Pr4 Polysemyt
Pr4 Polysemyt
Pr4 Polysemyt
Lecture 4
1. Polysemy
2. Diachronic approach to polysemy
3. Synchronic approach to polysemy
4. Historical changeability of semantic structure
5. Semantic structure of a polysemantic word
6. Meaning & context
7. Polysemy and context. Types of context.
Polysemy – is the ability of a word to
possess several meanings or lexico-
semantic variants (LSV), e.g. bright
means “shining” and “intelligent”.
Monosemantic word - a word having
only one meaning: hydrogen, molecule
Polysemantic word - a word having
several meanings: table, yellow, etc.
Polysemy is not an anomaly
Most English words are polysemantic.
The wealth of expressive resources of a
language largely depends on the degree
to which polysemy has developed in the
A well-developed polysemy is not a
drawback but a great advantage in a
The number of sound combinations
that human speech organs can
produce is limited.
At a certain stage of language development
the production of new words by morphological
means becomes limited, and polysemy
becomes increasingly important in providing
the means for enriching the vocabulary.
The process of enriching the vocabulary does
not consist merely in adding new words to it,
but, also,in the constant development of
The system of meanings of any
polysemasntic word develops
The complicated process of plysemy
development involves both the appearance
of new meanings and the loss of old ones.
The general tendency with English
vocabulary is to increase the total number of
its meanings and in this way to provide for a
quantitative and qualitative growth of the
language’s expressive resources.
The meanings of the word table in Modern English.
table стол
1. a piece of furniture 1. предмет обстановки (сидеть за
2. the persons seated at a table 2. Ср. арх. застолица
3. the food put on a table, meals; 3. пища (подаваемая на стол), еда
4. a flat slab of stone or board 4. Ср. плита
5. slabs of stone (with words written 5. Ср. скрижали
on them or cut into them)
6. Bibl. Words cut into slabs of stone 6. Ср. заповеди
(the ten tables).
7. an orderly arrangement of facts, 7. Ср. таблица
figures, etc.
8. part of a machine-tool 8. Ср. планшайба
9. a level area, plateau ['pl1tq4] 9. Ср. плато
10. Адресный стол
Acad. V.V. Vinogradov
Meanings are fixed and common to all
people, who know the language system.
The usage is only possible application of
one of the meanings of a polysemantic
word, sometimes very individual, more or
less familiar.
Meaning is not identical with usage.
Polysemy exists only in
language, not in speech.
Middle English
diachronically primary secondary
synchronically central marginal
Modern English
diachronically primary secondary
synchronically marginal central
The primary meaning of the word
may become synchronically one of its
marginal meanings and
diachronically a secondary meaning
may become the central meaning of
the word.
Semantic structure of a
polysemantic word
When analyzing the semantic structure
of a polysemantic word, it is necessary
to distinguish between two levels of
The semantic structure of
the noun ‘fire’ (1st level)
1. Flame
Linguistic contexts: