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MAEd-Admin &
Republic Act No. 1124 (Repealed
by R. A. 7722)

Approved on June 16, 1954, this law created the

Board of National Education charged with the duty
of formulating general educational policies and
directing the educational interests of the nation.
Republic Act No. 1124

Section 1. There is hereby created a Board of National

Education which shall formulate, implement and enforce
general educational objectives and policies, coordinate the
offerings, activities and functions of all educational
institutions in the country with a view to accomplishing an
integrated, nationalistic and democracy-inspired educational
system in the Philippines.
Republic Act No. 1124

Section 2. The Board of National Education shall be composed of fifteen

members as follows:
(a) The Secretary of Education
(b) The Chairman of the Committee on Education in the Senate
(c) The Chairman of the Committee on Education in the House of
(d) The Director of Public Schools
(e) The Director of Private Schools
(f) The President of the University of the Philippines
(g) the Chairman of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
Organization’s National Commission of the Philippines.
Republic Act No. 1124

(h) Eight other members who shall be appointed by the President of the
Philippines, with the consent of the Commission on Appointments, one from
each of the following groups or organizations:
1. Labor
2. Industry or Management
3. Agriculture
4. National Catholic Educational Association
5. Mohammedan or other cultural minority
6. Philippine Association of Christian Schools
7. Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities
8. Teaching profession
Republic Act . 7722



Section 1. Title. – This Act shall be known as the "Higher Education Act
of 1994".
Republic Act . 7722

Section 2. Declaration of Policy. - The State shall protect, foster and

promote the right of all citizens to affordable quality education at all
levels and shall take appropriate steps to ensure that education shall be
accessible to all. The State shall likewise ensure and protect academic
freedom and shall promote its exercise and observance for the
continuing intellectual growth, the advancement of learning and
research, the development of responsible and effective leadership, the
education of high-level and middle-level professionals, and the
enrichment of our historical and cultural heritage.
Republic Act . 7722

Section 3. Creation of the Commission on Higher Education. - In

pursuance of the above mentioned policies, the Commission on Higher
Education is hereby created, hereinafter referred to as the Commission.
The Commission shall be independent and separate from the
Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS), and attached to
the Office of the President for administrative purposes only. Its coverage
shall be both public and private institutions of higher education as well as
degree-granting programs in all post-secondary educational institutions,
public and private.
Republic Act . 7722

Section 8. Powers and Functions of the Commission. -The Commission shall have the following powers
and functions:
a. formulate and recommend development plans, policies, priorities, and programs on higher education and
b. formulate and recommend development plans, policies, priorities and programs on research;
c. recommend to the executive and legislative branches, priorities and grants on higher education and
d. set minimum standards for programs and institutions of higher learning recommended by panels of
experts in the field and subject to public hearing, and enforce the same;
e. monitor and evaluate the performance of programs and institutions of higher learning for appropriate
incentives as well as the imposition of sanctions such as, but not limited to, diminution or withdrawal of
subsidy, recommendation on the downgrading or withdrawal of accreditation, program termination or school
f. identify, support and develop potential centers of excellence in program areas needed for the
development of world-class scholarship, nation building and national development;
g. recommend to the Department of Budget and Management the budgets of public institutions of higher
learning as well as general guidelines for the use of their income;
Republic Act . 7722
h. rationalize programs and institutions of higher learning and set standards, policies and guidelines for the
creation of new ones as well as the conversion or elevation of schools to institutions of higher learning, subject to
budgetary limitations and the number of institutions of higher learning in the province or region where creation,
conversion or elevation is sought to be made;
i. develop criteria for allocating additional resources such as research and program development grants,
scholarships, and other similar programs: Provided, That these shall not detract from the fiscal autonomy already
enjoyed by colleges and universities;
j. direct or redirect purposive research by institutions of higher learning to meet the needs of agro-industrialization
and development;
k. devise and implement resource development schemes;
l. administer the Higher Education Development Fund, as described in Section 10 hereunder, which will promote
the purposes of higher education;
m. review the charters of institutions of higher learning and state universities and colleges including the
chairmanship and membership of their governing bodies and recommend appropriate measures as basis for
necessary action;
n. promulgate such rules and regulations and exercise such other powers and functions as may be necessary to
carry out effectively the purpose and objectives of this Act; and
o. perform such other functions as may be necessary for its effective operations and for the continued
enhancement, growth or development of higher education
Republic Act No. 1265 (amended
by R. A. 8491)

This law was approved on June 11, 1955, and

provided that a daily flag ceremony shall be
compulsory in all educational institutions. This
includes the singing of the Philippine National
Republic Act No. 1265 (amended
by R. A. 8491)

Section 1. All educational institutions shall

henceforth observe daily flag ceremony, which
shall be simple and dignified and shall include
the playing or singing of the Philippine
National Anthem.
Republic Act No. 1265 (amended
by R. A. 8491)

Section 2. The Secretary of Education is

hereby authorized and directed to issue or
cause to be issued rules and regulations for
the proper conduct of the flag ceremony
herein provided.
Republic Act No. 1265 (amended
by R. A. 8491)

Section 3. Failure or refusal to observe the flag ceremony provided by this Act and in
accordance with rules and regulations issued by the Secretary of Education, after
proper notice and hearing, shall subject the educational institution concerned and its
head to public censure as an administrative punishment which shall be published at
least once in a newspaper of general circulation.

 In case of failure to observe for the second time the flag ceremony provided by
this Act, the Secretary of Education, after proper notice and hearing, shall cause
the cancellation of the recognition or permit of the private educational institution
responsible for such failure.
Republic Act No. 1425

It was approved on June 12, 1956, it prescribed
the inclusion in the curricula of all schools, both
public and private, from elementary schools to the
universities, the life, works and writings of Jose
Rizal especially the Noli Me Tangere and El
Republic Act No. 4670

Known as the “Magna Carta for Public School

Teachers”. This was approved on June 18, 1966 to
promote and improve the social and economic
status of public school teachers, their living and
working conditions, their employment and career
Republic Act No. 4670

Section 3. Recruitment and Qualification. Recruitment policy with respect to the

selection and appointment of teachers shall be clearly defined by the Department of
Education: Provided, however, That effective upon the approval of this Act, the
following shall constitute the minimum educational qualifications for teacher-

Teachers in Kindergarten and Elementary

Teachers in Secondary
Teachers in Vocational
Teachers in Collegial level
Republic Act No. 4670

Section 4. Probationary Period.

Section 5. Tenure of Office. Stability on employment and security of tenure shall be

assured the teachers as provided under existing laws.

Section 6. Consent for Transfer Transportation Expenses. Except for cause and as

herein otherwise provided, no teacher shall be transferred without his consent from
one station to another.

Section 7. Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers.

Republic Act No. 4670

Section 8. Safeguards in Disciplinary Procedure. Every teacher shall enjoy equitable

safeguards at each stage of any disciplinary procedure and shall have:

a. the right to be informed, in writing, of the charges;

b. the right to full access to the evidence in the case;
c. the right to defend himself and to be defended by a representative of his choice
and/or by his organization, adequate time being given to the teacher for the
preparation of his defense; and
d. the right to appeal to clearly designated authorities.
Republic Act No. 4670

Section 9. Administrative Charges.

Administrative charges against a teacher shall be heard initially by a committee
composed of the corresponding School Superintendent of the Division or a duly
authorized representative who should at least have the rank of a division supervisor,
where the teacher belongs.
Section 10. No Discrimination. There shall be no discrimination whatsoever in
entrance to the teaching profession, or during its exercise, or in the termination of
services, based on other than professional consideration.
Section 11. Married Teachers. Whenever possible, the proper authorities shall take
all steps to enable married couples, both of whom are public school teachers, to be
employed in the same locality.
Republic Act No. 4670

Section 13. Teaching Hours. 

Any teacher engaged in actual classroom instruction shall not be required to render
more than six hours of actual classroom teaching a day, which shall be so scheduled
as to give him time for the preparation and correction of exercises and other work
incidental to his normal teaching duties: Provided, however, That where the
exigencies of the service so require, any teacher may be required to render more
than six hours but not exceeding eight hours of actual classroom teaching a day
upon payment of additional compensation at the same rate as his regular
remuneration plus at least twenty-five per cent of his basic pay.
Republic Act No. 4670

Section 19. Special Hardship Allowances. In areas in which teachers are exposed to

hardship such as difficulty in commuting to the place of work or other hazards
peculiar to the place of employment, as determined by the Secretary of Education,
they shall be compensated special hardship allowances equivalent to at least twenty-
five per cent of their monthly salary.
Section 22. Medical Examination and Treatment. Compulsory medical examination
shall be provided free of charge for all teachers before they take up teaching, and
shall be repeated not less than once a year during the teacher's professional life.
Where medical examination show that medical treatment and/or hospitalization is
necessary, same shall be provided free by the government entity paying the salary of
the teachers.
Republic Act No. 4670

Section 24. Study Leave. In addition to the leave privileges now enjoyed by teachers
in the public schools, they shall be entitled to study leave not exceeding one school
year after seven years of service. Such leave shall be granted in accordance with a
schedule set by the Department of Education.
Section 25. Indefinite Leave. An indefinite sick leave of absence shall be granted to
teachers when the nature of the illness demands a long treatment that will exceed
one year at the least.
Section 26. Salary Increase upon Retirement. Public school teachers having fulfilled
the age and service requirements of the applicable retirement laws shall be given
one range salary raise upon retirement, which shall be the basis of the computation
of the lump sum of the retirement pay and the monthly benefits thereafter.
Republic Act No. 1079

Approved on June 15, 1959, it provided that Civil

Service eligibility shall be permanent and shall have
no time limit.
Republic Act No. 6655

Known as the “Free Public Secondary Education Act of

1988”, it was approved on May 26, 1988 and provided
a. Free public secondary education to all qualified citizens and
promote quality education at all level.

b. No tuition or other fees shall be collected except fees related

to membership in the school community such I.D., student
organization and publication.
Republic Act No. 6655

c. Non- payment of these shall not hinder a student from

enrollment or graduation.
d. Nationalization of all public secondary schools
( Section 7)
e. A student who fails in majority of his academic
subjects for two consecutive years could no longer avail
of their program.
RA 10533: Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013


RA 10533: Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013

The K-12 Curriculum

The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years
of basic education (six years of primary education, four
years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High
School [SHS]) to provide sufficient time for mastery of
concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and
prepare graduates for tertiary education.
RA 10533: Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013

The K to 12 system aims to improve Filipino students'

skills in mathematics, science, and linguistics to further
exhibit competence in the global job market. With the
new curriculum, the Department of Education promises
to offer higher quality education through the strands.
RA 10533: Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013

At 5 years old, children start schooling and are given

the means to slowly adjust to formal education. In
Kindergarten, students learn the alphabet, numbers,
shapes, and colors through games, songs, and dances, in
their Mother Tongue.
RA 10533: Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013

-- The language which a person has grown
up speaking from early childhood.
RA 10533: Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013

Mother Tongue Based-Multilingual Education

(MTB-MLE) policy in The Philippines involves
implementation of local mother tongues as
the language of instruction in Kindergarten to
year three (K -3), with the official languages
(Filipino and English) being introduced as the
language of instruction after grade three.
RA 10533: Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013

Aside from the Mother Tongue, English and

Filipino are taught as subjects starting Grade 1,
with a focus on oral fluency. From Grades 4 to 6,
English and Filipino are gradually introduced as
languages of instruction. Both will become primary
languages of instruction in Junior High School (JHS)
and Senior High School (SHS).
RA 10533: Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013

After Grade 1, every student can read in his or

her Mother Tongue. Learning in Mother Tongue
also serves as the foundation for students to learn
Filipino and English easily.
RA 10533: Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013

Subjects are taught from the simplest concepts

to more complicated concepts through grade
levels in spiral progression. As early as elementary,
students gain knowledge in areas such as Biology,
Geometry, Earth Science, Chemistry, and Algebra.
This ensures a mastery of knowledge and skills
after each level.
RA 10533: Enhanced Basic
Education Act of 2013

For example, currently in High School, Biology is

taught in 2nd Year, Chemistry in 3rd Year, and
Physics in 4th Year. In K to 12, these subjects are
connected and integrated from Grades 7 to 10.
This same method is used in other Learning Areas
like Math.
RA 10533: Enhanced Basic Education Act of
Senior High School
Senior High School is two years of specialized
upper secondary education; students may choose
a specialization based on aptitude, interests, and
school capacity. The choice of career track will
define the content of the subjects a student will
take in Grades 11 and 12. SHS subjects fall under
either the Core Curriculum or specific Tracks.
RA 10533: Enhanced Basic Education Act of
2013 SHS Core Curriculum

There are seven Learning Areas under the Core

Curriculum. These are Languages, Literature,
Communication, Mathematics, Philosophy, Natural
Sciences, and Social Sciences. Current content from
some General Education subjects are embedded in
the SHS curriculum.
RA 10533: Enhanced Basic Education Act of
2013 SHS Core Curriculum

 Each student in Senior High School can choose among three

tracks: Academic; Technical-Vocational-Livelihood; and Sports
and Arts. The Academic track includes three strands:
Business, Accountancy, Management (BAM); Humanities,
Education, Social Sciences (HESS); and Science, Technology,
Engineering, Mathematics (STEM).
 Students undergo immersion, which may include earn-while-
you-learn opportunities, to provide them relevant exposure
and actual experience in their chosen track.
RA 10533: Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013

After finishing Grade 10, a student can obtain Certificates of

Competency (COC) or a National Certificate Level I (NC I). After
finishing a Technical-Vocational-Livelihood track in Grade 12, a
student may obtain a National Certificate Level II (NC II),
provided he/she passes the competency-based assessment of
the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
NC I and NC II improves employability of graduates in fields like
Agriculture, Electronics, and Trade.
RA 10533: Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013

The Kindergarten Curriculum Framework (KCF) draws
from the goals of the K to 12 Philippine Basic Education
Curriculum Framework and adopts the general
principles of the National Early Learning Framework
(NELF). Kindergarten learners need to have a smooth
transition to the content-based curriculum of Grades 1
to 12
RA 10533: Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013

GRADES 1-10 Mother Tongue
Students in Grades 1 to 10 will Mathematics
experience an enhanced, context- Araling Panlipunan
based, and spiral progression learning Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP)
curriculum with the following subjects: Arts
Physical Education
Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP)
Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)
RA 10533: Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013


Senior High School is two years of specialized upper secondary education;
students may choose a specialization based on aptitude, interests, and
school capacity. The choice of career track will define the content of the
subjects a student will take in Grades 11 and 12. Each student in Senior
High School can choose among three tracks: Academic; Technical-
Vocational-Livelihood; and Sports and Arts. The Academic track includes
three strands: Business, Accountancy, Management (BAM); Humanities,
Education, Social Sciences (HESS); and Science, Technology, Engineering,
Mathematics (STEM).
RA 10533: Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013

There are seven Learning Areas under the Core


Languages, Literature, Communication, Mathematics,

Philosophy, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences.
RA 10533: Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013

There are seven Learning Areas under the Core


Languages, Literature, Communication, Mathematics,

Philosophy, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences.

In your honest opinion, do you think k-12

curriculum is a success?
Thank you so

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