Career Management and Development Program: National Police College

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Interior and Local Government

Philippine Public Safety Colleges
Camp Gen. Mariano N. Castañeda, Silang Cavite


What is the current setting and
challenges of Policing in the
Threats which undermine...

Human Community National International

Security Security Security Security
• Transnational
• Organized Crime Organized Crime
• Identity Theft • Armed Conflict
• Natural and made disasters • Global Pandemic
• Contamination of food and water • Arms Proliferation
• Crime against • Domestic health emergencies • Cyber Security
property and persons • Drugs • Terrorism
• Economic Security • Corruption • Human
• Health • Insurgency • Trafficking
• Workplace • Domestic Extremism • Conflict not directly impacting
• Loose Firearms on the Philippines
• Private Armed Groups • Hegemony
• Critical Infrastructures • Scarcity of Resources
• Secessionism • Border Security
• Moral Decay • Maritime Security

Individual Society Nation-State International

Responsibility for Action Community

Stand at the crossroad and look…

How will we act based on the
said situation?

Beyond To Quality &

Quantity Outcomes

Professional and
Beyond Leadership
Mandatory Development

Multi- Sector
Interior To
A Return to the
Fundamentals of Policing
PNP Mission
To enforce the law, to prevent and control
crimes, to maintain peace and order, and to
ensure public safety and internal security with
the active support of the community.
Now that we are acquainted with
the PNP Mission? What are its
Functions in a Police Organization
1. Primary or Line Functions
Functions that carry out the major purposes
of the organization, delivering the services
and dealing directly with the public
The backbone of the PNP Organization
Examples of the line functions of the police
are patrolling, traffic duties and crime
Functions in a Police Organization
2. Staff/Administrative Functions
Functions that are designed to support the
line functions and assist in the performance of
the line functions
Examples of the staff functions of the police
are planning, research, budgeting and legal
Functions in a Police Organization
3. Auxiliary Functions
Functions involving the logistical operations
of the organizations
Examples are training, communication,
maintenance, records management, supplies
and equipment management
Based on the given functions,
what are the competencies of a
Police Officer?

Holds himself/herself and other people accountable to

standards of performance by providing task clarity, setting
Accountability limits or boundaries, communicating clear standards for
high performance, and taking corrective measures to ensure
Builds and maintains trust relationships with staff,
individuals and their family/support networks. Seeks and
Advocacy acts on satisfaction feedback from employees, individuals
and family/support networks. Implements and evaluates
improvements for individuals.
Understands and adapts communication to the audience.
Practices focused and active listening by recognizing and
responding to the feelings and concerns of others.
Keeps people informed.
Values diversity. Is sensitive to and understands
Cultural individuals, family/support networks and staff with diverse
backgrounds and characteristics.

Identifies and seeks opportunities for professional

Education, Training
development based on his/her personal strengths and
and Self-
Development needs, the impact that he/she has on others, and emerging
evidence-based practices.

Applies critical-thinking skills to solve problems by

Initiative generating, evaluating and implementing solutions and
resolving conflicts. Practices innovative thinking.

Models, advocates, communicates and leads the creation

of interdepartmental systems, processes and programs, all
Leadership within the focus of organizational mission and vision, to
improve quality of care and life for individuals and to
improve the workplace environment for staff.
Helps staff teams increase their capabilities, maximize
Teamwork their potential and recognize their options.
Competence in the Rank of Police
1. Interpersonal Roles –as mid-level
managers of the PNP carries the formal
authority that gives rise to three interpersonal
a. Figurehead – ceremonial in nature, and takes the lead in welcoming
police or government officials in his AOR, along with boosting the
morale of his subordinates thru attendance in important events
b. Leader – instills in his subordinates discipline, respects, the ethics of
public service, communicates organizational goals, stimulates
motivations and reconciles individual needs with organizational
c. Liason – builds external information network with people and
organization outside the direct chain of command
Competence in the Rank of Police
2. Informational Roles –as interacts with
various people and organizations in relaying
the mission of the PNP Organization to the
people. This role has a two-fold purpose, that
of building trust and relationship with the
community; and that of securing knowledge/
information for tactical decision-making.
Competence in the Rank of Police
3. Decisional Roles –as Information gathering
is not an end in itself. Effective mid-level
managers must also be effective decision
makers, making this information as the basic
foundation for defining direction.
Position Qualification Standard for
Officer Ranks
1. Educational attainment –applicable in
promotion position
2. Completion of appropriate
training/schooling –JLC, SLC, OCC, OBC,
OAC, OSEC, etc
3. Time-in Grade –the number of years
required for a police officer to hold a certain
rank before he can be promoted to the next
higher rank.
Position Qualification Standard for
Officer Ranks
4. Appropriate Eligibility –the required
promotional examinations
Career Planning
Career Development Plan –is a personal
action plan that you can use to create a
roundmap for your own career.
5 Steps to Create a Career
Development Plan
1. Identify your current location

• The starting point. Where you are now in

your career
• Allows you to reflect on your current
skillset and strengths.
5 Steps to Create a Career
Development Plan
2. Identify your destination

• Where you want to go with your career

• Where would you love to be in 5-10 years
5 Steps to Create a Career
Development Plan
3. Do a gap analysis

• The obstacles you must overcome to reach

your destination
• Be sure the descriptions match your skills
and experiences and the requirements align
with your ultimate ambition
• Consult with seasoned professionals
5 Steps to Create a Career
Development Plan
4. Create your career development plan

• Think SMART
S - Specific
M- Measurable
A - Attainable
R - Relevant
T - Time-bounded
5 Steps to Create a Career
Development Plan
5. Measure your progress and be ready to

• Your career development does not end once

you’ve created it.
• Keep track of how your actual
implementations aligns with your objectives
5 Steps to Create a Career
Development Plan
• Unexpected events and occurrences will
• Keep in mind that it is okay to change
directions as long as you can remain
Why You Should Create A
Career Development Plan?
• help you to reach your career goals
• help you to stay motivated and inspired at
work, increase your productivity and
strengthen your relationship with others
• Stay on top of your plan, and chances are
you will be able to take your career to the
next level.

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