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Memes provide a powerful new way to combine few things such as, creativity, art, message,

and humor in the internet culture. Public relations, advertising, and marketing professionals
have effectively used Internet memes as a form of viral marketing to create marketing “hype”
for their product or service. Internet memes are considered as cost effective and sometimes
become a trend. The practice of using memes to market products or services is known as
memetic marketing.

A meme itself is a behavioral or cultural trait that is passed on by other than genetic means, e.g.
by imitation. The term is first coined in 1976 by Richard Dawkins, as an example of replicator,
information copied in evolutionary process. Examples are habits, skills, stories, or games
passed on by imitation. Range from valuable inventions, scientific theories, art creations, to
‘viruses of the mind’, such as chain letters or false beliefs.

A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols or practices, which can be
transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals or other
Memes are one of the greatest accidental inventions of all time. By some miraculous
chance, Internet users are able to search and find over a million different memes of
various backgrounds. Being that I am a millennial, I am very familiar with memes
and how much of a major impact it has on popular culture. According to Cohen and
Kenny eloquently says “some memes enter our culture in the form of slang or
knowledge, such as the terms “bae”, selfie, or fail, and some enter our mind as
something culturally relevant and unforgettable” . I found this to be extremely
important because it is signifies how slang terms whether from online or while
spoken, it somehow enters the ecosystem and we have to learn to incorporate it in
Memes provide an opportunity to connect with people of all sort. To say that memes
has not had any effect on popular culture is like saying global warming has had no
effect on the world. Memes have become similar to emoji's you use it like anything
else. Often times when I am texting my friend, we communicate by sending memes to
one another to try and convey our emotions or just have a lost. Sometimes when I am
texting the first thing that comes to mind is “OMG let me find a meme for that.” It is
the easiest way for me to communicate. In happy moments, in sad moments, in
moments of confusion, memes are the way for millennials to express themselves.
Memes have absolutely affected every part of popular culture as well as our emotions.
Sometimes when individuals see a meme they experience many different emotions
such as joy, sadness, happiness, fear etc.
There is no doubt that memes have had a significant impact on our culture, our ways of
knowing, the emotional self, how we see the world and how we interact with it. It is
extremely important for content composers, content consumers to keep in mid the

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