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-Central sites for advanced services and facilities

of telecommunication which are necessary for the
execution and the management of global economic
activities. In those sites, corporate headquarters tend
to center, particularly companies that are operative in
more than one country (Sassen, 2005).
•New York
Some •Tokyo
Example of •London
Global •Paris
Cities are: •Singapore

Globalization happens in
physical spaces foreign
investment, economic
opportunities, and human capital
move to cities.

• New York City-

Home of the
stock market
• International, first-name familiarity (l.e., "Paris",
• Active influence and participation in international events
and world affairs (i.e., UN Headquarters in New York
• A fairly large population.
• A major international airport (i.e., London Heathrow
Airport) that serves as an established hub for several
international airlines.
• Presence of an advanced transportation system that includes several freeways
and/or a large mass transit network offering multiple modes of transportation.
• Presence of international financial institutions, law firms, and stock exchanges
(1.e., New York Stock Exchange).
• Presence of advanced communications infrastructure on which modern
transnational corporations rely.
• Presence of world-renowned cultural institutions (ie, museums, universities).
• Presence of several powerful and influential media outlets with an International
reach (ie., The New York Times, Agence France-Presse).
• Presence of a major sports facilities, home teams in major league sports, and
the ability and historical experience to host international sporting events (i.e..
Olympics, World Cups).
Identification of
Global Cities
In The Global City by Sassen (1996), she
only identified three global cities-- New
York, London, and Tokyo. An attempt to
define and categorize world cities was
made in 1999 by the Globalization and
World Cities Study Group and Network
(GaWC), GaWC ranked cities based on
provision of "advanced producer services
such as accountancy, advertising, finance,
and law by international corporations.
Alpha world cities (full service world cities)
12 points: London, New York, Paris, Tokyo.
10 points: Chicago, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, Milan, Singapore Beta world
cities (major world cities).
Beta world cities (major world cities)
8 points:
9 points: San
Brussels, Madrid, 7 points:
Francisco, Sydney,
Mexico City, Sao Moscow, Seoul
Toronto, Zurich
Gamma world cities (minor world cities)
6 points: Amsterdam, Boston, Caracas, Dallas, Dusseldorf, Geneva, Houston, Jakarta,
Johannesburg, Melbourne, Osaka, Prague, Santiago, Taipei Washington
5 points: Bangkok, Beijing, Montreal, Rome, Stockholm, Warsaw
4 points: Atlanta, Barcelona, Berlin, Budapest, Buenos Aires, Copenhagen, Hamburg,
Istanbul, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Miami, Minneapolis, Munich, Shanghai
In 1994, GaWC redefined and re-categorized
the classifications as follows:
Well rounded global cities Global niche cities-
i. Very large contribution: specialized global
London and New York City contributions
ii. Smaller contribution and with i. Economic: Hong Kong,
cultural bias: Los Angeles, Singapore, and Tokyo
Paris, and San Francisco ii. Political and social:
iii. Incipient global cities: Brussels, Geneva,
Amsterdam, Boston, Strasbourg, and
Chicago, Madrid, Milan, Washington
Moscow, Toronto
In 1994, GaWC redefined and re-categorized
the classifications as follows:
World Cities Worldwide leading cities
Subnet articulator cities i. Primarily economic global
contributions: Frankfurt, Miami,
i. Cultural: Berlin, Munich, Osaka, Singapore,
Copenhagen, Melbourne, Sydney, Zurich
Munich, Oslo, Rome, ii. Primarily non-economic global
Stockholm contributions: Abidjan, Addis
Ababa, Atlanta, Basle,
ii. Political: Bangkok, Beijing, Barcelona, Cairo, Denver,
Vienna Social: Manila, Harare, Lyon, Manila, Mexico
Nairobi, Ottawa City, Mumbai, New Delhi,
Global City Index consists of
indicators and parameters
used to and measure the
categories of global cities and
to what extent they function
as global cities. Global Cities
Index uses criteria across five
dimensions: determine
1. Business activity

Global City 2. Human capital

3. Information exchange

Index 4. Cultural experience

5. Political-engagement
Global Power City Index evaluates and
ranks the major cities of the world
according to their magnetism or their
comprehensive power to attract people,
capital, and enterprises from around the
world. In 2011, a report called "The Global
Global Power City Index 2011" considered
several functional areas:
Power City 1. Economy
Index 2. Research and Development
3. Cultural interaction
4. Livability
5. Environment
6. Accessibility
1. London

Top 10 2. New York City

3. Tokyo

Global 4. Paris
5. Singapore

Power 6. Seoul
7. Amsterdam

Cities 8. Berlin
9. Hong Kong
Source: GPCI 2016
The Other Side of Global

Global cities, despite the degree and high

notch international rankings, are not
perfect cities at all.
Lesson 22: GLOBAL
-is the scientific study of the determinants and
consequences of human population trends
The Malthusian
Thomas Malthus (1766-1834)
was the first person to draw
widespread attention to the
two components of natural
increase-births and deaths
(fertility and mortality).
Contrary to what
Malthus predicted,
mortality has not risen to
curb world population
growth. As mentioned, the
Population world population boomed
up to near a billion in 1800
Explosion and reached 6 billion by
the end of the 20th century.
Apparently. Malthus did not
recognize the force of the
Industrial Revolution, which
produced exponential
growth in the means of
Demographic transition
- refers to the transition from high birth and death rates to low birth and
death rates as a country develops from a pre-industrial to an
industrialized economic system
Stage 1: Preindustrial Society
high and unstable birth and death
rates, population growth rate slow,
importance of children, low life

Reasons for the changes in birth rate Reasons for the changes in
1. Children are needed for farming. death rate
2. They die at an early age due to 1. Disease
illnesses. 2. Famine
3. No family planning and 3. Poor medical knowledge
conception/giving birth is
encouraged by religion and society.
Stage 2: Early Industrial
high birth rates, falling death
rate, high population growth.

Reasons for the changes in birth rate Reasons for the changes in
1. Children are needed for farming. death rate
2. They die at an early age due to 1. Disease
illnesses. 2. Famine
3. No family planning and 3. Poor medical knowledge
conception/giving birth is
encouraged by religion and society.
Stage 3: Late Industrial
low death rate, falling birth rate,
high population growth.

Reasons for the changes in birth rate Reasons for the changes in
1. Improved medical care and diet death rate
2. Fewer children are needed for work 1. Improvements in medical care
- low death rate, falling birth rate, 2. Water
high population growth 3. Supply and sanitation
4. Fewer children die
Stage 4: Post Industrial
low birth and death rates, low
population growth.

Reasons for the changes in birth rate Reasons for the changes in
1. 1. Family planning death rate
2. Good health 1. Good health care
3. Later marriages 2. Reliable food supply
4. Improving status of women 3. People are living much longer
Criticisms of the Demographic Transition
-The demographic transition theory is only based
on Western societies (Europe, America, Japan).

Criticisms of the Demographic

Transition Theory
-The demographic transition theory is only based
on Western societies (Europe, America, Japan).
Lesson 23: GLOBAL
Global Migration
-is a complex phenomenon that
tackles on a multiplicity of economic,
social, security, and several aspects
affecting our daily lives in a
rapidlyinterconnecting world. On the other
hand, migration encompasses a large
variety of movements and situations
involving people.
Migration and the Sustainable
Development Goals
-Migration is one of the defining
features of the 21st century. It contributes
significantly to all aspects of economic and
social development everywhere, and, as
such, will be key to achieving the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Asylum seeker
-According to the International
Organization for Migration (IOM), a -is a person who seeks
migrant is: "any person who is
moving or has moved across an
Forced migrants safety from persecution or
serious harm in a country
international border or within a State -are those who are other than his or her own
away from his/her habitual place of compelled to migrate
residence, regardless of (1) the and awaits a decision on
person's legal status; (2) whether the
due to adverse the application for refugee
movement is voluntary or circumstances beyond status under relevant
involuntary, (3) what the causes for their control (l.e., war, international and national
the movement are; or (4) what the persecution, etc.). instruments.
length of the stay is“
•From this definition, two categories
of migrants can be identified:
• Labor (or economic) migrants
(and family reunification)
• Forced migrants (asylum seekers
and refugees)
Some of the drivers of
Drivers of Migration migration are as follows:

-are forces which lead

1. Economic and
to the inception of demographic drivers
migration and to the 2. Environmental drivers
perpetuation of 3. Human-made crises
movement (Massey
et al., 1998).
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs)
- a person who is to be engaged, is
engaged, or has been engaged in a
remunerated activity in a state of which Overseas employment
he or she is not a citizen or on board a
vessel navigating the foreign seas other
than a government ship used for military -employment of a
or non- commercial purposes or on an worker outside the
installation located offshore or on the Philippines (Article 13h,
high seas; to be used interchangeably Labor Code of the
with migrant worker (RA 8042) Philippines)
History of Overseas Filipino
-Organized labor migration from the
Philippines has been in existence for at
least 400 years based on historical
accounts dating as far back as the
Spanish colonial period (1521-1898),
during which natives manned ships in the
Manila- Acapulco galleon trade (Samonte
et al., 1995).
• Poverty
Common • Unemployment and
Reasons Why Low Wages
Filipinos • Enhancement of
Work Abroad Professional Skills
• Curiosity
• Abuse and
Common Risks/Costs Violence
of Overseas Filipino
Employment • Weakened Family
Relevant i. Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995
(Republic Act No. 8042)
Laws ii. Omnibus Implementing Rules of the Migrant Workers
and Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995 (Republic Act No.
Covering 8042)

Overseas iii. Overseas Workers' Investment (OWI) Fund Act

(Republic Act No. 7111)
Filipino iv. Welfare Fund for Overseas Workers (Amending Certain
Provisions of Presidential Decree 1694, Creating the
Workers "Welfare Fund for Overseas Workers") Presidential
Decree No. 1809
v. Welfare Fund for Overseas Workers (Organization and
Administration of the Welfare Fund for Overseas
Workers) Presidential Decree No. 1694
vi. An Act Creating the Commission on Filipinos Overseas
and for Other Purposes. (Batas Pambansa Bilang 79)
vii.Law Creating the POEA Executive Order No. 797
Relevant viii. POEA Rules & Regulations Governing the
Recruitment and Employment of Land-Based
Laws Overseas Workers (February 4, 2002)
Covering ix. POEA Rules & Regulations Governing the
Recruitment and Employment of Seafarers (May 23,
Overseas 2003)
Filipino x. Reorganizing the Philippine Overseas Employment
Administration and for Other Purposes Executive
Workers Order No. 247
xi. Medical Care Program for OFWS and Dependents
DOLE Department Order No. 4, Series of 2001
xii. Revised Guidelines on the Training, Testing,
Certification and Deployment of Overseas
Performing Artists
xiii. DOLE Department Order No. 10, Series of 2001
Lesson 25:
Global health
-is a dynamic term which is still evolving with the changing world.

Global health is better

understood by integrating
the following key concepts
(as highlighted by Koplan,
et al.):

Collaborative Promoting (or
(or cross- Research Action Health for all
(or collective) improving)
Globalization -Globalization
has been regarded
and Health as a social,
cultural, and
Philippine Health Profile
•Some positive developments in the healthcare
of Filipinos are the following:
1. Health insurance now covers 92 percent of
the population.
2. Maternal and child health services have
a. more children living beyond infancy
b. increasing number of women delivering at
health facilities and more births being
attended by professional service
providers than ever before
3. Access to and provision of preventive,
diagnostic, and treatment services for
communicable or infectious diseases have
4. Several initiatives to reduce illness and death
due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
determinants of
-refer to the conditions in
which people are born,
grow, live, work, and age.
Goals on Health
-World leaders committed to
achieve the 17 Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030
in an effort to end poverty, protect the
planet, and ensure prosperity for all.
SDG 3 covers the unfinished
Millennium Development Goal (MDG)
agenda and newer challenges such as
non-communicable diseases (NCDs),
health security, tobacco, and injuries.

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