanent deflection (in mm)

Up to and including 750 5

751 to 1250 6.5

1251 to 1750 8.0
1751 to 2000 9.5
2001 to 2250 11.0
2251 to 2500 12.5
2501 to 3000 16.0
Above 3000 19.0

One transformer tank shall be subjected to a pressure

corresponding to twice the normal head of oil or to the normal
pressure plus 35 KN/m2 (5 PSI) which ever is lower measured at
the base of the tank and will be maintained for one hour. The
permanent deflection of flat plates after the excess pressure has
been released shall not exceed the figure specified in the table.

Arrangements shall be made using strings, for measurement

of deflection as in vacuum test.

This arrangement shall not be disturbed, once the initial

readings are taken, till the end of the test.


1. Prior to application of pressure, ‘INITIAL READINGS’

shall be measured & recorded.

2. Air pressure shall be applied to test level specified 70

KN/m2 or 10 psi pressure shall be applied & maintained
for 1 hour.
i. Following measurements shall be done:

a) Initial readings, prior to application of pressure

b) Reading under pressure

c) Final reading after releasing the pressure

d) Initial reading prior to application of vacuum

e) Reading under vacuum

f) Final reading after releasing the vacuum

ii) Measurement shall be done at right angles to the
tank surface, using steel rule at location as specified.

iii) Location of measurements of initial readings shall

be marked using chalk & readings under
pressure/vacuum & final readings shall be measured at
the same locations.

i) The subtraction, initial reading minus final reading after

vacuum release shall be the PERMANENT DEFLECTION.

ii) The appropriate difference of initial reading & reading under

pressure/vacuum shall be the TEMPORARY DEFLECTION.

iii) The tank shall be treated ACCEPTED, when the

PERMANENT DEFLECTION as defined above does not exceed
the value specified.


6 5 4

13 14 15



1 2 3 ## 4 5 6 ## 1-Jun





























1. All dimensions are in mm
2. Location A,B,C shall be such
that tank height is divided
into nearly four equal parts
3. For tank width below 1000
mm take readings at 7 & 10

1. Air pressure applied:_______
2. Duration of pressure:_______

1. Vacuum gauge
2. Barometer reading:________
3. Duration of
4. Vacuum achieved:________

1. Test results are
2. Accepted/Accepted with
To begin with, the steel wires or white thread is fixed around the tank on
all sides and the distance of the reference point from the tank wall to the steel
wire is measured with the help of a scale. This gives the reading (A) before
application of vacuum, vacuum is maintained for one hour. At the end of one
hour deflection under vacuum is measured by reading the distance of the
reference point from the wire (B). The vacuum is released and the deflection is
again measured as (C). The difference in readings between measurement B & A
gives the temporary deflection under vacuum and the difference in readings
between measurement C & A gives the permanent deflection.

The reading C-A is compared with the table given in technical

specification to check the permanent deflection.

Acceptance Criteria/ : The permanent deflection of vacuum and

Tolerance on test pressure tests shall not exceed for the

parameters values specified in the CBIP specifications
5) Leakage Test:

All tanks and oil filled compartments shall be tested for oil tightness
by being completely filled with air/oil of a viscosity not greater than that of
the insulating oil to IS: 335 at an ambient temperature and subjected to a
pressure equal to the normal pressure plus 35 KN/m2 (5 psi) measured at the
base of the tank. This pressure shall be maintained for a period of not less
than 12 hours for oil and 1 hour for air, during which time no leakage should

Before testing, all welds shall be prepared by sand/shot blasting or

white-washed to facilitate the detection of leaks. The leak detection may be
carried out with the help of soap water.
6) Dye Penetration test:

The dye penetration test has to be carried out using dye-

penetration liquid, developer and cleaner for locating weld defects
like surface cracks, blow holes, etc.,

The surface is cleaned with the cleaning agent like check

made CL-96, a solvent then spray the red dye, penetrate PT-97
over the surface and let it dry for few minutes. Next, developer 98,
a white dye is applied over the surface of red dye there is any blow
hole/crack red dye oozes out of white dye on the welded portion.
Causes for defective welding

1. Whenever moisture in the welding electrode

CAPITAL Poor quality
OF of welding electrode
3. Improper
THE ENGLISH cleaning before welding
4. Lack of fusion-when electric current is less
(for less than 80 Amps)
5. Under cuts – when electric current is more (for more than 1
50 Amps)
6. Workmanship of the welder
7. Poracity – happens when there is air blowing, corbon di
oxide covering over molten metal if gets disturbed.
If defects are found, reweld has to be done as below

a) Remove the weld metal at the marked position upto the base metal for 20
mm length i.e. 10 mm before and 12 mm after the marked points. This
should be done to arrest the propagation of the crack to the adjacent weld.

b) Remove the defective weld upto the base metal.

c) Use electrode chamfer trode rod or grinding for removing the weld metal.

d) Clip the leftover slag by hammering

e) Start and complete the welding uniformly to the adjacent weld.

f) Conduct the D.P. test again on re-welded region to ascertain the quality of
the weld.

G) Maintain record of weld defects and locations for analysis if found.

7 Radiography test:

Top tank wall joints of transformer shall be tested by

radiography of welded joints to check significant defects, poracity
etc. This test is done by using x-rays on top transformer tank wall

8 Ultra Sound Test:

Invariably the lifting book & the base plate of all tanks have
to be ultra sound tested. Other components as specified in the
drawing also have to be ultra sound tested. The test certificates for
the same have to be furnished by the supplier.
The final testing of completely assembled transformer are classified
into three categories as below:-

a) Routine Tests
b) Type Tests
c) Special Tests

The routine tests are conducted to ensure the particular transformer is

free from manufacturing defects.

The type tests are conducted to check the particular design parameters.

The special tests are conducted depending upon the need for particular
test-as per site conditions. The transformer shall pass the appropriate
dielectric tests specified in IS 2026 Part III of 1977. The dielectric test
may be type test, routine test or special tests.

All Transformers are to be tested in accordance with IS 2026

(Part I to Part V)

This testing procedure gives complete description of each test which


* Reference applicable standards

* Equipment required for testing

* Test Method/Procedure

* Purpose or testing

* Acceptance Criteria/Tolerance in test parameters

The various tests falling in the above mentioned categories are listed in
following pages.

1. Measurement of winding resistance for each tap position

(As per IS 2026 PI Clause 16.2)

2. Measurement of voltage ratio, verification of polarity and vector

(As per IS 2026 PI Clause 16.3)

3. Measurement of No load losses & Magnetizing current (As per IS

PI Clause 16.5)

4. Measurement of impedance Voltage/Short Circuit impedance and

load loss at principal tap (As per IS 2026 PI Clause 16.4)

5. Measurement of insulation resistance (As per IS 2026 PI( Clause 16.6)

6. a) Power frequency/separate source AC voltage withstand

(As per IS 2026 PIII Clause 16.7)

b) Induced over voltage test

(As per IS 2026 PI Clause 16.7)

7. Testing of transformer oil (as per IS 335: 1992)

8. Tests on ON LOAD tap changer (As per IS 2026 PI Clause


9. Pressure test for oil leakage an a completely assembled

transformers (as per Cl.No. 17.32 (b) of CBIP specifications)
Following type tests shall be conducted on transformer:

1. Measurement of winding resistance

(Cl.No. 16.2 of IS 2026 Part I - 1977)
2. Measurement of voltage ratio and check of voltage vector relationship
(Cl.No. 16.3 of IS 2026 Part I - 1977)

3. Measurement of impedance voltage/short-circuit impedance (principal tapping) and load loss

(Cl.No. 16.4 of IS 2026 Part I - 1977)

4. Measurement of no load loss and current
(Cl.No. 16.5 of IS 2026 Part I - 1977)
5. Measurement of insulation resistance
(Cl.No. 16.6 of IS 2026 Part I - 1977)
6. Dielectric tests
(Cl.No. 16.7 of IS 2026 Part I - 1977)
7. Temperature – rise
(Cl.No. 16.8 of IS 2026 Part I - 1977) and
8. Tests on on-load tap-changers, where appropriate
(Cl.No. 16.9 of IS 2026 Part I - 1977)
Following special tests shall be conducted on Transformer:
1. Measurement of accoustic Noise level (at no load, at normal voltage and at normal frequency)

2. Measurement of Zero phase sequence impedance.

3. Magnetic Balance Test

4. Measurement of auxiliary losses like losses of cooling fans.

5. Measurement of Tan delta & capacitance of winding.

6. Measurement of harmonics at No load current.

7. Jacking test

NOTE:-The above stated tests has to be agreed between the purchase and
supplier. Hence purchaser should clearly specify conducting above tests in the

a) Tapped windings shall be connected on their principal tapping

unless the relevant test clause requires otherwise.

b) The test basis for all characteristics, other than insulation, is the
rated condition unless the test clause states otherwise.

c) Where it is required, test results shall be corrected to a reference

temperature of 75°C

Reference Standard : IS 2026-P I/1997 (Clouse No. 16.2)

Equipment required : Kelvin double Bridge/wheat stone
Bridge.Highaccuracy digital resistance

meters & Thermometers.


The resistance of each windings of Principal, maximum and

minimum tap or each taps shall be measured depending on the value
of the resistance using Kelvin Bridgeor high accuracy digital
resistance meters like “Tinsley”make.
Kelvin Bridge is used when the winding is having resistance of 10 micro-
ohm to 1 ohm. Wheat stone Bridge is used when the winding is having resistance of
1 ohm and above.

To reduce the high inductive effect it is advisable to use a sufficiently high

DC current to saturate the core. This will reduce the time required to get a stabilized
reading. However, the test current/D/C current fed should not create undue
temperature-rise i.e., the test current should not exceed 10% of he rated current. For
this reason, this test is carried out usually before the measurement of load losses.

For star connected winding with neutral brought out, the resistance shall be
measured between the line and the neutral terminal (phase-to- neutral) and the
average of three sets of measurements shall be calculated and reported as the tested
For star connected winding with-out neutral brought out, the resistance
shall be made measured between pairs of line terminal (phase-to-phase) and the
average of three sets of measurements will be divided by two, shall be calculated
and reported as the tested value.
For delta connected winding, measurement shall be made between pairs of line
terminal (phase-to-phase) and resistance per winding calculated by formula:

Resistance per winding = 1.5 x measured resistance

The average of three sets of measurement shall be reported as the tested value.

Before recording cold resistance, the transformer shall have been in oil without
excitation or load for sufficient time to ensure that the winding is at the same temperature
as the surrounding oil.

The top & bottom oil temperature should not be more than 50C which will be
recorded and average of the two readings shall be considered.

The measured resistance value shall be converted to the reference temperature

of 75 degree C as below & the value to be compared with the specified value.

R75 = Rt x 235+75 where R75 is resistance at 750C

235+t while is resistance at t0 C &
‘t’ is the mean temperature of oil

This is a measure of the resistance of the copper conductor in the transformer


The resistance measurements taken at known temperatures have two

important functions.

1. Calculation of the temperature of the windings during the temperature


2. Calculation of I2 R components of the winding losses and stray losses.

Resistance measurement across the transformer terminals provide an

assessment of the quality of internal connections made to the
transformer windings. Loose or defective connections are indicated by
usually high or unstable resistance windings.

Acceptance criteria
Tolerance on test parameters : +/-3% of designed value of resistance

Reference Standard : IS 2026-Part 1 : 1977 Cl.No. 16.3/IEC-76

Equipment required : Transformer turns ratio meter

This test will be carried out with the help of direct reading turns-ratio meter.
This test will be done on all taps & all phases. The ratio meter uses the principle of
comparison of voltage fed to H.V. winding and voltage induced in the LV winding.
The ratio meter is used in a bridge circuit where the voltages of windings of the
transformer under test are balanced against the voltages developed across the fixed
and variable resistance of the ratio meter, By selecting correct ratio on ratio meter,
null will be obtained on the null detector usually galvanometer is incorporated along
with ratio meter. This method also confirms the polarity of the windings since a zero
reading would notbe obtained if one of the windings connections are reversed. Ratio
readings on each tap will be recorded. This procedure will be repeated for all 3
phases in turn. In the case of double ratio transformers, the tests should be carried out
for both ratios.
The purpose of this test is to find out ratio of HV to LV which is
Generally 44:1 for distribution transformers.

per phase voltage on HV side

Turns ratio=
per phase voltage on LV side

No. of HV turns
Turns ratio=
No. of LV turns

For example, per phase HV voltage = 11000 V, per phase LV Voltage = 433 V

Turns ratio=

Therefore Turns ratio= 44.

Further, this test is to ensure that all windings have the correct number
of turns according to design and should be connected properly. If a transformer
is equipped with either off load tap changer or on load tap changer then the
ratio tests are also carried out at the various positions of the tap changer.

The object of ratio tests at different tap positions is to ensure that all the
winding taps are made at the correct turns and that the tap connections are
properly made to the tap changer.

Acceptance Critera/
Tolerance on test : Tolerance permissible is +/-0.5% of
Parameter declared ratio on all the taps.

Reference : IS 2026-Cl.No. 16.3
Equipment required : Refer figure No. 3

The LV vector will be superimposed on HV by connecting 1U and 2U

terminals 2u


1W 1V

The three phase voltage will be applied to the line terminals of HV winding &
voltage measurement will be done across.
1U-1V   1V-2V   1V-2W  

1V-1W   1W-2V   1W-2W  

1W-1U   1U-2N   1V-2N  

Checks : voltage measured across, must satisfy following conditions

1V-2V = 1V-2W
1W-2V > 1W-2W
1U-2N + 1V-2N = 1U - 1V

PURPOSE: The purpose of this test is to find out whether the winding
connection is as per customer’s specifications. That is, this test
is to ensure that all the windings are assembled in correct
physical orientation and they are connected properly to
provide the desired phase relationship.

Acceptance Criteria : Should confirm the vector group required


Reference Standard : IS 2026-Cl.No. 16.6

Equipment required : 5 KV Motorized megger.


The mean temperature of transformer oil and air temperature (ambient)

will be measured & will be recorded immediately prior to the test. The insulation
resistance of each winding, in turn to all the other windings, core & frame or
tank together & to earth shall be measured & recorded as follows.
a) High voltage winding to low voltage winding.
b) High voltage winding to low voltage windings, tank & earth
c) Low voltage winding to high voltage winding, tank & earth
However, insulation resistance is highly temperature dependent and thus
the results should be corrected to a standard temperature, usually 40°C.
A good thumb rule is that for every 10°C increase in temperature, the
current doubles while resistance halves.

Most modern insulation testers offer displays that provide the operator
with both a digital readout of the result and some form of analog

When an insulation tester is “hooked up” to the item to be tested, and

when the test is started several things occur.

The three different currents --- Capacitive charging

Dielectric absorption
Conduction/leakage are following.
`The sum of these three currents will cause instrument display to
vary with the reading increasing, initially quickly and then more slowly
with time.

With an analogue display, the movement of the pointer may

provide information to an experienced operator. The movement of pointer-
traveling smoothly or stuttering?, rising steadily or intermittently dropping

When doing insulation testing, more the operator knows about the results
(during and after test) it is better on how to correct the problem.

Condition of megger results What to do

Fairly higher values and well maintained No cause for concern

Low but well maintained Condition is probably all right

may simply be the type of
insulation is poor.
Fairly high values but showing a Locate and remedy the cause
constant tendency towards lower values and check the down award
BM 21, 5KV Motrised Megger
500G ohms, 5KV Motwane Make Motorised Megger
Latest 5KV MIT 520 Motorised Megger
5KV Tera ohms Motorised Megger of CE Make


OHMS 4/3
1 2 3 4 5
LINE [-] LINE[+] At 60 seconds At 600 seconds  

HV LV+TV+Tank      
LV HV+TV+Tank      
TV HV+LV+Tank      
HV LV      
LV TV      
TV HV      
The insulation resistance test is one that can be easily performed in the field.
Many manufacturers require that this test be made prior to energizing a transformer, to
preclude start up failure caused by the entry of moisture into the transformer during
shipment or storage.

The megger test can detect other ground circuit that may exist in the
transformer caused by shipping damage. This test checks the complete circuit, bushing,
leads and coils.

Acceptance Criteria For megger results -At 300 C of temperature.

As per CBIP specifications the acceptable values are 2 Mega ohms

per KV but minimum values which are considered at present in KPTCL are
as follows
As per CBIP specifications the acceptable values are 2
Mega ohms per KV but minimum values which are
considered at present in KPTCL are as follows
: a) i) Minimum 200 M ohms, for below 6.6 KV class
ii) Minimum 400 M ohms between 6.6KV &11KV class

Parameters iii) Minimum 500 M ohms upto 33KV class

iv) Minimum 600 M ohms upto 132KV class
v) Minimum 650 M ohms upto 220KV class
(b) Polarization Index test

The measurement of insulation resistance will be done and

expressed in mega-ohms at the end of 60 seconds, & 600 seconds.
The ratio of second reading to the first reading is called
The simplest implementation of the time resistance test for
solid insulation is represented by the popular polarization index
(PI) test, which requires only two readings followed by a simple
division: the one minute reading is divided into the ten-minute
reading to provide a ratio. The result is a pure number and can
normally be considered independent of temperature since the
thermal mass of the equipment being tested is usually so great that
the overall cooling which takes place during the 10 minutes of the
test is negligible.

In general, a low ratio indicates little change, hence poor

insulation, while a high ratio indicates the opposite. References to
typical PI values are common in the literature, which make this test
very easy and readily employed.
A test like the Polarization Index is particularly useful because it can be performed
on even the largest equipment, and yields a self-contained evaluation based on
relative readings rather than absolute values. But no P.I. can be calculated with
a tester of limited range, because “infinity” is not a number ! Advanced
testers reach the teraohm range, and therefore, do not run off the graph. The
largest and newest capital equipment can be readily tested to yield repeatable data
for recording and subsequent trend evaluation. The following charge highlights
selected PI values and what they mean to the operator.

Polorization Insulation
Index Condition.
<1 Poor
1-2 Questionable
2-4 Okay
>4 Good

Values above 4 indicate excellent equipment for which no action is likely to be

necessary within the immediate maintenance schedule. The operator may be
called upon to make critical judgments, however. Some high values of PI above
5.0 could indicate brittle or cracked insulation: this should be fairly obvious.

Reference Standard : IS 2026-Cl.No. 16.5

Equipment required : Potential transformer, current transformer,
Voltmeter, Ammeter, Wattmeter,
Frequency meter, Thermometers or
Universal power transformer analyzer

Figure: Testing 150MVA CGL Transformer at Mandideep for no load losses


The measurement of no load loss and no load

current is carried out at rated frequency and rated voltage
to certify guaranteed values at 90% & 110% of rated
voltage, are also measured and recorded the rated voltage
is to be applied to HV winding, while the other LV
winding is being open circuited since the no load current
is very small and IR losses in the windings is negligible.
The Transformer may be demagnetized at the rated voltage say, for
about 5 minutes before taking readings.

Three wattmeter method of measurement shall be used instead of two

wattmeter method to avoid large value of wattmeter multiplier constant. Power
Transformer analyzer shall be used which will have an accuracy of 0.01 class.
The instruments e.g. Ammeter, Voltmeter, Wattmeters are of same accuracy
(meters shall be of 0.2% & less class of accuracy). The voltage between lines
and current in all the lines is measured.

The test results are documented in a test results format. Tolerances on

the above values are as per IS:2026/1977 or as per customer’s specification.
Measured values are compared with guaranteed, no load loss and no load

Further, the on load tap changer of the transformer shall be

operated for entire one cycle to check OLTC operation at rated voltage at
no load soon after measuring no load losses.

No load current of all the phases shall be measured by r.m.s. ammeters

and the mean of their readings shall be taken as the No load current.
In no load measurement, the voltage waveform may deviate some what
from the prescribed sinusoidal form. This is due to harmonics in the magnetizing
current, which cause an additional voltage drop across impedance of the
energizing generator. For all transformers voltage will be measured with a
voltmeter responsive to the mean value of voltage but scaled to read r.m.s. value
of sinusoidal wave having the same mean value.

The core loss consists of hysteresis and eddy current losses. The
hysteresis loss is dependent on the average value while eddy current losses
depends on the r.m.s. value of he supply voltage.

Two voltmeters are used during the test-a bridge rectifier type voltmeter
to incite average voltage and a dynamometer type of indicate r.m.s. voltage. The
supply voltage is set-so that the specified value is indicated on the average
voltmeter. With this, hysteresis component of no load loss will be measured
correctly. While the eddy current loss which is either lower or higher than the
true value depending upon the form factor of the supply voltage.
The voltage U1 indicated by this voltmeter will be taken as the required
value of line to line voltage and no load loss PM shall be measured at this
voltage. At the same time, a voltmeter responsive to r.m.s. value of voltage will
be connected in parallel with average voltmeter and its voltage U shall be
recorded. It U1 & U voltages are not same, the measured value of no load loss is
corrected with the formula given below:-

P= PM = PM
P1 + KP2 0.5 + 0.5 (U/U1)2

Where P=Corrected no load loss, PM=Measured no load loss. P1=Ratio of

hysteresis losses to iron losses. K=U/ U1=Ratio of mean voltmeter reading to
R.M.S. voltmeter reading. (K=r.m.s. voltage/1.1xaverage voltage). P2= Ratio of
eddy current losses to total iron losses.

NOTE: For flux density, normally at 50 HZ, P1 and P2 are 0.5 for oriented
steel and P1=07, P2=0.3 for non oriented steel.

The purpose of this test is to measure hysterisis loss & eddy current loss
in transformer.

The no-load loss as the name implies is that loss generated in the
transformer with no load on the secondary terminals and can be read directly
form wattmeter.

This test is another means to verify the design and core performance.
The no-load loss has become quite important to the user. Particularly in recent
years due the high cost of energy since the costs incurred are present regardless
or the load of the secondary terminals at rated voltage.

A transformer dissipates constant no load loss as long as it is energized

at constant voltage, 24 hours a day for all conditions of loading. This power loss
represents a cost to the user during the life time of the transformer. Maximum
values of the no load loss in transformer are specified and often guaranteed by
the manufacturer. No load loss measurements are made to verify that no load
loss does not exceed the specified or guaranteed value.
No load losses will be high whenever improper core clamping is done.
This test is also used to check the defects in the magnetic field of the
transformer. Since the same can cause an increase in the no load current and no
load losses which may lead to excessive overheating and reduction in the life
span of the transformer.

Acceptance Criteria/ : 1) The losses shall be within guaranteed

Tolerance on Test Values mentioned in the purchase
order or +10%

Parameters 2) + 30% tolerance on declared no load

Calculation of wattmeter constant:

Whenever, the details of current selection link of wattmeter is missing (in

any wattmeter) then the wattmeter constant shall be calculated as follows:
Wattmeter constant, K = P
W.M. range
P=V x I x cos Ø. V is voltmeter range I is Amp meter range and
Cos Ø is power factor

Where P = 300x5x0.2 = 300

Wattmeter constant = P = 300 =2

W.M. range 150

Therefore, Wattmeter constant, K = 2

∆ Delta connection Y Star connection

Iph = IL /√3 Iph = IL

Vph = VL Vph = VL /√3

Neutral point is not available Neutral point can be taken

Reference standard : IS 2026-Cl.No. 16.4

Equipment required : Potential Transformer, current transformer,
Voltmeter Ammeter, Wattmeter, Frequency Meter
or universal power transformer analyzer and

Figure: Testing 100MVA BHEL Transformer at Jhansi for Short Circuit


The impedance voltage / short circuit impedance ( on principal

tapping only) and load loss shall be measured at rated frequency by
applying an approximately sinusoidal supply of rated current to HV
winding with the other LV winding short circuited, with the windings
connected on the relevant tapping. If the reactive power of the generator is
not sufficient to pass full load rated current, a capacitor bank can be
connected in parallel with a test specimen to provide the necessary reactive
current. Impedance voltage at principal tap is to be measured at rated
frequency. Three wattmeter method shall b used instead of two wattmeter
method of measurement to avoid a large value of wattmeter multiplier
constant to get more accurare value than two wattmeter method. Since p.f.
is very small, which is less than 0.1 due to inductive load, low p.f.
wattmeters or u.p.f. wattmeters duly calibrated for low p.f. will be used.
Further, power Transformer analyzers which are available with an
accuracy of 0.01 class may be used to obtain accurate & non controversial
readings. The average of three currents shall be taken as the test current &
measured loss & impedance shall be then corrected to reference
temperature of 75° C.

As per IS 2026:1977, P1, the measurements can be made at any current

between 25% to 100% but preferably no less than 50% of the rated current as below:

Computed loss at rated current = Measured loss at x Rated current 2

Test current Test current

The average of oil temperature is noted. The difference in temperature between

the top oil & the bottom oil shall be small (less than 5° C). The losses measured are
corrected to 75° C by calculating the I2 R loss as varying directly with resistance & stray
losses varying inversely with resistance.

Accordingly, load loss at 75° C= I2R loss at 75°C + stray losses at 75°C.

While measuring load loss, and impedance at different tap positions, readings,
should be taken quickly and the interval between the measurements at difference taps
should be adequate to avoid significant errors due to momentary tem rise at the windings.
These corrected values are entered in test certificates.

After taking readings of load losses, the on load tap changer shall be operated
for one full cycle to check its performance at rated current.
% Regulation on load condition is also calculated as per formula at u.p.f. &
0.8 p.f. as follows:
(Cos ø x % R) + (Sin ø x % X) + (% X Cos ø - % R Sin ø) square / 200

The current transformer and potential transformers which are used for testing shall
have 0.1 class accuracy


The impedance is normally expressed in terms of percent of rated voltage. The

impedance voltage is that voltage required circulating the rated current through the primary
winding with secondary shorted. The impedance is composed of two components, the
percent reactance voltage (% X) and the percent resistance voltage (% R). The equation
expressing the percent impedance is as follows:

% Z = √ (% X)2 + (% R)2


% Z = Test voltage x rated current x 100

Rated voltage Test current
The percent resistance voltage is the ratio of the winding losses over the rated
KVA and can be determined as follows:
% R = winding losses (watts)/10 x KVA
The percent reactance voltage can be determined by substituting for % R and %Z.
The %R and %X components are important in calculating the regulation of the transformer.

The purpose of this test is to measure I2R loss in winding and stray losses in the tank
& find out impedance level during short circuit test.

The impedance test is made to verify the design impedance.

The impedance is also important when paralleling two or more transformers.

A transformer dissipates load loss that depends upon the transformer load current .
Load loss is a cost to the user during the life time of transformer. Maximum values of the
load loss of transformers at rated current are specified and often guaranteed by the
manufacturer. Load loss measurements are made to verify that the load loss does not
exceed the specified or guaranteed value.
Acceptance Criteria/ : The losses & impedance shall be within
Tolerance on test guaranteed values mentioned in the purchase
Parameters order or + 10% tolerance on total losses and
+/-10% tolerance on declared impedance

Reference standard : IS 2026-Cl.No. 10 Part III/1981

Equipment : Voltmeter (RMS), peak

Figure: Conducting Separate source test on CGL make 150MVA Transformer at Mandideep

The purpose of this test is to ensure the insulation between the windings
to core, tank and all other earthed components can withstand the specified power
frequency test voltage. This test is usually done after conducting open circuit test
or no load losses to minimize time consumed in wiring connections.

The separate voltage withstand test is conducted using single phase

alternating voltage and any frequency not less than 80% of the rated frequency.
All the terminals of winding under test will be shorted and subjected to separate
source high voltage. All other terminals of windings, core frame and tank which
are not under test will be shorted and connected to earth. The duration of the test
will be 60 seconds. The voltage is supplied through testing transformer and
voltage is measured by means of capacitive divider whose peak voltmeter
indicates the peak value only. The peak value divided by square root of 2 shall be
equal to the test value. Also voltage will be measured on LV side of testing
transformer. The capacitive charging current should be constant for the duration
of test.

For non-uniform insulation winding, the test to be conducted at 38KV only.

For repeating separate source volt withstand test, the test voltage levels shall be
reduced to 75% of the original value unless otherwise agreed and provided that the internal
insulation has not been modified in the mean time.

There are three-dielectric withstands tests that can be performed on a transformer

(1) applied potential test, (2) induced potential test and (3) impulse test. Each of these tests,
as will be shown, has a specific purpose in verifying the major and minor and minor
insulation system of the transformer. The major insulation consists of the phase-to-phase
and phase-to-ground insulation and the insulation separating the primary and secondary
The layer-to-layer turn-to-turn and section-to-section insulation makes up the
minor insulation.

In this test all windings are short-circuited and all windings except the one
being tested and the tank are grounded. The voltage to be applied to the un grounded
PURPOSE: The purpose or this test is to check the adequacy of the major insulation
to ground and to all other windings being tested.

Acceptance criteria/ : The above test is successful if no collapse of

Tolerance on test the test voltage occurs.
Rated withstand voltages for transformer windings with highest
Voltage for equipment Um<300KV

Highest Voltage Rated short duration power Rated lightning impulse

For equipment frequency withstand voltage withstand voltage

(Clauses 3.1.1, 5.2.1,, 5.3.1,, 7.1 and 11.2)

of IS 2026 P III-1981
(1) (2) (3)
KV rms KV rms KV peak
List 1 List 2
1.1 3 - -
3.6 10 20 40
7.2 20 40 60
12 28 60 75
17.5 38 75 95
24 50 95 125
36 70 145 170
52 95 250
72.5 140 325

123 185 450

230 550

145 230 550

275 650

230 550
170 275 650
325 750

325 750
245 360 850
NOTE:- The underlined values are preferred in IS: 585-1962 specification
for voltage and frequency for ac transmission and distribution systems (revised)
Test voltages for line terminals of winding with Um<300KV
Specified in accordance with method 2

Highest Voltage Rated switching implse Rated lightning impulse

For equipment withstand voltage withstand & voltage
Um (Phase-to-neutral)

(Clauses 3.1.1, 3.2.4 and,)

of IS 2026 P III-1981
(1) (2) (3)
KV rms KV peak KV peak

300 750 850 and 950

850 950 and 1050

362 850 950 and 1050

950 1050 and 1175

420 950 1050 and 1175

1050 1175, 1300 and 1425

525 1050 1175 1,300 and 1425

1175 1175, 1300 and 1425
1425 and 1550

765 1425 1550 and 1800

1500 1800 and 1950

NOTE:1- During the switching impulse withstand test on a three-phase transformer the line-to-line test

voltage shall be approximately 1.5 times the phase –to –neutral voltage (see 14.3)

NOTE:2- The underlined value is the preferred value in IS: 585-1962 Specification for voltages and
frequency for ac transmission and distribution systems (revised)

NOTE:3- Guidance for the choice between alternative rated withstand voltage combinations may be
obtained from IS: 2165-1977 specification for insulation coordination (second revision)

Reference standard : IS 2026 – Cl.No. 1/IEC 76

Equipment : Potential transformer, current
transformer Voltmeter, Ammeter,
Condenser Voltage Divider, Peak

Figure: Conducting Induced emf test on 150MVA CGL Transformer

at Mandideep (M.P)

The purpose of this test is to ensure that the insulation between

the phases, turns, coils and bushing can withstand the required test voltages.


The excitation voltage is normally applied to the low voltage windings

while the other high voltage winding remains open.

The transformer is excited in phase by a symmetrical voltage. The test

voltage is equal to twice the rated voltage but should not exceed the power
frequency withstand voltage. It tappings in the high voltage winding are available,
this can be taken into account by selecting the appropriate tapping. In order to
over-excitation of the core, the test frequency is increased to twice the rated
frequency. The test duration is 60 seconds. The test voltage is measured between
the phases of the excited winding by means of precision voltage transformer.
Transformers that have windings where the insulation at the neutral end is
reduced from that at the end are tested at a reduced voltage level. It should be
recognized that if this test was made at rated frequency, the core would be over-excited
resulting in excessive exciting current. For this reason the test frequency is somewhat
higher than rated frequency, generally 100 Hertz (cycles per second) or higher. When the
frequency exceeds 100 Hz, the severity of the test is generally increased.

As was the case in the applied potential test, the induced voltage applied to the
windings creates a stress on the turn and layer insulation which exceed that experienced
under normal operating voltages, thus showing that the insulation strength satisfies the
required test levels.

Unless otherwise specified, the duration or the test at full test voltage shall be
60 seconds for any test frequency up to and including twice the rated frequency.
The duration of the test shall be equal to
120x rated frequency in seconds (but not less than 15 seconds)
Test frequency
For 150 HZ, test frequency, the test duration will be 120x50 = 40 seconds.

Acceptance criteria : The test shall be successful if no

Tolerance on test parameter collapse of the test voltage occurs.

Induced over voltage withstand test for transformers with non uniformly
insulated High-Voltage windings, Um > 300 KV, specified according to method 2
(5.4.2). As per IS: 2026 (Part III) – 1981.

The test applies to all non-uniformly insulated windings of the

transformer, regardless of whether they are auto-connected or separate.

The neutral terminal of the winding under test shall be earthed. For other
separate windings, if they are star-connected they shall be earthed at the neutral,
and if they are delta-connected they hall be earthed at one of the terminals.

A three-phase transformer shall be tested either phase by phase in a

single-phase connection that gives voltages on the line terminals as shown in Fig.
2, or in symmetrical three-phase connection. The choice shall be agreed between
the parties at the time of placing the order.
The time sequence for the application of test voltage shall be as shown in Fig. 3.
The voltage shall be switched on at a level not higher than one-third of U2, raised to U2,,
held there for a duration of 5 min, raised to U1, held there for a duration of 5 seconds,
immediately reduced again without interruption to U2, held there for a duration of 30 min,
and reduced to a value below one-third of U2, before switching off.

The duration of the test shall be independent of the test frequency.

During the whole application of test voltage partial discharge shall be monitored
as described below. The apparent charge shall not be higher than a specified value q.

The test voltage between line an neutral terminals shall be expressed in per unit
(PU) of Um √3 as follows:

U1 Shall be √3. Um/ √3 = Um

U2 Shall be either 1.5 Um / √3 with q = 500 pC
Or 1.3 Um / √3 with q = 300 pC
The choice shall be as agreed to between the manufacturer and the user at the
time of placing the order.
Note – The values of q are provisional and subject to review in the light of experience.
The partial discharges hall be observed and-evaluated as follows. Further
information may be obtained from Appendix A, which, in turn, refers to IS : 6209-1971
a) Measurements shall be carried out at the line terminals of al non-uniformly insulated
windings, which means that the higher and lower voltage line terminals of an auto
connected pair of windings will be used simultaneously.
b) The measuring channel from each terminal used shall be calibrated with repetitive
impulses between the terminal an dearth, and this calibration is used for the evaluation
of readings during the test.
c) The apparent charge measured at a specific terminal of the transformer, using the
appropriate calibration as described in (b) shall refer to the highest steady-state
impulses. Occasional higher kicks should be disregarded.
d) Before an after the application of test voltage, the background noise level shall be
recorded on all measuring channels.
e) The background noise level shall be lower than half the specified limit for apparent
charge q.
f) During the raising of voltage up to level U2 and reduction from U2 down again,
possible inception and extinction voltages shall be noted.
g) A reading shall be taken and noted during the first period at voltage U2
h) Observations during the short application of voltage U2 shall not be required.
i) During the whole of the second period at voltage U2 the partial discharge level shall
continuously observed and readings at intervals noted or recorded.
The test shall be successful, if:

1. No collapse of the test voltage occurs,

2. The continuous level of apparent charge q during the last 29 of the 30 min
application of voltage U2 stays below the specified limit in all the measuring
channels, and does not show a significant, steadily rising trend near this limit.

If the apparent charge reading rises above the specified limit for a significant
time and then returns below this level again the test may continue without
interruption until acceptable readings have been obtained for 30 min.
Occasional high kicks should be disregarded.

NOTE: As long as not breakdown occurs, and unless very high partial
discharges are sustained for a long time the test shall be regarded as non-
destructive. A failure to meet the partial discharge acceptance criterion shall,
therefore, not warrant immediate rejection but lead to consultation between
user and manufacturer about further investigation. Suggestions for such
procedures are given in Appendix A. Difficulties concerning the bushings are
mentioned in 2.
8 (c) Insulation Requirements and Tests for the Neutral
terminal of a winding with Non-Uniform Insulation

(As per IS 2026 Part III-1981, Cl. No. 5.5)

Generally the necessary insulation level depends on whether

the neutral terminal is intended to be directly earthed or not. When the
neutral terminal is intended to be directly earthed, either directly or
through a current transformer but without any intentionally added
impedance in the connection, then the shortly time power frequency
withstand voltage (for one minute duration) shall be at least 38KV
(Refer specification).

Thus, No impulse test on the neutral terminal is

recommended while conducting impulse tests on line terminal, the
neutral terminal shall be connected directly earth.

The test is successful if no collapse of test voltage occurs

during power frequency withstand voltage test of one minute duration

The transformer oil sample of power transformer should have following

characteristics as per IS 335:

Conducting DGA of Transformer oil Portable DGA testing kit

Schedule of characteristics
Sl.No. Characteristics Required Method of Tests Remarks

-1 -2 -3 -4 -5

i) Appearance The coil shall be clear and A representative sample of the -

transparent and free oil shall be examined in
from suspended a 100 mm thick layer at
matter or sediments 270C

ii) Density at 29.50C Max 0.89 g/cm3 IS 1448 [P:16] 1977 See NOTE 1

iii) Kinematic viscosity. Max, at   IS 1448 [P:25] 1976 -

a)     270C    

b)     400C 27 Copy Submitted to:  

  Under consideration  

iv) Interfacial tension at 270C, 0.04 N/m IS 6104 : 1971 -


v) Flash point pensky-Marten 1400C IS 1448 [P:21] 1970 -

(closed), Min

vi) Pour point, Max -60C IS 1448 [P:10] 1970 -

vii) Neutralization value   IS 1448 [P:2] 1967 Alcoholic potassium

hyudroxide solution
a) Total acidity, 0.03 mg KOH/G   of 0.02 N should be
Max     used in place of 0.1
N indicated in test
b) Inorganic Nil do method

viii) Corrosive sulphur Non-corrosive Annex B -

ix) Electric strength   IS 6792 : 1972 -

(breakdown voltage)    

a) New unfiltered oil, Min 30KV (rms)  

b) After filtration, Min    

  If the above value is not See Note 2

attained, the oil shall
be filtered 60KV (rms)

x) Dielectric dissipation factor 0.002 IS 6262 : 1971 See note

(tan q) at 900C, Max
xi) Specific resistance   IS 6103 : 1971 See note 2

a) At 900C, MIn  

b) At 270C, Min 35 x 1012 ohm-cm

  1500x 1012 ohm-cm

xii) Oxidation stability   Annex C -

a) Neutralization value after 0.4 mg KOH/g

oxidation, Max

b) Total sludge, after  

oxidation Max

  0.1 % by weight

xiii) Ageing characteristics after - IS 12177 : 1987 -

accelerated ageing (open
beaker method with copper

a) Specific resistance   Method A


1) at 270C, Min    

2) at 90 C, Min

b) Dielectric dissipation    
factor (Tan q) at 900C, Max

c) Total acidity, Max    

d) Total sludge, Max   IS 6103 : 1971

  2.5 x 1012 ohm-cm  

  0.2 x 1012 ohm-cm  

  0.2 IS 6262 : 1971

  0.05 mg KOH/G IS 1448 [P : 2] : 1967

  0.05% by weight Annex A of IS 12177

xiv) Presence of oxidation The oil shall contain anti- IS 13631 : 1992 See Note 3
inhibitor oxidant additives

xv) Water content, Max 50 ppm IS 13567 : 1992 -

xvi) SK value Under consideration Annex D -

a) BDV of Transformer oil – Testing procedure

Reference standard : IS 6792 : 1992

Equipment : Transformer oil BDV tester
Circuit diagram : Refer Figure No. 9
The oil sample shall be taken out from the bottom sampling valve of the transformer in
an oil cup. The oil cup shall be rinsed with the oil twice or thrice before filling it with the oil
sample. The gap between the two electrodes shall be set to 2.5mm with Go-No Go Guage. The
gap between them shall be set to an accuracy of +/- 0.01 mm by means of thickness gauge. The
axis of electrodes is immersed to a depth of approx 40 mm. Test for breakdown voltage shall be
made at an atmosphere of less than 50% relative humidity. The oil shall be allowed to settle
down for the period of 10 minutes. The voltage shall be gradually raised form zero till the
breakdown occurs.

Six such readings shall be taken at the interval of 1 minute & the average of six
readings shall be taken as the breakdown voltage of the oil sample under test.

Acceptance Criteria : Minimum B.D.V. is 50 for cold oil

Tolerance on test as per KPTCL p.o. specifications
Test will be carried as per IS 2026 part I – 1997 (Cl. No. 16.9)

Figure: Assembling of EMR OLTCs for 100MVA Transformer at

M/s. EMCO Ltd, Thane.
1) Functional test:

After tap changer and transformer have been fitted together the following tests are
carried out at 100 percent of the rated auxiliary supply voltage. Following
performed without failure.
a) Eight complete operating cycles with the transformer not energised.
b) One complete operating cycle with the transformer not energized, with 85 percent
of the rated auxiliary supply voltage .
c) One complete operating cycle with the transformer energized at rated voltage
frequency at no load; and
d) Ten tap-change operations with + 8 steps on either side of the principal tapping
with one winding short-circuited.


The correct functioning of all control devices, including limit switches and
mechanical end stops will be demonstrated.


Reference standard : IS 2026-part II of 1997
Equipment : Current transformer, potential
Transformer, Ammeter, Voltmeters,
Wattmeters and thermometers or
Universal power transformer analyzer

The equipment and the test circuit use for this test is similar to test circuit
used in load loss measurement.

This test is conducted to confirm that under normal conditions, the

temperature rise of the windings and the oil will not exceed the specified limit.
Temperature rise limits for oil-immersed type transformers are indicated in following

Temperature rise limits for oil immersed type transformers

Sl. No. Part Temperature rise (0C) External cooling medium Condition

1 Air Water When the oil Circulation is natural

55 60 or forced on-directed
60 65 When the oil circulation is forced
2 50 55 When the transformer is sealed or
equipped with a conservator
Top oil
  45 50 When transformer is neither
equipped with a conservator
nor sealed

As per IS 1180 part 2 of 1989, The temperature rise shall not exceed
55°C (when measured by resistance method) for transformer windings and 45°C
in top oil when tested in accordance with IS 2026 P 2 of 1977.

The temperature rise are measured above the temperature of the cooling
air (ambient temperature 750) for all types of transformers except those water
cooled. In the latter case, the temperature rise is measured above the inlet water
(ii) Temperature rise for top oil:.
Normally, LV windings of the transformer under test is short Circuited
and a voltage of such a value is applied to HV winding that power input is equal
to no–load loss plus load loss corrected to a reference temperature of 750C. For
multi-windings transformer, the temperature of the top oil refers to the specified
loading combination for which the total losses are the highest. The total losses are
measured by the three-wattmeter method in the circuit and maintained constant
until the top oil rise has reached a steady value.

If the total losses cannot be supplied due to plant limitations, losses not
less than 80% of the total loses are supplied and following correction factor is
applied to top oil temperature rise.

Total losses x

Test losses
The value of x for

Natural air circulation : 0.8

Forced air circulation and water cooling : 1.0
During the temperature rise test on an oil-
immersed type transformer, hourly readings of the top
oil temperature are taken by means of a thermometer
place in a pocket in the transformer top cover. The
temperature of oil at inlet and outlet of the cooler bank
is also taken hourly and mean oil temperature is
determine. Ambient temperature is measured by
means of thermometers placed around the transformer
at three to four points situated at a distance of 1 to 2 m
from and half-way up the cooling surface of the
transformer. The thermometers are inserted in oil
cups, which are filled with transformer oil.
(iii) Duration of temperature rise test

The test is continued until the requirement of one of the following

methods have been met:

It test should demonstrated that the top oil temperature rise does not
vary more than 1°C per hour during four consecutive hourly readings. The last
reading is taken for determination of top oil rise.

(iv) Winding temperature rise.

When top oil tem rise is established, the current is reduced to its rated
value and is maintained for 1 hour to allow the winding to attain normal

If the rated current cannot be supplied, the tests can be performed with
a current not less than 90% of the rated current. Following correction factor is
applied to determine the winding gradient corresponding to rated current.
Winding gradient=test gradient x Rated current y

Test current
The value of y for

Natural and forced non-directed oil Circulation : 1.6

Forced – directed oil circulation : 2.0

At the end of the test, the supply is switched off. The cooling fans or
water pumps should be stopped but the oil pumps should remain running. The
short-circuit connection is removed. The value of hot resistance of the winding is
measured by Kelvin’s double bridge or by tettex resistance measuring
equipment. A certain time, about 3 to 4 minutes, usually elapses between
switching off the power supply and taking the first reading, during which the
resistance of winding will be decreasing. In order to determine the temperature
of winding at the instant of power switch-off, the resistance are measured at
intervals over a period of about 15 min. Graph of hot resistance versus time is
plotted, from which winding resistance (R2) at the instant of shut-down can be
extrapolated in the manner shown in Fig. 14.4.
From this value, ø2, the winding temperature at the instant of shut-down can be
determined as below:
ø2, = R2 (235 + t1) – 235 For copper conductor
ø2, = R2 (225 + t1) – 225For aluminum conductor
Where, R1 is the cold resistance of winding at temperature t1, 235 being reciprocal of
the temperature coefficient for copper. Winding temperature rise can be determined
by subtracting mean ambient temperature from ø2 and adding the drop in mean oil
temperature rise, if any, from steady-state condition (that is, before current is reduced
to rated value) to shut-down condition.
The average temperature rise or winding should not exceed the specified
limiting value of winding rise.
NOTE: For transformers having rated powers up to 2500 KVA with natural oil
circulation and plains or corrugated tanks or with tubes or radiators mounted on the
tanks the average oil temperature-rise is taken approximately as 0.8 times top oil
For winding having value less than 0.005 ohms, the resistance method may
be inaccurate.

The maximum allowable average and hottest spot temperature rise of the
windings over ambient temperature and the maximum allowable temperature rise
of the tap oil of the transformer are specified in standards and guaranteed by the
manufacturer. The purpose of temperature rise tests is to demonstrate that the
transformer will deliver rated load without exceeding the guaranteed values of
the temperature rises of the windings and oil. These tests shall be performed at
the minimum and maximum load ratings of a transformer.

Acceptance Criteria : Temperature rise of windings & oil

Tolerance on test shall be within guaranteed

Reference standard : IS 2026- Cl.No. 12 Part III

Equipment used for : Impulse Generator, High Voltage transformer,
testing High voltage Rectifier, Resistance divider,
Condensor divider, Chopping gap,
Lightning impulse voltage tests simulate travelling waves due to lightning
strikes and line flashovers, the full-wave lightening impulse voltage wave shape is
one where the voltage reaches crest magnitude in 1.2 µ.s. such a wave is said to
have a wave shape of 1.2 x 50 µ.s.

In addition to the standard impulse full wave a second type of lightening

impulse wave, known as chopped wave or some times called the tail-chopped
wave, is used ion transformer testing. The chopped wave employs the same wave
shape as a full-wave lightening impulse, except that its crest value is 10% greater
than that of the full wave and the wave is chopped at about 3 µ.s. This test
simulates sudden flashover of line insulation. Its significance in transformer work
is that the high rate of change in voltage, impinged on transformer terminals, result
in internal oscillations that can produce high dielectric stresses in specific regions
of transformer winding.
The full wave because of its relatively long duration, causesd major
oscillations to develop in the winding and consequently produce stresses not
only in the turn-to-turn and section-to-section insulation throughout the
winding, but also develop relatively high voltage compared to power
frequency stresses across the large portions of the winding and between the
winding and the ground.
The chopped wave, because of its shorter duration, does not allow
major oscillations to develop fully and generally does not produce as high
voltages across the large portions of the windings. However, because of the
rapid change of voltage following flashover, it produces higher turn-to-turn
and section-to-section stresses.

Switching impulse

Studies on network models and practical measurements in the

network regarding the form and magnitude of unipolar voltages due to
switching operations reveal that these over-voltage have front times of several
hundred microseconds. The form of over-voltage may be a periodically
damped or oscillation one.
Testing procedure:

The line terminal of transformer under test is

connected to the output of impulse generator and
voltage divider. The other line terminals are directly
connected to earth in case of star winding and through
shunts in case of delta winding. Neutral terminal is
directly connected to earth through a neutral shunt of
0.25 or 0.1 ohms for supplementary current recordings.
Other windings are shorted and connected to earth.

The very first activity involved in the testing sequence is

application of low voltage impulse to the winding and circuit parameters are
varied till the desired wave shape is obtained. Once the voltage wave shape
is established a calibration shot is applied at 50% of 75% of impulse level.
As per IS 2026/1981, atleast two independent recording channels are
necessary. Applied voltage is one of the channel. In case of Delta connected
windings, the neutral is formed by joining the other two terminals and
earthing them through current measuring shunt. From the oscillographic
record the actual level of the voltage applied is calculated with the help of
known voltage, divider ratio and standard deflection of a.d.c. line on the

The charging voltage required for the calibration shot is recorded

and the charging voltage for the full 100% impulse is calculated as:-

Peak voltage = Y x 200 x voltage attenuation x voltage divider ratio

11.0v i.e. 200 or 871
Where Y = peak in mm
(As per IS-2071 part-1)

Standard lightning impulse

The standard lightning impulse is a full lightning impulse having a front

time of 1.2 µS and a time to half value of 50 µS. it is described as a 1.2/50 µS
test impulse.


The following differences are accepted between specified values for the
standard lightning impulse and those actually recorded .

Peak value of voltage (Vpk) - ± 3.0%

(T1) Front Time - ± 30.0% (0.84 to 1.56 µS )
(T2) Tail time (time to half value)- ± 20.0% (40.0 to 60.0 µS )
Test sequence for lightening impulse test. As per

IS:- 2026 part-III CLAUSE -12 & IEC:- 76

The test sequence shall consists of one impulse of a voltage between 50%
& 75% of the full test voltage, & three subsequent impulses at 100% full voltage.

t in µS

HAEFELY - Impulse testing facility of Power Transformer
HAEFELY - Impulse Generator
Impulse wave form measuring and testing equipments
Impulse wave form measuring and recording device

Lightning impulse tests, including full-wave impulse and chopped wave impulse
test waves, are made on each terminal of power transformer. The
recommended sequence is :

a) One reduced full-wave impulse. Crest value of 50 to 70% of the required full

wave crest magnitude (BIL) To establish reference pattern waveforms

(impulse voltage and current) for failure detection.
b) One 100% full-wave impulse-crest value corresponding to the BIL of the
winding line terminal.
c) One or more reduced chopped-wave impulses, meeting the requirement of
time to chop.
d) Two 100% chopped-wave impulses, meeting the requirements of crest
voltage value and time to chop.
e) Two 100% full wave impulses-crest value corresponding to the BIL of the
winding line terminal
Polarity generally negative as per Clause 12.1 of IS 2026.

If during application any flashover in the external circuit or any

oscillographic recording fails, that particular shot is repeated as per IS
2026/81 (Part III) clause 1.2.

The sequence for “Lightening impulse chopped on tail” test as per IS:- 2026
part –III CLAUSE-13 & IEC:-76 CLAUSE -12

This test is combined with full impulse test in a single sequence. The
recommended order of the different pulse application is :

a) one reduced full impulse. (75% of BIL)

b) one 100% full wave impulse.
c) One or more reduced chopped impulse.
d) Two 100% chopped wave impulse.
e) Two 100% full wave impulses.
The standard lightning impulse shall have a time to chopping (TC) between
2 to 6 microseconds.

Test Criteria
The absence of significant difference between voltage and current transients
recorded at reduced voltage and those recorded at full test voltage constitute
evidence that the insulation has withstood the test.
as per clause 13.3 of IS 2026/81 (Part III)

Interpretation of oseillograms is based on comparison of voltage and

current wave shapes between successive records at rated test voltage
significant variations in the wave shape of voltage or current between
successive records at test voltage could from on evidence of the
insulation failure.

Comparison of chopped wave records is normally not done as it is

impossible to get identical instants of chopping by use of frigration
triggered chopping gaps.
Reference Standard : CBIP specification – Cl.No. 17.3.2 (b)
Equipment : Pressure Gauge
One transformer tank of each size shall be subjected to a pressured corresponding to twice the
normal head of oil or to the normal pressure plus 35 KN/ (51 b/sq,in)) whichever is lower
measured at the vase or the tank an will be maintained for one hour.
Acceptance criteria : The permanent deflection of flat plates after the excess pressure has
been released shall not Exceed the figures specified below.


Upto and including 750 5
751 to 1250 6.5
1251 to 1750 8
1751 to 2000 9.5
2001 to 2250 11
2251 to 2500 12.5
2501 to 3000 16
Above 3000 19
Reporting of Results: Refer test results observation table on Page No.of Annexure-A
NOTE: Please note that, although the title of the test is “oil pressure test on tank for deflection
measurement” oil shall not be used for applying pressure.
Reference Standard : CBIP-Cl.No. 17.3.1
Equipment used : Pressure Gauge (N2 gas)
for testing

100MVA Transformer Testing for oil leakage at BHEL Jhansi

When specified, Completely assembled transformer with active part and accessories like
buchholtz relay, radiators, mounted and filled with oil in conservator upto 30 deg mark.
The transformer will be subjected to twice the normal head of oil of 0.35 Kgs/Cms2
pressure of nitrogen gas i.e. 0.7 Kgs /Cms2 pressure in the transformer which is measured
at the base of the tank. The pressure shall be maintained for a period of 8 hours during
which time there shall be no leakage or sweating through gaskets and welds.


The purpose of this test is to check oil leakage or sweating is not observed at the end of 8
hours the transformer passes the test. If leakage or sweating is observed under pressure,
the pressure shall be released and the test shall be repeated after attending the leakage. In
case, of transformers fitted with OLTC the pressure test shall be carried out
simultaneously on main transformer and OLTC.
Acceptance Criteria : If leakage or sweating is not observed at
the end of 8 hours, the transformer

passes the test.

Reference standard : IEC Specifications & NEMA standard specification
Equipment : Noise level meter
Circuit diagram : Refer Figure No. 12


Circuit diagram is same as No load loss and no lad current measurement.

Ambient noise level is measured at minimum six places around the transformer. The
transformer shall be on no load is energized at rate voltage and frequency with the tap
changer (if any) in the noise level meter is used for measuring the sound level. For
transformer having an overall tank height of more than 6 feet and above, measurements
are made at approximately 1/3rd and 2/3rd height.

Microphone locations are at 0.3 meter away from the surface. Several readings of sound level
are taken by placing the microphone at meter interval along the horizontal outline of the
transformer. The overage sound level is defined as the arithmetic mean of the readings
taken. With auxiliaries ‘ON’ the readings will be taken at 1 Meter distance from the
surface. The core laminations, when in the presence of a magnetic field elongate and
contract. These periodic mechanical movements produce sound variations in the core.
The purpose of this test is to verify whether the manufacturer has used best
methods of core clamping and has taken steps to minimize loose connections.

The permissible audible sound levels at oil immersed power transformer are as
per the table in page.

Sound tests are considered optional tests by the standards and are infrequently
made by the manufacturers. N.E.M.A. Standards have established sound level
requirements for transformer. The permissible audible sound levels of oil
impersed power transformer are as per eh table in page no. 42.

Acceptance Criteria/ : The value shall not exceed the value

Value specified in the NEMA standard or
Parameters Customer specification

Sl.No. Average sound level Basic insulation level

(In decibels) in KVA
1 65 upto 5000
2 67 7500
3 68 10000
4 69 12500
5 70 15000
6 71 20000
7 72 25000
8 73 30000
9 74 40000
10 75 50000
11 76 60000
12 77 80000
13 78 100000
14 85 150000
Reference standard : IS 2026-Cl.No. 16.10
Equipment : Same as used for load loss measurement
(Potential transformer, current transformer,
voltage & ammeter)


(i) Measurement of zero-sequence impedance of three-phase transformer.

The zero-sequence impedance is measured on star-connected windings, which

have a earthed neutral, in order to determine the current which will flow in the
event of a line-to-earth fault. Reactance path for zero sequence flux is different
in three-phase three-limb core and three-phase five-limb core and hence the
value of zero sequence impedance depends upon type of core used in a
transformer. Usually the value of zero sequence impedance lies between 80-90%
of positive sequence impedance for transformer having three-limb core,
whereas it is between 90-100% of positive sequence impedance for transformer
having five-limb core construction.

The line terminals on the star connected windings are joined together and single-
phase supply is applied between these and the neutral point, the delta terminals being
left floating during this test, while the transformer tank shall be solidly earthed.
For transformers with more than one star-connected windings and neutral
terminal, additional measurements of zero-sequence impedances are made, in
which the line terminals and the neutral terminal of the other star-connected
winding are connected together.

Auto transformers with a neutral terminal are treated as normal transformers

with two star connected windings.

Measurement will be made at the principal tap. The zero phase sequence
impedance will be expressed it terms of ohms per phase given by 3xV/I. Where
‘V’ is the test voltage and I is the test current


The purpose of this test is it shall be ensured that the current in the neutral is
compatible with its current carrying capacity

Acceptance Criteria/ : Value of zero phase sequence impedance

Tolerance on test should be between 80% to 105% of
phase Sequence impedance
Reference Standard : IS 2026
Equipment : Multi meter
Circuit Diagram : Refer Figure No. 14


This test is carried out preferable from LV side of the transformer

provided the voltage class of the LV winding is more than 6.6 KV. The
voltage available at mains shall be applied across the winding terminals
pertaining to ‘U’ phase and the corresponding transferred voltages
across ‘V’ & ‘W’ phases shall be measured. Then similarly the mains
voltage shall be applied to ‘V’ & ‘W’ phase in turn and measured
across each of the remaining two phases.
In all the three cases the voltage distribution shall be checked.


The magnetizing current shall be measured at the time of
application of voltage across individual phases.

1U-1V 1V-1W 1W-1U 2N-2U 2N-2U 2N-2V

401 321 80 402 309 93
202 403 201 201 401 200
70 333 403 99 302 401

Acceptance Criteria/ : The values shall be recorded

for reference
Tolerance on Test
Reference Standard : IS 2026
Equipment : Potential transformer, current transformer,
voltmeter, ammeter & wattmeter
Circuit Diagram : Refer Figure No. 15


The auxiliary equipment either pump motor or fans shall be connected
to the variable supply lines through measuring CTs and PTs. All meters
VIZ. Ammeters voltmeters, wattemeters shall be connected as per the
circuit diagram.

The voltage to the object under test shall be raised gradually to it’s
rated voltage. The direction of the object shall be checked. After
direction being ensured the readings to the meter s shall be noted.

Acceptance Criteria/ : The values recorded shall be within

Parameters Tolerance on test guaranteed limits
specified in the purchase order
Reference Standard : IS 2026
Equipment : 12KV Capacitance and tan delta bridge


Measurement will be done with a direct reading of capacitance in micro/pico farads and tan delta in percentage under
UST and GST mode to measure the capacitance between the windings and capacitance with respect to ground as
Terminals Sr.No. of Test Capacitance in Tan Delta in
Bushing voltage pico farads %
1U 10KV    
1V 10KV    
1W 10KV    
2U 10KV    
2V 10KV    

Acceptance Criteria/ : The capacitance values are taken for future

Tolerance on test reference only.
Parameters The value of Tan delta shall be less than 0.5%.
Reference Standard : IS 2026 Part 1, Cl.No. 16.13
Equipment : Harmonic Analyser


The transformer will be energized at rated voltage and rated frequency at no
load. During no load excitation, the harmonic contents in one phase of no load
current shall be measured at 100% rated voltage. The no load current of one
phase in turn will be made to pass through a very low resistance shunt and the
voltage drop across it is fed to the instrument which will be tuned for the
maximum amplitude at every harmonic present in the no load current i.e. at
100, 150, 250, 350, 450, 550 Hz etc.
The same procedure shall be followed for the remaining two phase. The
presence of harmonic will be expressed as percentage of fundamental frequency
50 Hz.
Instrument will not respond if the harmonic is not present or very low
amplitude. Harmonics can be reduced by using good quality of CRGO steal.

Acceptance Criteria/ : Tolerance are not specified in the

standards. The Tolerance values are taken
for the Reference.

With the help of hydraulic jack we will lift the transformer on one side
first and check whether the jacking pad is withstanding load. By this
can ensure jacking pad provided in the transformer is withstanding
50% of total load. Afterwards, we will put 2 jacks on other side. By this
we can ensure whether the jacking pads provided in this transformer is
sufficient. For checking welding of jacking pads dye penetration test is
(8) Inspection of Accessories of Power Transformer
i. Oil conservator and air cell

Oil conservator shall be checked for physical dimensions. Air cell shall be
tested by applying certain pressure for definite time to see air leackage.
(8) Inspection of Accessories of Power Transformer
ii. Pressure relief device

Pressure relief device shall be tested for designed pressure

(8) Inspection of Accessories of Power Transformer
iii. Magnetic oil gauge
Magnetic oil gauge shall be tested for its operation as per the manual
(8) Inspection of Accessories of Power Transformer
iv. Marshalling Box/Cooler cabinet for oil pumps and fans

Marshalling box wiring shall be tested to withstand 2KV for one minute. All
the wiring connections shall be tested in accordance with approved
Drawing. All the operations of cooling fans and oil pumps shall be
tested for its operation as per Technical specifications.

The Frequency Response Analysis

detects defects in Power Transformer
windings and faults in the magnetic
core. After transport of Transformer in
to site and following through faults with
high currents, the frequency response
test should be made to ensure that the
windings are not damaged during

Some utilities like power grid

Corporation have initiated this test.
Frequency Response Analysis (FRA)

Simply Stated: To measure the

frequency response of passive
elements (RLC) for various types of
power apparatus. The result is a
transfer function which produces a
fingerprint related to the mechanical
geometry for a given apparatus i.e.
transformers, reactors, generators,
and motors.
Frequency Response Analysis
Simply Stated: To measure the
frequency response of passive
elements (RLC) for various types of
power apparatus. The result is a
transfer function which produces a
fingerprint related to the mechanical
geometry for a given apparatus i.e.
transformers, reactors, generators,
and motors.
• 1960: Low Voltage Impulse Method was first proposed by
W. Lech & L. Tyminski in Poland for detecting transformer
winding deformation.

• 1966: Results published as “Detecting Transformer

Winding Damage – The Low Voltage Impulse Method” by
Lech & Tyminski in The electric Review, ERA, UK

• 1976: frequency Domain Analysis of Responses From

L.V.I. Testing of Power Transformers by A.G. Richenbacher
presented at the 43rd Double Int’l Client Conference

• 1978: Transformer Diagnostic Testing by Frequency

Response Analysis, published by E.P. Dick & C.C. Erven,
Ontario hydro in IEEE Transactions of Power Delivery.
• 1978: Ontario Hydro develops the FRA

• 1988-1990: Providing trials by European

utilities, the technology cascades
internationally via Euro Doble and

• 1991 to Present: Results & Case Studies

are published and presented validating
the FRA method.

• Following detects in power Transformer

windings can be detected using
• Coil deformation – axial and radial
• Faulty core grounds
• Partial winding collapse
• Hoop buckling
• Broken or loosened clamps
• Shorted turns and open windings
Omicron is manufacturing
“Sweep frequency Response Analysers”.
Its details can be obtained at

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