IMP Presentation

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(Instant Mix Proportion)

Apparatus required
 Sieve-20mm
 Sieve-4.75mm
 Sieve-600 micron
 Measuring Beaker-2000ml
 Weight Machine
WHAT is IMP ?????

IMP is an art of making the more durable

concrete by utilizing the local available material and
the condition that exist at the time of casting. This
technology resembles with the design mix of concrete
which is used in big projects like metro, Dams and
other big infrastructure, which uses the local condition
and local material available at the site.
 Sampling-Take sample of Aggregate and sand.
 Quartering-Quarter sample into 3-parts.
 Weight-Take 1-kg aggregate and 1-kg sand from the sample.
 Sieving-Take the sample of aggregate and sieve it by 20mm sieve. Then weight the
retained value from 20mm sieve. Again sieve it 4.75mm sieve and note down the
retained weight value from 4.75mm.

 Now take the sample of sand and sieve it with 4.75mm sieve and 600micron sieve
 Note down both retained weight value.
 Note down the pan weight value passing from 600micron.
Silt content determination
 Apparatus
 A measuring cylinder (2000ml)
 Water
 Sand
 Procedure for the Test
 Firstly, a 500ml solution of 1% salt and water is prepared in the measuring cylinder. The
addition of salt increases the settlement time of silt.
 The sample of sand to be tested is then added to the cylinder until the level reaches 1000ml.
 500ml of the solution of salt and water is again added to the measuring cylinder.
 Close the open end of the measuring cylinder and shake it well.
 After a period of 3-4 hours, you will notice a layer of silt settled over the sand.
 Now note down the volume V1 of the silt layer settled over the sand.
 Note down the volume V2 of the settled sand.
 Repeat the procedure a couple more times to get the average.
 Measurement jar
 Percentage of Silt Content = (V1/V2) x 100
 V1 – Volume of silt layer
V2 – Volume of sand layer Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Volume of
1 sample      
Sand (V2)

Volume of
2 silt layer      

of silt



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